lonely fag looking for friendos
lonely fag looking for friendos
why does posting dragon loli make me a faggot
she's cute
you're being so rude rn omg
after years of masturbating to 2d porn, idk how to find good 3d porn anymore. what should i be looking for?
The puzzles chatter to me.
They tell me their secrets in riddles and rhymes.
the problem with 3D porn is that most of it is shit
In the future your sexual counters will be matched upon hentai tags.
Mason, what do the numbers mean!?
Repetitive darkness swallows me.
It cleanses my sin and washes me in it's ebbing chill. Each failure brings me closer to success. Every success swells my pride so it may crash down on me once more to humble my hallow form.
yeah but where do i search for those?
recently the nonnude images/clips got me pretty hard
my sexual counters? what does that mean
All I know is faggots use her.
C. E. A.
leesin is the worst
Are your hands clean?
The bone sculptures can't protect you if you handle them WITH FILTHY HANDS
I won't handle them, then.
Scrub them.
stop bullying me please
this isn't the darwin i knew
Is naht bully.
I still lose tbh
But "bully" is Darwin in a word.
Because you are playing Lulu.
dust is death
I was thinking of Tommy, but that works too.
There will be a nerf soon enough.
imagine if I had a real champion
You would still say it needs buffs.
I know you too well now.
i like the part where he blames you
LEAF ME ALONE!!!!1one!11
wow thread was dead for an hour????????
We were in danger of falling off the board.
Only headpats. :3
i think thats only applicable to a subgroup
what board?
daylight savings time
you never fuckin pet me
jewish bankers
oh no
god forbid
oh right that thing happening tomorrow.
only shitty parts of the world get affected by dst
hello my pet.
*pat pat*
yeah tomorrow.
why does dst exist. it complicates 2 many things 2 be wurf
what part of canada do you live in where it's not sunday yet
Rolled 2 (1d2)1 for sleep, 2 for don't sleep
Luka is a Canadian hillbilly
Echo is a bully ;~;
Luka irl.
You live up in the mountains
You don't trust outsiders
You're a Canadian hillbilly
No I'm not.
You so are
Big Short > Birdman
you must be super far west
Sir Billi > Immortal
Well you asked for it.
you get more time off work or something?
No, it's Saturday night silly
I work Monday-Friday
it's midnight in a couple minutes tho.
right, that was my other guess.
What was your first guess?
the one i just said.
Happy daylight savings time
I've got work in 13 hours but I ain't even tired yet so I'm gonna do drugs and play video games
First semester was all A's and one C.
so far in second I am all A's and a B.
I'm doin thangs.
drugs are bad mmkay
Hello, bots!
Literally over 9000.
what is this, a webm for ants?
and of ants.
Dammit. i knew how to pronounce the word except for the end: ы
Didn't know the meaning but I know the sounds sometimes.
Bet u think ur funny
Is an easy language to read.
It's a lot like greek. I learned almost all the sounds a while back. Not sure how much I can remember.
my tummy hurts
Knowing many languages is pretty useful.
take tablets and sleep
Turkey is a country though. Letting them in means they get all the benefits and part of the power to rule the EU. Them trying to genocide the kurds sort of makes it difficult.
is drug and video games even a good combination
I am cocaine GTA.
would downloading it anyways cause any problems?
drugs are bad tho
my graphics card doesn't use
could be worse, i got stuck on crash 4 because on one of the last levels the graphics output gets badly corrupted
my graphics card uses directly applied jokes
but seriously it says I need direct x 9 and I have no idea when I last updated it since I thought windows updates did that for me
Start > Run > dxdiag
I need a new hard drive jesus
what unit is "best"
Since game is good, shouldnt it cancel each other?
m-m-maybe it's using vulkan
no like it restarts explorer, a lot of things do this for me
can't even install a different OS on it
truely fucked also I get these pretty frequently
does the start a program thing in task manager work like run?
crashed task manager
neetbux soon plz
been 3 and a half months so any time between now and 2 and a half more months
why does the bomb say loli e
is it the same popcorn pooped comp
learned my fucking lesson that dust fucks you up even when you cover that shit with a tarp
I've strait up been checking the mail every day for like 3 weeks now
neetbux plx
Soft laps.
