
You still haven't embraced anti-work, Holla Forums?

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I was really surprised when I went to my local mainstream book store and Manifesto against Labour was everywhere. Apparently a new edition came out very recently.

I did embrace it actually. But from what I read, the options to actually abolish work seems unrealistics, we have Bob Black who wants a "Ludic Revolution" and we have the Krisis Group who want some kind of Anarcho-Communism but without labor fetish, but both of them but implie a whole revolution, and I don't think it's gonna happen due to the cultural hegemony of work in most of the political spectrum.

The more realistic option, according to the Happy Unemployed Manifesto, would be a minimal income to live decently without obligations to work or to seek work.

Also, what Holla Forums flag suits with the Abolition of work?

The best part is, conservacunt tax dollars are supporting my left-leaning Hunter S. Thompson-reading ass. Thanks, godboys, you are so generous. Oh the steaks I ate last month were delicious.



WTF is a senior citizen doing leftypol

None, looking for a dedicated flag is too much work.

I like work, I just don't like doing it for a boss I hate. That's why I got married!!

Daily reminder that anti-work is inherently anti-socialist. A proper socialist state will not support lazy NEETs like capitalism does.

socialism according to you

You have to go back, Holla Forums.

You do realize that there are plenty of people doing useless or even harmful jobs for human society at large, and that the most essential and meaningful tasks could be shared more evenly between all of us, right ?

How about no. I'd rather a society that actually builds character, thanks.

how to spot a retardé

hello porky

Don't worry, we have something that build character too, if you want to stay exploited.

How about no. I'd rather a society that reduces necessary labor (though automation, removing necessary jobs, and distribution of work that can't be automated or phased out entirely) and increases free time instead of making more useless work for the sake of "character", thanks.

On one hand, jobs are unfortunately the only way to get a salary and so to get money for stuff like foods, video games, books and more, but on the other hand, fuck working under the capitalist domination: I don't want to prostitute myself for any boss, I don't want to hate my coworkers because competitions and fuck the labor market bullshit!

This is your brain on Protestantism.

I don't either but it's all that'll keep me from going back to prison so I gots to do it for the moment.

How to spot someone who has never worked in their life.


Yeah dude. My only moneymaking skills are illegal so I gotta grind on some stupid shit.

Cuz no job means no money, no money means no internet and no internet means no Holla Forums.

It ain't so bad though cuz I actually like my job even if it ain't all that prestigious.

PS: Holla Forums's already "anti-work" in the sense that half of these plebs are NEETs.

Did you get this from a motivational poster put up in your office by porky?

I don't think being anti-work dut to being incapable of functioning in society counts, though.

Losing your internet wouldn't be such a bad thing.

The goal of communism is to abolish work you dunce

I thought it was to put all the people we don't like in gulags.

eliminating estranged social labor is the same thing as eliminating abstract work.

gulags are not, and can never be, communist. re-education through labor is intrinsically anticommunist because it reproduces estranged labor.

Yeah, has good resources on the topic. It's really satisfying to read about these things.

Stop using the username, people will just remember your ignorance. Obviously the goal isn't to abolish work while still under capitalism.

Don't take this away from them. Let them dream…

The Communist manifesto : Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.

I'm only pro-work for myself, so I can't really say I'm anti-work, but I understand the sentiment

I use a username cuz I don't care enough bout what anonymous netizens think bout me to feel the need to hide my identity. Chill out, it's just a username, not my online dating profile.

The distinction between work and leisure won't be abolished for a really long time. State socialism with strict hierarchies and scaled rewards is the only possible way to abolish capital within the foreseeable future

It would. Society's too dependent on it for you to try to live without it these days. This ain't 1990.

So, how do you decide who does what work? How do you decide what "equal" work is. Is 8 hours of computer programming the same as 8 hours of labor in the fields?

I was implying that you're a worthless namefag who shouldn't be posting here. The rest of us would be better off if you couldn't access this site.

I'm not Marxist, I'm anti-work, I just post this to prove that communism is work fetishism.


Unironically plan to kill myself once if parents stop supporting me. Too deeply ideologically opposed to precarious labour in a declining society, unable to tolerate the mind-games of the jobcentre. My nightmare is that backed into a corner, I surrender and get a job, limping through my life until finally in my 70s or 80s, I starve anyway because I can't work, can't get ESA, can't get to the job-centre, and can't get a state pension because those now start at 150.

Such is life and death under our present regime.

Growing your own food in a corner isn't work.

I hope my job is beating confessions out of you in the gulag.

I don't know why I did expect anything different tbh.

To be fair, all of his "confessions" would likely be equally schizophrenic nonsense.

tfw gulag school

This isn't the bourgeois/proletarian litmus test though

He probably also thinks that kids being bullied should deal with it because that also builds character.

"Builds character" is an excuse used by lazy people too unwilling to lift a finger to fight things that are clearly wrong.

What worries me is how hard it is to get section 8 housing, and that's basically the only type of housing you can afford if you're living off SSI alone. Any anons here that live in the US have success stories of being able to live by yourself completely work free? It's my fucking dream to live like that, especially since I grew up around some hardcore class cuck wage slaves.

It's still stupid for no reason. Why even use it, it doesn't help anyone, it just distracts.

If we don't work we all die.

There is a difference between forced labor under c*pitalism and voluntary work you stupid faggot

I do think people have a right not to work (though I think we should share hard work), but not that we should "abolish" work.

No user, this is.

I'm not a leech on society, so no. I haven't.


NEETs and ultra left theory crafters get the fuck out. He who does not work does not eat


Best of both worlds tbqh
Wage-cuck money
NEET free time.

Just don't plan on having a social life, or a car , or your own place or any of that shit.

yeah if you just resign yourself to living like a socially-retarded child, it's not so bad!

Don't shit on my lifestyle, I love it this way.

Spending 40 years of your life and the majority of your waking days and little to yourself, either sitting in a box doing mind-numbing shit or breaking your back day after day for a few bucks until you're literally of no use to your boss and thrown away like a used rag
sounds like it destroys character more than anything
Work isn't evil but its current incarnation under capitalism might as well be

Dude like what if nobody worked? Far out society would be fuckin radical, capitalism is stupid, work is stupid, fuck the government taxes and shit. They should be giving ME taxes for my brain thoughts, then I can buy mcdonalds, not have to do shit like fucking listen to my manager, shes a bitch.

its basically not going to happen unless you are literally retarded or on deaths door

With leftists like these, who needs the right?

Y'all motherfuckers need Hegel.

On the one hand this is but on the other hand muh dick is diamonds


At least link to his youtube channel:

I've been a leftist since before you're daddy's dick first got wet.

I just hate work in general.

Haven't left the house in 2 weeks.

Jack off to hentai, post on imageboards, play vidya, sleep, repeat.

I'm getting fatter by the day and I honestly think I'll die by 50.

you don't hate work, you're depressed. my suggestion is to focus on your health for now and leave the political stuff for later when you're healthy

I legitimately hate work. I've had a few jobs. Hated all of them. Waking up knowing I had to do something that I didn't find fun made me angry. I never understood how people can enjoy labor. In the 8 hours I worked I could have played video games.

jobs suck, but they're not the only form of work. i find labor extremely rewarding when i can see the fruits borne of it, but you don't get that with a job

Damn awesome man thank you for sharing his YouTube channel.

This. Work per se is not bad, it actually has benefits; it's the excess of it and the constant repetition of the same activity over and over for years of your life that makes it shit. And this only happens under capitalism.