Hbomberguy has been banned from every single socialist subreddit

Apparently the reason why is because HBomberguy was insignificantly supportive of a rape victim back in 2011.


Other urls found in this thread:'_International#Sections


also: radicalize him

Holy shit, this is mentioned in leftytrash and you were too lazy to even pad out the OP with it?

Literally figuratively actually sincerely who

is this related to the trot rape coverups?

… Wut?

Source on this info about Harris Bomberguy though?

OP is a lazy faggot.
First off here is his apology on the issue

and as for the proof

and there are a few others but you get the idea

Sorry about that it was the first thing I saw when checking reddit

jesus christ.


When a bunch of trots who literally covered up for a rapist try to take the high ground against a guy who was mildly dismissive of a rape victim 5 years ago.


what the fuck happened to the e-celeb quarantine?

top kek they want him to go through a struggle session

To a certain extent, if he actually did fail to deal with a friend being sexually harassed in a serious way, I can see some natural gripes. That sort of shit should be shut down regardless of whether it's one of our ecelebs or not. I'm honestly hoping he can recover tho - he's actually flipped a few of the grosser reactionaries I've come across into the "workable liberalism" category and his content regarding the aut-right can be pretty fun. He's not for everybody and obviously he's only dubiously A Real Marxist, but he's one of the the first (pseudo)leftist ecelebs to really go places and I hope this turns out alright.

Is there nothing better to discuss?

But where will r/soc find such a person?

Friendly reminder that they're all non-socialist cishet males


He absolutely is.

Also gotta point out the irony of a marksucc Titofag telling others they're not proper Marxists.

I don't understand though, are they a rape victim? All I can find is stuff about how they were inappropriately hit on by a guy who was a "creep" and "acted rapey" over a skype call, I don't understand how that's enough to purge Hbomberguy. Am I missing vital information?

Implying we even need to.

He claims he was raped at age 7. It's unrelated to the advances of this supposed creep.

Apparently they were issued a rape threat, but they weren't raped in this case. They say they were a victim of sexual assault in the past but hbomb is questioning the threats at the time.

I don't know the degree to which I'm being incredibly insensitive, but while I think Hbomber should look into this guys behavior with women, and distance himself from him if it's true that he has a history of acting creepy and rapey, even the idea that Hbomber is directly culpable for that, or even the idea that this guy being molested is connected in any way to this event seems dubious and kind of ridiculous. Maybe I'm completely wrong here, idk

Also, everyone seems to be calling for self-crit, but isn't that exactly what his long ass tumblr apology already is? What more do they want?

Personally I just take all discussion of rape with a large heap of salt. Human society isn't advanced enough to even begin to tackle it, so it's not worth wasting mental effort on. As a rule of thumb, all people are bastards.

You saw their list of demands, right? Maybe if he records himself consensually licking some feminists' feet while whipping himself they'll consider accepting his apology.

That has to be the most ludicrous list of demands I've ever seen. If you cannot be faultless, you must move hell, apparently.

Reading the logs, I can't find anything necessarily wrong in what Hbomb said either. If I had someone accusing a good friend of being a murderer, I'd also be somewhat dubious, especially when there's no evidence offered beyond a story.

They're mad that hbomb apparently shut down discussion about this in his discord and that he didn't yet cut ties with this lion guy (probably because he still doesn't believe he did actually threaten klaus)

Naw, I'm fully aware, and am a shitty marcsucc myself. Note how I capitalized it. He's totally a marxist, given that he also uses marxian critique and namedrops the Grundrisse. I was more referring to the fact that he's not gonna start actively screaming about a classless, stateless, moneyless society or selling glossy Trots newspapers like Muke tomorrow. He's a fellow-traveller, and I'm more than fine with that.

This is what's been bothering me the most, everything he says in the logs is pretty innocuous, Hbomber doesn't even reject the validity of his claims, he just says he needs to look into it and can't give 100% support without investigation.

From what I understand he already has cut ties with Paper Lion.