Fun fact:
In English, it's "Shephard's Pie."
In French, it's "Pate Chinois"
"Pate Chinois," if literally translated, says "Chinese Pastry."
But Shephard's Pie is neither a pastry nor is it Chinese.
Lurking should be a crime.
Are you jealous that I'm spending more time with them, abusive admin-sama?
Yes, I cry every time.
It's been like SIX HOURS
Morning everyone!
Join us
What's up?
That actually kind of adorable to think of.
Even if it is obvious joke.
Hello there Test, how are you this morning?
Nothing much, played some CS:GO, friends got salty again. It was funny. What about you?
I'm sorry, I don't actually have autism.
I would dislike the vast majority of them if I had to speak to them, I'm sure. It's the same problem I had with /lewd/, or with people like Aeris. Obvious elitism. Do they know you're from here?
It's the last day of break and I'm sad about that because I have to do homework today.
New board
Being bullied by test for playing factorio with another fag.
It's very unkind
Dragon lolis
Well squeeze the most out of your break, and bust out the work right away, then you'll have more time for breaks!
Oh, so now you're being bullied, this is a strange turn of events!
>You will never *pat* the dragon loli.
I don't exactly hide it, and whenever it comes up, I do call myself an Holla Forums cross-poster.
And someone didn't go user to tell you that animus is literally Hitler?
I am Aeris.
Would they be wrong? :^)
I am.
Actually, the most any of them have said about Holla Forums was the user in the thread with Grim.
Guess not.
And some dickhead called Ushio.
Don't like that guy.
Obviously the only possible way to enjoy videogames is literal autism, and obviously I am 100% confirmed for autism because I am enjoying a video game
Yeah but unlike you I don't just take it~
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Woah, woah, woah. What? I don't take it either! How very dare you.
what the fuck did they expect
Fair enough.
I missed that one.
Obviously they thought it meant that you have to manually shift the automatic stick. :^)
Why haven't these people choked to death on their food yet
They'll win the Darwin Awards eventually, Dwai.
I haven't seen him since then.
He mostly seems to communicate in angry grunts.
Good evening.
Seems like he's probably the same as the one who was bitching at Grim.
fuk u
we stopped
are you HAPPY now?
Nah, you definitely do take it.
Take that back, right now. Right now!
I'd believe it.
No, I'll try and ruin your fun again later, maybe that will make me happy.
Test sama. Please make everything okay in the world.
Hey Emily
When did you wake up?
Is it something crazy like midnight last night?
Would that I could.
it'll never be enough
How is CLock
Can't know till we try.
I can
I always know
Isn't it usually the more flagrant assholes who'll drop their name and pretend to be user thinking they're fooling anyone?
muh dick
Too new.
whats wrong with us
What board
Well I'm on break, so.
Bottom link was at
Please? :c
I'm that snug right now.
The new one.
I take no part in what may or may not come of this.
Taking no part in nothing?
It's a double nothing.
Even I can't handle /lewd/.
Probably, yeah.
why is her tummy scratched :(
Well that was disappointing
Self-harm or abuse.
But what forum then!
i got bullied
Let it be known, I blame Test for this.
Admin abusing even the other boards, tsk tsk.
What do I get from this exchange?
Most people are kinky enough to enjoy it.
I don't know... You're asking too many questions!
I'm still here, aren't I?
Just because you're correct, doesn't make you right!
You can't double nationality!
Then clearly I have no reason to
Yes you do, I told you to stop! That's the reason.
[alt right revolts]
I'll show you the right alt.
Going to have to ask for more, sorry.
I'll alt all over your right.
ez there missy
who ever even uses that key
let alone the... menu key or whatever the fuck it's called
Why can't I get a keyboard just without all those along there
I'll shift right into your keys.
hows the day yo
I was up until 3, so I'm thinking of grabbing another coffee.
