Anti-fa: good?

newfag here, plz go easy.
So anti-fa uses authentic marxist language sometimes but couched in very general terms, "worker's state," etc, but there's also alot of what seems to be a very real and deep belief in "identity politics." Honestly, they seem to talk about identity related issues way, way more than authentic Marxist things like labor. Again, the closest they get to labor for example is "corporations are bad," "exploitation," which is all true but it seems like lip-service.
Opinion on anti-fa?
Honest, to me it looks like they literally are "anti-fascist" in that they are a hodgepodge of anything that even remotely opposes fascism. Sure, that could lead to communism, but it could just as easily go the other way, and the other way, which is essentially the "Democratic party id-pol coalition bloc voter," and that way seems to be winning out.

more often they are violent progressivist mobs rather than interested in combating fascism

This. They just want state capitalism so they can feel a little more secure about their race and gender.

Antifa EU is based.

Antifa NA a shit. Literally just LARPing liberals who haven't read any theory that are mad that Drumpf took 2 scoops of ice cream or some shit.

The American antifa are not a good representative of antifa in general.

Why have people started hyphenating antifa? Is this some Yank thing?

there are some good antifas and some really bad ones my favorite one is the one from greece they are actually protesting against real fascists and they arent sjws in any sense they are waving their ancom, angreen and anmut flags while in other countries its just some lgbt/queer flag…

I guess, it probably started since right-wingers like to make the "anti-anti-fa" joke.

Antifa are just a militant arm of neo liberalism

Honestly, European Antifa is full of idpol nonsense. At least here in Germany they are the worst of the worst when it comes to idpol.

Here in ex-commie land they basically spend their time doing drugs and sometimes beating the shit out of moderates or even completely random people. They are either too scared to go after the far right or too dumb to properly identify it.
I can easily imagine these people becoming neo-nazis instead because all they want is mindless violence and all the ideology attached is just LARP.
I fail to see how they could be useful to your (or any other) cause. Most of them are unemployable so they're not even proles.
Half of them got genocided by HIV anyway after having sex with the only black person in my country.




It's the same shit, they're just a little bit more aggressive because the enemy isn't sheltered suburban kids but actual thugs. Also the police in europe won't shoot you (most of the time) but they beat pretty hard.

Other than having to adapt to this state of affairs, it's the same eyerolling bullshit.

Calm down Adolf.

And apparently they have shit taste in music as well. Not suprising tbh.

It should be made clear there is no unified Antifa. It's various small groups around various places. They do similar retarded stuff though. I think a counter group should be formed that simply pushes off antifa from doing something that makes leftists look stupid.

OK, I laughed. Reminds me of the left wing version of prison skinheads.

I sympathize with them and I will defend them to a degree, but they probably do more harm than good for the radical left. Way too many american kids confuse rioting and street fighting with organizing a genuine leftist movement that can change society in a meaningful way.

Well they are more orientated around hindering fascism from organising effectively than being there to make us look good. Much prefer them running around like a mad dog fucking everything up making us look bad than allowing the liberals the potential to indulge fascism all the way into power.

KEK that's fucking genius

Yeah that gets me every time too.

if that's true then I'd say they are doing a decent job at it. They definitely disrupt fascists

That being said though I think we need an actual anarcho-commie or commie group clashing with police and shit. Burgerstan is tough because police shoot back here but I'm sure at the same time they'd don't want to make matyrs out of us.

really jogs the noggin

What about organizing anarcho groups that help communities like the pothole guy? Start squats for homeless or poor people, spread propaganda, be active in in union organizing with some red unions like the IWW or something. To many think that anarchist are just edgy kids that hate cops and homework because modern anarchism has completely failed reach out to ordinary people.

way too much nationalism tbh

I find it hilarious lmao

Antifa are idiots and not even useful idiots.

It used to be good in Eastern Germany, where Nazis have strong bastions and are organised like a criminal violent gang, who are generally unpleasant and do unpleasant things like killing people, burning up cars and taking over near empty villages, because you can earn much more in the West-Germany and all the factories in the East got shut down, because Blühende Landschaften.
It didn't help at all that the police was blind on the right side, half of these Nazis worked for the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (V-Männer) and politicians tinkering with the statistics of Nazi related crimes by redefining them (brawl among drunks, boyish pranks gone wrong and so on).
At least this was the case in the 90ies and early 00s. Before idpol showed it's ugly face

I swear, fucking Americans.

so are antifa

european antifa is better on a tactical level because they are actually against literal thugs. other than that they're as retarded as your precious american antifa.

Antifa in rural East Germany back then meant self-defence.
The cancer spreaded from the cities with universities. They are so much more susceptible for globalism.

if you actually read my post instead of instantly biting on your assrage, you'd notice that I'm skeptical of anti-fa.
I never cease to be amazed at how Europeans are so snobbish because they're from Europe, which is itself the crudest expression of nationalism and racism, and then turn around and act like they're the purest motherfuckers on this board.
they're the same, you hypocritical dipshit