So there is a lot of talk on this board about how America is basically a third world country and is the most class...

So there is a lot of talk on this board about how America is basically a third world country and is the most class clicked of all western nations but I think what often gets forgotten is that the most classcucked region of the entire class cuck capitol of the world is the South.

Any southern anons have any stories about the situation down here?

You name it we got it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah it is basically all Mexicans making up that Catholic swath across the west. Most whites out there are actually protestant.

I didn't know the west coast was so fucking πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€CatholicπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€, it's Mexicans isn't it?

Southern Baptism was a mistake

Socialism can tackle this with a second Holodomor.

The South is so classcucked that it's hard to find tea here without high-fructose corn syrup added to it. You have to specifically ask for "unsweetened" tea at restaurants.

Not really an example of being class clicked but yes this is true. Sweet tea is the bomb though for real.


alabama checking in
and trust me those obesity statistics are spot on
honestly I've kicked around the idea of trafficking just to get out of this shitty situation

You people sicken me.

Tennessee here. We make all that meth you guys are smoking. You're welcome.

Northerners don't tell you that blacks make up the majority of those statistics because it defeats their narrative. Don't take my word for its, check for yourself. Also the black religion is Liberation Theology. It's impossible to debunk all the blatant misdirection and misinformation fed to Northerners by the media. Just assume everything you know is wrong because the South lost the Civil War and the victors write history. Read the Rise and Fall of the Confederate States by Jefferson Davis. Also check racial population maps of America, Appalachia is nearly all white while every large city is a super concentration of blacks.

What a sad life you live.





I just jelly nigga.

I didn't say it was great. But you don't have to know the other side of history, just believe the winners and trust whatever you've been taught in school. The Civil War was a lot more than "muh slavery bad, freedom good". Propaganda is clean, reality is messy.

The Civil War was a mistake.

Why do you hate a nice sweet iced tea? It's so nice feeling that cold glass and tasting that refreshing breeze of Southern goodness. But that's none of my business.

you yanks disgust me

The state's rights argument falls apart when you ask the question the state's rights to do What? Preserve the institution of slavery and allow space power to expand in the West.

The sessecionist constitution of South Carolina explicitly state's that the war is about slavery.

Bleeding Kansas was the prelude to the war and that was about HOLY SHIT slavery.

It's le basic economics maymay

slave power

Hello friend, back to reddit pls.

ex-texan here, adopted new englander

people keep asking me why i moved

"it sucked a lot" doesn't seem to be sufficient.

I have never posted on Reddit in my entire life and you never addressed what I was actually saying.

It was about preserving the rights of the states to buck federal authority and preserve the institution of slavery for economic reasons.


1) they do know. racism is just as systematically oppressive as capitalism, what a surprise.

2) theres still a disproportionate amount of poor white people in the south.

actually most whites in the west are non churchgoers

Most whites in the south dont go to church regularly but they still identify as christian.

eawstern kentucky and west virginia are literally 95% percent white and its full of poor, meth addled, pill addicted, louts

What's the deal with southern usa and meth? Curious europoor here

Well, it's really that the protestants are broken up into a million different categories and the catholics are all one batch. Most whites being protestant in the west is probable true, but I don't doubt that you'd still have catholics as the plurality. Hell, for most of the west even WITH mexicans the catholics are merely a plurality

Meth makes you feel like you're riding the lightning into the Chaos Vortex.

Sadness and long work hours. Its the Southwestern and Western US along with places like Hawaii which are experiencing the worst of the meth crisis.

This. I'm from South Dakota and the meth problem here is fuck huge.

I can't wait for the next worst thing, i wonder if it will be like Slo-Mo from Judge Dredd.