The reality is that they're likely a group of government agents who are paid to disrupt attempts at leftist organization. They're not mad about anything. They're glad they have another opportunity to further divide the left and make leftism look stupid.
The users are useful idiots, but I'd be very surprised if the mods aren't actively sabotaging things.

This is good.

Reddit's left will become so intolerant towards any disagreement that every leftist will be forced to choose between total devotion and brocialist heresy.

Jesus. I don't even know who this guy is but reddit and politics are like oil and vinegar. you can't even escape the chokehold on the fringe left subreddits.

Reddit moderation team is like the Idpol cheka.
I'm so proud to say I haven never stepped on that pile of garbage.

he even showed a screencap of Holla Forums's front page once I think he lurks Holla Forums.

What do you get if a trot rapes another trot?

7 splinter groups


Annnnnd the comment section is full of the word "brocialist" being thrown around
What a surprise

This is madness. I've never been to reddit before this thread, and honestly I'm shocked. How are these people able to function? An autist told a transperson that he would have her "drink til she couldn't resist him", and this should get him fired seven years later?
It's like a parody from Holla Forums, but somehow real..
Not my comrades.

Tbf the chapo sub is actually pretty good but that's probably because it has less then 5000 subs

like 95% of their userbase?
r/soc's contribution to socialist discourse has once again had resounding effects throughout the halls of time.

Does anyone know the actual year for this?

Can someone give me a quick rundown on who he is, what he did to piss off reddit mods (at default pissing of reddit mods is always something good) and why I should care

I don't think these morons even realize that they're making brocialism sound appealing.

the subreddit mods give me second hand embarrassment, like how petty can you get?

I've been putting off checking out that podcast but I looked at the sub and I wasn't immediately repulsed so it's definitely jumped up on my to do list.

Been marathoning Chapo and I fucking love it. It's nice to listen to someone who actually talks a little about actual leftism. This is definitely better than Drunken Peasants now.


Lefty youtuber who's gotten big making hour long videos on video games, and also making fun of the alt right and classical liberals like Sargon. As for why he pissed off the reddit mods. Apparently someone he was on stream with allegedly threatened to rape someone 10 years ago

inb4 some reddit retard finds this thread and sends it to all their buttbuddies so they can have an autistic screeching session about it

Holy shit, he was so sincere and honest in his apology and they're still trying to crucify him? Like he even amended his post to address their concerns and they're still going after him?

And it's all because he refused to abandon one of his admittedly creepy friends right away. HE EVEN CUT TIES WITH THE DUDE AFTER THIS WHOLE THING BLEW UP. What do they want from him???

good let them

they're a fucking cult


I just want to add. This is completely fine. You can say this, and it is fine. It is not threatening to rape someone. If you say that it is a rape threat, then you are the problem.
Maybe this guy is a creep, but that changes nothing. Being "creepy" or undesirable is not a crime.


He was banned because we wasnt supportive enough by their standards?

just confirms that these "communities" crucify their own worse than their enemies sometimes,
this is your brain on idpol


People are fickle, user.

Is this the actual rape threat? Now you mention it it sounds like it could be. Autistic if said completely uncalled for, but if they've been speaking entirely by text it's possible they had completely different perceptions of what kind of relationship they had. He even calls it a date, does she/he (not sure what's going on with the timeline here) not rebuff them when they say it's a date? It's pretty easy to get crossed wires and diverge immensely if they're just been texting and talking on discord, or IRC, or whatever the fuck people were using back then.

it's a constant uphill struggle with these types. you'll never satisfy these people, their status depends on virtue signalling, being the "purest" figure around and constantly seeking drama to self-aggrandise

Well yeah, we basically know nothing about these people and their relationship but plebbitors basically expect hbomb to 100% believe one party while denouncing the other.

OK listen up people, this is potentially a critical time to strike for us.

