Remind me why these guys show up to cry about other spooked proles instead of fighting the bourgies?
Other urls found in this thread:
we have this thread all the time, fuck it
Because they're either radlibs looking for some entertainment, virtue signaling, and moral self-licensing or just frustrated Leftists who think doing anything is better than nothing.
In 30 years these faggots are going to next Baby Boomers, just a generation of selfish miserable capitalist cunts.
They're building dual power, except when they do that they don't call it "anti-fascist action" they just call it being normal anarchists and communists who actually go outside.
You fucking retards.
Why aren't antifa addressing the growing threat of islamofascism?
Really oxidizes my onions.
They are. In Islamic countries.
Somebody post that picture, yknow the one.
Please tell me there's a zengakuren anime or manna.
I don't know sorry.
Antifa doesn't seem to be too bothered by muslims in the United Caliphate or Swedenistan.
ebin simply ebin
Won't bother address your point until you stop talking like you're 14.
holy fuck, are you 12? Talk like a fucking adult.
Because they're rebels-for-the-status-quo stuck in a childishly-Boomerist mindset, i.e. "Even though fascism as a political force is pretty much dead in the water in the West thanks to WW2, it could easily come back at any moment because…uh…beer-bellied white trash skinheads exist!"
That's because unlike majority Islamic countries, fascism in those countries isn't likely to come from Islam at all. It's likely going to appeal to its own majorities.
t. born in the 90s and got my leftism from the internet
And I awaken to where the only radical organizing going on is kekistan vs Antifa
Fuck man
Yes because the status quo is clearly communism right now ya dolt
London is already a muslim majority nation m8.
Enjoy your monthly bombings whole antifa beats up what's left of the white coal miners for saying mean things about the all the coloreds :^)
Hahaha your country is a fucking joke
Holla Forums Really gets the neurons firing
t. born in the '60s and living with the knowledge that he will never, ever, get to oppose Hitler, but thinks that hitting some racist NEET with a bike lock is his generation's 1933 street-fight moment
t. hasn't won a war in a century without the russians help, has a royal rumble champion for president
England does not have an Islamic majority, no.
90% of the time the peope they're attacking aren't even racists, they're just normie conservatives who show up to their normie conservative political rallies. They're often racist or fascist in liberal fantasyland where everybody who isn't a reactionary liberal tool is a "fascist".
I'm not supporting antifa
But this defenders of the status quo line is bullshit
What have they seriously done to oppose capitalism, though? At the end of the day it's just LARPing, as the careers of most of the various antifa arrested in Berkely demonstrates (i.e. bitching about capitalism while otherwise-benefiting from it in academia/NGO sinecure positions)
Yeah, yeah, "racist speech is violence because it encourages hate crimes…somehow, therefore bashing some guy wearing a MAGA hat isn't actually assault, it's a defensive act!"
You are a liar, pretending the far right is something it is not to defend them, why would you go and do something like that?
Kekistan flag wearers aren't golden dawn members.
Dude, read this how bout.
Are you the same fucking Holla Forumsack loser who was arguing with me before who kept insisting anti-fascist-action has only ever and will only ever go after "muh poor innocent Holla Forumsack irl shitposters" and also that those people are completely innocent anyways?
Fuck off. You just gave an example of some fascists I'd like to see bashed.
You've been online too long today Jeremy, go outside and get some fresh air
Golden Dawn you fucking tool
What was the point of your posts
who protects the bourgeoisie when things hit the fan? Themselves? No, the police and the organized right (either overtly fascists or provide the same function).
I love how leftypol can be so anti-anti fa sometimes. Kinda falls into the bigger trend here of siting on your ass and reading theory while doing nothing while complaining at all times about the actions of people who actually go out and do things. I suppose that position is alluring, if you never actually do anything theirs no way you can be beaten or wrong, leaving you in a position of where you can feel superior to other people in some strange way.
I can see a strange parallel with anti-fa and the left, very similar to the left and the USSR. For all its faults, its a constructive attempt of fighting back people who want to kill us and enslave us. Its like you people don't know anything about history, because if you did, youd know that the only way these people stay out of power and dont put us against a wall is to do it to them first, you see it happen, over and over and over and over and over and over again. They need to be smashed ruthlessly when they are at their weakest, kick them while they're down and curb stomp their teeth into dust.
