R9k here

It's seems as if after the wonderful revolution, the only people who will benefit are the mythical, noble proletariat. And those who you personally hate like us will continue to live in suffering.

Quite interesting, that dialectics don't apply to those who you personally hate, and the utopia is only a utopia for people who you think "deserve" it

Other urls found in this thread:


Give evidence or fuck off.

What makes you think that? Your inability to understand what's humour and what's meant seriously?

We have this constantly and this is stupid bait.

No we dont hate you.

Yes, some of the super autists will stay like that

Yes, some will be able to lead a fulfilled live because of various ills of capitalism disappear.

No you wont get an alloted girl friend.

And communism only can work if its benifits become universal and not restricted based on your opinion or social life.

"Will I get gf under socialism"

"No you'll be a lonely worthless fuck no matter what mode of production we're under"

Unless you're a wealthy faggot living off investments, you are part of the proletariat. All that will change is that your NEETbux will be guaranteed and sexbots will necessarily exist because of the necessity of automation. I don't know how this is a raw deal for you, tbqh.

"everything outside my basement ain't real"

Get the fuck out. You /r9k/ are all generic dumb turds You're boring as fuck.
Read a book, listen to music that isn't american garbage or video game music, watch something that isn't another japanese animated soap opera.

Remember friend, these communists consider you can aberration. Lower than the dirt on the bottom of their shoes! They deny your humanity, they don't even believe you should feel entitled to a female companion! In fact they claim the entirety of your sex drive is merely a product of capitalism!

Embrace NRx friend. One man, one wife.

I do have a job. It's minimum wage cuck work. Also sexbots are going to be available soon anyway but I'm not going to stoop that low and get one, ever.

You keep coming back here like some pest. No socialism will not guarantee you a gf, you're a loser before the revolution, and you're probably going to be a loser after the revolution. There comes a point in time where you need to stop blaming ALL of your problems on capitalism. Go take a shower, shave your neckbeard, put on your best clothes (assuming you've washed them first) and go outside. Meet people. Live your life. Stop shitting up our board with your pathetic self-pity.


Is this a ruse?

Serfdom doesn't appeal to me. I don't want to work for a fuedal lord

commies hate NEETs fam. maybe you can find a gf in the gulag and then get cucked by the guards lol

Your bourgeois masters are already feudal they commodified your entire existence. And the Marxists want to take a step further.

Oh look, it's the american nazi that masturbates over europe because he lives in a cultureless place with no history and no future. You and everybody in your country are the aberrations of nature.

I am already a wagecuck but it's not my only concern in life, and it isn't even close to my biggest concern. OK so I won't have to work and I'll get a daily stipend. Pretty much nothing changes except I have more time to kill till my death

You internalised capitalists detestion for you and come and whine to us. Pathetic.

Seems you hate your life regardless and thus the thread is pointless. Glad we could figure that out. Now will you please fuck back to your self-hate board? We do politics here.

I mean the mythical proletariat who only care about finances and have literally no other concerns, are perfectly nuerotypical, have functional and happy families. I'm not one of those

What are your concerns bigger than being forced to spend 8 hours a day in a minimum wage job?

You are either a mentally sick person or just alienated af if you cant imagine any kind of simple work that would fulfill you.

Implying we are like Holla Forumstards and imagine that these exist in any relevant amount or worship them just because they manage to function under capitalism.

No, the natural result of capital's abolition is proletarian self-abolition, i.e. there will be no proletariat under communism. If the proletariat were to remain, it would remain wage-workers and reproduce daily life and capital as automated subject. While it's crass to characterize communism this way, communism is not described as classless for nothing, as it is ultimately a movement that arises as emancipator of humanity in its entirety, because all of humanity is slaved to capital.

I doubt you'll keep suffering, at least in the same way you do now.

You don't know what dialectics means and communism is not a utopia; a perfectly ideal state of affairs Marx concocted and wished to see exist to suit said ideal. Communism is what Marx saw existing, as a movement, in the proletarian class as it acts out its function under capitalism, and is then as mode of production the only discernable alternative to the barbarisms capitalism will keep demanding otherwise, which only the proletariat can bring into existence because the proletariat is the negative of capitalism.

Read this, OP: prole.info/texts/hamburgervalue.html. It's short and simple.

