How do we get socialists to love Jesus Holla Forums?
How do we get socialists to love Jesus Holla Forums?
nice spook you have there mister
Clearly the most dangerous threat to civilization.
By lying to them and pushing le 'jesus was a pacifist socialist who only talked about inequalities and totally wasn't a jewish conservative nationalist who brought the concept of hell into christianity' meme
What if I told you that socialists are way better Christians than any rabid, hatred fueled religious cuntservative under the sun?
As always
Pretty sure he brought the concept of christianity into christianity..
Ain't you funny
by accusing anyone of questioning fantasy as being a fedora wearing nerd of course, it's worked so well for reddit-tier retards and the best part is that it helps our enemies recruit the rejected.
The more of the New testament I read the more convinced that 'Christian capitalist' is a contradiction in terms
Learn to read then
This guy knows what's up.
It's part of Fascist slave moralism. You hate what you cannot have and want to control it. Much the same as why Christians and other religions forbid such things, it is a hatred of beauty, because they hate themselves but at the same time claim themselves to be virtuous. Thus, the only acceptable thing to be is a self self centered ascetic convinced of their own goodness through acts of charity.
There's no mention of any sort of 'hell' until the New Testament - the only comparable place is 'a place away from God' - which is possibly just unconsciousness.
It's an improvement.
You don't really believe that kind of obnoxious bourgie cunts know anything about anarchism, right?
That is me before, during and after college but in my house
Your reactionary bullshit makes people reject your Jesus even more
I do like flirting with the ideas of god and like religious imagery but I don't think I could go back
Probably not, but triggering Holla Forums is hilarious
Man, she's a disgusting creature. This is what happens in the absence of a core belief system, whether it's religion, nationalism, ethnic nationalism etc. Anarchy, pure atheism with no substitute etc. always ends in severe depravity because you lose all sense of worth/duty in life. You have no dedication to a god, a cause, a people etc. You just "YOLO." Horrid beasts.
How do we get Jesus lovers to love socialism?
I'll have you know that Marxism-YOLOism is the the true ideology
First of all Christianity is a blood cult, second of all why would I care about the Souls of wicked people? Third of all what is in it for me? Fourth of all why does your god hate spirituality so much? Fifth of all why does he share so many characteristics with Mithra, Ahura Mazda, Dagon, Ba'al and Molech? Sixth of all, why did you kill Giordano Bruno? Seventh of all, will you ever stop trying to make everyone feel guilty? Eighth of all, other than torture and human sacrifice of heretics; do you have any solutions to problems of fun? Ninth of all why isn't the Gospel of Thomas included in the main Christian corpus? Tenth of all why did you burn the library at Alexandria? Eleventh of all, did you know Jesus teaches Hermetics and Zen? Twelfth of all, why do you think your book is anything but bastardized metaphysics and allegories/magical formulas? Thirteenth do you understand the significance of the Cube, Cross and Tesseracht?
Unironically an improvement and if you think otherwise you're likely spooked normie.
I really don`t care whether it is commissar, high council,monarch, chairman of single authoritarian party or simply military dictator.
I just want authoritarianism, and strong hierarchies.
She changed from a likely bland narrow minded consumer whore to someone with actual personal convictions who isn't afraid to question and break at least some of society's norms.
How on earth can you consider the previous version better fam?
Leftism stands for the reduction and abolition of all hierarchies. You're advocating literal Holla Forums tier views.
I just like the revolutionary virtues and besides its not like the state is going to wither away in few generations post-revolution.
"The Bible, which is a very interesting and here and there very profound book when considered as one of the oldest surviving manifestations of human wisdom and fancy, expresses this truth very naively in its myth of original sin. Jehovah, who of all the good gods adored by men was certainly the most jealous, the most vain, the most ferocious, the most unjust, the most bloodthirsty, the most despotic, and the most hostile to human dignity and liberty - Jehovah had just created Adam and Eve, to satisfy we know not what caprice; no doubt to while away his time, which must weigh heavy on his hands in his eternal egoistic solitude, or that he might have some new slaves. He generously placed at their disposal the whole earth, with all its fruits and animals, and set but a single limit to this complete enjoyment. He expressly forbade them from touching the fruit of the tree of knowledge. He wished, therefore, that man, destitute of all understanding of himself, should remain an eternal beast, ever on all-fours before the eternal God, his creator and his master. But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge." - Bakunin
After College just looks like she went to some music festival.
The only way to read Jesus is through atheism:
Back to pol cuck.
We don't, we get Jesus lovers to become socialists.
