Can Holla Forums commie-pill me?

I've been browsing Holla Forums for almost a year now, mostly for the bant memes, though I've grown to adhere to certain "right-wing" ideas such as the necessity for a society to be nationalist to a certain degree, anti-feminism, and I've even started contemplating race realist ideas alongside European culture supremacism.
What you have to know is that I wasn't a "braindead normie" before Holla Forums, and I genuinely started going there to broaden my point of views on some political and societal issues.
But after hearing several times of Holla Forums as a "cuck" board over there, and having been almost exclusively told about how fascism is good and gommunism is evil, here I am, with the same objective in mind: to broaden my mind and not retardedly follow any ideology.

Other urls found in this thread: and which ). ), )

Firstly, what do you define as communism?

Secondly, what are your general impressions of Holla Forums, what do you THINK we are?

As for race realism, while I don't have "le ebin infographs" I do have pdfs debunking a lot of their shit.

Starting with this
Stuff that debunks the BELL CURVE

Stuff that shows that a lot of "race realist" research is not only flawed, but funded by fascist organisations
pic related is the lynn "estimates" vs reality

Also more shit debunking the whole ""race and Autism Level stuff" can be found in the pdfs.

No how about you read a book fag.

Enjoy !

Actually I lied, I do have some infographs.

Especially those that state that fascism is basically shit.

I should also mention ""I.Q""" has been word filtered to autism level.

You don't want to hang around in this cuck shed.
If you're white go back to >>>Holla Forums and finish your education, if not, feel free to stay.

t. Damage controlling Holla Forumsyp

If you don't want to read a big ass book, I'd suggest these videos (this is a series)

Also relevant:

you do realize 90% of /polacks/ aren't in any way neo-nazis or fascists they are just regular people who dislike minorities blame femenists for not having girlfriends and follow the news on and off . Nothing you provided will actually debunk what they care about since you can claim that blacks and whites have the same average Autism Level but in the real world with actual blacks this doesn't hold since the simplest explanation is that blacks are stupid and not like us and that's why they act the way they act.


Thanks for the data friend, I'll check that on time

Well, before browsing Holla Forums, I considered communism as an ideology with "good intentions in theory", that aims to favour workers and bring more justice in the labour market. But I've always felt it doesn't take human nature into account. I know this is a meme to you guys, but the truth is I really believe this, and the countless real world examples, that inevitably led to millions of deaths and repression/censorship (see the USSR, China, Romania, Cuba etc.) make me prone to believe this. Marx's capital can be a valid piece of work and a very interesting thought, but to my mind it would require a nation of enlighten men, able to see past their divisions and their own comfort, which I'm not deluded enough to think possible.

What does the "yp" mean?

Thanks, I'll also check these. My YouTube recommendations have been filled with right-wing, anti-SJW things for months, I need to explore new horizons. I don't even consider these videos interesting anymore since they basically repeat the same arguments every time and are based on the same rhetoric.

You ever notice how the global economy shits the bed every 10-15 years, accompanied by increased political instability? How many of those do you think we can go through without someone using nukes?

so you haven't read capital then? Because that doesn't even make sense. Which "divisions" are you even talking about? Also most of us don't defend the Soviet Union's/China's atrocities (only retarded tankies). It was wrong, that doesn't mean socialism/communism is unrealistic or wrong. You realize you could write he same text about democracy in 1815 referring to revolutionary France/Napoleon?

(ad tbf Rousseau's social contract is much more utopian than Capital)

Not to be condescending but you should actually read through at least some of capital to see what some of the arguments made are straight from the source. It's incredible how many "holes" people seem to find in Marx's theories that Marx himself addressed. As for USSR, China, etc. as why someone who claimed that capitalism has some benefits as a societal stage post-feudalism and that socialism is the next stage once capitalism had run its course would believe you could easily and smoothly go from pre-industrial society straight to socialism? The whole point is that once infrastructure and resources are built up we will need a new method of more efficient distribution, which is particularly salient considering the rise of automation.

Don't bother until you're 100% ready and have prior knowledge of Marxism. Kapital is extremely daunting and huge, it is very easy to get lost in it.

I suggest reading Wage Labor and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit first. Critique of the Gotha Program and (much less so than the former) the manifesto are good introductions to Marx.

But how is that a valid case for communism or anarchism and not, let's say, fascism?

By divisions I mean the simple fact that I may not be willing to sacrifice the wage/comfort that I might have worked hard to obtain for other people, especially if these people hold different point of views, politically or not, and that I don't know them. But I honestly think the idea is beautiful.
The problem is when adressing these massacres, most communists will simply answer that it wasn't communism applied in its true nature, and that we must try another time.

I like what you did in the second part of your message, the difference being that the French people today aren't fleeing their country en masse, as flawed as its system can be, while most people from the Eastern Bloc say they don't want communism ever again.

I'm actually looking forward to reading it, I acknowledge it might be one of the most interesting essays ever.

polyp is a shit meme, stay here for too long and your memes are going to become contaminated too.


Modern capitalism is absolutely fucked but commie bullshit is not the answer.