Well, this isn't really our fault, now is it? The best you can hope for is waifu bots and male friendship, which if you can manage that, you can get a gf.

Yes read what the kind leftcom linked you

Let's visualize this, shall we

There's a step between "the disenfranchised" and "people who will only talk to you if you promise to force a woman to fuck them."
If you want to actually talk about how to deal with social issues of isolation and alienantion and the commodofication of social interaction and so on then I'm sure you'd be welcomed fine. If you're just going to post a shit meme about state appointed girlfriends then you're either doing it as bait or you're genuinely so far down the spookhole that there's no talking to you.

Don't say "let's visualize", write your problems down.

You will only die alone because you are obsessed with a perfect body. You don't want a gf, you want a trophy to show around.

I hate depressed rightwingers or apolitical people. They are uncreative and uninteresting. Really have you ever looked outside? Do you even go to any place on the the internet besides some fucking imageboard to whine? There are a millions of possible lives that could be possible and sustainable without the profit motive ruling this society. Fucking hell you could easily go to your farming community on top of some mountain and do LAN parties all day after tending to the farming robots.

Or become some unhinged hippie and make your life fun with drugs ect. So many options.

And if you cant imagine a happier future you maybe should change your outlook or visit some doctor.

And most importantly

Could you stop posting? You act like autists incapable of understanding others' way of looking at things.

Take drugs and find people that dont judge you.

Its allways the same, the same guy basically asking if socialism gives them their personal therapist.

Some post that chadtopia image.

Really, it's hilarious how detached from reality robots are

Are there any subjects you feel comfortable with? Even talking about fetishes applies

This is true.

What exactly do your fags want? For the state to hand out every man a gf when they turn 16?

I wouldn't be opposed to that as long as it's they are randomly picked. Arranged marriages have a way lower percentage of divorce anyway. Provide everyone with a partner so they can worry only about improving the world around them- what's wrong with that?

This. I don't see any downsides to this idea, only upsides


Honestly we constantly have threads where people prove that they are social authoritarians. Every time sex gets mentioned a bunch of tankies come out of the woodwork to scream about how they want to gulag anyone who looks at porn.

I don't trust Holla Forums to actually build a civilized society because there are so many tankies here.

Low rates of divorce are not a good thing. People who dislike one another should not remain together.

In what social context, you drooling buffoon? In poor ass countries where their arranged marriages provide a means of subsistence, like in India? Or like in 300 years ago in Europe, where divorce wasn't even legal?

The funny thing about this is both liberals and r9/conservatards want to abolish love because they are afraid of it.

Pls respond

serfdom was legitimately better than wage slavery but i want to point out that chances are your wife is only your wife because you're the person she happened to actively be banging when the dice got her pregnant. Takes newlyweds 7 months to do what everyone else does in 9 dontcha know?

Lmao wtf are you talking about. I want state sanctioned gfs because I can't get a gf at all otherwise. That's it

In a lot of aspects it was clearly more horrible.

You can't sanction love, you moron. youtube.com/watch?v=OabTK7y7d6E

I don't know any social cues well enough, I don't know all the unsaid rules of conversation. Your boy zizek talks about this. I'm entered into the symbolic order

Love is meaningless if the other person won't reciprocate

I shall now procceed to prove why OP is a faggot and hasn't even read the mango of Das Kapital.

Nothing about a revolution is "wonderful".
'A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past.'

Workers and the reserve army of labor, that I SUPPOSE you are part of, are not mythical. We are the backbone of society.

Why do I hate you, user? Why am I not like you?

We do not unite to end our suffering. We unite to stop those who make us suffer and get the tools to stop suffering.

We will not take you by the hand and make you go out.. .. oh wait.. WE ACTUALLY WILL!!!

And that is why we need 2 hours mandate labor.
I'll even go as far as to say we need obligatory cultural enrichment!
I mean.. I am a Leninist…

I'm precisely trying to address that, I did not know any of those social cues either, but I guessed I could try indulging in my fucktarded fetishes (online of course) and let the dick handle most conversations until I started to figure things out bit by bit.

Nah, there's basically "when the nobility wages war" and that's it.


Th-that's not a rare occasion…
It's also when you don't have a doctor, when you don't have food, when your wife is giving birth and dies cause no hospital…

Stop romanticizing the past.