Is that a ree of agreement or a ree of disagreement?
Hey guys, I'm new.
I just woke up and walked my dog. She's so cute; she get's food from her bowl brings it to my room and then eats it.
God I hate newfags
Good job on the walk
The character attempted suicide twice as a child.
It's pretty heavily implied they weren't all right in the head.
Something something newfags. Something something Reeeeeeee.
Sorry, typo.
This tbh
me too but no caffe
Yeah that's right
I use the menu key and right alt key
I believe it.
Well clearly you aren't trying hard enough nerd.
euro sign
context menu without rmb
You need right alt for euro sign?
You don't even have arrows!
On here I mapped them to arrow keys ^^!
It's almost like they're drones trained to respond to authority or something.
Wait no, must be your "thundering aryan voice", right.
What have you even mapped to arrow keys!
Glad we're on the same page
fdl;ijg lidfsuh gkldfjhgdfjk hg!
When will Man realize the futility of challenging his Prince?
Don't ya just love 2017 folks
That was fun but I got bored of it and distracted with my conquest of China
What's the Trump news lately?
I kinda messed up the word order there but whatever
Same old. Dude still unaware of international relations but makes a bunch of incompetent dickless pussywhipped spineless whiny little bitches cry crodocidile tears every day. This includes the media.
Now you spent enough time to give me a cultural overlay on China. Fascinate me with some of those tales lad. Also picture. You take picture?
I'm going to take my good camera to downtown Beijing tomorrow. Dropbox is being shitty here and it's hard to use it to transfer pics from my phone. Those aren't good pictures anyway
In the meantime, here's a picture of a nice pack of cigarettes I bought that I had to resize a lot because I didn't need a giant picture of a pack of cigarettes
Whatchu think of Turkey vs NL
Well then
But then you lose the menu key you seek to open context menus with!
Just look at that arrogant panda
The fields of bamboo belong to him
Holy shit can you order those? I NEED THEM
Also tell me if you have a bunch of pictures up I wanna see them with explanation. Gotta know more
I'm actually following that and anyone who knows Edrogan will have the same opinion.
FUCK HIM. That shitty self-centered, arrogant, hella egoistic piece of shit need to be put down. Wanna be Kim Jong Un. You guys need to up your game and not get scared of his empty threats.
Also downtown Beijing is full of scammers
One person offered to give me a ride on his weird scooter thing to Tienanmen Square for 2rmb
I knew it was bullshit and moved on but looked it up later; apparently those people take you to some alley and say they actually meant 200 and try to intimidate you into giving it to them
I kind of wish I let him try that
Holy shit this guy is worse than me
Yeah you should have let him try. Do you concealed carry?
Maybe; I haven't really looked into it. They're good though. Only costed the equivalent of $1.16 as well. Apparently they're one of the top brands here; people from Sichuan province like them. People tend to smoke specific brands based on solidarity to locales and things like that. I think like six pictures managed to upload to Dropbox; maybe I'll send you to them on Skype. They're mostly from the Temple of Heaven, and a few are of other random things I found on the streets
And I haven't seen any such things
No guns here lol
At least it works alright since there's little to no black market for guns
Not necessarily a gun, a blade, a small bat, whatever works.
Do it yo, always carry something with yourself what if the chinks gang up on you
I'll google those cigs, we might need to trade, can you bring those out of the country?
Picking a fight with the chinese as a foreigner in china is generally a really bad idea, on account of them all being racist as shit and hardly afraid of mobbing foreigners.
Even more reason to carry something with you then. I can't really imagine the triad being scared too
Didn't know they are that agressive tho.
If you carry something and wind up stabbing a native you better enjoy your jail time and/or the debt you'll be pushed into from fines.
They aren't really, that's just your retarded tribalism. You generally need to be picking a fight to get into one from pretty much everyone I've heard.
I just have a justice boner this pussy government finally stood up for it self.
All views on China of his are now invalidated
Oh, yeah, I've been thinking I might get a blade. I'm planning on going to one of the big haggling markets tomorrow to see what I can find
And I don't see why I wouldn't be able to bring them out of the country
White "people" are scum.