Also this.

t. Damage control Holla Forumsyp


But what does it mean?

Instead of reading Marx, read a dictionary or a book on biology, you'll find out what a polyp is.
Until then…

Do you work? If so, what?


I think a cancerous anal growth describes you pretty accurately.

Is that Sargon?

Is a name for people who go on Holla Forums. The Holla Forumsyp ITT is doing damage control, ignore him.

What does Carl of Swindon have to do with introductory communism? Also I tuned in for like 3 minutes and the only point they raised was "taxes are bad RREEEEEEEEEEEEEE". Why the fuck are "classical liberals" so fucking autistic, and why do they pretend to be different from lolberts again?

I'm pretty young (18), and still studying, STEM for that matter.

Thanks for your kind arrogance

Thanks, I'm new to this board and don't know these terms
Do many Holla Forums users come and do this damage control thing here?

Historically fascism hasn't been a vehicle for challenging capitalism, instead offering what amounts to a system of life support for maintaining the status quo capitalism structure. You can read more about the more detailed economic policies of popular fascist regimes to see what I mean but it can be summed up by memes like in

Raids are a fact of life here. We are probably the most consistently raided imageboard on any site, probably because of how consistently we piss off Holla Forums


Your point is what? Of course now that democracy has prevailed people like it, but if you had asked French people in 1815 whether they think democracy was right, I can assure you a majority would have said no. I mean do you realize the French revolution ended in hundreds of thousands of dead French people, and the restoration of the French kingdom? The point is exactly that the ideas were right, but they were new and the French revolutionaries entered completely new territory with trying democracy/ending feudalism/ending chruch's influence on the state. This didn't work out, but it opened up possibilities for improvements later on, and we now see that the French revolution was a necessary step on the path to democracy, even if it was (maybe too) bloody. We can defend the ideals of revolutionary France without condemning the ideals of it, and the same can be done for the Soviet Union and Maoist China.

You also have to realize that Capitalism isn't some kind of natural state, you are just used to it. Just like ppl in the 15th century just accepted the nobility to fuck them over because they had divine birth rights, working people/precariously employed people/unemployed people mostly just accept getting fucked over by the owner/manager class. Just like the nobility was abolished, socialists want to abolish the capitalist mode of production (ppl selling their labour to capitalists for wages).

But again if you really want to learn about this stuff, just read theory instead of asking people on a fucking imageboard.

But, I guess this is clearly explained in the Capital, what makes us, as humans, able to implement Communism in our societies?

I can easily understand it is the only way we could ensure a clean planet for our children and grand-children, and at the same time granting them decent lives, and that it might really be the only alternative we as a species have to survive. But it really feels as if enforcing such an ideology on millions of people is only possible through violence and repression, and not peacefully.
Wouldn't that simply mean we are doomed and were never designed to thrive on the long term?

Thanks for this message, it genuinely was interesting.
But, what about the United States? Even though they didn't go through an actual revolution, their independance war, and later on the principles the country was founded on, were based on the French Lumières and the concept of democracy. As far as I know, Americans didn't go through the same Terror French did, and the death toll was limited to the Revolutionary War. In the meantime, communist attempts during the XXth century all led to terror and bloodsheds

Easy, don't you think you should be able to keep the fruits of of your labor?

Don't you think people who don't work shouldn't get all the surplus of labor in society?

Don't you want real culture and not commodified shit?

Don't you think people should self-determine their society and not submit themselves to the whims of mega-corps and a supposedly "free market"? What inherent value does obedience to these institions even have?

the US is a very unique country and has been throughout its history. For example, buying land was for a long time very cheap (basically free) in the US because it was so sparsely populated so that it was easy for people that worked on other's people's farms to buy their own land and become an independent farmer. This meant that there was a more egalitarian structure in the US. Also US culture in the 19th century was very egalitarian (excluding back people obviously), because of its history as a country of immigrants/settlers. These are all unique factors that cannot be found anywhere else (except for maybe Argentina that, incidentally, had a very similar history to the US up until ~1900).

In Europe the traditional forces were much stronger, that's why succesful democracies needed more time. The advantage of the US in 1776 was that it was not feudalistic at all (no nobility, no king etc.). It was basically a "new" country.

Today, pretty much every country in the world is capitalistic, so abolishing capitalism will without a doubt be more difficult than creating a non-feudal society in the US was back then. That doesn't mean that bloodshed is necessary, but the movement has to be radical, just like the idea of abolishing feudalism used to be radical, abolishing slavery in the US used to be a radical position and so on.

Four explanations for that

1. Communist revolutions didn't happen in the most developed countries, but in the periphery, which came with many problems

2. Almost all communist revolutions were facing massive capitalist and fascist intervention, pic related. USA had France and Spain as their allies, which made a huge impact on the war

3. Once these countries turned socialist, they actually managed to overcome the famines. For example, Russia had a horrible famine every 15 years or so, and only through socialist build-up and collectivization hunger was never heard from in Russia until - guess what - capitalist restoration in 1991. Same with Cuba. It's simply retarded to ignore the fact Russia had a massive famine every 15 years but once the government is socialist it is s suddenly "communism killed all these people"

4. The numbers you hear about the death toll in communist countries is highly exaggerated. For example, Rummel states that the GDR killed 70.000 people. When you add the people executed and the ones who got shot at the Berlin Wall, it doesn't add up to more than 500. The numbers for the USSR and China are even more ridiculous, if they were true the entire population would have been decimated, but instead it grew.

