
How about Holla Forums has a go at this? Creating a sort of religion that instils the values of leftist thoughts in general. I wouldn't know where to start though to get things rollin'.

Other urls found in this thread:


He is risen

Try sticking your head inside a guillotine, that should get things rollin'.



We actually already have a religion. We post pictures of communist skeletons and pray for them to be guided into the spirit realm by the Slavic witch God Baba Yaga in order to kill Kek. That way we will have all the meme magic.

I would support creating a safe meta-religion for those who feel the need for such things, rather than throwing them to the sharkish cults like christianity, islamism, buddism or any other form of organised religion that have hierarchy and powerabuse.

No idea how I would go about this because I am very anti-theistic.

Buddhism doesnt have a hierarchy of power. The hierarchy of Tibetan Buddhism likely is from it's Bon influence. The original Buddhism was not like that.

Simple a god that is not quite an ordinary god but more like the tao or spinozas god.

The original christianity was also egalitarian as fuck.
Doesnt change the fuck its hierarchical as fuck now.

Buddhism is the worst religion. It openly says life is suffering and that should be accepted instead of improved upon. Zizek has a criticism of Buddhism on youtube.

You would go about it by teaching people about the neurobiology of religion. Let them stimulate the "God area" recreationally and take hallucinogens to communicate with the subconscious and feel more whole.

Praise Baba Yaga

dude your entry level observations of buddhism are like so enlightened my dude

We already have christianity.

If entry level observations can make the religion look like shit then it's probably shit.

You can look deep enough into any religion and find something that supports your worldview.
Thats litterally what a religion does, its a horroscope on steroids, it tells you what you need to hear to feel better.

I for one welcome our prophet communist skeleton.
He must be the ghost of communism Marx was talking about after all.
Btw kinda ironic with all the opposition of religion by Lenin he ended up buried as a sacred mummy in a fucking ziggurat.

or just a god as an image of an ideal for the sake of meme potential like how Kek is used in Holla Forums or Ammit on /monster/. Perhaps Bast? She is a cat headed goddess. A goddess of war could be a war on capitalism. Also a fertility goddess which could symbolize production. A goddess of love too which is the respect for other humans.

or maybe you can't analyze religions based on their usefulness to your current political affiliation

I dont think "kek" actually fullfills the phychological desires for spirituality.

I dont know much about the "god area". Whats all this about?

There are multiple sects of Buddhism obviously many have no hierarchy.

Theres many sects in christianity, obviously have no hierarchy.

Christianity is a religion of upholding the status quo. A good Christian just has faith that things would turn around and pray for it instead of actually taking action.


is that what they teach you in catholic school

I did not imply there was any legit spiritual satisfaction with Kek.

Sure you can. Maybe analyzing a religion from within is just a pointless circlejerk.

First off here's the wiki page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurotheology#Experimental_work
It's basically that there's some evidence of artificially induced religious experiences through brain stimulation. If they want their religious experience, let them have it I say.

"You just don't understand it on a deep level" is the 101 of anyone defending their religious wordviews.
Buddhism is just one big fucking meme after all, and I used to be interested in it back when I was younger.

Tbh, all political and philosophical thought and ideologies already kind of function as pseudo-religions

all religions are memes for retards who need an ideology. but going hurr durr god is stupid is some 14 year old atheist bullshit

Max Weber claimed capitalism was a result of Protestantism

In a way yes they do but they lose the power without the symbolism and whatnot. Probably would make sense to get symbolism from Lacan and Jung.

This idea is crap. As an agnostic theirs nothing telling me to believe in the bourgeois ideals of religion. Instead I just adhere to ideas in religion that aren't complete shit or leftist. All organized faiths have to fuck off or be relegated to near irrelevance.

Well we mostly create that symbolism over time whether it be conscious or subconsciously. We associate and disassociate material and immaterial "stuff" with the ideology until we are left with a palatable symbol.

The God Builders were agnostic..I'm agnostic. I think you misunderstand the concept. It's using the form of religion as a propaganda and teaching tool but it doesnt even have to be theistic necisarily.