Can someone get in touch with Muke or some other "brocialist" youtuber? It's imperative that Hbomb doesn't come away with the impression that the ONLY opinion is the one being expressed here in the trot reddit circles. So it would be fan-fucking-tastic for one of our more approved e-celebs to issue a statement and summary of these events and call out:

1. The disproportionate response, especially considering the "you're a good dude" reaction in the initial messages
2. The misrepresentation of his apology (it looks fuck all like the "stolen" apology they're claiming it came from, and was WAY more than sufficient despite their whinging to the contrary)
3. The hypocrisy of a mod team well-known for their own rape cover ups and scandals to trash someone in leftist circles for doing a minuscule fraction of what they did (keep in mind, no rape is even claimed to have occurred in this situation while the /r/socialism mod team WORKED TO COVER UP AN ACTUAL RAPE)

With the right messaging, it can really draw people to our side and be a massive blow to the faux-socialist outrage culture fomenting on these shitty reddit corners.

didnt the socialist subreddits defend rape coverups by socialist orgs

This smacks of a coordinated attack. The porkies are desperately trying to SHUT IT DOWN by getting the cis-white-males-LARPing-as-minorities of /r/socialism to attack a well-known YouTuber with socialist sympathies to try to push him to the right, because Trump is failing hard and their narrative of the alt-right being anti-establishment is falling apart. Socialism stands a good chance of gaining even more traction in the very near future.

I wouldn't say it's fine because it is fucking creepy, but to me it sounds more like a bad attempt at seduction than a rape threat. From what I've been able to gleam the person he said this to kept in contact with him for a while and didn't report or out the guy, so it's weird to bring it up half a decade later and expect to be believed without evidence. Never watched hbomberfag but it isn't surprising thay plebbit spergs out and demands he surrenders himself.


Holy shit, Thom Avella's take on this is the most opportunistic grandstanding I've ever seen:


This would be good.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. They to tried to cover up literal rapes??? That's actually inexcusable. Holy fuck, how does the weight of the irony here not crush them to death??

how is the reddit mod team implicated? i read the first article and skimmed over the other but there's no mention of reddit anywhere

It'd be nice if you stopped writing like a cross between a drama queen and a retard.

What do you expect from spinless socdems on reddit? Despite being on a socjus safe space, they manage to be whiter and maler than us, who are located on a nazi website known for pedos and threatening wymyn.

You cannot stop me from writing in this style buddy :^). That'll be a no-go kiddo. Just try to stop me. I dare you buck-o.

This. Fucking crucify these faggots.

I would rather one of ours talk about the situation before fucking Sargon of Acuck gets his hands on it and uses it as ammunition against the left as a whole. Do you have an actual counterargument or reason for why this is a bad idea?

Of course I can't stop you, there's no cure for autism.

Wow, you must have a huge brain and a beautifully shaped skull. Damn. Nice read buddy.

[Snickering in Communist]

He doesn't have anything. People who reply to detailed posts with George Costanza never do. He's probably from Holla Forums and wants to make sure Sargon gets to spin this unchallenged.

My best guess as to the scenario when I read the logs was:
The accused guy thought of the contact as something more serious, the Klaus guy as something more casual. The accused guy probably made an off-hand joke about going out and drinking until Klaus "couldn't say no to him" or something of the like.

Because of Klaus's past history with rape and a neurotic personality combined with the guy seeming creepy (possibly a social reject or autist), this is interpreted as a direct rape threat. When told about it, Hbomb isn't sure what to make of it and doubts the story. Klaus takes it personally but lies to Hbomb and wishes him the best when he ends the friendship.

The resentment festers, and out pops the Tumblr post. Hbomb is blindsided and doesn't know how to respond to it. He partially botches his apology at first. Leftist Reddit acts per usual and demands a pound of flesh for his iniquity.

Past the usual "believe victims" pabulum, "creepy" = "evil" is more or less what they're using to judge the accused guy as having actually made the threat. "Creep" must be one of the last ascribed identity everyone hates. No one wants to own it and no one is willing to vouch for a "creep."

Bit rude there buddy, they're only a bit spazzy.

Wait, so this is about him not immediately believing someone over unproven allegations? Why is reddit so retarded, and why is Hbomberguy so fucking retarded? I mean, he apologized for doing nothing wrong. His SJW side needs to be purged. His apology is full of SJW terms. He needs to stop being such a fucking cuck, realize that Marx would slap those bitches, and that Lenin would send them to gulag.

