Deeper European integration when?

Deeper European integration when?

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Lmao she's playing the 'we' card. Clearly she doesn't think Greece is part of that 'we'.

Never unless you plan on invading Italy and Greece. Capitalism is all fun and games until you need consumers for your goods.

Good for Merkel. I'm actually rooting for her in the next election just so the alt-right will get the final L it needs for it's members to kill itself. That and Merkel won my respect when she stuck with her principles and gave all them Syrian refugees citizenship over all the autistic screeching from people who call them "rapefugees" even though they have lower crime rates than even Germans themselves (look it up). I ain't religious, but that's a mighty Christian thing to do.

Maybe we can have an Electric Boogaloo and get the SPD to invade Greece.

You think it's only Greece?
You think she doesn't want Italy and Spain out as well?

Trully this is the worst timeline!

cringy localized meme, cause I can

They did it because Germany is facing a serious population crisis they've tried everything else to solve.

Add a bunch of uneducated 18 year old middle eastern men to the population isn't going to help their women shit out disgusting german babies.

Whatever. At least it's still causing right-wing butthurt and the Syrians can live a better life.

Is Merkel doing this to make Europe pay for what it did to the DDR?



You do know a minority of fascists doesn't really matter, right? You do know she's still a tool for neoliberalism, right?


This is your brain on first world imperialism.

I thought you already filtered my comments……….well, come on, any day now…

Never said anything about refugees being criminals. Just that allowing them in wouldn't solve Germany's population problems.


They are out of alternatives, I have had right wingers spitting feathers at me when I shot down every single alternative they could think of because they've all already been tried. You know you can get free childcare in Germany from something like 6 months old to 16 years old? They basically throw money at you for popping out kids too. Nobody is interested.

You kinda implied it though.

If you want more kids, invite more women and men from the third world. Don't bring in just dudes. The American southwest is a perfect example of this strategy.

This, Christcuckery is at the core of Merkel's fun.

I mean… you could get rid of the thing that is causing it… Capitalism…

And, also, why are more people needed? To pay for the pensions? Well, that's what you get for not taxing the rich… To produce? Well… Automation…

We have demografic problems solely because the economic system doesn't give you reasons to have children and alienation doesn't let you form bonds.

It's, as always, a socioeconomic problem.

you are not that important.

How do you get rid of capitalism, you fuck?

The point is that the German government is doing this as a way to avoid taxing the producers that run their shitty imperialist economy. They could pay for everything without importing people displaced by capitalist wars but would rather do that than pay more for their own people.

I wonder if Islam's the only problem the alt-light/"classical liberal" crowd's got with refugees. They keep saying that Muslims are gonna cause the downfall of Western Civilization with their Medieval ideology so they should be alright with African refugees from say Ethiopia or South Sudan, right? Ethiopians were the first people to convert to Christianity by the millions at just 100AD, built some of the first churches, created ancient illustrated bibles and their country's a Christian stronghold in East Africa still today and South Sudan seceded from regular old Sudan cuz the people wanted their own Christian country where the Muslim north couldn't oppress them for their faith.

Maybe that ain't enough for the right-wing though. Maybe there's "something else" they don't like bout them refugees from Africa…

What you expect? Her party's literally got "Christian" in it.

We cannot deal with such basic problems as giving everyone adequate food and water, and even when we do the improvements will lead to population increases which will in turn lead to shortages. If we cannot deal with such basic problems forget ever getting rid of capitalism, working for a wage will always be preferable to destitution. Its even more ridiculous to suggest getting rid of wars, they have been a part our essence forever.

The problem can't be solved for Germany regardless because


The most sensible thing to do was copy the Japanese, and hope that the nation can survive the crushing burden of gold-plated Boomer retirements and the grey winter of low birth-rates caused by high incomes + population density without resorting to importing millions of Third Worlders, but they didn't and just doubled-down on the "more people = more economic growth = more taxes = we're saved!"

in Germany* not Turkey

There is a thing I never got with refugees.

