Are you guys all materialists?

Are you guys all materialists?

Are you guys all against hierarchy?

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How know what everyone thinks of these things? Your questions can't be answered.

I miss the occultism threads that used to happen. If we had one that was cyclical, it would save other threads from dying needlessly.

We need a /leftyfringe/ board

i remember there was a thread about stalin occultism and a youtube channel of this guy showing off his guns and stalin statues etc.

know what im talmbout?

Maybe if we hum these incantations loud enough and with sufficient synchronicity, SatanNazi-chan will come backā€¦

You mean this?

That's the music video from Death in October's latest album, "Nyet!"

That's one the few things we tend to all agree upon, yes.

Anarchists tend to be. Tankies sure don't.

ya that's what i was thinking of. is it really just a music video. i remember it being a youtube channel with multiple vids like the one you posted, but i could be wrong.

Don't you mean Death in June? Can't find anything about this Death in October band

In all of my years here.
I have yet to meet a Sorelianist.
I consider hierarchy to be extremely important.
Indeed, my ideal society is one in which all adults carry military rank.

it was a pun lmao

like death in october because the october revolution

and "nyet" because it's "nada" in russian

brb kms

kek you got me

To respond to op's question I've had spoopy experiences that defy explanation (OBEs, synchronicities, prophetic dreams) so although a Marxist I'm not fully on the materialist bandwagon.

About hierarchy, I have no idea, ideally it should be abolished but no human society except hunter-gatherer societies has existed without it, and I'm not even sure all h-g societies have been without hierarchy.

There should be a Death in October Band though, like they perform esoteric tankie songs and are hardcore NazBol but only ironically, it could be like Laibach but even more autistic

Get to it Holla Forums

Fuck it this is now a Laibach thread

Fuck your spooky metaphysics.

Why do you hate fun, user?

Fuck off, reactionary scum.

It is, if you do it ironically

Laibach only has one good song in their entire discography.
It just happens to be a pretty badass cover of an already great Queen song.


Commit metaphysics to the flames: for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.

That sounds despotic, even totalitarian, you can just take people's spooks away.


I know, is the concentrated autismo that makes them special, tell me this isn't just so bad it's good

When I was a kid I thought that meme was the funniest thing ever. I had forgotten all about it.

Jack Parsons is a pretty good cautionary tale when it comes to spooky metaphysics. He probably would have invented FTL travel if he didn't fucking blow himself up trying to do some retarded occult ritual. What a dumbass.

More Laibach




what does materialism mean in this context?

thelema not even once

I used to be pretty interested in it mostly because Crowley is a captivating, idiosyncratic figure, but after further study I realized that virtually all of Thelema and occultism in general boils down to this weird obsession with sex and human generativity and that Freud basically rendered all of it moot.