Socialism won't change the fact that you're a shit person who whines endlessly about not getting a perfect girlfriend, and acts like not having sex every night is the worst fucking torture on the planet.

To be honest the only thing that keeps life expectancy rates from the times of pre industrialization to be so low it's the fact that there was a lot of infant mortality. If you managed to be at least 5 years old you had a life ecpectancy of 60 years (which isn't nearly as much as today's first orld standards but is significantly different from the old idea of "pre industrialized people died at, like 30 dude")

for most of capitalism you were actively more likely to not have food or have your wife die giving birth than under feudalism. Under feudalism you starve because there's not enough food, while under capitalism you can also starve because the capitalists have decided feeding you isn't profitable enough. Under feudalism you're not jam packed in a filthy city with a terrible immune system because everyone's working 16 hour days.

This isn't romanticizing the past, it's putting to pasture capitalist propaganda about how capitalism made everything better right away.

Who the fuck do you think the proletariat is you incredible nitwit?



So… we need to go back, instead of forward?

They really are afraid, aren't they?

Labour just got my vote

There's no royalty anymore to give their fascist buddies boosties and outright jailing or murdering commies is in poor taste.

Well.. Unless they do a dictatorship.. but I doubt they can do it in GB.

we have this thread all the fucking time. no, socialism won't give you a fully functional robot gf. no, socialism won't fix your autism. no, socialism won't make people randomly start liking you. socialism will, however, fundamentally alter the relationship of people to the MoP, meaning a radical shift in social relations will follow suit.

robots are a creation of late capitalism. socialism wouldn't have the alienation that creates them

No. But it will enable their creation.

No. But it will help people with it, for free.

No, But it will give psychoanalises to the masses.

Robots are only the natural progress in our strugle for laziness.


What's the difference between this attitude and "work ethic," though?

It seems like a lot of anons here are, ironically, feeding into the idealist concept that it's the individual who creates problems for himself, rather than a materialist basis, like his outside conditions. It could be interpreted in a similar way to classcuck slogans, that if you work hard enough, you can have a better life.

Further evidence that daft lefties just want free shit.

Who sells the lumber for the houses? What is to stop the depletion of resources with so many people suddenly buying?

It's an offer just for you exclusively. It's not about socialism. I'm a fairy.

I am white and I want a white girlfriend. Can I refuse a state issued gf if they are ugly?

I don't understand communism. Who manages the distribution of resources?


Sudently Corbyn looks like the reincarnation of 30s socialism…

A super computer with an algorithm.
Or a central commity.
Or worker councils.
Or markets, but without profit.

Basicaly, we need to build socialism first.

nigger i haven't had a friend in like a decade, it's the investment of all your value into a woman i regret.

can't even relate to the pathetic niggas out there.

err, resent.
realized women were a meme back when i had a single friend.

It is not suprising that a Nazi would jump on this whole pseudoscientific fear of evolved plants.

you presented "I DONT WANT YOUR MONEY I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE PLEASE GOD" as a fucking insult, kill yourself.

It's an insult because you're rejecting an improvement in circumstances at zero cost simply because it doesn't solve one completely irrelevant problem.
It's not my fault you've been memed into thinking cuddling an ersatz mother would make the nightmarish hellscape of late capitalism any more bearable.

Sorry that people want sexual intimacy. It's ok if you don't.

To change the material conditions you need more than making a single person less sad.

not to mention the obvious part that having more money (or in analogous terms, living in a society where capital no longer dictates all aspects of human relationships.) obviously makes it easier to get a gf.

it's an analogy for people rejecting changing their material conditions because it might not solve a single irrelevant issue. "sure, life under communism would be better in every way compared to my present life under capitalism, but if i can't have a gf under that either then what's the point?"

it's the most boring fucking thing too, i mean of all the interesting issues of planning distribution and exchange and so on, and some fucker goes "yeah but will women fuck me?", well how the fuck am i supposed to know or care? you're not going to die of starvation at 60 in the decaying ruins of social democracy if we get communism, so shut up and annoy somebody else.

wall the succdems

And the answer is it will.

You are not. But that's why we have developed psychology and other humanitarian sciences and we should apply them, without leaving material conditions behind.