Fuck man. That and capitalism is what we're supposed to be against. And even if this god building shit doesn't have to be theistic why take the risk of it becoming theistic and backfiring completely.

no everyone here is a wee tard lookin to piss of their parents. im fine wit propaganda, and religion too

Bump of interest

I would support the idea given this is precisely what the right technololbertarians are doing with their autistic cult of gnon/rokko's basilisk/the singularity or whatever, which is, on close analysis, a reification of capital.

A consistent leftist has to concede religion is yet another arena of class struggle and can't simply be handwaved as >muh spooks

Our first task should be to meme hard into popular consciousness the idea the god capitalists worship is Moloch, and to associate that with both Allen Ginsberg's poem "howl" and with Metropolis, and that all this talk of muh singularity is really code talk for "we intend to build Moloch irl"

This shouldn't be too hard, as a conspiracy theory this is rather tame, people already believe in reptilians so kek.

As for what shape should a "leftist god" take, I leave that to your imagination, I am sure you can come up with something.

Underrated post

I agree that summoning commie skeletons from the bone zone is the way to go, however..

No, she smokes a pipe after her meals.. what a disgusting habit!

Lel is the only thing that can defeat Kek. S/He lives in bunkers, his temple is a force-femme gulag, & what other powers does he have? Pretty sure her face is pug.

Can't we just do entryism on an established religion?

esoteric marxism

this sounds like a great idea. Moloch is already a thing in conspiracy circles, we could build on that.

btw,have you heard about Nikolai Fyodorov and the russian Cosmist school? Seems like a possible leftist alternative to Nick Land and the randian capitalist transhumanist ideology that's popular on Sillicon Valley. Cosmism was a 19th century mystic utopian philosophy and a key influence on the soviet space program. There were lots of Fyodorv disciples among the early soviet rocket scientists, while the soviet cyberneticians some people here seem to be into were pretty much all committed cosmists. in Cosmist theology, Humans as a whole become God without forsaking their individuality and vanquish death from the universe, bringing all those who have died back to life. I'm really into retrofuturistic early soviet culture myself, great aesthetics there.

Also it's worth checking out Walter Benjamin, by far the most esoteric thinker in the Frankfurt School. He synthesized Marxism with the Kabbalah, Carl Jung and Jewish mysticism. this article is the best introduction to his thought, imo


DIAMAT demands the warm blood of the ruling class be sprinkled upon the altar!

We could just follow the teachings of the prophet Mazdak and worship the only true God; Ahura Mazda.

Diamat should have 3 dragon heads. And how would it be pronounced? Like dialectical materialism (dye-a-mat) or like Tiamat (dee-a-mat)?

I taught about this recently
Not making a new religions but appropriating existing religions like christianity and directly using them like political and philosophical instruments.
Most religions today exist just for politics and leave the spiritual part in a second plane.
Also I am a deist and the french cult of reason interests me a lot but I can't find any good info about it it.


another episode of "Holla Forums tries to knock off Holla Forums memes instead of creating oc"

This is literally ideology in its purest form

Whatever that thing in the image you posted is it looks sick. I'm really into cosmic horror with a quasi-Abrahamic twist. Think of Lovecraft mixed with Constantine.

Real talk though, Ifa's the light, the true path to god. Anybody that practices Islam, Christianity or Judaism should have a petrol soaked burning tire hung round his neck for the entire village to see.



I think this is a good idea OP. Religious symbolism is powerful, and mythology is cool. We mustn't rip off Holla Forums faggotry though. The kekistan mythos is shit anyway, so it shouldn't be hard to leave them in the dust.



That could work but I think it should be said they go by many names and use names from many religions so it meshes with peoples pre-existing beliefs. So it could be Moloch and the Anti-Christ and a powerful type of Jinn known as a whatever else. Also I think it should instead of being intentional worship by capitalists it should be unknowing worship so it wont only drag in conspiracy theorists and it could open possibility of luring in a capitalist to step away from capitalism. Basically just point out how capitalism had roots in secret cults doing what you said trying to create Moloch aka Anti-Christ aka whatever.

