Reminder that it is your civic duty to kill the alt right before they kill you

Reminder that it is your civic duty to kill the alt right before they kill you

Other urls found in this thread:

Haha! I hope dying defending your precious sand nigger Muslim pets was worth it!

Your guys just ended up killing more white people, so much for the saviors of the white race. Didn't the German Nazi's kill a bunch of white people also?

he was a bernie sanders supporter, not alt right. look at this facebook posts. he went to the alt right rallies to disrupt shit.


Going to share this on my facebook. Those Alt Right people are genocidal, racist assholes, but I will do everything I can to make sure they have a platform. Love trumps hate!

look at his facebook he was a bernie bro

That's the problem with the alt-right. We know now that he did eventually become a Trump supporter by being "infected" by the alt right ideology and here comes the boom!

I too have met many Sanders voters mentally unstable enough to stab two people for telling him to stop being a racist piece of shit

too bad bourgs don't kill bourgs

There's zero chance the muslim wasn't more worthwhile to society than you are anyway.

It's still early days!

Truly a victory of civilization. DEUS VULT! xD


do you have a single satisfact to snack that up?

look at my erect dick




here you go

I saw his Facebook post and and he said something to the effect of how Bernie was the only Jewish candidate he could ever vote for

Jeremy Christian was NAZBOL and he put those two guys on ice for trying to compromise Operation Mitzvah.

His support for Bernie is ostensible at best. He's a reactionary turd.

His Bernie support was clearly just a result of him hating democrats and women. He voted trump in the end

Nope as autistic as this is sounds he was blackpill

At the aut right thing in Portland he was shouting niggers, Muslims out, but also that he was a nihilist and other shit

I read some interviews with his old coworkers and people in the old metal scene in Portland

He was legitimately Bipolar and had very serious mental issues

lmao what the fuck is going out in his head in that last image? his rant sounds like a randomized amalgamation of posts from Holla Forums

The CIA Astro turfing algorithm had a bug.

Or maybe he is just blatantly ignorant and confused by politics but loves hating minorities because he was born a white male

Just because you're bipolar doesn't make you incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong. No reason to assume he wasn't 100% aware of what he was doing.

-t Holla Forums

REEEEEE stop shitting on /x/ it used to be great

Makes sense. Video Games are not and never will be art. They're all basement dwellers.

where did it all go wrong?


/x/ still is great.

Dumbshits just don't understand the magic of succubus summoning and fortune telling threads. I've got a succubus sucking on my dick right now just like Yugioh cards said would happen.

who do you think you're baiting here?

Comedy gold. It's better to cleanse the white race of subversive elements in the first place, so there will be less traitors in the Grand War

Fuck off you sharia blue shill. Can't you see this is a false flag attack to make us look bad. Fucking CTR getting more craftier each day.

Nice try lefty, but your ideology bleeds through every time.

Jesus this is embarrassing to read


As a /sp/artan, how did we make it above average?

Kind of shocking actually.

Holla Forums used to be smaller. Just because we attracted new people who aren't all that interested in reading leftist literature, doesn't mean that no one reads anymore. /lit/ also has its fair share of Holla Forums shitposters and pseuds who consider themselves smarter than others.

What's wrong with the first pic?

Neat. And to answer your question, because old /sp/artans are top lads.

As someone who used to go there I call bullshit.

wtf i miss old /sp/ now

Stop commiting white genoscide you fucking cucks.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

TBH, neet white nationalists like varg who live on food stamps and don't contribute nothing to society are much worse for a nation than a brown guy who works a 9 to 5.

I'm white as a sheet, and I'd rather live in Bangladesh than a Fourth Reich. Orwell didn't call it the "Brainless Empire" for nothing.

lyl go fuck yourself cuck

Did that hit too close to home?

this happened lately too

americans have a lot of work to do

They kill each other all the time, they just use the economy to kill their fellows.


This markov string is pretty well-generated

Not suprised tbh

lmao Holla Forums is on damage control again

Go back to fapping to your books point Dexter faggot.