This website debunks most of this shit

Here, you'll be done in 15 minutes:

hmu if you want longer, more in-depth stuff afterwards.

Forgot pic

It's frequent, and they get BTFO badly, either mistaking us for SJWs or liberals. It's pretty pathetic.

Another question, how do communists perceive immigration? And more particularly, the mass extra-european immigration the old continent is facing.
Also, what do you think of the "anuddah shoah" narrative?

Nationality is yet another identity politic tool of the ruling class to divide and conquer us working class. You'll never see a business have any real issue about moving their stuff over borders, and yet it's taboo to even think about it for us common folk. Nationality is a spook of the mind meant to keep you from reaching your full potential to better serve as a cuck to somebody else.

Bullshit perpetuated by the ruling class to D&C the proletariat and drive down wages.

never talk about immigration on Holla Forums, it always becomes a shitfest with tankies (blaming everything on capitalism) and Holla Forumsacks (muh white race) destroying the discussion before it even manifests.

The fact of the matter is, you have to differentiate between refugees and economic migrants and then have some kind of international (preferably global, but that's pretty utopian rn) plan about how to deal with them. That's why I don't want to abolish the EU (while i acknowledge the massive problems regardings transparency etc.).
But I think I'm in a minority position with that here.

This is a good example of tankie bullshit, most of the ruling class is absolutely against mass immigration of unskilled labour because they can't be integrated in the economy. It's a very difficult problem that's at least partly caused by exploitation of developing countries by international corporations/countries (mostly northern africa in this case, although sub-saharan african is fucked even worse, but the people have a harder time migrating to Europe). Blaming everything on capitalism is too easy though.

Don't mind it, but it doesn't stop the problem of the fucked countries which they come from.

As for SHITE GENOCIDE, it's bullshit. Stormfags are throwing a hissy fit over fucking nothing.

Just because a white woman kisses a black man and has sex with him doesn't mean it's going to compell people to sleep with black men all of a sudden. Though Holla Forums would have you think otherwise.

Unfortunate but uncontrollable at this point. A big part for why the Arab Spring was as widespread as it was was climate change - there has been massive drought across the Middle East and even borderline famine in some places. ~5 million people have fled Syria, and ~1 million of those have ended up in Europe (most are in Turkey & Lebanon). You think it's going to be over after this? When sea levels rise, almost all of Bangladesh will have to flee because it's a country mostly below sea level. That's ~160 million. ~700 million people will have to flee China alone. IDK how many will migrate from India. Shit happens. People are people, don't forget that. Best you can do is to try to ignore
Doesn't exist because there's no such thing as race - no blacks, no whites, etc., not in the sense that skin color and skull shape determine anything of importance like intelligence. Ethnicity and culture are real (I should mention right now that much of what you call "cultural Marxism" is actually disliked by Marxists and anarchists for being a commodification of culture which kills off real, organic culture). There's no biological evidence for evolution having split us into broad "races" with different levels of intelligence. The closest analogues would have been the Neanderthals and other human relatives who died out long ago.
Also, AFAIK, white people still sleep with white people mostly and no one cares if the main characters in the new Star Wars are a black guy and a white girl. Libshits just think they're being unoffensive when they try to depict otherwise in media. They're not very smart, but I don't think reaction against them is either.

Pic related explains the modern relation to communism and how close we are or aren't. I'd say that communization has already started - the free software movement and 3D printing are already undermining the controlled-scarcity basis of modern capitalism (as we've been able to produce far in excess what people need since the '50s and '60s; scarcity today is artificial because production is still done in large, private facilities) and producing relations where people simply produce stuff because they like doing it and someone asked. No one pays for Linux. People just make it. See rest of screenshot for argument of how we can transform this dynamic into something which changes the rest of society.

a Polyp is an baby jellyfish or a abornal growth from a mucuous membrane.
and you said you weren't a Normie.