Also from Alabama. Graduated high school 7 years ago. Most of my friends work shitty low-wage jobs and/or live off their parents. None of them have drug problems(except me), but we also aren't rural and lived around the okay parts of metro Birmingham.
I love the state and young people are generally less class cucked than you would expect, but the misery isn't evenly distributed. Wealthier cities are generally nice. Poor cities are hell though. Rural areas are there own special hell.
We still have segregation. It's not official, but some areas are almost entirely white while others are black. There are more integrated areas, but things still tend to be divided among racial lines and, of course, black areas are poor. Also, it's fucking impossible to live without a car unless you're in some magic place where everything is only a few miles walk away. The government at all levels is insane christian conservative psychos. I think this is made possible largely with gerrymandering. On average I don't think people down here is nearly as crazy as our state officials. Racism is still a thing, but the only racists I know around Birmingham are rich white people and cops. I assume a majority of racists are in rural areas and Montgomery(pls nuke). Want to add that the worst people in the state, regardless of race, all live around Montgomery. Honestly never had to deal with so many crazy and racist people as when I lived in Montgomery. I hope that city gets nuked. Fuck Montgomery.

Sudafed is relatively easy to acquire (it's the main ingreediant) and you can make a lot of money with only like 150 bucks of investment.

A meth cook can make 10x the original investment in profit just from shake and bakes, not even using a lab.

Brunswick, georgia here can't speak for the rest of this shitty state since atlanta was a fucking wreck the last time I was there.
All in all this is the most milquetoast place i've lived in almost better than living next to a florida strip club with drugs and homelesness.

Holy Third World Batman!

But that's a good point.

"Freedom, yes, but for whom? To do what?"

Oh shut the fuck up. The South clearly got to tell its side of the story. In fact, it was the dominant narrative in the media until the 60s.

How many movies can you name that are actually, unambiguously on the side of the Union? I can only think of one, Glory. Every other fucking Civil War movie is either fully on the side of the Confederacy or some neutral "war is hell" bullshit.

The war was about slavery, "muh states' rights" was just a euphemism for slavery.

Sherman did nothing wrong. March to the sea best day of my life.

Oh it's one of those threads where we gloss over how black the South is re: how shit they are, right

"X side was holier than thou"; I idolize Lincoln tbh, but the whole war was a dumpster fire.

well it wasnt about slavery because the north was just that virtuous. It was a war between one set of porkies and their politicans and another.
It was still a massive net positive that the northern ones won if it resulted in the abolition of chattel slavery, even if thats not attributable to the goodness of their hearts.

Lincoln was the first hard anti-slave president. He simply wasn't originally going to ban slavery immediately, but create harsher restrictions on slavery leading to a full ban. The South seceded because they knew Lincoln was the beginning of the end for them.

This isn't /peakliberalism/ my dude.

We have no effective welfare system at all. The maxim federal amount a person can receive is 735 per month, when in reality you need about 800 per week to survive where I live. Getting section 8 housing can take half a decade, and is notoriously unsafe, and fucked up. Also I'm partially disabled, and I refuse to work a fucking 17 hour workday doing hard manual labor for 8 dollars an hour for the rest of my life until my heart fails, but I remember Anons the US is the greatest place on earth.

I'm not necessarily saying he shouldn't have taken the matter into his own hands in the way he did, that's why I said I idolized him. I just think the reason I hold my viewpoints is because of the LARPers that pretend to fight the civil war battles over and over again without knowing any of the nuances, usually "muh south will rise again" types.

While we're on the subject, where did the welfare queen boogeyman come from, anyways? How can anybody possibly say that the poor are the people who are "leeching wealth" with a straight face, when porky exists?


Greetings from waycross comrade.

It was another gift from Reagan.

"But they earned that money!"

holy fuck alabama

Damn there are more South Georgians here than I thought. Valdosta comrade myself.

Greensboro, North Carolina here.

We're actually pretty fortunate (so far). Despite the legislature's best efforts to the contrary, the state university system is still among the best in the world. Every single economic gain they like to crow about though has been at the expense of deep budget cuts and practically all-out war on the working class. Unemployment benefits slashed, food stamps slash, refusing to expand medicare/caid, cutting funds for public schools, etc. It's just a fucking bonanza for republicucks, and they distract all the idiots with bills about what bathrooms people can use.