Ye man, by this standard somewhere around 50% of the urban population has a mental illness. Its totally not our urban environment and modern lifestyles that fuck literally everybody up.



Lads. Could we not?

What if we are being too rash and he actually DID rape someone? we shouldn't go to far in the other way, either

Yeah this seems like the most likely case, I saw it in the /leftytrash/ thread a while before this was made so I've been mulling it over and it seems like a cringy breakdown in communication between two flavors of fucked up teenager.

For that to be the case, you first have to prove that a rape even happened. Nobody did that, and even the allegations that a "rape threat" occurred are not backed up by any evidence. The fact of the matter is that this is complete bullshit and he should not have apologized.

Even the accusers aren't claiming rape. They're claiming he said something which can be construed as an intent to rape in the future. Even in the worst-fucking-case scenario he's not a rapist

We should reach out to him and get him to call out how shitty leftist reddit is, and give us a shoutout. We could convert a bunch of redditors.

Because Klaus was raped, not this time everyone is talking about though but as a child. They've worded it pretty funny and it makes it out like it escalated to that.

Yeah, I've been diagnosed with autism, but that really has nothing to do with this. I'm majoring in psychiatry and I've got a pretty good understanding of modern psychiatric science.

Idk why I'd just let some people be wrong on the internet. That's just not how I roll.

I remember hearing rumors they were having hbomb on the podcast soon too

Jesus Christ, you want to undo all the progress the hacker made towards getting rid of them? Why in the ever-loving fuck?

From reading the chats, I think he's right to call out Hbomb for being kind of a dick towards him, and I think Hbomb handled the original situation pretty good, although not perfectly. In the end I think Hbomb showed that he was aware that he was touching a delicate issue, and felt the tension between political principles and personal feelings, which in the end is enough in my view. Sucks that he couldn't depend on him in that situation, but whatever. Being a shitty friend who has problems with working your principles into your personal life isn't a crime, and certainly isn't worth building a large callout campaign upon in my opinion.
Especially not when he then goes out to accept all these complaints (and more) in a public apology, on what - to my eyes - seems to be largely a private conflict - that he couldn't depend on hbomb.

Problem is that these callout campaigns (that, as we've seen, quickly turns into witch hunts), with insane demands (that he publicly calls PaberLion an attemted rapist, which actually is illegal &c.). hurts the discourse and the involved people a lot more than it helps anybody.
What does he (Klaus) gain from this? His stated purpose is to "put it out there" or something, but this (to my eyes) doesn't seem to be of very crucial public interest. If this is to improve Hbombs ability to live by his principles. is this not something that could be handles either personally, and if it was deemed to be of public interest could this not have been done without exessive witch hunting?

In my eyes this seems like just purely seeking retributive justice, when we as leftists should be supporting constructive rehabilitation. What hbomb did is criticizable, how to we best prevent that he or other don't do this again?
Witch hunts like this just scares people to never open up about their own encounters with victims of rape and/or rape threats, in the exact same manner that shaming victims of rape makes people not talk about being raped.

Also it really isn't our place to be discussing whether or not PL threatened Klaus or whatever. We really don't know the specifics of the case or their relationship. When somebody feels threatened, we should first try to make sure they don't feel threatened, acting upon those who made the threats come later when we have the facts under control (which we (the general public) in this case never will, so let's just not get into that).

It's not about not believing, as is stated in the apology. It's about first reaction being inquisitive rather than compassionate.

That's probably the least likely outcome of all of this, if he did that he could basically kiss all of his subscribers and patreon goodbye, at the end of the day he's probably just going to capitulate to the idpolers, Holla Forums isn't big enough for him to fall back on.

How about you stop being such a fucking pussy. Why wouldn't someone be inquisitive when you're making accusations about someone he knows? I mean, if you told me any of my friends said something like that to you, I'd like to know why you took it a certain way. Get the fuck out of here, you SJW faggot.