Unfortunate but uncontrollable at this point. A big part for why the Arab Spring was as widespread as it was was climate change - there has been massive drought across the Middle East and even borderline famine in some places. ~5 million people have fled Syria, and ~1 million of those have ended up in Europe (most are in Turkey & Lebanon). You think it's going to be over after this? When sea levels rise, almost all of Bangladesh will have to flee because it's a country mostly below sea level. That's ~160 million. ~700 million people will have to flee China alone. IDK how many will migrate from India. Shit happens. People are people, don't forget that. Best you can do is to try to ignore that they're very different and that a few are terrorists. Most are normal people, and attacking them radicalizes them and helps Porky, who's the real cause behind all of this. You get rid of big corporations and plan the world economy by confederations of face-to-face councils, you can eliminate the wars and climate change driving migration.
Doesn't exist because there's no such thing as race - no blacks, no whites, etc., not in the sense that skin color and skull shape determine anything of importance like intelligence. Ethnicity and culture are real (I should mention right now that much of what you call "cultural Marxism" is actually disliked by Marxists and anarchists for being a commodification of culture which kills off real, organic culture). There's no biological evidence for evolution having split us into broad "races" with different levels of intelligence. The closest analogues would have been the Neanderthals and other human relatives who died out long ago.
Also, AFAIK, white people still sleep with white people mostly and no one cares if the main characters in the new Star Wars are a black guy and a white girl. Libshits just think they're being unoffensive when they try to depict otherwise in media. They're not very smart, but I don't think reaction against them is either.

Pic related explains the modern relation to communism and how close we are or aren't. I'd say that communization has already started - the free software movement and 3D printing are already undermining the controlled-scarcity basis of modern capitalism (as we've been able to produce far in excess what people need since the '50s and '60s; scarcity today is artificial because production is still done in large, private facilities) and producing relations where people simply produce stuff because they like doing it and someone asked. No one pays for Linux. People just make it. If you have the time and expertise, you could get a plastic-based 3D printer and print out most of a car (not a great one, but very cheap). See rest of screenshot for argument of how we can transform this dynamic into something which changes the rest of society.

Thats bullshit though. In Sweden the neoliberal right-wing are the biggest supporters of immigration and passed plenty of laws while in power to make immigration a profitable business while guilt-tripping the socdems on the edge about it. That immigration is affected by the profit motive is undeniable. Most immigrants are just more proles that you can extract the surplus value from, all immigrants being welfare leeches not contributing anything is just a meme. whether this is the end of civilization as we know is doubtable however.

You're a delusional. You don't need skilled labor for the low wage sector. Pretty much every low wage laborer I meet is an immigrant (I'm in Europe).

You forgot Anarkiddies shilling for unchecked immigration because borders are spooks lmao xDDD

Didn't you say you can't blame everything on capitalism?

most immigrants from the mena countries are very hard to integrate into the workforce. most of the owner/manager class do not like mass immigration of unskilled labour right now (the situation was different in the 60s in most European countries).

I don't know how Swedish party politics work, but the main reason why some liberal politicians are in favor of immigration are morals. There is no economic motive, and if there is one, it is wrong.

Yes, immigrants want to work and assert pressure on the labour market for unskilled work, but they cost the economy generally more through welfare (either they get welfare themselves or they push non-immigrants into welfare). In the west there is a surplus of workers, and it's only about to get worse with automation in the future.

see above, there is a surplus in unskilled labourers in already, no need for new people.


Capitalism is to blame, but there a ton of mistakes made that are not to blame on capitalism (no coordinated help for African countries, no planning for immigrant movements by the West). The core problem is caused by capitalism, but even inside the frame of capitalism the crisis could have been dealt with much better, and instead of just blaming everything on capitalism, we (as lefties) should actually make an effort to form a critique of immigration policy even inside the existing capitalistic system. Just saying "it's capitalism, lol" is in a way right, but of course does not solve anything.

Do you like staying in bed and getting free stuff?

Under communism we all stay in bed and get free stuff.

I'm checking your link.
Why do you think it is bullshit? It is true that whites are a minority among others in several part of their countries, sometimes their own capitals (see Paris, London). You don't see that in non-european cities, China is by far majority asian, Sénégal is majority African. And on the global scale, Whites make up ~10% of the world population, with fertility rates far below 2.1
But it maybe it is just the term "genocide" that you find erroneous.

Call it how you want, race, phenotype or whatever, but geneticists can divide the human species in several subgroups, by frequency of apparition of a given allele (see haplogroups). That's how you get Asians who can't digest milk, and Caucasians who can, or Africans' bone density higher than Caucasian's, or Africans having more muscular mass than Asians, etc. That doesn't include Autism Level differences, which is a way more complex issue, since intelligence isn't something you can easily quantify.

Btw, what is a "tankie"?

its a Stalinist or a Marxist Leninist

And I guess those hold a bad reputation?

not really here but in general they are among libshits, social-democrats, jacobinamag tier faggots anarkiddies and other "leftists" because of the 60trillion murdered by the USSR

wait until you see the nazbol

What is it?

it's a bad meme

It's the gang for you and me.

ment to reply to this

The term tankie was originally coined to describe the faction amongst the British communist party which supported the Soviet intervention against the fascist uprising in Hungary in 1956.

Today, it's pretty much used against Marxist-Leninist by followers of other tendencies, often out of a feeling of inferiority. Marxist-Leninists believe that Stalins policies were the dialectical synthesis of both Marxism and Leninism, which achieved real existing socialism in the USSR and many other states, such a Cuba. Because of being the only tendency which yielded great results, most communist parties in the world are more or less Marxist-Leninists, with different notions. The other reason is that Marxism-Leninism has the strongest praxis, and was able to defeat Nazi Germany in a more evolved stage, and the USA in an earlier stage (Vietnam). Marxist-Leninist policies include the collectivization of all means of production, reciprocal participation of all proletarians regarding the mode of production, democratic centralism, elimination of surplus extraction and the law of value, and support of anti-imperialist struggles, amongst many others.

