How do we refute the arguments of "race realists" (as they like to call themselves) Holla Forums...

how do we refute the arguments of "race realists" (as they like to call themselves) Holla Forums? The types that use things like "human biodiversity" to argue for racial and genetic differences in things like intelligence, behaviour etc?

I worry that it's gaining ground and is making people turn against the left, as they see all movements that try to change the socioeconomic order as doomed to fail due to the brutal inflexibility of "human nature"

How true is this, and what should we do about it?

Other urls found in this thread:>>1709272 and

In a country that's only 60% white where most of the women are liberal I can see it turning people towards the left in the long term. Nazis with a lick of paint dominating the Republican discourse will start to turn people off.

The problem is not genetic differences or even their botched concept of populations (as opposed to monolithic "races", as if we're living in a fantasy novel).
It's them using it to justify exploitation. (The good old "human nature")

Racial caste systems are not meritocratic, as exceptions to the rule exist. So that pokes one hole in their "argument".
Nor does their concept of "race" align with modern findings. I.e. "caucasian", "black", etc. Instead of a different populations enjoying varying degrees of geographic isolation. That taken together are only slightly different from their neighbors but when compared to far away groups appear radically different. (Northern European vs Australoid groups, Bantu vs East Asians, etc.)
"Race" was never the original argument, it was the justification for existing class relations. Thus making the upper class a far more exclusive group. It's form of threat prevention for those in control of a particular system. (Which is why so many were hereditary)

As for more detailed refutations of the Bell Curve

Lynn refuted

And just some general youtube vids which refute Holla Forums infographs on race

Reminder that "race realist" is just PC for racist.

Yeah, no. Liberals are totally complacent with Nazism.

Assume race realism is bunk. Doen't matter in the grand scheme of things. In group out group dynamics will never go away and neither will racism.

Just fuck off

Why do I get a feeling that it's Holla Forums the ones who constantly make these threads?

How do you refute the claims of "catalog realists", OP, who claim there is a catalog of threads people should take a look at before making a thread in case a similar ongoing thread exists?


Hot take. History is not cyclical.

Not seeing any actual refutations in these pieces. Every single text acknowledge Autism Level differences between groups.

If Liberals were not complacent with Nazism, there wouldn't be many Nazis in Liberal majority nations. Their whole movement would be like that of the so-called Punks, composed of idiotic, image-obsessed teenagers in their phase of rebellion, and like the Punks they would have died out completely. But that's not the case.

So by this logic liberals are complacent with every ideology making your initial point moot.

No one is denying there is as a gap between the groups, but the reasons for the gap being """racial""" are refuted, along with his """science""" on heritability within the pdfs I've attached.

Along with a few other sources

Besides, it doesn't really matter considering the gap is gradually closing.

They don't raise their children in such a way that dissuades Nazism.

liberals don't raise their children period


And that's complacency.

We had a bunch of biology vids on our webm thread btfoing common biological misconceptions, but I didn't save them all.

left or right, doesn't matter.
the wheat shall separate itself from the chaff and their will be kings and slaves.
no system will defeat this, no program or ideology will either.
Those who possess the will and move forward towards their dreams and those who are naturally talented won't be comfortable in any society that expects them to submit.
socialist or fascist, the kings will raise themselves from the slaves

bit outdated with them saying europe is the cradle of civilization now

You didn't even read the article you're talking about, bucko.

no, my friend said something about it, about oldest remains to date found there or something.

My favourite argument isn't that there may or may not be major heritable differences between ethnic groups, but that "race" is an absolutely retarded and totally unscientific classification.

Like seriously, it's really silly to say "black this" and "black that" when a black person from Nigeria is about as genetically close to a black person from Namibia as an English person is to a Pakistani.

It was posted here and the guy who found the remains even debunked the notion of Europe being the cradle of civilization himself within the same breath.

Do you even read these links? The gap is gradually narrowing slighly. Narrowing != Closing.

