I know this belongs on /leftytrash/ but I was recently wondering what ideology Rebel Absurdity was...

I know this belongs on /leftytrash/ but I was recently wondering what ideology Rebel Absurdity was. This may be irrelevant to some people but before I found Rebels channel I used to be AnCap. (yes I know)


you just contradicted yourself

Google pic related you fucking retard


so a libsoc anarchist?

Nothing, essentially, since every time he tries to commit to something it's hilarious.

Always the last book he read.

Read the book you fucking faggot

no you fucking faggot

I still lurk you cucks.
I was, and still am, a Conservative Anarcho-Rationalist Jehovah's Witness.

iktf OP, I wasn't an ancap but Rebel lured me into considering socialism. Now I am a fellow traveler.

Since last week?

Since always you fedora

How do you justify being a conservative christian with also being a trap?

Piss off with your scientism please. Virtues are what counts.

you sure do say fuck a lot


Ayy I was funposting here

if ur rebel how come ur using a different trip huh

I don't think you do.

Apologies I am trying to cut back on my swearing. It is a bad habit.

The trip salts were reset when the site got hacked. Everyone knows Rebel's password anyway so anyone responding to him is either A) Autistic or B) Legitimately retarded.

Good luck with that, went through the same thing a while ago. One thing that helped me was to do things I used to do as a kid. I think it made me more innocent in a way.

i heard he was an anarchist turned keynesian socdem

the code for the tripcode is kierkegaard, I believe

Why did you delete your Nasu twitter?