Do you think there is a possible revolution in Greece??
They seem to be fed up with burgie politics and even Syriza (in reality succdems) turned to not change anything.
The social tensions are high (check news), do you think revolution is possible?
Do you think there is a possible revolution in Greece??
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And what does Greece do once it has a revolution be it far left or extreme right? It's a mini shithole that only has olive oil and goat cheese. Germany has but to whistle in their general direction and they're fucked
No. As a Greek, i'm convinced that the only thing that's inevitable is Fascism. Our people are too conservative, too attracted to the ideas which Golden Dawn stands for. The case with my country is that the left has more electoral support than ideological influence but Golden Dawn and the Far-right have FAR more ideological influence than electoral support, Nationalism, Extreme Religiousness, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Conservatism are the mainstream """values""" of the modern Greek, it's only a matter of time.
If you're referring to me, yes. Greece was the only country where Nazi officers became state officials after the war and not hanged as they should have been, not to mention that the blossom of the Greek progressive youth was lost together with the revolution of 1946.
So there has not been an strong leftist (Syriza are succdems mostly and do not count) movement since the civil war comrade?? What about the KKE, do you support them??
I do not think this is necessarely true, Greece is a county that can be (to some degree) self reliant, and they have countries near they could economically ally with (such as Russia or non EU balkans) in case EU fucked with them.
Yes, i am a member of the youth section. Since the civil war? In-fact there have been, the KKE was outlawed after the civil war, but we did not cease action, we created the EDA (United Democratic Left) which was steadily the third and on one instance second largest party by electoral influence despite the fierce persecutions by the Monarchofascist state. However, even if it was created and guided mainly by old KKE members, many followed the so-called "Renewing Communism" (i.e Eurocommunism), and some splits took place after the Prague Spring, even so KKE remained at a steady 10% (in the least), after the 1981 elections, we made the mistake to collaborate with what turned out to be Social Democrat traitors and created Synaspismos (Coalition), support was really high nearing 20% however this came with a cost since they were trying to turn KKE into today's European "Communist" parties, and after a collaboration with the fucking Right-wing party to topple the center-left government, many internal party differences and most of all the fall of the USSR (people lost faith in Socialism), the KKE decided to end the cooperation and kick out the reformists (imo what saved the party), but this came with a cost, in 1993, KKE was devastated, it was at a historical low of 4%, even so the loyal members started reorganizing and we managed to achieve our pre-split percentages (14% in the local elections of 2013), although our general election influence is not that great (about 7%). It is undoubtedly one of the only true Marxist-Leninist parties in Europe with a significant influence, even more so amongst the working class with it's trade union, PAME which is the largest one in the country with 800,000 members. But now you ask me, if the case is not that bad, then why aren't the seeds of revolution planted? Simply for the reason i stated above, even if we have some remnants of the progressive youth and some decent people amongst the Greeks, the overwhelming majority remains the same Nationalist, close-minded, Racist, anti-communist bunch… Even if i do not rule out a revolution taking place in the next decades i think it is very unlikely.
If you're interested on the history of the KKE, check out this playlist by one of my comrades.
Thanks comrade!! Good to see someone trying to change things, keep working KKE actually by this seems to be a good party.
I don´t now if you are the same person but thanks, i'll check it.
KKE is quasi-fascists, they would sooner ally with the fash than let the anarchists lead a popular insurrection.
sauce pls
Source pleasee
They've also attacked anarchists multiple times
Just typical Anarchist whining about MUH NON-PLATFORMISM
perhaps if the anarchist stop the lifestylism
tankies are so fucking stupid it hurts
You guys are pathetic trying to slander one of the most successful communist parties of Europe
If you look at the FACTS you humongous retard, you'd realize that the only complaint the Anarchists can bring forward is that the KKE spoke on the same stage. They were condemning fascism in their speech as well. The WORKERS and the UNION invited the fascist speaker. What would have been the alternative? To just leave and hand over the entire strike to the fascists?
Please do the world a favor and throw yourself in front of a cargo train
Take this one and watch the vids too.
syriza was threatened with total destruction and continued attacks from the EU
The link is literally the very same obscure blog quoted. The videos show nothing, just a lot of shaky cam and people running around. I asked a Greek comrade of mine as well, he said none of this happened. I call bullshit on this. I can as well release some shaky cam video and add the caption "Smashie thugs decapitate a noble proletarian".
It's fascinating observing your anti-communist smear campaigns though. Nothing which is provided has any actual substance, but you are not short on insults such as "quasi-fascists". Meanwhile the KKE organizes workers left and right and created the IMCWP, the biggest meeting of the communist parties since 1991.
how dare the KKE defend it's demonstrations against attacks by anarchofascist shitheads :(
To conclude this, the "great" anarchist revolutionaries managed to kill a 50 year old worker of PAME and injure about 80 more. Great fucking job, GREAT FUCKING JOB.
For anyone interested in more info regarding the 2011 murderous attacks:
I love how all the smashies marble and other shit at the communist worker demonstration, which doesn't let itself be dispersed - and then starts charging at them, as one united block, and the smashies get the fuck out. Amazing. This is the spirit leftism needs.
*throw marble
Yeah, they're really just a bunch of pussies, lots of them were undercover cops too, almost lost a tooth that day :/
But this is really what the Anarchist movement is, a bunch of petit-bourgeiose thugs who like a good fight with the cops aaaaand if the circumstances are right, fucking workers too. And the rest are, as mentioned before, drug addicts, fascists joining anarchist blocks and of course the good old undercover policemen. But i have to admit the few conscious Anarchists in Greek ALL condemned the murderous attack and they have my respect for that.
Greece *
Anarchists needs to be gassed if they keep being this retarded. I'm looking at you Bat'ko, get your movement's shit together.
tbf if your posting is any indication all tripfags need to gassed
What about Exarchia
No, this is not the making of revolution, just meaningless engagements with police
he died by heart attack due to police tear gass
but i guess you convinced the retards on Holla Forums so that makes lying through your teeth ok
fucking shill