Also, the second article is a rehash of the first article and the third article is dated.


point out there's zero difference between "race realist" and racist of the past.

I have, have you?


Are you mentally well?

You can't. Now stop being so nigger-like. Marx would be ashamed of you.

thank based mods for the ban, my skin is so thin and reddit-like that I can't stand the sight of someone saying a meanie word :(

They should let posts like that fester for a bit and ban anyone that replies to it too.


What I usually do is ask "Great, now what?" Grant them their autism level differences, what consequences should we draw from it? At that point, they either turn into nazi's, and have thus been unmasked as irredeemable enemies of universalism, or they draw a blank. People of Bantu extraction don't stop being people because their might be a genetic component or whatever to an autism level gap - we still have to live together, be it in our shitty countries, or on this shitty globe. Communism is still preferable/necessary regardless.

Feel free to make a good OP on racism, sexism, transhate, gaybashing, etc. If you make a good thread, people will come. If you make a one-line bait OP and then sperg at people who try to have a discussion, a ban is more likely.

Oh, fuck off.

Link me one any time.

I'm not from Holla Forums. I'm just worried that if this stuff grows, or turns out to be true, it would make people see class society as natural and permanent.

Holla Forums are still at the end of the day 4chan-spawned white boys that get triggered at the prospect of paying attention to other people's problems.

Did u seriously believe that shit?

"Critics say that the research is not strong enough to undercut the widespread consensus that evidence shows hominins originated in African and migrated north.

"The idea that hominins (human ancestors, defined largely by upright posture, the predominance of bipedal walking, and small canine teeth in both males and females) first emerged in Europe has little to support it," paleoanthropologist Richard Potts, who leads the Smithsonian Institution's human origins program, told CBS News over email. Potts was not affiliated with the study.

The researchers did little to back up the claim that a "fairly isolated place in southern Europe" could have been home to an ancestor of the African hominin, Potts said.

He criticized the researchers' claim that the Graeco fossil's canine root reduction clearly indicates the Graeco's status as an early hominin, arguing the researchers did not have enough contextual evidence to draw real conclusions from the single canine root (for instance, there was no canine crown to accompany the root).

"I really appreciate having a detailed analysis of the Graecopithecus jaw – the only fossil of its genus so far. But I think the principal claim of the main paper goes well beyond the evidence in hand," Potts said.

Speaking to The Washington Post, anthropologist Susan C. Antón echoed Potts' skepticism. The long line of later hominins found in Africa suggests "an African origin," Antón, who teaches at New York University, said.

Jay Kelley, a paleontologist at Arizona State University's Institute of Human Origins, also questioned the researchers' conclusion that the fused premolar roots strongly indicate a connection to hominins. Fused tooth roots are not a constant feature across different hominin fossils, he told The Washington Post."

It's possible, of course, but one study on one tooth is not definitive enough to contradict the huge amount of evidence for an African origin of humanity.


sorry faggot, its true.

Not our job. Class struggle affects you regardless of your race. If we lived in pre-1865 America, then it would be relevant–but we don't, so it's not.

ok, and what

In short: Google Bookchin.

Except it's not.


Ignore them. Anyone who is an alt-right neo-Nazi "race realist" is pure trash. What's happening is that the worst of the knuckle-dragging idiots are coming out of the woodwork since they finally got online in the last few years. In addition the internet has gotten increasingly politicized since Obama successfully used it in his campaign in 08.

this. racism is a part of life. but people should have no problem setting it aside for the good of the commune.


That image is shit. It's a weak argument.

A far stronger argument is simply to accept that different races have different (possibly inferior/superior) mental abilities on average, but that averages cannot be used as justification for treating individuals differently. It's a trap that both Holla Forums and SJWs fall into.