I'd imagine you can buy them online though, considering the fact that they're one of the most popular brands in China
I've known many a person who's spent far more time there than you.
White privilege is real here
don't ever work in a warehouse, boys.
More like Fn-HITLER
*twice as high
A lot of those assistants are kind of annoying though
What kind of jerb do you have anyway
Does China has no self defense laws or what
Who said anything about picking a fight too
I'm talking about self defense here
Noice, at worst we'll trade then
I wonder if the gooks have a regulation on blades, get a smaller on just to be safe. What do you think tho? How agressive the chinks are? Seen fights and shit?
Yes, its good for the entire world actually. Edrogan wants to take over Turkey and he thinks he is too powerful for anyone to stop him or talk up against it, fact is, its just nobody giving a shit.
Its a good thing you guys got involved I hope you started a chain reaction
The memes about the chinese legal system being in the natives' favor aren't exactly untrue.
I guess I should look that up
And no, they're pretty non-violent
Warehouse picker.
I build cages and throw shit into them whilst under a target of 135 items an hour.
Baka gajin go home
lmao hope they get banned everywhere
But white privilege isn't real in the USA and it's harder to live like a king
(Really though I'll only be here for a year. Then I'll set my sights on climbing to the summit of Mount Olympus)
Why not get a new jerb if you don't like it
I'm glad you understand muh autisms
What's up, anyway?
Oh wow thats unfair. Guess those who pick pointless fights deserve it anyway.
That you should. Post some pictures here and hammer some cultural awareness in the tiny little avatarfag heads
I hope so too. Keep up the good fight guys.
i want to kill
It's too early to ream Erio into being a submissive girl.
Nap time
I hope I can find some kind of cool dragon knife
These weird shopkeepers seem to like dragon stuff so far
I will urinate on the mountain of the GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty much.
It's unfair but not that much of a problem, at the end of the day.
oh boy who we lynchin'?
It will end up in a stream and millions of people will drink your pee
mod users
I don't think there are any streams near the summit
What'd they do this time?
yeah, this is useful info for me.
you don't pee hard enough
maybe you should just FIX
I'm thinking of adding that german guy in the OP and bully the everliving unholy shit out of him. Did anyone add him?
Its a good thing that you use your privilige to travel the word I'm jelly
So, where next? Japan?
Well at least it might put a leash on drunk as fuck UK teens who can't fucking step on the break
hnnnn n-not in public
fuck you
u no fix
i report
Anyway, I should get ready for bed
Goodbye beloved insects
You've probably drank at least a molecule of water that was part of my pee at some point already
I'm going on a vacation to Greece in between to climb Mount Olympus and see other things while I'm at it. I've actually kind of wanted to go to Greece for a long time. Then probably Thailand or Japan
Anyway, night
You mean Marsy? I've known him for 2 years now, he's pretty decent to talk too, you can bully him if you want, he'll most likely return it back though.
You'll be dearly missed.
I only worked there and it was living hell
Hope you can put up with a constant 30C+ weather
Bah, no fun. I thought its one of those extremely lonely fags who'd take it like a bitch just for the sake of conversation. Fuck it then
I want to die
lot of edge this morning
edge me moogy
Jack and Erio in one thread.
. . .
gimme humble bundle
Which tier?
Any of ya gits have a PS4
Is the new danganronpa out yet
what's up, yaniki?
i wanted verdun
ill settle for 2nd
what does it even have worth wanting
stop being bad at psp games
verdun jotun warhammer
Vermintide, I guess.
how about you stop being bad at not being a nigger
I guess.
what'll you gimme
I'm already the best tho
draw me a crazy pink haired lady with a good bit of red in the color scheme
Too bad you're also a girl
All are shit.
What a bunch of useless faggots.
I'm out
nvm nvm you already got it
how does it feel knowing a girl can beat you up?
fair enough
I do, but only have like 5 games.
