Why isn't there an anti-capitalist christian movement ?

why isn't there an anti-capitalist christian movement ?

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there was in south america but the americans destroyed it and sent death squads to exterminate its leaders

Christians got spooked by state atheism and threw in their lot with the rightists. All porky has to do to keep their support is reference a bible verse every now and then.

Like most leftist movements, there was but it got exterminated.

The Sandinistas in Ncaragua were that, or at least claimed to be
The biggest martyr for the left in El Salvador was a popular priest who was assassinated by the US backed military government

Weren't the early socialists, long before Marx, also Christians?

this song makes a good point


Pretty badass tbh


Also this.
After what happened in Spain during the civil war, and to a lesser extent, the revolutions in Russia and Mexico, do you blame them?
Many Christians are open to and supportive of leftist positions, but fat chance getting them to cooperate with people hostile to their beliefs.

Because socialism has been condemned by one denomination and rejected by most others

damn vatican II

Because the bible teaches us that stealing is wrong

Geyer and Muentzer lost the war against the Swabian League.

Gee, I dunno lol.

Is that the girl from flip flappers?

Most Christians are neutral or in the middle of the left and right. Most Christians will never support the secularism, LGBT acceptance and islamophila of the left which is why most Christians vote right as a lesser of two evils thing* or don't vote at all. Christian's see alms giving as something different to socialism, something you do personally. If you want the Christians on your side you have to drop the LGBT/muslim/secular shit first and then maybe.

She's an old Holla Forums OC
also lurk more

seems like socialism is the logical conclusion then

That's clearly Wendy. :^)

divini redemptoris tho

Oh I know, thought it was a cosplay.

So they should drop their principles just to get the support of a bunch of retards who only care about idpol? How about not engaging in bourgie politics?

I'm sorry but voluntary exchange is not theft, no matter how much you'd like it to be.

kys classcuck

Well that's how you do it. You can't have both.

Christianity shouldn't be about politics. period

There have been loads of Christian socialist movements. I don't know how many are still around today, though.

Sorry, forgot to turn off shitposting flag.

shitposting or not fact the fact still remains. Look at it like this, the Mother of God didn't come down from heaven to warn us about capitalism and nazism. She didn't warn us of Germany's errors or asked for the consecration of Germany.

Engaging in bourgie elections in the first place is a mistake.

Elections are a mistake.Not having a total monarchy is a mistake

christ-chan is probably the only good oc to come from Holla Forums

not going to lie, I want to see her ravaged by Muslims


So Christians are inherently communist, yet you don't care about the Islamization of Europe?

If I kidnap you and your mother (whom I intend to rape before your eyes), would it be still okay because I gave you the chance to choose between watching the whole thing or getting shot?


Me on the right.

If we're gonna be throwing quotes at each other

Maybe she can convert them

Let's be honest, both right wing fags and libdem porkies are only gaining by the so called "islamization" of europe. No one is actually doing anything except being demagogues, and they managed to move the entire political discourse on how do you relate to islam.

Here's something else Jesus said
A homosexual has about the sme chance as a rich man, even if he's poor. This is why Christianity isn't about politics.

Definitely a possibility

No thanks. Christianity is anti-revolutionary. We need some Satanic Socialism up in this joint.


The satanists are the bourgeoisie


Why would there be an anticapitalist christian movement when christianity is completely fine with capitalism (catholics) if not ideologically alike (protestants)? the christian logic plays perfectly into capitalism: don't worry, you're not rich and you're oppressed but that's good because that means you'll go to heaven.

Freaking mobsters are fervent christians. Dunno why so many people here are convinced christianity has anything to do with anticapitalism.

There is no one kind of satanist keep larping faggot

have you tried reading the bible ?

have you?

There is. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_communism

Everything is about politics you papist boob.

Yes and it's full of class collaboration shit, especially the gospels.

Stop posting pictures of my wife.

That's not a quote from Jesus

Well you're going to hell regardless so it doesn't matter what you think

Fuck off Ryoko is mine

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:25

Btw (why is there not an anarcho collectivist flag?)

The entire bible is the word of God. Picking and choosing what is and what isn't means you aren't even Christian.

That's all well and good, but you're still wrong. Jesus never said that.

Why are you even leftists?

The reason I'm not a catholic is that I know what a catholic nation looks like.
would still pick that over protestantism, but that's not saying much
also read a book, not all catholics are papists. not even all priests.

Because leftist politics are mostly secular and any semblance to leftism in Christianity is purely aesthetic and grammatical.

didn't the J say that the old testament is basically baloney at some point?


Satanism is just Ayn Rand's "philosophy" with rituals.

Literally he said that as the prophet of God, he wants to fulfill the doctrine Old Testament, not outmode it. Morally speaking, everything in the OT is still valid in Christianity.


i heard christfags say that it's ok for them to wear crosses and make images of jesus because the ten commandments were made invalid by him. been some time since catechism so i wouldn't remember.

Guys. The quote comes from St Paul in his letter to the Corinthians. I'm not saying the Bible isn't divinely inspired, but that we actually know where this quote comes from and its weird to present it as a quote from Jesus when it clearly isn't. It's like quoting a part of Genesis and saying Jesus said that: that's not what is meant when people say the Bible is "the Word of God".