Everywhere outside of the cities is basically in fucking ruins. Driving through some areas of the state, you'd think there had been a war or famine or something. Tiny little islands of prosperity surrounded by vast seas of economic decay. It's a fucking mess.

south Georgia confirmed for revolution. time to make the civil war look like an MLK sit in. ( Β° Κ– Β°)

How are there still so many Mormons when Joseph Smith was such an obvious fraud and a complete overview of all his blatant lies is freely available online in forms such as pdf related?

Yuropoor here who visited Georgia a while ago. We have our fair share of problems too but I was shocked to see the state in which the American South is in outside the university campus or the separated, walled-off rich people areas.

Everything looks absolutely run down and dystopian, people staple junk on their porch, local businesses do not exist, no public transport, homeless people all around, racial segregation, trailer parks, etc. Everytime I talked to regular people there it was almost always about shootings, drugs, getting your kids taken away, divorce but also Jesus. Additionally to that everything is plastered with ads which rot your brain. I've never seen so much density of advertisements except for some Asian countries. What also shocked me was that you have mugshots of people who opened a beer can on the street in gas stations. I have also never seen upper class housing areas surrounded by guards and walls.

The only positive thing I remember was that most people are hospitable. But the rest outside of walled-off areas is like Nigeria except with morbidly obese people. I've never felt so at home back in Europe despite its flaws.

Mississippi here. This is life in rural AND urban Mississippi, for both whites and blacks. There are pockets of renewal, such as some small towns' courthouse squares. But it's not everywhere, and more downtowns are dead empty than alive. You can pull up any rural photograph of any underdeveloped "third world" and one of Miss. and it'll look the same.

The only good thing I can truly say about this state is that its poverty and strife has produced great art.

Christian conservative ownership of both state houses, governorship, local governments, etc. Social services are negligent, and when they are available, they're typically draconian state attempts to divide poor families (DHS). We have the most private prisons, with a huge prison scandal a few years ago bringing down officials for corruption. Turns out this state that can't fund anything gave the prison industry over a billion dollars in no-bid contracts.

C'mon on down to beautiful Mississippi. We are very close to achieving the Ancap Paradise.

I've heard some people joke that the reason the devil was in georgia in the song "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" was he was looking for a second home.

I'm an Americanist, and the primary thing I took away from my studies is that the world would be better off if the USA was firebombed into dust.

I've lived here almost 40 years. You don't want to live here.

Mormons don't really have a big presence in the South. They are mostly out West, I believe.

Obviously. Look at the map in the OP.

I drove down 61 for a few days last month and holy shit Mississippi is a spooky place. The only buildings that werent falling apart or looking like they were about to were huge prison complexes right across from the fucking cotton fields where I assume the prisoners work. Stopped in a small town with one open business that wasnt a gas station (the only other building operating was a food distribution center), and I asked the white woman who ran this weird craft store where I could get something good to eat and she directed me to her resteraunt (she owned the three none chain businesses in the town) and promised me it was the only place you could go in town to get away from blacks, and this is after she tried to direct me to the delta blues monuments she was so proud the town was known for. Not the worst thing ive seen ofc but I felt disgusted talking to this opportunist slave-nostalgia small town porky and her assuming I must be on her side.

Im from Philadelphia and grew up around terrible poverty but Mississippi was a special kind of scary

pics related, i took all of them except the one in prison with the horse.

Also let me explain the Memphis Bass Pro Shop pyramid in the next post

Appalachia is, by all accounts, just as much of a shithole as the South. Maybe more.

This isn't exactly correct. It was because he wouldn't allow new state's accepted into the union in tje West to become slave states.

So in Memphis, looming over all the foreclosed homes and low income housing, there is a massive steel and glass pyramid and it's a fucking bass pro shop superstore with a simulated bayou inside of it. It's basically a pyramid sized mall with a fake swamp filled with real fish and alligators in the water. It is an actual ancient civilization scaled monument to capitalism.

I think part of the reason americans are so classcucked is that everything interesting in the country is a fascinating capitalist abomination

America isn't a third world country. America isn't a country.
You can see by the way people live in USA cities and the number of crimes that there's a huge anomie problem is USA's society. There's no real national identity, people don't trust each other, nor liek each other, people might say they love America a lot, but in fact they love their heritage and skin pigments more. Americans are obessed with race it's unreal! I have never seen anyone on any european nationality talking so much about race as americans do.