Reminder that "edgy" was ruled a compliment in 2013
Night (yes I'm posting again after getting ready :3)
Am I edgy???
not here
I take it as a compliment
You should too.
Edgy = Doing whatever is necesarry without being burderned by morals and ethics nobody with two braincells to rub together keeps anyway
I already googled it but thanks anyway
Now to climb on the pals who have PS4 and try out that free dangan VR
Wise idea.
I don't want to go near VR unless I can try it for free with no consequences.
wasn't talking about her
Dangan and resident evil 7 has free VR
Do you have the goggles tho
Someone buy me VR
No. They are outside my budget and I don't have any games to utilize them anyhow.
I hear FF15 is getting it or something, but one game is hardly worth it.
Well I don't know any other girls that could beat me up.
Do you?
I tried it with resident evil and it was actually pretty damn impressive.
Must have been mind shattering on acid
If you're a guy you should like girls
shut your mouth
The two big things I want to know about are how far into your peripheral vision it goes and how well your eyes can sense depth with them.
Also back in like a few.
hello muu, how goes uni?
theyre shit tho
I know a lot
Name one
Heterosexual > any queercunt
Paul Joseph Watson doesn't believe in the secret Jew conspiracy to rule the Earth and is thus not a legit conspiracy news source
I'd say peripherial vision is pretty realistic and same for depth. Best yet
I'm doing some work that needs to be handed in by the end of today
magnifiers and lenses and stuff as usual
Free speech!
welp, how much have you got left to do?
im a magnifier
Neko 0 Yan 1 billion
You two cunts have been in Uni for as long as I've known you
I must find a way to try it.
ive been at uni too fucking long, thankfully itll be over soon
Hit up somebody who has it. I'd buy it if i I had ps4 to be honest. Or maybe you can try out in stores if that doesn't work.
stop posting this
Not much.
A cuteness magnifier?
if i could change my mind about it i would, but that would have required me to have actual direction at the age of 20
think youll make the deadline?
And now its too late. I was warned about this otherwise I'd proly make the same mistake as you chaps
i want a ps four
lucky for some
But those tiny asian hands
Of course
I usually leave it this late
It takes a few hours but it's pretty comfy, unlike essays
what even are you studying? my coursework generally takes 40 hours minimum tbh
This makes no sense at all.
Its a meme you dip
He's upset about his micropenis.
My penis is bigly yuge, ask your mother
Hey Test
I dont understand
Play Rust with me and Ziggo
🤔 kurwa
No thanks. That game raises my salination levels and I haven't played it in a month and a half.
But Test
They've been adding things like crazy in the last month
There's vending machines, bullet proof windows, wall lanterns, complex decision makers, furniture, lockers, fridges, weapon holsters, and heavy armor.
Well, there's maybe 10 parts to this so it probably takes up to 40 hours over the entire course
well at least youre studying something proper. what year are you in now?
ive got 7-8 weeks left to hand in my final year project, and im still arguing with my prof on the design of the second major part of it.
monogatori is a deconstruction of harem and fanservice.
It is not only self-aware, but genuinely engaging. It emphasizes how absurd fanservice situations are and honestly lets its story drive the series forward rather than these situations.
First year.
I resonate with that image on a spiritual level.
How terrible
Sorry. Was doing something that had me in ruins for like 4 hours last night and 2 hours today.
Square up, nigga.
Monogatari is trash
really, just first? id have thought youve been there longer
Mars attacks
Literally my fucking friends every goddamn time
Exactly that.
I'm afraid to ask.
I had a gap year thing and then I changed courses because reasons.
pls, never happen
fair, i get that
doing better in this one?
Well, it's not that I wasn't good at the last one
I just really don't like field work.
Also it's more scientific.
to be honest at this point in my degree im half tempted to fuck it all off and go fish for the rest of my working life
I want to be bullied by Raphiel.