A good summary of the ideology:

those ugly ass buildings are nothing to be proud of

Pleb taste tbh

at one point tankies will call anarchists fascists if they haven't done it already out of pure autismo
seriously dude Nagy was a member of the local M-L party go read a book.
sure you're the smartest kid on the block, seriously do a favor to the left in general, kis

that is objectively ugly



Debt is not a socialist book, but it takes a long, sober look at both the history of markets and capitalism. It's enlightening no matter what your political views are, although I personally picked up a fair amount of anti-capitalist sentiment.
I know everyone's throwing books at you, but this one is simple to read - if a bit long. I read it on the train to work, you should do something similar.


So was Eltsin, your point?

my point being that the Hugarian revolution wasn't fascist and the amount of ideology tankies swallow just to call everything fascist is quite terrifying

If he's "smart", he'll be able to figure out our lies and go back to Holla Forums, after all if we do want to destroy the white race through ebil zionist lies
he should be able to tell, right?

Why should it matter that one more guy is on Holla Forums anyway? You have the numbers as is.


those buildings look like ass

Divine Cybermancy was a cool game, but not a place I'd like to live.



And watch

Which debunk your bullshit.

Your attempts at damage control are laughable as usual, Holla Forums


read and which talk about how right now black teens in the UK have higher average scores than white teens on the GCSE, an SAT-style test that's strongly correlated with I Q (see ). And even if we just look at the U.S., some evidence of the importance of environment can be seen in the fact that white teens from Alabama score about 15 points lower on the NAEP math test (which is used as a proxy for I Q) than white teens from Massachusetts (see ), and black teens from Massachusetts score about the same as white teens from Alabama (see )

Is that second pic real?

Former Holla Forumsack here. I don't know what word fits the best, but they are extremely jealous or narcissistic. They have openly said things like "we don't want leftists to have any sentiment of joy, just pain." Even if it is only one person, it bothers the shit out of them that we *might* gain one potential comrade. It's the "if I can't have you, no one can have you" sort of mentality I think.

Funny you should mention jews, Holla Forums



That's actually why they voted Napoléon III into power in 1848. The rural population was terrified by the urban agitation associated with the February Revolution, in part because it reminded them of the Terror.

What about those who are neither white nor male? Do Chinese women get a free pass with da jooz?

How bout you stop listening whatever bullshit comes out of the mouth of some retard payed by porky to spread lies and actually go look the sources of shit for yourself.
Basically, go read a book nigger.

I haven't read all the things that debunk the Bell Curve (yet), so maybe I'm an ass, but I'd like to remind readers that these are just (valid) criticisms, and doesn't necessarily debunk anything, except maybe what Holla Forums has concluded.

your debunks have been debunked
While there are multiple measurable intelligence quotients, their standardisation within each race still adds up to some races having an obvious and multi-faceted deficiency overall. Ashkenazi Jews still trump pretty much everyone in everything except kinetic-spatial intelligence.
also lol 'fascist organisations'

fuck off, we don't need more of you

Keep trying with the damage control Holla Forumsyp. It's hilarious.

If you even bothered to look at the wiki page you sent me you'd notice only one their beneficiaries could even be argued to push a racial agenda. The rest are just standard sociologists.
projecting hard
This shit's already been done to death, hell Marx professed his low opinion of blacks in Das Kapital, called them close to animals. I know that the idea is nobody is actually going to read the pdfs and you just want to pretend to be smart but if one were to examine them they would find reference to this:
small sample I'll admit but the studies existing are rather limited.
Also if you were interested I don't frequent Holla Forums, I'm primarily active on /k/ and just saw this thread on the frontpage.

Debunked here, lad

Furthermore, The Minnesota test was also funded by the Pioneer fund. :^🍀🍀🍀))

Debunked is strong word dude, it just has some underlined text where a guy wrote on wikipedia that he thinks it's racist and doesn't like it without actually providing any data.

And you accuse me of not reading. Kek.

Segal, Nancy L. (2012). Born Together—Reared Apart. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-05546-9. Lay summary (16 May 2013

one guy saying a thing is inconclusive doesn't mean it's inconclusive. no boundaries are given for what is considered 'significant' disparity and for it to be noted in the first place strongly implies that there was still disparity.

what is that second study imply apart from genetics determine intelligence and behaviour. why did you post the same link again. you still didn't provide any data

We know you're a Holla Forumsyp dude, just stop.


Huh, really makes you think

lmao Holla Forums's been colonized and astroturfed by the feds, stormfront and /r/the_donald for longer than that

a lot of people here are Holla Forums oldfags, it's where our disdain for idpol comes from

still not Holla Forums and you still haven't shown why any of these things are invalid
saying the exact same shit again and again and acting like that makes it true is exactly why your board is composed of deluded trannies.

proves and states mean different things friend





And this is why people view far right wingers as emotional dumb children. Fucking hell lad, just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

Why would I waste time reading every piece of shit one of you lobotomites throws at me when I can just check to see if the source is a white nationalist think tank?