Its not like these people deserve our sympathy, they kill people, they harass people, they hurt working class people on a daily basis because they don't like the look of them.
And don't get me started on "but what are they doing to fight capitalism" line. Antifa are almost always communits and anarchists, liberals might poke in form time to time, but they arnt the one up front ready to get attacked by fascists and police, liberals are fucking cowards when it comes to political violence.
Its all part of the same goal, and part of that goal is the defense of the working class from violent attacks from fascists. Dont think of anti-fa as something separate from the overall goal's of the left, its simply a tool at
Because fucking somebody has to take the bait and constantly reply to right wing nonsense or people will start believing it because, if nobody is arguing about it then surely it can't be that wrong.
At best they're thuggish LARPers fucking with conservatives and irl shitposters, at worse they're gangs engaging in gang wars.
What great crime have alienated idiots, who spend their time letting spooks make them angry, committed?
How about you fuck off until you stop living by feels>reals and orc vs human mentality.
You're a fool if you think street fights and gang warfare does anything to combat the right. If anything, the kind of shit antifa was doing at Berkley just made more people attracted to it. The only way to combat Fascism is to combat the material conditions that create and contribute to it. Directly fighting Fascists does less than nothing, it contributes to it by contributing to the circle of violence; which is not to say you shouldn't defend yourself or others from political or bigoted violence.
Oh wonderful, a "leftist" who thinks like a reactionary.
Waving red flags doesn't mean you're fighting Capitalism.
Actively looking for fights isn't fucking defense. There's a difference between doing neighborhood patrols and keeping at-risk people safe and going to rallies looking for a fight or being gangsters fighting the rival skinhead gang.
Yes, groups of people engaging in senseless crime and violence for their own satisfaction is bad. I clearly said neighborhood defense is good but that's clearly not what antifa is. Contributing to the circle of violence is not changing the material conditions in any positive way.
I'm going to have to disagree here. As long as the violence is consensual.
Negating their violence isn't perpetuating a circle, and even if that's what was happening that doesn't mean we shouldn't prevent fascists from acting, it just means we should do it differently.
You know I'm clearly not talking about boxing.
Just like when Jamal busts that nigga who shot his cousin he's just eliminating a violent thug?
Firstly, better enemies other than methed up skinheads or irl shitposters should be chosen. After that deal with the actual enemies in your way like it's an actual war, not a 3rd street turf fight.
Have you just never heard of the Kurds in your life?
but whats wrong with that tough…
Just look at the US news from the last month to see that "the racist NEETs" do in fact pose a threat…
(not even getting started on the situation in Europe…)
Just flat out wrong as a general statement…
london is majority white
london is far far far from being muslim majority
remind me why you're busy posting instead of fighting the bourgeoisie
Because it's easier? That's idpol for you.
[citation needed]
lol wut. I don't think you have any idea what dual power means.
How is punching fascists "dual power"? Dual power is class consciousness building and implementing institutions which rival that of establishment institutions.
Do some reading:
Read the rest of the post before you start talking out your ass you underage fuck.
They're building dual power,
except when they do that they don't call it "anti-fascist action" they just call it being normal anarchists and communists who actually go outside.
Fuck off you fucking retard
Anarkiddies were a mistake
Books don't bite. Refusing to read Marxist-Leninist literature is just spooked sectarian dogmatism.
It isn't his fault that the sentence is unintelligible.
that's like saying reading math books with incorrect formulas is just crazy sectarian mathematics.
ML is no different than reading Ayn Rand, pure fiction.
Why not have a well thought out thread about the strategic implications of *defined* antifascist organisations instead of shill threads like this
Except when it's not. Dual power and guerrilla warfare are both extremely useful concepts that have been expanded on by M-Ls that don't require a vanguard to be implemented.
inb4 anarchists first conceived of dual power.
Why does this board fill up with liberals and Nazi apologists whenever antifa gets mentioned?
That's because there isn't any such problem.
Whatever Youtubers like Lauren Southern you watch may think so to get attention, but there isn't.