B-but haven't you been at it for a while?
im 2 months from finishing, save for a resit in august
i honestly dont know if ill be able to reliably secure work tho, results havent been too promising thus far and i dont intend to live on the dole
J-just hang in there
There is a dungeon in FF15 with no monsters and is just fucking platforming and puzzles. Not only are they hard as fuck, but they thought it would be ok to rotate literally everything a bunch so it's hard to tell how far to jump and I got vertigo trying to do it.
im gonna for the degree, but i dont know about anything past that. comp sci was a mistake tbh, literally a waste of time, money, and effort. my bf stands to make more money than me with his only debt being to the church that gave him the grant for his initial equipment, and hes currently off bullying crabs at sea while im pouring over a book on agent design, trying to figure out why my professor thinks my approach is retarded.
That sounds pretty infuriating. Any casulties? Keyboard? Mouse?
I actually don't get mad at games like that.
I understand that if it really is an issue I can simply set the game down for a bit.
I powered through though and was pretty satisfied.
*poring over
Always said holland is nazi
Ah yes, I don't even remember when a game gave me a feel like that. Shit is just too easy these days. All reward no effort
Whoah thats something rare.
hey mister jack
grim pls inject me with nanomachines that will instantly give me a thorough understanding of all things AI
Good taste
Jack is nazi
what's crackin
did you order your tohru body pillow yet?
nanomachines that turn you into a qt grill
It was mostly hard for the fact it was awkward platforming in an action RPG. If I had a larger pool of options in terms of mobility then it wouldn't be so bad, but I didn't and it was quite apparent.
If I get mad at a game it's usually in online games where my skill doesn't dictate the entire experience. If I'm good and others are bad I get kind of down, but just take a break for a bit.
In the end it's just a game.
Nazis leave
I can nazi all of this hate
scoots leave
Isn't there some tribe you should be saving from a pedo, Bebop?
Imperial Germany is so much better than Nazi Germany.
how is he pedo
He ran a sex ring with alice
And he likes 13yo girls
as neat as that is, the bottleneck here is the reading
How about you shut the fuck up and stop defending pedos
Hai bebop
s-sorry I didn't mean it that way
quickly give a minority child to hug
Sounds pretty reasonable tho, I just get an unbearable fit of rage if I can't do something, anything for the third time.
Then shit breaks.
Tohru best dragon
I'm surprised even at myself that I didn't drop the show and actually watched 8 episodes of it.
Seriously though, Imperial Germany did nothing wrong. They really got the shaft, but not as bad as the Ottoman Empire. I wish the Ottoman Empire still existed; it would of prevented so many problems we now face.
flat chest
When I did the dungeon I kept track of my deaths.
Over 6 hours total I died 260~ times.
i got so high last night that at one point i hallucinated anime
Fucking nazis
alice gate
read it practice it get an expert to correct any mistakes
rinse repeat
I had a good feeling she's be your fave
imo Elma's pretty fucking cute but she needs more screentime and development to beat Tohru for me
but my nigga
Lucoa > all
I'd blame this thread for rubbing off on me but I saw an unidentified potential waifu and it was really good experience.
No pizza
I guess my deal is I don't have time to care about money.
Aren't you a patient one
Elma is pretty new to the show and every time I see Lucoa its just a talking pair of tits
Kanna could be a good loli but she is pretty fucked on her own way so
Tohru > Alle
its AI tho, its mostly the rate at which i can read + the time taken to comprehend the concept being put across.
being kept busy with uni work?
Things that are based on my own skill are easy to be ok with when I don't have much to show for it.
What draw
gwyndolin ahegao
yourself overlooking the spanish landscape out of your home
Draw mei hanging her self
so fkn cute
I swear I read that sentence but I can't comprehend
Halp, language barrier
I think there is a particular and rather popular fetish of milfs slamming shotas
Might appael to that but to me it looks like that Lucoa would even fuck a rusty nail
She is still the only non-lesbo dragon which deserves credit
No, I'm just too lazy to care.
If I'm playing solo and I fuck up it's whatever.
If I'm plying with people and they fuck up and it brings me down I get down.
i didnt care til i had shit to pay for and no longer could rely on my parents to put me up during the summer, then this whole student finance shit started getting old real fast
who dat
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new thread
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