It's not really the same because this isn't about using meme magick it's about influencing peoples conciousness directly.

I'm glad at least some people like the idea. It was a complete random chance I stumbled on this info about the God-Builders. The tricky part is making it a sort of open source religion so it is not limited to the expertise of any single individual alone. Some members know theory well, some know philosophy well, some may know history well, people who know fringe science, people who know religion, some may dabble in occultism or practice spirituality, some may be good poetic writers, we have some good artists.

"God-Building" or Theological-Detournement is literally the single most important area of ideological class struggle today and is utterly neglected by the left because of their atheistic delusions and misunderstood dogmas

is completely correct; modern right fascists that actually matter i.e Land, Moldbug and the silicon valley nerds that were promised the world by their parents whilst they were bullied by the darkies at school are all over this shit.



Required Reading:





Everything by:

Jacques Ranciere


François Laruelle


Philosophy for Non-Philosophers by Althusser


Old World and New World Mythology by Alice Mills.

Maroi Mythos is perfect for communist gods

Get on the cult shit comrades we need a Jonestown in every town

I prefer spookbusting over spookbuilding.

You read Reza Negarestani Cyclonopedia?

The Rainbow Serpent shaped the world and those that forget will get sneked

Tūmatauenga will rise again.

I xan art pretty well. I don't know much about occultism but I read a lot of Lovecraft and know my theory pretty well.

Perfect! That's exactly what we'll call it. Who's ready for some spookbuilding?

I think it should be that parts of god exists within each individual and that no individual is god but it does mean every individual has the potential to tap into gods essence and wisdom via the Collective Unconscious. To tap into this one must work on self development and collective efforts. The more people working together the closer to god humanity becomes and earth becomes paradise. To rule over others is an act of sin because as a part of god you should be aware of your place in a greater whole is not to rule but to work together.

That might help with making the enemy entity brought up before to be more eery seeming.

So you want to make a religion like Holla Forums did when they started ironically worshiping a egyptian god?

Sort of but this is more for building unwitting support of leftism and to fill voids of religion and spirituality that many people feel that will also help maintain stability of a lefist society to help bring people together in a sort of syncretic religious philosophy. So this is much more than that.

Their is alot of belif systems that border on this already


Is an Islamic interpretation that is defacto communistic

Liberation Theology and Christian Anarchism are communistic interpretations of Christianity and mainly derive from Jesuitism and Quakers






Being derivative or parallel developments of lib theology


The Kyoto School is Invaluable to Leftists for interpretations of Asian and Budhist theology especially since they were concerned with communicating too the Continental Philosphical Tradition


Jun Tosaka is criminaly unkown by western leftists and basically predictied everything to come in the post-structualist era of Foucault and Deleuze by about 30 years.

Yeah I am aware. Bahais are kind of dicks from what ive seen of ones i ran across though.

Those all could be good guides of a framework to form our own but of course it's only worth it if we can surpass these religious groups that already exist in quality or at least appeal. You seem to understand it better than I do. I was thinking something that could be more universally accepted from the use of multiple names and common views found in various religions combined with the right psychology and philosophy but could also function as a guide for non-religious. Maybe if lucky we could make something that would actually be followed beyond people on image boards. I would have the addition of some lesser known psychotherapy methods could create a healing element to it which would strengthen faith and thus loyalty to leftism. Maybe it's better not to go too economically political in this god-building process and avoid directly saying "capitalism bad socialism good" as to make it subtle enough it would change views and influence as a stepping stone to put the mindset that would turn people to or accept leftism as a moral ideal out of their own conclusion rather than being told that is how it is. This may be a challenge though.