Wow it's just like I'm on Reddit.
just show them
It's got plenty of links about the connections between Christianity, Communism, and the Jews
But if you're talking about actual socialism, I'd suggest looking into Satanism and Nazism
Pope Francis gets the bullet.
no surprise
post moar titties please
Her dad was a Nintendo champion in the 80s, lol. I've been sending him memes about his baby daughter's hairy muff all day.
I'll tell you again, satan-chan.
Satanism is more compatible with Communism than Nazism.
Nazism is all about purity, you faggot.
Communism is all about sexual liberation.
Enjoy the embarrassment with Slave Ray 2.0, Holla Forums
Could it be that the majority of cunts on your side are attention whores who didn't get enough attention from daddy because he was too busy beating up Battletoads?
Satanism is most compatible with ancap, by no coincidence the most childish, selfish, and most autistic political position there is. Satanism is Ayn Rand for LARPers and atheism for edgelords. I hope you look back at the time you thought you were a Satanist and cringe, because it means you'll have grown up a little.
Slave ray 2.0
but I would totally fug this one.
She's not on our side, how is it "damage control" to point out that you're retards for putting all your eggs in this basket when all you're going on is that they both have dreads?
No thank you, I read the bible.
She was identified via Faceberg and instagram, unlike Slave Ray her social media presence was huge. And so was her family's, lel. Pic related, now her granny has seen the gaping hairy Arby's of her sweet little granddaughter. :^)
lmao at the fucking nazi projecting personal inadequacies
kys like your bitch fuhrer did naziweenie
Don't you pride yourselves with recognising Jews by their noses?
This is just plain embarrassing. Well at least I can be rest assured, that should I ever trigger Holla Forums's autism somehow it will be my lookalike who will be exposed to their wrath.
Did you just assume my gender? TRansphobic much? Umm sweetie, stop being so sexist, I identity as a female so please use my proper pronouns next time.
did you just assume that joke was ever funny :DDDD
lmao, fascists are insecure AND humorless bitches
t. bugurt ANTIFA
How exactly is finding her on Facebook the same as proving she was the girl in the porn?
I can almost guarantee you that a chick like that would hate Holla Forums
t. sexually frustrated kissless nazi
I thought you guys didn't liked over the top capitalism? :^)
Holla Forums always manages to outperform themselves.
Communism was literally created to fight Satanism you nitwit.
Also, the Nazis were very much sex-positive and embraced the boons to spirituality that came with the Third Sex
what if she found jesus and jesus told her to take her clothes off and put a flower crown on?
Not all Satanist are Laveyan faggots.
I for one believe in the revolutionary Lucifer, who was punished for daring to go on strike when god wouldn't compansate the angels for their labor on building the universe
Then again, Satan-Chan is not talking about Satan as in christianity and so on, so…
Is that why purity was so important and mastrurbation was frowned uppon?
Read Reich.
I'll take things that never happened for $100 Alex.
what a dilemma
A blatant lie, masturbation is a vital tool for sex magic, and as such not restricted by the Nazis
I'd disagree Mark 10:21 speaks of the individual voluntarily giving to the poor whereas in socialism it's the state that coerces wealth from the individual to redistribute
Yeah except if you aren't charitable then you can't be a Christian and you go to hell. Doesn't sound voluntary to me.
Fucking hell, is that really both her?
I'll never get this meme of fetishizing fun.
touche wordfilter
No you can commit the sin of being greedy while still being a christian if you confess to god as 1 John 1:9 says "If we confess for our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Nazis actually promoted premarital sex and having kids out of wedlock, but that's less out of liberalism and more because they saw humans as cattle to be bred. The SS' lebensborn programme encouraged anonymous births by 'racially pure' 'aryan' women, the children where either adopted by german families or raised by the state.
We dont
We send christians to gulag
Hebrews 10:26-31
26 For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge His people.” 31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Can you really call that a fetish?
Everyone knows fascists are deep closeted fags.
This is the better question.
I'll admit I'm not too fond of armpit hair.
But pubes are completely normal. Methinks Holla Forums's sexual experience comes primarily, if not exclusively, from porn, where shaving is more the norm for some reason.
There was no such thing as nationalism 2,000 years ago.
We don't.
Because we have better things to do than to get socialists, who are all about trying to redpill the working class in order to overthrow the ruling class (the bourgeoisie), to love a jewish carpenter from 2000 years ago who more than likely never existed in the first place whose main message was "don't rebel against earthly authority, just trust me and my skydaddy and you'll have eternal life under the perfect servitude of said skydaddy"