So no wonder that a lot of americans here say they don't like nations and that the concept of nation is nonsense, because they never been in a real country, where people respect each other and there's an actual sense of, belonging, of family and fraternity.
USA never integrated the blacks, they've always separated ands lived according to their origins. Little Italy, Little China, Little Ireland, Little Judea.
After 200 and something years the same problems persist dispite the fact that there's millions of people whose the last 4 or 5 gneratiosn have borned, lived and died in USA.

That's the great big enclosed dome in Nashville, right? That place was, in retrospect, completely surreal.

Which was the beginning of the end for slavery because they would lose seats in Congress and electoral votes.

Why did they build a GEO-FRONT in Memphis

Sounds about right. I've traveled a fair amount, but I can honestly say the worst level of impoverished hell I have ever seen is in some of the communities in the Delta.

Murica was literally made with capitalists fueled with religious zeal

nah its the pyramid in the other pics unless thats what youre talking about. and yeah surreal is the best way to describe it

The Pyramid actually has a sadder story. It used to be a coliseum, where sports and theater shows were put on. It was open to the public for Mississippi River view, etc. A lot of us who grew up in the region remember taking class field trips there.

Memphis eventually had to sell it because they couldn't maintain it, and it became the BassPro shop.


Tennessee here

Tennessee has been kind of a mixed bag

and you guys have no state income tax…

This pleases porky.

Yep, it's all run on sales tax. If you come here from China and visit in my state well guess what bitch you are paying into my system thanks for the utilities ching chong.

Before moving to NC I lived in Biloxi. I wouldn't go back to Mississippi for all the crawdads in the gulf.

bumping excellgend bread

I was stationed in the Deep South (Biloxi, MS and Panama City, FL) for a little while. Unless you have lived in the South, you have no idea how bad it is. It is an entirely different universe. Folks from outside the United States tend to think of the country as one monolithic bloc, but nothing could be further from the truth. The so-called "First World" United States is only in the Northeast, the West Coast, and a couple places like Chicago and Hawaii. Fly-Over Country is a depressing rural wasteland, the Rust Belt is getting progressively worse, and the South is Hell on Earth.

I was there before Katrina. I can only imagine what it is like now.

This explains why Lincoln decided to get slavery abolised, it was more foreign policy than anything, not muh poor black folks.

Also here's a quote from Honest Abe himself on race relations.

Pic related

Forgot link

I like bluegrass tbh.

i hate you atkins baptists more than anything else in the world

To say otherwise would have been political suicide. The pro-slavery Democrats would often try to get abolitionists to declare that they believed black people to be the equals of white people which would ruin them in the border states. With the Republican majority in the populous North, the only way that Lincoln could have lost the election (he was campaigning when he wrote your quote) would have been to portray himself as a radical abolitionist and thus lose the border states. He did the same thing as he was championing the Thirteenth Amendment.

This thread made me feel sad. And lucky/spoiled.

Worst thing is, very few people care about rural, inner areas like these, and that is true for most of the western world.

what the fuck? why are there so many catholoshits? what the FUCK IS HAPPENING TO MY PROTESTANT HERITAGE

These are related, as thin girls tend to get fertile later.

I'm from Texas. I grew up in deep east TX, and holy shit it is depressing. Most of the kids out there work retail or food service jobs, live in trailer parks or with their parents, and spend as much of their time as possible on the strongest drugs they can find. With no future and no escape, being sober is too much to handle.

This is a blatant lie. Where I grew up, everyone was white.

The cities in Texas are pretty alright though, if you can get out of the country. I worked a job with toxic chemicals that destroyed my health one summer for $12/hour, to save enough to get out of the country. I still went over a month without eating a full meal, and I'm extremely lucky that I found a job quickly.

I will kill myself before going back to the deep south.


Don't feel bad user. Just don't forget about us.

When people tell you that people in the West or americans in general are all muh privileged assholes who don't have to work hard to make a living just remember these stories and tell them to people.