Interesting about Jun Tosaka's predictions

I out of weariness overlooked some posts of what people suggested from me not fully understanding what they meant to suggest so we would have to wait for more feedback. To get this to form into anything coherant would take more than just meme images we would have to write a short scripture of sorts and author it as a mysterious unnamed group and maybe write it out on fancy paper and scan it and upload it to a website that will be left mysteriously up with no other info on who uploaded it or why aside from being vague.

second though that might make it come off like a hoax if it's made to look like old scripture but still it should look like what people expect religious texts to look like. Thi isnt a step that is needed right now though since nothing to write yet. Just throwing ideas around from my chaotic thought process.

The vision of the coming revolution is all we need.

I don't think it would hurt though.

That's honestly debatable. I think Stirner has a point when he says that the most cruel things in the history of humanity have been committed in the name of some greater goal, be it God, Man, the Nation, Socialism, or any other fixed idea. On the other hand, Sorel also has a point when he claims that the most remarkable things humanity has ever achieved have been guided by commitment to a greater goal, including God, Man, the Nation, Socialism, Science, Truth, Progress, etc etc.

eh I envision this god to not have much of a personality as much as an essence and that they do not demand sacrifices. Also you could just make it clear that harming or oppressing your fellow man is just weakening god because god is in all. Making this god more moralized by the acts of man helps sustain good behaviour. Why you see such great violence is all monotheists fighting over who has the best god like children fighting over who's dad could beat up the other dad and be the coolest. I think this should be soft-polytheistic. That there is one god but they have many forms as symbols that represent god itself or represent warnings from god but man corrupted the image and name of god throughout history. Might want to go light on that last bit it would just piss off the people already religious if it's made too obvious their religion is being shit on as corrupt. If it were soft-polyteistic that would leave room for the religion to evolve as a force to reform other religions to take out the unnecessary hierarchies.

Well, for me the question here is how seriously we take human emancipation. It doesn't matter how benevolent your god is and what a good rolemodel he is, in the end you're creating a deception used to "trick" people into behaving in a certain way and not thinking for themselves. Whether this is a good or bad thing depends on your personal attitude towards humanity.

mortalised *

I should stop posting when drinking.

It's not exactly deception though. This is a philosophical view of god. This god should be more like the tao than a biblical god that punishes people and in this way it's merely a symbolic way of describing the world. The deception is the other stuff some people suggested such as the Maloch being created by capitalists but that too can be seen as a symbolic expression of reality.

party is heaven, premier is god

Lets become monarchist and worship the monarch

Lets not

isnt althusserian marxism already a religion?

I don't know? How does it relate? From his humanism? I suppose but Im not sure. Also wouldn't you no get much followers from writings of a man lost his sanity and has committed murder?


What the fuck is happening in this thread?

its a religion cuz his epistemology cuts off marxism from falsification in a postmodern sense. Also,
see pic



Hm fairr point but from Islam is I still think that is part of it''s design not a nature of humans. What was Althusser's explanation he gave for killing his wife? Anyway sure his work could be used as a framework but why not have a little fun making something new that may catch on?

Who wouldnt be for reason?


There can be no such thing as leftist relligion. God is Dead, don't bring that monster back you madmen.

Nietzsche was specifically thinking about Christianity though. Lets not forget the Nazis loved Nietzsche and although it was from a warped version of what he said that came from his sister the viewpoints still can foster that sort of fascism.

We have it, it's called Christianity, it didnt work (see prosperity theology/ megachurches/ and televangelists). Read the genealogy of morals by Nietzsche.

Christianity is competitive by the nature of it's flaws and contradictions that make it easy to cherry pick from a book of many inconsistent authors.

The philosophy of those like Nietzsche and Heidegger is what threw gas into the flames of Nazi Germany. The later was a part of the Nazi party himself.

There is mention of the cult of reason here

We already exist nigga

Not everyone is nor wants to be a Christian. Also Christian Marxism doesn't necisarily convince Christians to be Marxists or Marxists to be Christians it's just what happens if you happen to be both already.

Althusserian Marxism is a mad frenchman jumping through mental hoops in order to justify party orthodoxy.

Care to explain?

Left Nietzscheanism shouldn't be a thing by now.

What are you even sayin'

There was a comic book kinda about that, actually.