Hopefully they still do, things like Chapo are the only opening on the Left right now for criticizing idpol without being immediately dismissed as a mouthbreathing brocialist reactionary.

No one is denying the original response could have been better or that the apology might have been warranted. The contention ITT is that there's clearly malicious intent to those dealing with him well beyond the scope of what could be reasonably expected, and that the apology should have been the end of it considering the severity of the charges levied (which is being a friend of somebody who said something which could have been construed as a reference to rape). This sort of guilt-by-association and immense histrionic derision (seriously? hbomb is a "piece of fucking shit" who needs to "go and die"?) is entirely unwarranted and disproportionate

What makes you think his subscribers will care?

My worry isn't that Chapo won't have him on, it's that he'll decline to do it in some sort of combined self-flagellation impulse and feeling that Chapo has a slight reputation for being "brocialist" themselves (recall the Nick Mullen controversy some weeks back)

There's nothing edgy about wanting to de-spook potential comrades

Yeah sure do that, I don't care.
I just said that I don't think this is any public matter that anybody should care about. I just said that that's what he's being criticized for, and that I can understand why that feels like a dick move. It's incompassionate, and for Klaus that meant that he couldn't be friends with him.
I'm not putting any moral judgment in your state, don't put words in my mouth please.

I agree completely with that and with most of this thread as well. I wasn't out to "call out" this thread or the people here (only wrt those talking about whether or not he (do you use she when they used she at the time?) felt threatened by PL), just presenting a more complete take, and explaining the view more comprehensively for those who felt otherwise.

These Redditors have to go back. When Reddit sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending people who are prepared to learn and disabuse themselves of feminist bullshit. They're not sending logical thinkers. These people have problems, and they're bringing those problems with them. They're bringing SJW shit, they're bringing anime hate, they're idiots, and some, I assume, are good people.

Wow I really botched those sentences.
>I just eariler in my post said that I don't think this is any public matter that anybody should care about.
>I'm not making any moral judgment in my statement, don't put words in my mouth please.


For sure. I think if we do end up having some sort of response vid as described in , we need to be somewhat empathetic to the original plaintiff. But that doesn't mean completely capitulating to the current narratives

Compassion would require an acknowledgment that something occurred, one would think. I can't rightly show compassion if I'm not really sure or can't act as if the event in question took place as described. "I'm sorry that might have happened to you" isn't very reassuring.

Personally, I don't think it's a terrible first instinct to question someone when they describe a friend doing something you consider horrific. It's better than abandoning friends whenever you hear an accusation or rumor of wrongdoing. Being arbitrary in our close relationships is worse than being inquisitorial to people we don't know very well when they tell us doubtful things. To me, anyway.

I think a significant portion of his audience is idpol liberals, and if he made a video denouncing all of this bullshit they'd honestly want him publicly executed tbh

Honestly this is more of a "being good at PR" thing than a "being a good person" thing which makes it extra bullshit. The correct PR response is always "oh I'm so sorry you feel/experienced X, I totally empathize. I couldn't possibly give you a comprehensive, well thought out answer in such short notice and of course a complicated and sensitive topic like this deserves time for forethought and introspection. Please allow me to confront him directly and reflect on the matter. Thanks so much for feeling comfortable enough with me to share X"

There, easy and basically copy and paste for all of these issues. The problem is normal humans don't talk like this with their friends.

idk, it seems like the reddit mods are just into idpol ideology because they can use it as a source of power, rather than out of any genuine conviction. They might be trying to build something resembling a centralised authoritarian party structure, notice how they seem to go against any outsider that acts as a threat to their power, either destroying them or bringing them under their control.

What makes you say that? Even if that's the case, why wouldn't he just get a new audience of class-conscious people who want SJW idpolers to fuck off and die?

What do you think would happen if Sargon decided he was a communist all of a sudden? Do you think he would keep the same audience and keep his same level of income? Would this board or the /r/socialism crowd suddenly forgive him his past sins (and notice they won't even forgive hbomb, a pre-existing comrade - a past non-sin) and flock to his channel in a show of support? It's not as easy as "just pick up a new audience.