No problem is less important for a better society.

unironically miss being bullied because it's better than being ignored tbqh.
it's not that i expect people to handle it, i just wish they'd stop boring me with it. we have /r9k/ for whining about girlfriends, this is a place for talking about leftist politics.

it might not, unless you want to just shut them up and say "yes, the state will give you a woman at gunpoint, women are things not people" there's always the hypothetical scenario that every single woman says no because they're all cunts, because socialism isn't magic.

material conditions only go so far, if you have the same problem in multiple settings it just might be (you)

remember OP, if the far right wins, you will have no choice but to improve yourself for the good of the nation


Again, Socialism will not… cure cancer, but it will make treatment available and will let research go on, without the need for profit.

Same, it will not serve you a GF, but it will let you fix yourself, IF YOU SO DESIRE.

No, in capitalism you don't have the time or money to fix yourself.

There's always the possibility that all people will do the same thing.

And I mean with the cancer analogy, again, some people will probably die of cancer under socialism because it's always going to take time to find a cure. A cancer patient rejecting socialism because it wouldn't immediately cure them (even though capitalism would definitely not cure them.) is on the same order of stupidity as the >tfw no gf crowd.

The thing is, I have no such fixed object of moaning about. There will still be bad things under socialism, but I know a deal offering less bad things when I see one.

There is always the possibility a meteor will fall when I click "new reply". Yet we don't live with that possibility in mind, do we?

The thing is, there is no reason to discouruge anons, just because you don't care about it.

The socdem is right the >tfw no gf crowd is retarded and beyond salvation.
There's nothing you can do.

There's a plenty good reason: they won't accept the basic answer "We can't promise you a girlfriend but it will be easier and every other aspect of your life will be made better.", because until you say "I promise you a girlfriend" that single fixed idea will always dominate, and they'll cast aside everything else you promise them.

Indeed I'd be willing to wager that on /r9k/ proper many would take being put in 18th century slave conditions in exchange for a gf who merely tolerated them at gunpoint over utopian socialism, because the spooks are too strong.


There's nothing you can do my man…those people are completely obsessed with perfection. They don't want a gf, nor a partner, nothing. They simply want a hot body to show around and that sucks their cock after vaccum the cheetos crumbs from their bellies.

you're not going to manage that over an imageboard.

this isn't a question of life under socialism but a question of discussing socialism, in the here and now they have no interest in socialism unless it will give them a gf.


This sums it up pretty well in my opinion. When someone's being that single-minded and unwilling to even look at the bigger picture there's nothing you can say to them. They're never going to care about anything but if they can have this super spooky ideal they've built up in their heads.

Spoken like a true revolutionary.

Nothing can be done in the here and now.

Nice spooks pol.

We can talk about socialism instead of women in the here and now.

Get porked.






Don't fret. There is no real chance of a communist uprising anytime soon. If they actually manage, the only benefits will be helicopter rides to the likes of antifa and Holla Forums types, redeemable after Mad Dog Mattis re-takes control.

I'm looking forward to tilling my own fields using an ox and plough under socialism.

To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss.

We can talk about whatever each individual sees as their most important consiquence of capitalist alienation.

or not.

Noone forces you to respond.

And I know this shit. Read Makanin, Underground. It didn't get better with capitalism.

Hello pol.

they don't necessarily see it as a consequence of capitalist alienation, nor are they quick to agree to this unless you propose state assigned girlfriends or some other equally direct solution. (since any alternative retaining free will leaves open the outside possibility that all women, using their free will, will continue to reject /r9k/, even if this is an unlikely scenario the possibility leaves a depressive exit-clause.)



We are already not enough, if people want to hear "YES! YOU GET A GF! AND YOU! AND YOU!" you tell them that!

If they ask how, "well, user, we'll give you psychological support and create the conditions for you to get GFs! All you need to do is take this gun and go kill some bourgies.."


Groucho has a point. Also, stop shitting up my flag ffs.

We're not all like that. Even if most of us are.

1. They're going to ask further questions instead of taking you at face value
2. Answering those further questions is going to take up time that could be spent discussing when we actually start shooting people.
3. If we're just going to plain string people along like this, we'd be better going and telling /k/ how there'll be no gun control or something because really /r9k/ would be one of the most useless boards to have in a revolution.