I should point out that if this creation of a religion does include one or more divine beings, you're creating thoughtforms. Remember tulpas? Yeah.

Religion here meaning systematized morals, rites and myths, doesn't need a god to be a raligion

A tulpa is actually a personal psychological thing. You're thinking of egregors likely.

Yes, though a god would be best used at least for the symbolism and iconography for meme potential.

this is my favorite part of the idealism/materialism problem that the Left has to deal with on a daily basis.

I don't want to ban religion and most of leftypol/ doesn't. I'm just aware that religion will fall from the improved living conditions. Higher human development indexes display less religiosity.

It's not a new god it's a new way of looking at god.

Certain cults were indeed created as scams or were use that way but also many people starting cults legitimately believed.

yfw Holla Forums creates a god of the productive forces, a god of scientific socialism and a god of pure ideology my gott


but you're a human being, what divine revelation have you experienced that leads you to believe you can teach others about the Absolute?
But which was more common? Which do you believe was more common? For instance what do you think of the use of prayer or belief in karma? I'm interested in how you guys really feel about these things, no fedora tipping.

you summoned the turbo spergs

Let's make an anti-god god


Last time Holla Forums had a thread about religion most agreed they are for religious freedom even if against religion.

It's philosophy. You can reach conclusions by logic. Some religions are formed on just philosophy rather than claims of divine inspiration. We have hundreds of years of science and thousands of years of religion and philosophy to draw from. Also it does not need to be an absolute.

I'm an Agnostic and also a Theist if you can call my concept of God a god. Prayer is for people to comfort themselves and attempt to connect with god and also to ask god for things. There is no harm in prayvr if they are doing everything they can within their own power already. Karma is misunderstood by people usually conflating it with divine reward/punishment. It's actually natural cause and effect that ripples through space and time. It's not something that will effect you in an easily predictable way.

The left hand knows not what the right hand does
no this is a special claim that faggots in greece made it doesn't fly with a large number of other cultures especially shamanist or initiation rite-based cultures. What have you done or undergone or connected with that permits you to speak even one word regarding the Absolute and the Divine? I'm curious, honest question.
Which ones? The fake ones that people made up?
Science is a study of the physical/natural world and making predictions about how it behaves and theories about its innerworkings and laws. There is nothing there that innersects with metaphysics or deity.
Philosophy and religion are two different things, there are people who think they are the same, they're called occultists and heretics. Then there are people who know that religion is divinely inspired and comes with contact from God or Gnosis. You can't just deduct your contact with the absolute, its not an intellectual exercise or a physical exercise either.
then its nothing to do with religion or worship
lol ok
i can already tell that you can't and that this is just nonsense
lmfao no this isn't what the buddhists or hindus believe, this is what new ageists who made shit up believe.

So you're literally making claims based on nothing. but your paranoia

They are prophets, oracles, and shamans not omnipotent beings themselves. Assuming if they actually are connecting with something their own self interprets it diffvrent. Anyone good at comparative religion can just look for where they differ and are same and what is most or least common then to put it together to a single picture from the parts.

Platoism, Deism (if you can count that as a religion), LaVeyan Satanism and almost every denomination of any major religion that deviates. For example many of the of the thousands of denominations or churches of Christianty are not necisarily from divine inspiration but just different biblical interpretations.

All religions are made up. There is no religion without man.

Science rules things out that could be used to figure out the nature of god in relation to the world. For example we know Thor's hammer isn't what causes thunder.

Divinely inspired also comes with them trying to interpret their experiences though. For example they try to logically conclude if it was god or an entity deceiving them or they have to figure out if it was real or not with no empirical evidence.
It's god's philosophy then if you want.

Religion is a collection of beliefs. Those in religions can still be a part of those religions if they are agnostic about it.

You don't even know what my beliefs are. I don't want to cover them. I did draw from them a bit in this thread.

I already confirmed this talking to some Buddhists and Hindus. Only other thing Ive seen is something about how your actions changes the weight of your soul determining if you ascend or descend.