Keep in mind, most are "race realists" are emotionally based in their logic, like an SJW. Take for instance I.Q. They spout shit like I.Q. without understanding what it really is, and how it works. Why does an African American have a far higher average I.Q. than their native African counterparts? Why do many African children who immigrate to the West have suddenly higher jumps in I.Q. even higher than their African American brethren to the point that the average I.Q of these African immigrant children have the same I.Q. as their white peers? If it was all genetic, then this shouldn't be so.

Environment has a lot to do with "IQ" and intelligence for growing children.>>1709272

so if you live in a majority white area, your quality of life will "on average" be higher than someone who lives in a majority black area


Not entirely true, considering factors such as housing discrimination.

There are other potentially important environmental differences besides income. For one, blacks at the same income level as whites often have a lot less wealth due to things like housing discrimination, see 

for info, and housing discrimination also means that poorer blacks are much more likely to live in neighborhoods of "concentrated poverty" even if you compare them whites at exactly the same income level (which of course means worse schools due to the local funding system we have in the U.S.), for info on this you can go to and scroll down to the part with all the graphs. Fixed link

Basically, this in a nutshell:

My favorite liberal cuck btfo'ing Holla Forumstards once again.

So when is he gonna debate a competent commie? Is cuckstiny avoiding it?

Holla Forums agreeing with a 30-something neoliberal e-celeb, not surprised

you handle race realists like all other idpol shits


If they can't figure it out after torture and food deprivation just kill them. At that point they're too stupid to live anyway.

t. neocon

Holla Forums disagreeing with basic logic, not surprised

You know your opinions aren't correct based on how different they are from anyone else's right?

Who am I kidding you're probably an edgy teen and think exactly that. And no, agreeing on something like how bunk race realism with neoliberals is a pretty meaningless agreement considering than everyone who isn't an SJW primarily argues politics based on economic axioms.

I think most people here don't even know who destiny is. We seem to have little to no presence in vidya, let alone the twitch community.

I mean he did talk to a Holla Forums member before but it wasn't a debate it was just a "tell me about socialism" thing. Since then he said he'd more properly debate a far leftist but keeps putting it off.

Yeah, you can openly debate with him, it's just that no one competent enough has asked. I'm just assuming all the read/good at public speaking fags aren't wasting their time on twitch.

Stop living in a White neighborhood and go live in a minority one.

Rigorous methodology as always


Fourth, we must totally reconceptualize our ideas of justice and freedom. No one is “equal” to everyone else in any society, whether it be in terms of our personal diminishing powers in the life-cycle or the different capacities, experiences, and knowledge that distinguish one person from another (such as physical strength, certain abilities, and the like). A new society will want to be guided by an ethics of complementarity, as I have called it, that tries to equalize the differences within and between people—in short, that will be guided by an “equality of unequals”—rather than retain the pretensions of justice that regard “all people” as equal, notably as an “inequality of equals.” Unlike justice, which works from the pretensions that all are equal in theory, despite their many differences in fact, freedom makes no pretense that all are equal but tries to compensate for the inequalities that occur with age, physical infirmity, and different abilities." - Bookchin


So leftists are going to starve and torture Whites who want to live with other Whites?

A better idea would be to send Leftists and Nazi fags(for shitting up the pro White position) to live in Detroit or a Muslim area of the world.

Or you could send the leftists to Seychelles or Rojava.

And send the Nazis to Saudi Arabia :^)

You are like a fragile, emotional, racist little baby.
Do you not go outside because the thought of people different from you scares you?

I grew up in the ghetto & now live in India. My God, what a pussy you are. I'm tougher than you & I'm a girl These people are our comrades. When you actually get the nerve to talk to them without pissing your pants, you'd learn that.

You're the racist forcing to Whites to give up their culture and people. The thought of Whites having their own different community scares you.

India is a fucking hellish shithole. Animals in America live a better live than Humans in India.
And that caste system is so not racist and shit.

If people are really genetically "equal", you should have no problem with segregation, because it should make no difference. Unfortunately that's obviously not the case as the parasites continue to chase whites and inflame us and drain our blood.