And here's evidence that the Pioneer fund funds the National Policy institute

Oh when I replied I didn't realize you were being fucking retarded and deliberately plugging your ears
Here you go.

the pioneer fund being partially behind funding doesn't make it inconclusive, if you have any contrary studies independently financed and of similar nature I'll be glad to take a look at them. Whatever you think of them there isn't an alternative.
As to the test being inconlusive, look, I can highlight parts of a wikipedia article too.
'Scarr & Weinberg (1976) interpreted the results from age 7 suggesting that racial group differences in Autism Level are inconclusive because of confounding of the study.' as in just them.
'Both Levin (1994) and Lynn (1994) argued that the data clearly support a hereditarian alternative: that the mean Autism Level scores and school achievement of each group reflected their degree of African ancestry.' would you look at that a contrary opinion.
'In a 1998 article, Scarr wrote: "The test performance of the Black/Black adoptees [in the study] was not different from that of ordinary Black children reared by their own families in the same area of the country. ' huh
'They suspected that this difference was due to postnatal environment, but it could, of course, have been in the prenatal one.' yeah inconclusive

I ought mention Scarr's reasoning at the time that inconclusiveness was declared was that ' My colleagues and I reported the data accurately and as fully as possible, and then tried to make the results palatable to environmentally committed colleagues. In retrospect, this was a mistake.'

Kek I've never been able to use this before.

What the fuck is this shit? That has to be the least funny webcomic I've seen, next to Owlturd.

That's cute, I'll save it. I'd suggest you'd just filter my ID but your board doesn't use them cause then they couldn't pretend to be multiple people to back up their own opinions.

It's called ur newfags
Maybe you'd feel more comfortable on reddit.

See, this is why I just can't take tankies seriously. Are you at least twenty?

Get out from here and make your questions in

Here are only anarchists and anticommunists in general. They will damage your brain.

You're right it makes it flawed and unreliable due to the political bias behind them.

Who: fun fact is also part of the Pioneer fund

There was no direct conclusion, hence the evidence is inconclusive.

something something ad hominem
The test was inconclusive, the organisers admitted as such. The evidence however was just regular ol collected data, there is nothing inconclusive about it
And like I said think what you like the pioneer fund, they have however provided an actual test to back up their point.

Don't even fucking start.

Huh, really makes you think.

Which, at the end of the day was inconclusive. So much for """'backing up their point""""

I gave the reason for the test was declared inconclusive in an earlier post, basically it was cause the organiser tried to appeal to the same commie retards arguing his points.
where does it say that
also if ad hom won't do it
'Lynn is a member of the pioneer fund'
association fallacy
ad hominem
syllogism fallacy
all in one clause

A tankie is like a porky spook but also they nazbol like a natcap maoist my little brony.

Huh really makes you think.

Post proofs. Keep in mind social progressives=/= communists

Not an argument.

it's an adhom if you say his research is flawed because you don't like his opinions
'In a 1998 article, Scarr wrote: "The test performance of the Black/Black adoptees [in the study] was not different from that of ordinary Black children reared by their own families in the same area of the country. My colleagues and I reported the data accurately and as fully as possible, and then tried to make the results palatable to environmentally committed colleagues. ' here's proof
according to you


Besides the LARPers, we don't "follow" any ideology.
If someone says "I'm an anarchist/leninist/ideology/etc" they come from reddit and should be ignored.
People read books from the classic and modern leftist writers and take what they think are good ideas from them and discard the rest.
Communism is a utopia which solves a lot of problems and prevents a lot of problems from re-emerging in the future. That's why people like that future. But you shouldn't "follow" communism. That's why there's no "commie red pill". Think for yourself.
The only thing resembling a red pill that comes out of the left is realizing how hard you are getting fucked by the governments of the world and the ultra rich, aka class consciousness.
My advice, lurk and read more.

Huh, really makes you think.

Don't listen to me too heavily as I still have a lot of reading to do, but this is true. You have to understand, though, violence is not inherently a bad thing. If a man and his family are kept under abject slavery for most his life, and he finally kills his masters, is the man guilty of murder or is it self defense? Additionally this one outburst of violence all but guaranteed a life free from slavery for his family.

I'd disagree that the scale needs to be millions though, although it's pretty easy to come to that conclusion if you look at major communist country's death tolls without understanding where the figures come from.

*The scale of violence needs to be towards millions

I may be misinterpreting your argument there, though, tbh. Polite doublepost sage

It's all frankfurt school to me
you're running out of shit to throw


Cultural Marxism isn't real. See pdf attached. If not, watch this video

In this article which I posted here

Which I will post again

Along with two additional pdfs.

And the Holla Forumsyp drops his facade. So much for being a /k/ommando.

m8 that chart basically says that capitalists i.e. "secret owners" use the banks and State they control in order to transfer wealth upwards by swindling tax money. Socialists have been saying that for ages.