True, but Chapo came out completely unscathed (for reasons I still don't fully know) and by aligning himself with them I think he might get a bump/added credibility, I mean the reason he's getting so much shit is because his audience is over 50% emotionally unstable youtube SJW tweens who think Leftist politics are about moralism and shaming people for using bad words

Yeah they came out unscathed because the kind of people who would be turned off already didn't like them and because, unlike someone like hbomb, they realize apologies are admissions of guilt and the biggest mistake you can make PR-wise.

Again, I agree it would be a good thing for him. I'm just worried he won't see that and will kowtow to SJW demands instead.

Is his audience really made up of SJWs though?

It's sad, but this is probably what will happen.

Not entirely, but there is a HUGE overlap. In fact, I'd place his importance on the youtube celeb sphere as "person who convinces full on SJW liberals that they need at least some class-analysis", where by comparison our importance would be "convincing fully idpol-ed reactionaries that their problems aren't all from minorities and you need at least some class-analysis".

Suffice it to say that without him many of them would just be on the contrapoints train (who is good for a good deal many things but is no more than an "academic marxist" and considers himself too much of a "pragmatist" to fully espouse anti-capitalism)

I'd say most Leftists are in general tbh, especially below a certain age, it's almost impossible to navigate any Leftist space or community without rubbing up on these people, and they are the majority, regardless of whether they're Marxists or Anarchists, to go against idpol is to go against the grain.

That something being that he felt threatened. That's really really easy to acknowledge.
Whether or not that fear was warranted is a completely different discussion in my opinion, we can have compassion towards people who acted or felt something that might have been irrational.
I don't think Hbomb should have abandoned PL, or just gone ahead and cut ties or assumed wrongdoing or whatever. I'm just saying that I can get why Klaus feels that Hbomb acted like a dick when his first instinct was to doubt and question the specifics of the case.
In the end it of course matters what PL's intent was, especially if the case is criminal or if you're figuring out how you should approach PL himself with this.
But in your relationship with Klaus, one can very easily and cheaply show compassion towards feeling threatened.

Whether you should or not is a moral question that I think is up for some debate and is not matter what not a very clear cut issue. In this case it obviously mattered enough for Klaus to cut his friendship, and I don't think that's so unreasonable so as to be criticizable.
I don't think I would have done that (cut my relationship), but I don't have a ton of friends and those I have aren't so close that I would confide that type of information so I'm not exactly in the same type of situation as Klaus, I'm also assigned and identify male so rape threats don't carry the same mental weight as it might to a trans male.

no matter what, of course. My typing is fucked for some reason.

Never change, Reddit.

I don't know why you're even trying to justify reddit's reaction in any form. Don't let them shift the Overton window.

Hbomberguy did nothing wrong.

I'm not in any way doing that. I'm justifying Hbomberguy and his reaction. I posted this eariler in the thread (>>1541859 ) which I still stand by.

If you look at life with just a tiny bit of nuance, you can see that one can both agree and disagree with the same people on different issues.
I think that Hbomb wasn't being a good friend to Klaus, but simultaneously I think that this witch hunt is completely unjustified.

how THE FUCK is that "edgy" you fucking newfag

I'm normally a big advocate for nuance, but I'm not wasting energy thinking about the arguments put forward by a moderation team who are literally government agents working to disrupt socialism.

You underestimate the pervasiveness of useful idiots with no government affiliations


I don't give a shit about reddit. I haven't read anything about their response other than that picture posted in the thread. I just read the chatlogs and Hbomb's response and built my opinion around that.
Was only referring to you expressing that disagreeing with the reaction of reddit meant that "hbomberguy did nothing wrong", which I disagree with in this case.

There's not much of a way here to avoid the event and focus purely on feelings. You can try, but the belief in whether something happened is what an expression of compassion in this case would depend upon. It would be almost impossible to ignore the question of whether the friend did what he was accused of in an ongoing chat.

I don't disagree that Klaus would see it as somewhat dickish, but, from the other perspective, he was asking Hbomb to believe a close friend threatened rape. That would be difficult for anyone to simply believe without question.