As I said before, they're actually just a plurality in 4/5 of those counties, the protestants have a million different denominations and the catholics have 1. The map even points this out, only the counties that have a dot in them are actual majorities.

I'm aware. I live in a relatively wealthy spanish city but I am familiar with impoverished areas and have friends who have had (or are having) a hard life cause of it. This life traps you, and if on top of it, your country is going through a crisis, chances are you're gonna end a drug addict or a gang member when you fail. It's so depressing. Andalusia has some similar problems to what you're describing in this thread, and it's even on the news sometimes. Right wingers will say that poverty levels are just only due to ghettos and immigrants but I have seen nationals dumpster diving or begging in the streets. Sometimes for a job. And I understand the same thing happens with the North of the UK.

Ancaps and the like love to say poor people deserve it and have it much, much better than starving Africans but fucking God dammnit, we should be better than this. Not every poor guy is a lazy inferior parasite.

If course it was about slavery.
Basically FREE worker, whom you don't need to PAY anything at all, or care about their sensitivities. As long as you do it to the ones, who have the whips and guns.
Basically Bourgie's wettest dream. And thanks to your willful collaboration, we are heading to that direction again. Only that this time, it won't be just the niggs. I doubt people of today know who Ham is.

Lincoln supported the Back-To-Africa movement and after having Frederick Douglass in the White House one time he straight up said he'd never have another negro in the White House.

Recently took a trip to Arkansas. I thought we had it bad in Oklahoma, but holy shit. Mile after mile of abandoned farms, run down trailers and towns that make you understand that why meth would seem attractive. There are no jobs except shitty one with Walmart and gas station chains.

The man lived in the 19th century.
Give him a break.

Lots of Irish too. San Francisco had a huge Irish community up until the 80's before the fags took over and made everything nice, clean and well decorated.

The South owned people, they and anyone who got in the path of liberation deserved to be destroyed or detained.

Why don't Holla Forums organize and seize those farms to create the glorious american commune?

This sounds incredibly third world and I even live in a shitty part of a third world country.

Just because the farmhouses are abandoned doesn't mean someone doesn't take care of the land

they're probably armed too lol

Yeah, a lot of american's have been brainwashed into thinking that they live in a 1st world country so at least they have it better than everyone else. It's weird hearing europeans talk like that about the US, because to me what you described is just kinda normal for 90% of the country.

Not everyone owned slaves and the shitty reconstruction actually made living standards worse for former slaves. Ultimately the suffering was worth ending slavery, but that doesn't magically justify Sherman's march and the other petty bullshit the north did. It's not like they could care less about black people. Their qualms with slavery were economic more than moral among the wealthy political elite that pushed for war.

Yeah so did John Brown, fuck off. Idk why you would want to apologize for a US president. Its cool he had a correspondance with Marx I guess

Where do you live in Andalusia fam?

I found this, don't know how accurate it is.

I'm from Florida and here there are similar problems
Can't say anything about drug usage since I've somehow avoided it entirely but I've heard it can get bad.

No wonder they have no revolutionary potential.

typical tankie

They're also massively in debt because we have insane amounts of cash for healthcare, school, transportation, and all the other shit Europeans get cheap.

There's nothing wrong with third world countries.

How is that high? The median is skewed by the higher quartiles

Brazilian here. The way you guys describe the American South makes it seem like it's more fucked up than Brazil.

Most likely this infograph is using Median Household Income. In 2016 the median income for US individuals was 29-and-some-change thousand according to the SSA

In what way? I doubt that, poor US is uniquely bad because you get third world living conditions and first world neoliberal social alienation, but Latin America definitely has worse outright poverty, at least compared to where ive been in Mexico and Peru.

Yeah, I also doubt the American South is actually worse than Brazil, but at least the way people have described here make it seem like it's worse, with so many meth users, everywhere looking run-down and people being so depressed.

Every country is bound to become a few prosperity islands floating in an ocean of slums with neoliberalism.


It definitely is worse than some parts of Brazil.

as a note I don't live downtown I live on an island next to and go to glynn academy in the downtown so I dont experience the problems daily in person but I wouldn't say it's third world we just have a sewage and wild farm animal problem if you want to talk about bad though a factory had a minor explosion near the school and we were encouraged to go outside and breath in the polluted air.