It seems to me that these anti Fed types have an inkling that something's deeply rotten with capitalism, but rather than fully study it and realize it's unredeemably rotten by design, they stop at their pre-conceived notion tha capitalism is okay and just needs "fixing". They don't realize that the problems they notice start with private property, which is a concept they will absolutely not contest. You can't fix capitalism if its very defining features, private property, is what's causing the problems in the first place.

That really is an impressive map, here's the full one. I just noticed he hasn't listed the Italian flag in Siberia and whatever is the territory immediately south of the Republic of Karelia.




I read your pdfs, they seem to indicate that africans are predisposed to do badly on Autism Level tests and make unsourced claims about him cherry picking results, inconclusive I'd say.
As to the frankfurt shit I'm not going to watch it. Even if you were right it'd just be arguing semantics

even normies know about frankfurt school

So choosing to remain wilfully ignorant.


Sweet, do they know about the Free scholar ships given out by Soros if you go to one of his paid protests?

Curses! Foiled again!

Hey now, he can be nice sometimes. Third one's an edit tho.

Liberals that get the bullet are in the lower left of blue square, fyi

The first guy isn't meant to be a liberal, he's supposed to be a vague anti-establishment entity.

I have to hand it to Holla Forums, they're experts at finding porn lookalikes.

Just fyi, that list is just the first page of results if you search Google Books for cultural Marxism (or was the first page at the time). He didn't read a single damn page about cultural Marxism that didn't come from a rightwing propaganda source.

Also second pic was made to promote Milo.

>implying I'm not replying to a troll

It's real, see above.

I just checked the author's Twitter and damn, a lot of triggered aut-right. These edits here are okay tho.

Also it seems third pic in was made by one such aut-right meant to be disparaging kek

Why don't you want him to learn about the 'Left' from real Leftists?

It's almost like you are all afraid he will learn the truth and drop your braindead ideologies.

Really makes you think…

hi Holla Forums how are you today?

You ancoms really are slow…

The Truth being that capitalism is anti-democratic and has killed more than any other system.

Its like you ancoms go out of your way to misinterpret what people say to call them Holla Forums or Fash. Sad really.

Okay the last ones.

Do you like Jazz?


>If you're white go back to >>>Holla Forums

It was made here you dumbass

Then it was tweeted at the artist by someone who is aut-right.

read this and then google murray bookchin

If these deaths are so easy to prevent why dont you arsonist communists just do it?

I guess there is nothing to gain from saving all those millions Africans who have yet to invent a weel and keep dying like rats and its more comfortable to entertain yourself reading sympathic un- and pseudoscientific leftist articles by "experts" and "scientists" or blogger denying race related peer reviewed science with… opinions and doubts… and edgy delusional comics?

This is the biggest danger. You fucking retards pretending you're anything but what you are.

and you ask why someone called you Holla Forums?

OP here, another question I had:
How does Communism justify the absence of private property? How could this concept be willingly accepted by a whole country, knowing that humans tend to feel attachment towards material thing (without necessary being materialistic capitalists).

You're confusing personal and private property.

Personal property and private property are two different things.

Personal property= House, Clothes, television your toothbrush.

Private property= property owned by capitalists for the purpose of making profit for himself

to put it simply.

I may be, could you explain me the difference?

So that means I can own a house, but not rent it to others?

No, I don't, the fact I don't use my machine doesn't mean I don't have attachment toward it.

Why would you need to rent a house unless you had an excess number of houses that you don't specifically own so you can live in? Why do you need more than just your own place to live when other people do not have one?

This is a problem with communist though in general.

You need to justify your need.

You can't just eat 15 burgers or own 10 houses just because, you have to explain why you need that.

This runs contrary to the idea of individualist who does whatever the fuck he wants.

So if I want a second house in another city to enjoy my holidays or whatever there, that's not possible in communism?
Btw having two houses doesn't necessarily mean someone doesn't have any.

Yea, I'm gonna start worrying about your need to own some fucking secondary vacation house when I have my own house to simply live in. First world fuckin problems m8.


Well that's the thing, libertarians/right-wingers tend to define freedom as "freedom from restraints imposed on an individuals by others". This is an extremely narrow definition which ignores the ways that the social structure of our society restricts our freedom. In our society there's a handful of rich dipshits who own all the property while the rest of us are forced to sell our labor to them to make them even richer. The issue isn't that people own 100 houses, it's that they're using them to cement their position of power over the other classes, and this is something that will happen whenever an individual uses their property to accumulate wealth (without ever expending that wealth).

It isn't a problem, it's a solution, though.

This is wrong though. Communists don't want people to justify the property they own, they want to get rid of the social arrangements that take away people's freedoms.

I get that. I'm just mocking his choice of wording to interpret this as a 'problem.'

We view freedom as the right to do thing we want.

Your view of freedom is you must limit yourself for the greater good of other, that's not really freedom.

It's a problem for individualist for sure.

But you want to take away people's freedom to own 10 houses?

How is that an argument?

So basically, everyone have to be cared first, before you must care for yourself?