There is a conflict in their country, okay.
So it would be a bad idea to stay there, okay.
But why would they travel thousand of kilometers and start a new life in a completely different country when they can just get comfy in the country for a few year before going back home?

I wish more people would understand there is no problem anywhere in the world with agriculture. There is a problem with political instability, with juntas, with ethnic cleaning and the 8 child per women only make it worse.

Capitalism causes all those problems.

People don't magically stop being consumers to the EU once they're no longer in the EU.

Her Party is as Christian as the NSDAP was socialist

So where has she buried all the Christians?

Germany is going to invade Poland to ensure they are sufficiently enriched.

There are problems of drought, soil erosion, etc with agriculture in many areas of the world. That is not the point though, the problem is with population. The power of population is superior to the ability of the population to produce food for itself. Starvation is always there to keep the population in check. Capitalism (especially for the increasingly many billions in the third world) gives members of the population an alternative to starving so it is inexorably linked to the dynamics of the growing population.

They could import Germans from America. Texas has a large German population.

Stop being a retard. Syriza was always a bunch of weak populist socdems and the Greek economy was always shit.

This tbqh. Lets import all europeans back from US and let it dissolve into third world country

Why, what is it at the moment?

It's basically already a 3rd world country. But if all the Euros left it might improve, because the Euros never understood how to take care of anything. They consistently raped the land and destroyed it to the point of the Dust Bowl. They dammed up and polluted the rivers, and even fight to pollute one of the largest rivers in the US with a pipeline.

viva la reconquista amirite

White women are more attracted to muslim cock, so much so that they are eventually willing to submit to the same lifestyle as muslim women, before popping out several miscegenous children. winning strategy.

Oh no you don't. Let them stay in America…there's already 20k americans living in my country. That's too much cultureless people.
Fuck off we're full.

Fuck off we're full

God damn it I thought we drove all the black Nazis out years ago.


Fuck you I ain't moving to Germany.


I don't understand what she meant.
Does she plan to break commercial, military, whatever alliances with the US? What does she mean in practice?

this is truly the ultimate irony. germany will once again take over poland, but this time because they resisted suicidal multicultural policies

They need the weaker countries in. Why else would they promise the armageddon everytime one of them suggests that they want to leave?

I'm fully in support of this. think about the memes which would be made because of this.

Why don't they take in the unemployed from Greece and Spain in the same way?

They definitely tried getting the Poles down, not sure why they didn't just go for everyone's unemployed.

I suppose it's a bit of a cunts trick to bankrupt everyone then take their workers too… how would those countries support their elderly or sick?

Yeah man, they speak German & live in the US

Literally the same person posting the same response twice.

Yeah, from a genetic perspective there is either 1 race of humans or 300+ races. Having said that, not every race would have 1 culture each. Some might have 2, others might form larger cultural blocks with other similar races. Plus some people will always marry out of their race, so it's not ridiculous to see admixture between peoples who live close to each other. Here's a more scientific perspective:

I'm all for European integration. To deal with world problems and move closer to a world community (and if necessary a world state), a stronger EU, with at least some democratic trappings, is a step in the right directions. Even if it is the bourgies who get us there. I mean, any truly socialist project in the European space can already only happen with European acquiescence, so there is nothing much to lose. If we must have a revolution, it will have to happen at a European level either way. Same if we hope to work through reform.

The problem with a bourgie EU, however, is that it is just those things the bourgies insist on that drive the EU apart and undermine democracy in the European space. So unless the EU stops being quite so bourgie at some point, it will still either collapse or become a more nakedly autocratic regime.

At any length, the future with a stronger EU could be a great one: if it manages to maintain and expand it's development and can develop a successful model to handle and maybe even harness the many ten of millions of refugees we deal with at present and will have to deal with in the future, it is maybe the last best chance for at least a kind of universalist future with a human face.