Virginia here.


They will get there at somepoint but then again isn't the south full of fiscal conservatives?

Why the fuck is that one state blank? Explain Americans. WHY ARE HALF OF THEM BLANK

Because at the tine of the civil war all that stuff in the middle was just a bunch of territories and none of them were officially state's yet. Basically a bunch of batshit insane settlers and Indians lived there.

Oh yeah and south carolina (the blank state in the east) was so pissed off about Lincoln running that they didn't even participate in the election at all.

I'm actually from Valencia. All the information about Andalusia is second hand; news about school lunches, unemployment, sicknesses that were thought cured resurfacing and overall poverty. I am only familiar firsthand with some friends who dropped out of school, had drug problems or were involved in violence due to growing up in poor areas and in some cases, having bad luck.

That's why I said I felt lucky and spoiled.

Anyway, I'm now depressed because holy shit. I'm from Podlaskie and moved when times were REALLY bad and only know of Philadelphia (current living outside of it, it's center middle class but I just barley got lucky), New York, and Washington D.C. are my only experience with America.

Yankees are rude and I appologize for their behavior.

North Carolinian here

In my area, near the mall, there are multiple medians and little sidewalks where homeless people beg

They're just about everywhere I go

I've witnessed people yelling at them

There's a guy who stands on the side of the road near a Taco Bell yelling about Jesus

I've seen people take 5 minutes to read one sentence

My area is fairly successful thanks to tobacco industry (Durham, NC thanks Duke family) but as soon as you leave Durham county or Wake county you get to redneck country

There are tons of foreclosed and dilapidated houses out in the country, big pickup trucks with alcoholics at the wheel

TL;DR - I live here, it's shit. AMA I guess

Hey, im a Philadelphia native. Where you living, Bensalem? Im from the Frankford area of philly if youre familiar

Just dropping by to say this was a very interesting thread, thanks to everyone that contributed.

Took the train down to vacation in South Carolina last week. Two thirds of the stops past D.C. were small, hollowed-out railroad cities whose major industrial employers downsized or moved out decades ago. Each one was laid out almost the exact same: boarded-up vacant small shops on main street, a few nice older houses, then a bunch of vacant and decaying industrial yards, then crapped out tract homes and wilderness. All new development is shitty one-story stores, ranch homes, or churches. I imagine it looks even worse farther away from the railway.
The train and station infrastructure was also mostly worn-out or decrepit. Beaches were still nice though.

In VA you just have to accept that everyone hates bikes & pedestrians… your chances of being killed by a drunk driver in a huge debt-fueled pickup truck covered in Trump stickers is roughly 50% at all times.
My town still has a weird "tradition" where people "cruise" up & down a particular street on Friday & Sat nights. They seriously get in their expensively tricked out cars/trucks & just go up and down this one street, back and forth, all night, blaring music, drinking, screaming things at each other.

Sherman's March needs no justification. Burning Georgia and South Carolina hastened the end of the war. War is not two groups of gentlemen engaged in mutually voluntary murder of one another to settle some point of honor.

He also ended two economic classes. That is why we like him. Why should we give a flying fuck about him being racist when he destroyed slavery and the master class? Lincoln did more to advance the process of historical materialism than Lenin did.

They don't read those, and people running the church are aware that they exist and have a counter-argument ready to go. It actually feeds into the belief the mormons are prosecuted when people try to point this out.

Hey, they have that in North Florida as well!

I think everyone on Earth knows to expect New Yorkers to be assholes by now.

Literally the same argument made for atom bombing Japan.


Not even a troll bombing Japan was a good idea.

The Japanese refused to surrender after bombing the first time so we had to do it FUCKING TWICE!! It's a good thing they surrendered because those two bombs were the only two on the planet.

The imperial government was training teenage schoolgirls to fight the American soldiers with sharpened bamboo spears. We would have had to burned down the entire mainland of Japan and killed millions more if we didn't drop it.

