In Socialism society, how would you deal with Lumpenproles like Chris Chan?

In Socialism society, how would you deal with Lumpenproles like Chris Chan?

He isn't a lumpenprole, read theory.

Leave him the fuck alone.

he's mentally ill.

Antifa are lumpenproles and they can be put to use by cleaning the streets in a socialist society


those who don't work neither shall they eat

Parents wouldn't be able to neglect their children to this degree. Chris was raised like an animal, basically.



Let's be honest here, mentally ill people are just a hindrance and should be put to sleep.

Provide them with mental health services - by which I mean "drug them up so they'll be sedated and I won't have to deal with them".


litteraly this.

You will get forced labor under socialism if you are a waste of space. Forced labor isn't even a bad thing you get to socialize and join a collective of like minded individuals to talk while cleaning a sidewalk, distributing leaflets or doing some sort of manual labour. It's very beneficial for these kind of people think of all the teenage criminals and antisocials who have to do some volunteer work it's kinda like that

Chris-chan has produced more good entertainment than anyone here. He's more productive than a hundred fags with animation degrees

Yeah well here's an animation for you.

the responses to this thread remind me why I left this board a while ago.

Lefty pol and pol are two sides of the same moldy jagged coin man. I only lurk around here when I goof off at work to laugh at pol being shitted on and lefty pol taking the bait so easy.


Thanks for the info Mr Wagecuck

Chris chan reminds me that the internet used to be a lot meaner

I don't think he would be able to purchase all the shit he has under socialism, actually. He'd have to actually acquire labor vouchers of some sort. I also think he may have greater access to mental health services.

A thread died for this…

I would devote all our available scientific knowledge and technology into turning them into a qt

Chris Chan's life is what everyone's life will be like in communist society.

Do a few menial chores here and there, and otherwise do whatever the fuck you want. Play around and be creative.

Read Oscar Wilde's The Soul of Man under Socialism.

I thought in socialist societies you can make a living off your hobbies. Wouldn't Chris Chan be able to earn his labour vouchers by contributing to society by calling people normies on the internet all day?


Try again faggot.

T. Faggot

Your welcome R9k.
Keep dreaming and making neet threads on here and you'll get a white girlfriend someday.

From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

you boob