But the structure of the society we live in often prevents us from doing what we want. Only the people at the top of capitalist society are truly free to do what they want, and if you're at the bottom you're barely free to do anything other than work or starve to death.

And? Freedom is the right to do things, not having the things given to you.
Everyone either work or starve to death, everyone, even the capitalists.

Your freedom to do things depends on the conditions in your environment. People who live in poverty aren't able to do any of the things that wealthy people are able to do because of their social status. It's about starting points. Some people are given much less than others because of their social status. How do you justify that?
This just isn't true. Sure, there's probably a few small business owners who have to go hungry, but that wasn't who I was talking about. I was talking about the people on the top of capitalist society.

True, but we are talking about freedom as in the rights to do things.
And they have the rights to do anything the wealthy people do.
Freedom is the right to do things, freedom is not about having the same starting points. That's equality.
Because no one is entitled to anything.
The top dawgs still have to visit their office, still go to conference, meetings, and they still make decisions for the whole corporation/company. They do not stay at home all days and play video games like unemployed people do.

No they don't, the actual top dogs are the major shareholders who just sit on their ass and collect dividends.


So are you saying that people should have the right to do anything they want even if it decreases the freedom of others? Because the actions of the few capitalist elites has a huge negative effect on the freedoms of most people in capitalist society.
Laws against homelessness affect the poor way more than they do the rich. And actually so do most laws because the rich tend to have more political power than poor people do.
I feel like people are entitled to their freedom and a basic level of dignity. Capitalism takes both away from a majority of people to mor or less of a degree.
https:[email protected]/* *//the-ubi-already-exists-for-the-1-d3a49fad0580
wewlad. The rich are the real welfare recipients.


As in? My right to do this thing doesn't trample on your right to do this thing.
Such as?
The poor also gets free food to sustain themselves.
Well, who care on what you feel? Nobody is entitled to anything, they are born with their body and that's how they will go away.
I don't think the rich need welfare to live, no.

So why is Trump in a suit in the middle east?

Why isn't he at home playing video games?

If i ever got a huge amount of money, I'd buy and modest house, car, etc. take a little for living expenses, and put the rest into this:

Index funds outperform managed funds and capital has a better rate of return than the general rate of economic growth (This is what Piketty showed empirically). Making money is a function of having money.

Because he's a jew who takes his orders from Isreal.

So get your huge amount of money then.

I don't think that's what the top dawgs are into.

Sure, you can be an active investor like Soros or w/e but I don't buy the idea that investors can really outperform the average in the long run, IMO the economy is a random/stochastic process. In any case, I'm just saying its possible to make money without doing any work. The workers produce the value, its just the social institution of private property which allows capitalists to extract the 'rent' of surplus value.

I go into work everyday because I need to pay for rent, food and medicine. I don't do it because I like my job, I actually fucking hate it. It takes all my time and it doesn't pay me enough to cover more than my bills. Essentially my rights to do things other than work or starve have been taken from me by the capitalist society I live in.
And the capitalist fucks at the top are trying to cut social programs everywhere. Food stamps and other social programs were only created to stop an angry populace from turning to full on socialism
If you don't think that people are entitled to dignity and their freedom then we have irreconcilable differences. That's a pretty nihilistic outlook tbh, and not in a good way.
Read the article I linked. The top 1% receive 20% of America's national income, of which 10% is income that the top 1% doesn't even have to work for. The rich are literally the biggest welfare recipients.

He actually was surprised that presidency was harder than being a scummy CEO. It's like he thought he was switching to a job with more free time for himself or something.

He "invests" as much as locusts invest in agriculture.

LOL, by these 2 definitions nobody's free because murder is forbidden.

"No you guys the plantation owners still have to run their plantations and manage their armies of slaves they deserve that money"

I'll never understand how absolutely anyone unironically believe in Eurokultur supremacy - if any culture were to be supreme wouldn't it be the Sinosphere? The Japs, Koreans etc all seem to be willing to work at rates that put the 6 foot+ blonde whites to shame and their freedoms are curtailed much more by their own social apparatus than legislation



Idpol is basically what happens when critical theory uses classical liberalism instead of Marxism as its dominant framework.

you're right, oops

I thought I got this from leftypol at some point

ayy does anyone have that study and graphs on british test taking that showed how class was a much bigger obstacle for students in the modern education system than race? im in an argument and needs some shit to back me up


• The record on black-white educational inequality is mixed,
with black-white disparities in academic
achievement declining by approximately forty percent
over the last four decades, while disparities in college
completion have increased over the same period.
• The record on economic inequality is less favorable.
The income gap, measured as the difference in average
test scores between children whose families are
at the 90th and 10th percentiles of the family income
distribution, grew by forty percent across cohorts born
in the early 1970s and late 1990s (although there are
also hints of a more recent narrowing of this gap). This
income gap is already very large when children enter
kindergarten and grows only modestly thereafter.

when children enter kindergarten, it is clear that out-of-school
factors are implicated in their growth. The key open question
is whether substantial headway in closing such gaps can
nonetheless be made via school reform alone.