War entails killing civilians and ruining infrastructure. There is no way to make society-wide mass murder more humane except by finishing it quickly.

That is not quite true. The Americans accepted the same terms of surrender that the Japanese were offering before the bombings. The fire-bombing of Tokyo had already knocked the fight out of Imperial Japan.

The Japanese DID offer to surrender. The US only dropped the bomb to send a message to the Soviets and as a test of the weapons. Records make clear that was the reasoning behind it. It's complete bullshit that a land invasion was the only other option. Honestly can't believe someone on Holla Forums is sucking Uncle Sam's cock so hard.


You fucking retard Liberation Theology is Catholic The only really distinguishing feature about Black religion is worship style and actually acknowledging worldly problems instead of ignoring them like lots of whitey-tighty rich people churches.
What does this have to do with anything? Are you trying to characterize Appalachia as some kind of utopia? Do
we have to talk about Mountain Dew Mouth in this thread?

All the this. My A Beka propaganda history book even said the same thing, that the South was on the side of slavery πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€for the time beingπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ because they'd go broke otherwise.

Lol I used to think shit like that. I also thought all Black people smelled horrible all the time.

No, the real problem is he didn't acknowledge the right for a state to secede. The right to secede is one of the most basic rights for any political unit. The individual can secede from his home town, administrative division and nation and the nation can secede from international organizations, why can't cities and other divisions secede? I'll tell you why, fascism. He could've been just like "lol bye" and waited for them to come running back when they were too retarded to cooperate with each other because State's Rights (like how South Carolina refused to give its uniform, weapon and supply surpluses to other states) but instead he had to go and get millions killed to reinstitute hierarchy. Fuck Abe.

I want to comment on this for a while. I grew up in Puerto Rico and the South. So it was normal to drive past boarded up houses surrounded by 10 inch grass and 20-years abandoned businesses with rusty signs both over here and over there. (But I will say that shit doesn't stay abandoned nearly as long in Puerto Rico.) I never connected the dots and realized that both places were in extremely deep shit while Hannah Montana and Sam Walton were living the dream. 350 pound man screaming his ass off at his kids in the Brookshire's? Normal, unpleasant sight. Nobody interferes with anybody or asks any questions because everybody's scared the next person is some gun-crazed lunatic.

Those last pics bring me a certain rustic nostalgia, I know it's crazy. That stuff is common in East Texas as well.
If you have the pair next time you see something like that, you need to do this instead:
This reminds me, there was a Family Dollar in Pittsburg, Texas that, along with several other buildings, had the "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" signs placed non-conspicuously next to the "no shoes no shirt no service" signs, and I never saw any Black people shopping in there but didn't think anything of it because they liked to come out at night when they were less likely to be harassed anyway. Later I learned that one of the last genuine KKK chapters is in that area. There was another time my dad walked right out of a convenience store in the middle of checking out because the old man at the front desk told a black person to leave (and he was about to do it, too). That's not to say my dad isn't a scumfuck, he's no hero.

Are you bluntposting? This is good shit.

That's where I'm from.

Two doctors wouldn't see my mom because of her Hispanic accent. The first time she went to the town Brookshire's they demanded an ID (they wouldn't say it but it's because she looked Hispanic) and we were basically held captive there for an hour until my aunt just happened to show up for groceries herself.

Get used to it. Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and East Texas all have the same shit.

Wew why do you sound like a fucking neocon right now you fucking cuck.

Well technically they took a while in responding. People have made the actual argument to me that the only reason we dropped not one but TWO nukes at separate times on the Japanese was to "assure" their surrender even though we were waiting on a response and the Japs were out of options and stalling and they knew it and we knew it. There was no way they would've said "no" and even if there was it would've just been a waiting game. Another old one is "we had to end the war as quickly as possible" why? Because it was expensive? Lol.

what do you take us for, barbarians?

of course we add lemon to our ice cold garbage tea

atlanta is literally the most disgusting city i've ever seen

I'm a Utahn, so not south, (but pretty close in some ways). We pretend it's happy valley here but don't let the Mormons fool you, we're the fifth highest in suicide, one of (if not the) highest in mental illness, and number one in teen suicide. (Most of them are lgbt) We're also surprisingly high on heroine use. Of course, this doesn't stop local Utah government from declaring porn the state-wide health crisis. (Even if we're number 1 in paid porn subscriptions, too.) Our education system is, like most of America's, absolutely abysmal.