He doesn't have to say it, he IS it.
Don't care, didn't read
Yeah sedevacantists exist that's nothing new. Heretics have always existed also, this is no revelation.

No, He said He didn't come to destroy it but to fulfill it,it's been fulfilled. It's not needed anymore it served it's purpose. That's dispensationalism. The new covenant has superimposed over it.It's still not 100% null as it's referenced in the NT multiple times.

wtf ayn rand convinced me to sprinkle water on my baby

Christians don't worship crosses and images of Jesus. They are symbols for Christ. So it isn't idolatry.

Extremely debatable.

it shows

who said it's anything new? that's exactly the point

Big whoop. The heretics will say that you're the heretic. So convincing.

Yeah it should show cause I didn't
I think you've missed the point. They still adhere to the pre-conciliar popes. And in any case a sede is even more traditionalist than what you call a "papist"
Yeah but the difference is they have been officially condemned, anathematized and ex-communicated. They have no ground to stand on so they fuck off and start their own churches which that point they're not even cathoic anymore.
t. anglican church

Shitty catholic if you think anyone but god knows who will ultimately end up in heaven, best us mere mortals can do is Good Advice


They're out there. of course they're less prominent for a couple reasons
1. a lot of radical socialists are anti-theist which means both that it's rather awkward for christians to work with them and means that christians will tend to perceive commies as their enemies wherever they have any sort of influence
2. bigger church organizations tend to be either reactionary or heavily adapted to capitalism. Perhaps the catholic church is the best example of this. While there have been a lot of workers and populist movements with major catholic presences in them, the actual hierarchy in the church will tend to denounce these movements/ collaborate with reactionary forces to wipe them out.
3. there are also social issues. Because most christians have absurd and unhealthy views on sexuality and shit like that and tend to make state suppression of de.generacy priority number one and helping those in need one of their last priorities, they will tend to be much more ok with right wingers who are willing to burn the gays and fuck the poor than left wingers who tend to be more tolerant of deg.eneracy.
there's also the fact that many of them prefer to be apolitical, anti-revolutionary, pacifist or other bullshit like that.

because jesus was portrayed as a pacifist liberal. you could twist the message to fit the socialist agenda, but i see no reason why you would want to align yourself with such spooky business

because if you're a non-retarded christfag you're in the minority, sorry

It is not the exchange of goods that are theft, but the exchange of labour and wages.

There is, it's called liberation theology

I remember as a really little kid growing up in Burgerstan - whenever we got to this part the leaders would always be quick to clarify "no he's not saying rich people are inherently bad or that it's impossible for them to go to heaven - it's just hard because you can let money corrupt you. Jesus didn't *really* mean the rich are bad." I swear

There is. It's just not in the first world.

Catholics have been anticapitalist since its inception, prevents them from furthering their reign of tyranny

Kill yourself.

Lutheranism is okay principally albeit overly extreme

fantastic message, this

human prevention of access to land. Man does not own land at birth, it is not his, and preventing others from not accessing something you have the force to prevent is theft. It requires people to work for you to be able to acquire food and makes people abide by the owner's condition, or his competitor, for land, which is worse than the state of nature or the state of modern capital existing (which is created by laborers, not the owners) but with production being towards necessities like the state of nature.

Are you retarded? The entire Bible is not the word of God you daft fool, humans wrote it and these are not divine who can perfectly interpret and understand God and share it to others. To say you should blindly follow the Bible without reflection to your relationship with God is muslim tier

That was literally just Jesus being slick and not falling for the Pharisee's trap. They wanted him to either say "No, fuck Caesar, he deserves nothing" and then get fucked by the Roman authorities, or for him to say "Yes, pay your taxes like a good subject" and piss off his audience. His answer was inherently vague and would please whoever heard it, because he doesn't say what belongs to Caesar or God, therefor if you think Caesar doesn't deserve shit you don't have to give him shit, and vice versa.


Cause we're lucky. The less religion involved in leftist politics the better. Agnosticism with an emphasis on kindness to all within reason is as far as we should go.

Lead the way, memelord.

Martin "obey the emperor or die" Luther?

of course there is, check out for instance the Catholic Worker, they have hundreds of "houses of hospitality" quietly organizing about local issues and acting in solidarity with the poor while you're wasting time channing

I'm more curious why there isn't a pagan anti-capitalist movement.

based christposter

i think point 3 deserves elaboration. there are lots of fag-hating atheists, but for some reason, in countries where catholicism still has hold, fag-haters are mostly also christians. (something something "theit way of life").

because of this, i claim there's just a correlation, but no causation behind this phenomenon. now the reason these should ben correlated i dont know, but here's my guess: as you noted in 2, hierarchical church latches on to power and mechanisms of power. is "the institution of marriage" part of the hegemonic/idelogical apparatus? in the sense that there's nothing inherently christian about the family (ofc there's not; family is a modern invention), but it's appropriated by the church to form a monopoly on peoples private lives?

I remember seeing this being interpreted somewhere as something like "sure, the coin is Caesar's, but the gold is God's creation" or something like that.

jacques ellul interprets it as jesus being cynical towards the imperial authority