
I made a little strawpoll to see how people think around here. If you have time, please answer it.

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Also if possible, if you chose 'other' comment what exactly.


It says ideal, not practical. If you are not choosing anarcho-communism, you are dumb.

Ideally under socialism the state will eventually wither away leaving a stateless classless society. Even the tankies want ancom. :P


Do you even know what datamining is?

Still interesting isn't it

No, they don't.

shit poll

Anarcho-communism is full communism.

ancom isn't a stateless classless society in a marxist sense

read more


Not an argument.

What did he mean by this?

I think you are confusing ends with means.

The cnt used prison camps and their own form of gulags to get rid of porkies not judging them but it's not full communism

but (most) left wing ideologies all have similar goals in the long run stateless classless society


Catalonia wasn't a communist society ffs. And the CNT was mainly ansyn. Read Dauve

Anarchists are the fucking worst.

At least Marxists are willing to analyze when, how, and why their respective revolutions failed and acknowledge them AS Marxist revolutions. If an anarchist does something bad, they, on the other hand, just say "Well, they weren't REAL anarchists."

1. I'm not an anarchist
2. I didn't say that the Spanish anarchists weren't true anarchists you dumb cuck. And I have never seen an anarchist denying that the CNT-FAI was anarchist.
3. Read the fucking text

Posadist Infowarrior

communalism is just rebranded anarcho-communism

4% of these posters need to be unironically purged