The Internet was the last great gift in good faith for equality, giving everyone unprecedented access to knowledge and opportunity, and the genetic inferiors are still whining and spouting the same old lies.

Worse than that, the free flow of information is making the disgusting lies and white hatred of the left more and more clear. There was nothing uniquely brutal or evil about whites. Aztecs enslaved people by the 10s of thousands and sold so many to sacrifice that they'd pile mountains of skulls at their temples.

"White guilt" makes no sense and we've lost patience. The Internet has shown the truth and "multiculturalism" is coming to an end.

South Africa would be better for leftists. They enjoy the wonderful nation Mandela built. Ass rape the entire family can enjoy.

Nazi fags can go to live with their "Muslim allies" in Afghanistan.

What are you babbling about? That makes no sense. What culture are you talking about as well?
You know nothing about India. I live better here than I did in the US. Making sure all my paperwork is good so I can stay here. I'm actually scared of returning to the US, because of how bad things were there for me.

Read, nigga

This is some terrible, rambling nonsense shitposting, btw. Why are you here?

But Seychelles was a former socialist country. Ideally, it is the better place for leftists.

Muh…Whites have no culture.
Must be why Indians are banging down the door to live in the US. Many who bring their scummy caste system her to abuse anyone to make a buck.

You're the same fucking pseudo-int who said "dude people will just start hating eachother, I'm too redpilled for ideology" aren't you.

South Africa is the modern Leftist creation. A tribute of "anti Racism".

Muh… Deflection. What culture is this you speak of? Most of us "whites" in the US are mutts, lmao.
No, they're not. Do you have any idea how many citizens are in India?
Again, tf are you talking about?

The culture that the rest of the world wants to live in because theirs is shit.

Seychelles is the true African leftist creation. By your logic, America is the true leftist creation because it abolished Jim Crow laws and slavery.

Hell, by your logic all countries that have anti racist laws are automatically racist.


Amazing strawman logical fallacy. One can only hope that they can be as accomplished in mental gymnastics like you can, user. You can live with whomever you want, nobody said anything about wanting to restrict which race you can or can't live with(that's more your guys' shit, not ours). Not even remotely close to that. You literally pulled that out of your ass, my overly emotional Holla Forumsack.

It's the mindset you have that leads to school shootings.

*leftist not racist. My apologies. :^(

To quote my favourite cult leader "not an argument"

The problem with his point about starting ethnic wars is that the far-right by and large does not want things to "go better for everybody", and they don't want peace at all. I think Zizek hit the nail on the head when he talked about there being an underlying perverseness to these people and the promise to be able to rape and murder and torture people without chance of consequences.



post qt Stirner-chan till they fall in love and make her their waifu

You point out that all these supposed 'races' had been in constant contact for thousands of years and so the spectrum of genetic variance makes the entire idea of separate races or 'subspecies' or whatever term they want to dress up their infantile delusion, completely laughable.

It's nice of you to argue in favor of the environmentalist theory. But there's a lot of arguments against that.



Ask what Autism Level or genes people need before they "deserve" the fruits of their own labor.

these show how the performance of various "races" goes against what the "race realists" should predict

frankly though, even if all their beliefs on race were correct, it would not matter. they aim to divide workers by race and make them fight one another. it's nothing new, and it's nothing frightening. workers unity must be achieved regardless of whatever racists might spew out.

bacon's rebellion alone terrified the ruling class enough into creating a society which divides people by race. so called race realism is just the latest attempt to divide workers.

>unironically using Rushton and Lynn, both of who's research was not only flawed, but funded by fascist think tank and proceeds to get BTFO by Graves 9a geneticist who takes in genetic factors as well) here if you actually read the PDFS which also debunk ra I'll explanations for behaviour :^)

*racial explanations for behaviour

Also here's proof of The Pioneer fund

>>>Holla Forums

Why is Holla Forums so goddamn obsessed with fucking race realism, we have a 493583284902834 replies threads about it basically every day.