Well, he IS a piece of shit sophist.


I basically agree with you then. It's difficult, and I feel it's hard to blame people for doing more than trying, which I think Hbomb showed in the chat that he honestly did. But exactly the reverse is true as well, you can't really blame Klaus for feeling a bit betrayed.
It's just a shitty situation, and in the end it isn't really worth pursuing any further judgment except: "Maybe Hbomb should have put it upon himself to show compassion and help rehabilitate PL / the relationship between PL and Klaus.".

r-Rebel? Is that you?

damn, what gives them such a sense of importance that they wrote this shit?

Also, just to make sure I understand this, in 2011, a person wrote to Bomber Harris and said that some time, even earlier than that, one of the people he works with tried to rape them. This person is called a rape survivor, even though it sounds like what happened was they agreed to go out, but then cancelled after H.bomber's thread acted creepy. Is that really what it takes to be a rape survivor?

No, you definitely can't blame Klaus at all, what you can blame though is the insane call out culture of struggle sessions where apologies are never enough and people's entire lives can be ruined over harmless comments and slips of the tongue.

Exactly, in line with my original post.
You can also blame Klaus for enciting this shit if you take a look at his tumblr though, holy shit.

He was raped as a child (which Hbomb was aware of) in an unrelated case. He also contacted Hbomb this last september, not 2011. It was also not a rape attempt, but a threat.
This centers around him saying that he couldn't work with, or be friends with, Hbomb as long as he associated with the guy who made the threat.
Just read through the chats, it takes less than 5 minutes.

I haven't heard this before, but it sounds very kinky.

wait some faggot tranny though some joke from 7 years ago was a real rape threat? I hate all these fucking faggots. I threaten to murder people daily when I play dota and receive similar threats in kind. we need to bring back the bloody days

yeah I'm sure some dude really did want to rape a fat ugly tranny faggot that's totally a thing that happens lol

"Faultless" according to their own little cult, anyway.

Yup, I believe it. I said months ago Hbomber was a creepy abuser, and now we can see that's exactly the case for him and the crew around him.
Eat dick, Goon sociopaths.

What does this mean about his shitty opinions about videogames? will they go too?


Nice one, user.

It was from the Cultural Revolution in China

Isn't hbomber a socjus anyway? Who cares, let them eat each other.

what a LOSER

Lol I just read the logs. Who gives a shit. It's not a crime to be 'creepy' or make 'rapey' comments.

Projection won't save you, goon. Your SJW bullshit is going down hard.

some one get in touch with the Youtubers already like right fucking now.

He should kick that dude out tho, bit odd that he hasn't. What he said was fucked.
Reddit mods are still retards.

He is a commie.


Why doesn't one of the faggots with a twitter telling others to do it do it?


I haven't had a twitter in a long time. That shit is pure fucking cancer and I have no idea how anyone of any ideology puts up with it

I invited Hbomb to the leftypol discord and he's there. We'll try and redpill him (though I don't think he needs help, he already expressed sympathies based on how the r/socialism mods are acting like a caricature of liberal idpol) but he says that r/socialism mods are putting him in an impossible position.

link pls? sorry, newfag

thanks user!

DAE too inteligent for redditors?

which voice channel is everyone in?

They're in general but when more than 4 people are in general it gets hectic.

wow what a genuinely nice guy, you can tell he cares just by the way he types

Ok no problem, just new to using discord and trying to familiarize myself with the setup.


No one cares.

so this is the power of leftism.. woah

look's like he's gone now. What was the outcome?

He's not gone he just probably doesn't want to talk about traps with a bunch of channers. We pinned what he said in the chat.

Yeah, so our friends on the r/socialism mod team are being insufferable twats again, and now they're jealous of H bomber and want to hijack his shit, but just because r/soc hates him doesn't make him our guy. He's still a total asshole and narcissist. This is probably all MSFD seeing too much of himself in Hbomber and deciding to lash out.

Once again, hbomb did nothing wrong.

tbh I wouldn't at all be surprised if he already comes here

Can someone post it rather than be a faggot.