You'll kill Rosa and elect Hitler eventually.
That'd actually make a good romance animu

Am bored and do nothing important with my time anyway. I can handle them.
If /k/ comes here, we'll tell /k/ what it needs to hear.
You forget the need for masses again. Every faggot counts.

… wait… why do you actually want a revolution? You appear to be LARPing to me at this point..

a thread dies for them
so don't sit here and wait for Holla Forums false flags, go out and preach.

so that i don't have to kill myself once the jobcentre sanctions me to meet a target when searching for jobs that don't exist.

Do I seriously need to go in every one of these goddamned threads just to say…
>Implying there's anything wrong with that

I'm sorry, was that an argument?

This is one step away from orcs vs humans.

Intimacy and relationships do make life more bearable. Your life would be far worse without companionship, and politics will never make you happy. Robots are not even wrong when they say that social isolation is more of a problem for them than capitalism is.

capitalism is causative of social isolation
social isolation can be resolved without a girlfriend, and i fully accept the necessity of friendships.

although maybe they do qualify as not-even-wrong when they say no gf is a bigger problem: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_even_wrong :^)

Not all of us are communists, OP.
Have you considered Guyanism?

I'm just tired of dealing with this argument at this point. None of you put that much thought into this shit and you explain every problem in the world the same way. Most of you fags are dumb.

I won't explain why you're wrong I'll just act as if I already have and that you're too stupid to get it. It's never the possibility that I'm shit at explaining or have no real argument for my position, the other side is just too idiotic to comprehend my genius.

lmao i'm a fucking socdem the reason i know capitalism causes isolation is the result of spending years contemplating my own social isolation and fitting it all together, not because i sat down and read some fucking tome.

Some people are just genetic trash with no hope or prospects. At least R9k knows it's human scum and useless eaters unlike some

Why do people on this board so enthusiastically strawman robot concerns? It's like you have to distort their complaints into utterly trivial ones that apply to literally everyone, which aren't a big deal and which nobody deserves resolved because it would entail exploiting others, so that you can blame them for a faulty mindset and don't have to acknowledge the fact there there exist people locked out of an immense portion of what life entails for almost everyone.
I don't really go on /r9k/ much at all because ruminating is more painful than ignoring things, I've learned to associate any complaining or overt cognizance of my status with severe punishment and further hatred from others (which these types of nonsense argument don't exactly contradict,) and it's full of the sort of magical thinking that buttresses the far-right and becomes more and more appealing the less and less anyone in the world can rationalize such a condition. But the dominance of this sort of thinking and politics is itself partly a result of your unwillingness to advance a historical materialist analysis of these concerns or even acknowledge them as fair and valid. Leftypol has a serious robot hate problem, and it frustrates a huge amount of the gains we could be making in a forum such as this

Uh, alienation is resolved in socialism by sublating the contradictions between physical and intellectual labor, and between labor and leisure. Not by reverting to unalienated pre-division-of-labor conditions at the cost of declaring civilization a failed experiment.

Unironically start doing this, though. I want a /k/ommunist gun club, like, real bad. Who else could be more natural slavshit larpers? We could even go innawoods and pretend to be volunteers of the Abe Lincoln brigade in Jarama, or some other autistic shit
Too bad "obama and commiefornia are communists" and therefore "communists want to disarm you." Challenging the first claim is a tall enough order already, since 99% of the time it's done by Obama's thoroughly anti-communist, liberal apologists who understand communism just as poorly but sure do love Obama. I don't understand why "left"-liberals are so often gun grabby to the level of parody, either, especially as gun control from the 19th century through Reagan was explicitly meant to suppress slaves and later black millitancy and the very idea it can be considered "left wing" is an immensely recent invention.
Interestingly enough, they take a rather bright view of the YPG on /k/, that's where I first heard about them, actually. Perhaps there's outreach potential there.

Yeah, it couldn't possibly be that the broadest possible system for rationalizing and predicting societal dysfunction reveals all fundamental, concrete, observable conditions that frustrate individual liberation, and then classifies them according to the common, relatively narrow groupings they fall within under the label "contradictions of a mode of production." It's totally that the commies want to say everything wrong is caused by one single entity of phenomenon to avoid original thought or deductive argument.