What the fuck does this even have to do with communism?

By being unrealistic about race.

If Islam is a race now then surely Communism is as well.

I just don't see why this would even matter for us. Even if black people are generally less intelligent than white people, how would that significantly affect a socialist society? Not one white nationalist has given me a good answer on this so far.
We will probably have genetically engineered babies in a few decades anyways. At this point, race will become fully irrelevant even for proponents of human biodiversity.

Its only a problem if you expect to see equal representation among the races.

Then you might drag down a highly qualified chinese or white person in order to put a less qualified and intelligent black person ahead of him purely for the sake of racial balance.


you don't disprove that stuff. its fundamentally irrational and cannot be reasoned with. you can poke holes in Holla Forums theories all day and they will just come up with another stupid stereotype to 'confirm' with an old NYT clipping from 1913.

i think a better way of looking at it is to point out the simple fact that there's plenty of black kids that are smart and worth keeping around and there is no way to predict when and who that will happen to. actively discriminating on skin color means those smart black kids will always be overlooked and never have the same shot in life, and who knows what kind of shit they could discover. and on the contrary, many white people are lazy as fuck, but i don't see a lot of right wingers fussing about that. in fact, they go out of their way to cover it up and save face for their 'race'.

so, in a way, there's a lot of dishonesty among hte right. they're ok with nepotism, as long as its 'white' nepotism. 'black' nepotism is heavily outted and frowned upon.

and it goes all down the line from there. crime is the same way.

some white guy shoots up a church and he's 'depressed' and 'sick in the mind' and just needs special treatment and care!

black dude kills 9 cops and he is just revealing his inner animalistic desire to kill and ought to be put down like a dog.

its double standards all day with these folks

what the fuck. i didn't put that spacing in there. god dammit what the fuck is going on

he wasn't sick in the mind. He was just a bit eager.


Just because it was funded by someone you don't like doesn't mean it's false.

Equality means equal value not that every race is the same.

"Pioneer's administrative procedures are as unusual as its charter. Although the fund typically gives away more than half a million dollars per year, there is no application form or set of guidelines. Instead, according to Weyher, an applicant merely submits "a letter containing a brief description of the nature of the research and the amount of the grant requested." There is no requirement for peer review of any kind; Pioneer's board of directors—two attorneys, two engineers, and an investment broker—decides, sometimes within a day, whether a particular research proposal merits funding. Once the grant has been made, there is no requirement for an interim or final report or even for an acknowledgment by a grantee that Pioneer has been the source of support, all atypical practices in comparison to other organizations that support scientific research."

Suck a fat dick you fat stormnigger.

you're right, because there is no """race""" :^)

You mean like how you will never get rid of it because in order to do just that you would have to be a racist yourself?


correct. and?


I'd actually back feminists if they didn't try to pass abortion off as a "right" cuz "muh uterus", but then expect employers and taxpayers to pay for their birth control like their vaginas are communal property. Apart from that feminism's a pretty worthy cause.

Birth control also has medical applications outside the birth control - it's essentially hormone regulation. For women with very bad menstrual cycles, it saves them a lot of physical pain. IIRC the calls for it to be paid for by society are related to these applications.


Or, you know, recognize that even if blacks were less intelligent on average, that they are still people, and we treat people equally not because they are intelligent, but because they are people.

oh tittybiscuits

god i love cat posters
they're seriously the best

enjoy the gulag you dumb fuck

That's about the Bell Curve. Autism Level and race are not strongly related, but there is a biological reality to race, medical science and forensic anthropology show that. Ask anyone who works in medicine if race is a factor in medical science. As for forensic anthropology they look at skeletons to find the biological profile of criminals. Murders have been solved with this. As for genetic variation between groups and individuals and such Lewontin really was wrong.

Lewontin only used 17 markers and one criteria, both of which are retarded low for the research to matter at all and his conclusions are well-known to be wrong. Otherwise, yeah, race as an ideological projection is just a social construct.