I'm all for extending a hand to hbomberguy his content is good and he's a funny guy.

wtf is that word


r/soc mods (and all the other subs they have influence over) covered up this rape story because they are CWI affiliated. The biggest culprit of this, u/poblachtobrithe, has since deleted their account, but is still in the moderation under different accounts.

More info:

well maybe this pushes him away from idpol and he'll make genuine leftist videos

Something meaning "aesthetics of a situation when rape is likely to occur in the collective subconscious" or somethin like that.

I don't understand how anyone can seriously care about this garbage. It reads like high school drama and /r/soc banning people over dumb shit is like water being wet.

Because it's scary that the reddit left is a lynch mob that tries to get people fired from their job because a girl says he made a creepy comment to her 10 years ago.
They have so little power and yet they manage to squeeze every little bit of abuse from what they have.

It's harder to win hearts and minds when one group is strategizing and the other is scheming up different ways to fuck you from behind

It's starting to terrify me how much tumblr-redditism is becoming a cult

getting banned from /r/soc, /r/lsc, /r/fc, etc. is what turned me on to left communism/communization/ultra-left because the only subs that wouldn't ban me were the leftist subs, hopefully that's where he goes too :)

fuck off faggot

Is this some new revelation to you that plebbit SJWoids try to lynch someone they disagree with? Did you gain the internet connection yesterday?
Just stop bringing the drama from your cancerous website on Holla Forums, nobody aside from your reddit fuckbuddies cares.
And more importantly, lurk more you braindead newfaggot.

what's wrong? does it hurt your feefees that I go on reddit?

This just in!

/r/ultraleft /r/leftcommunism /r/shittankiessay /r/shitleftistssay are the only worthwhile Reddit subs though

totalitarian liberalism, top kek


Biggest leftist youtuber, even if you don't like him he's at the least a case study for how other leftist e-celebs can or will interact with the community at large.

So much for being the True Leftists.


a genuine retard who tweets and posts pseudointellectual content yet still somehow is a hero to retards who identify as anarchists, commies etc. because most of them are highschoolers who'll spend their entire lifes on welfare

except that hbombercuck has always been pushing a listen & believe narratives when it came to rape victims

when his retarded friend got accused, he suddenly decided that automatically believing isnt actually a good option :)

I mean I guess, if you like spending time on subreddits full of pathetic 14 year old soon-to-be neckbeards

They're leftists, you seriously expect them not to be retarded?

At least he's got a spine.

Thom Avella is legitimately a retard who can't stop contradicting himself and should be called out by other leftists for making us look bad. We should criticize each other for saying dumb shit more often in general tbh.

H Bomberguy isn't retarded, he's just vacuous and insufferably smug.

Hurr it wasn't even a rape accusation it was a rape threat accusation. Literally the worst case scenario assuming the accuser isn't lying is they had to read a badly phrased message. Kys

Can someone explain what he meant when he said Klaus did a 180? Does anyone have the chatlogs?

They're insane. Poor hbomberguy.

Exactly the same for me. Communisation is probably the most coherent take on Marxist communism today.

I wish you were kidding but it's true. They are the only decent left subs.

Truly an underrated post


I mean at least trannies have friends

Nazis don't have friends

He should have known what he was getting into!


Muke here, was only just linked this.

Is it too late to do something, considering this:

If not, how exactly would I go about 'making a statement'? Are people expecting a video or something?

Honestly, Hbomberguy's affairs are his own business unless he specifically asks for help (or if Sarcuck or one of his ilk does a video about it). Point is, we need people to publicly stand up to the Reddit tankie scum and the alt-right enablers. More current events videos from a leftist perspective would help with this. Basically some /leftytrash/-type videos here and there.

Not advocating an explicit "stick up for hbomberguy" video so much as using this as a demonstrative case study for why call-out culture and extensive idpol is bad in the real world. So if you were to make a video, I'd focus on how even the apology becomes a reason for attack under this standard.

The goal wouldn't be to defend hbomb so much as to let others know our stance on call-out culture

where do you live that you have 14 year old leftcoms?