That said, few of us are uneducated, and many students do very well, but conservatism obviously runs deep outside of Salt Lake, making virtually everyone ultra classcucked, but some are ripe for radicalization. In fact, if Joseph Smith wasn't such a charlatan, he could pass off as having some primitive leftist ideas. (Look up the Law of Consecration.) admittedly I don't know if this is unique to mormonism or not since joseph smith stole a lot from other religions and passed them off as his own

That said, they'd probably just turn NazBol at best since they can't let go of their proto-fascist social ideals.

Wasn't the first co op in the usa opened in utah.

pre red scare the mormons tended to be pretty left. it wasn't until the 1950's that they started to become the classcucked wierdos they are today.

Can't say, although a quick look at wikipedia seems to say the first attempt at coops in the USA happened in Indiana, but I'm not sure.

Mormons tried a lot of bourgie shit too though, for example Joseph Smith tried opening his own bank and making his own currency while they were in Missouri. Possibly devilishly revolutionary though haha

Yeah, I remember reading an archived newspaper from the 1960s in utah about how the communist party in Utah "disappeared overnight". Now a Mormons are pretty popular with the CIA for their booklicking

Most of us realize that

but we have to keep pushing with that narrative as it helps to take the wind out of the sails of republishits


Why is American full of Protestant sects?

ever read an history book?

Interesting bread.

Medians are real values directly in the middle of a distribution. They don't get skewed by anything. You're thinking of means.

No, the Quakers had a tradition of forming women's coops for widows, battered spouses, etc.

I'm from here and I can tell you that whites here are as fat, uneducated, unemployed, and illiterate as blacks

Well, you'd be mistaken. The poverty here is equal opportunity.

Or you could not be a lazy asshole and write stuff yourself if you feel it's that relevant

Yeah, in fact whites are lower than blacks because they're caught up in their racial delusions. They have the same poverty, but think they're "superior." They can't even smell their own shit they're so retarded.

Top kek. What the fuck is wrong with America


I used to work with an adult literacy org and the numbers were insane. Even in a relatively urban county the illiteracy rate was something like 40%. American schools are really shitty, and they're only getting worse.

o fuck im dumb thanks

well this is a thread about the south u fuck

Burgers will fall for this and somehow continue to suck his dick.

Yeah, the numbers of "functionally literate" are very surprising.

That place is a shithole filled with arrogant, racist prairie niggers who exploit their own people. It's no better than a trailer park in the deep south.

The Lakota Sioux are the white trash of Indian tribes.

It's pretty fascinating how the US can simultaneously be so completely dysfunctional while also being the most powerful military force the world has ever known.

I'm sorry about your shitty country americomrades. I wish I could get a gun as easily as you can though.

It's functioning perfectly. That's the problem.

I will never understand what problem anyone could seriously asign to fucking indians, theyre leftovers of a very effective genocide, theyre poor so im sure theyre assholes and criminals but they live in the poorest parts of an already shit country and are killed by cops and put in prison at a rate higher higher than blacks

That's… part of the issue. So much of our public money is spent financing the military.

The part in red is where there is a lot of African American.

In Australia it says Catholics are the majority, but it's because the protestant majority are far more likely to turn to atheism.

The bombs were unnecessary. Japan surrendered after Stalin refused a separate peace. We had already saved Hiroshima and Nagasaki as example targets and bombed most of the cities below their size.

Oh Holla Forums, your arguments never change.

Different people follow different religion. Take it as you want, but if you want to compare religions,you have to compare the people following it.

Then why are L.A., Chicago, New York, and every other major city that was a distination in the Great Migration not that way?

Not really, it just appears that way
It's a shithole all across the country unless you're in the porky heavens of the east and west coasts
t. midwesterner

I asked google if Backs who moved here kept the same beliefs.
I got this:

That looks chill as fuck.