Why do you guys all seem to hate Maoism?

Why do you guys all seem to hate Maoism?

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Fucking shit tier ideology for edgy teens.

Mao was a garbage theoretician that put in place batshit insane policies that were both highly hypocritical and also disastrous for China. Pretty much everything good that came out of the Chinese Revolution happened not because of, but in spite of Mao.

He was a net benefit to china but also a reminder of why peasants cannot achieve a permanent revolution and why China needs a second one.

In all honesty Maoism isn't that bad.

Mao and Maoists are a totally different story.

Mao fucks (everything up)

Nothing really significant about Maoist theory, just ML with farmers. He was an absolutely terrible statesman whose policies were disastrous for the people of China.

In addition to this, the vast majority of Maoists in the west are often either total retards who want to apply Maoist praxis to a nation devoid of peasants and serfs, or people who have revised Maoism so much, it has essentially stopped being Maoism. Sort of like what happens with a lot of Trots.



China is ah-great decentrarized nationru, must make ah-China ascendant by decentraizing eveyting, oh wait I fogo main benefit centized system make-ah foty mirrion peopre ah-die…

mao has gotta be one of ugliest mofos ever to contemplate communism

We're jealous of all the teen and preteen pussy he got

I think you mean Mautism.

What about the cultural revolution guise?


There's like two of these threads every day, holy shit.

It was the furthest advancement of socialism and feminism in human history. Mao Zedong correctly predicted the rise of the new bourgeois within the bureaucracy of the Chinese Communist Party as he saw Khrushchev and his revisionist clique destroy socialism within the USSR. It is unfortunate that Mao did not step down earlier during the cultural revolution and allow Lin Biao or Zhang Chunqiao take over the role as Chairman as revisionists like Deng Xiaoping would of been thrown into the East China Sea instead of being 're-educated'. Alas the revolution failed and the revisionist eventually took over and destroyed everything.


Badiou is a pretty cool guy.

tbh I'm starting to think China was probably onto something after reading about Tiananmen.

>Chai Ling fled to France, and then went on to the United States to study at Princeton and Harvard. She then founded an IT start-up company and a non-profit organization called "All Girls Allowed", which addresses issues such as women's rights and female infanticide in China.
>Li Lu became an investment banker and venture capitalist on Wall Street, started his own hedge fund and became a business partner to Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway, partly through human rights contacts was acquainted with as a result of his involvement at Square.

They probably really were counter-revolutionaries being baddies. :^)

Well Marxism-leninism-maoism is vaguely okay or at least not all that much worse than anything else descended from leninism. Turd worldism is the worst though.

He's the absolute pro at quotes, I must give him that.

Haven't really bothered with it. I'm not really into "anti-imperialism" or whatever. I've heard some strands of Maoism are slightly better than ML but honestly what's the point?

He's on point with regards to his 3 worlds theory, you've got to give him that.

Only developing 3rd world nations really have a shot at a socialist revolution, they have nothing to lose. An average laborer in the US isn't going to seize the means of production any time soon

No, they don't. They've only had bourgeois revolutions, and most of the current moments that $$$tankies$$$ idolize in the third-world are thoroughly reactionary.

Considering how much Mao wrote, it's probably akin to the scenario of a thousand monkeys banging on typewriters.

I guess I should not expect people with that flag to have a clue…

Gee I wonder why

Only to be crushed ruthlessly by global capital and their shock doctrine.
Yeah nice revolution faggot.

The Hundred Flowers Campaign was actually hilarious in hindsight though. Especially since one of the DDR leaders then pulled the exact same stunt and the idiots fell for it again.

only morons hate mao

Even Molotov hated Mao and thought he was retarded.

Maoism has a GOAT aesthetic. the Red Guards where the original punk rockers, imo. Dude used to say A Bombs were paper tigers because the laws of dialectical materialism apply everywhere, so, even if life on earth was destroyed, communism would develop on other planets and still win in the end.

Mao was an IRL God Emperor with an Autism Level over 200 at least. Once he received a crate of mangoes from the Pakistani Embassy, which he distributed amongst local factories and party branches. Mangoes were practically unknown in China, so they became associated with Mao and became objects of Worship. People were sent to the firing squad for daring to suggest mangoes were 'just fruit'. Is there such a thing as maoist industrial noise music? there should be.

Well you just said he was retarded so he probably had very little understanding of the situation.


Didn't know leftypol was this new

Maoism =/= everything Mao did

If we can separate Lenin the writer from Lenin the leader, why can't the same be done of Mao?

Couldn't it be argued that the excesses of the GPCR made it easier for opportunistic liberals to win hearts and minds and undermine the state?

Sounds like the current CCP, vtw the vast majority of people on june 4th were working class Beijingers and leftist university students, the fact that a couple of survivors became porkie doesn't change that.

The majority of people may've been, an unreasonable amount of the leadership (i.e. >0) clearly had porky tendencies.

Uphold Mao Ze… Mao Tse… Mao… M…Meow… Er… Mao Zedo… Mao Ze Do…uh… Always do what Mao would do.

This is important, Maoism does not necessarily mean everything Mao did, today I take it to mean Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and it doesn't mean Leninism just with peasants instead.
I'm not an MLM completely but it seems from the third to the first world some of the most successful and serious revolutionary working class groups have been ones who take a significant but nuanced influence from some of Mao's observations and tactics.

"The campaign against the "Four Pests" was initiated in 1958 as a hygiene campaign by Mao Zedong, who identified the need to exterminate mosquitoes, flies, rats, and sparrows. Sparrows – mainly the Eurasian tree sparrow – were included on the list because they ate grain seeds, robbing the people of the fruits of their labour…By April 1960, Chinese leaders realized that sparrows ate a large amount of insects, as well as grains.[3][2] Rather than being increased, rice yields after the campaign were substantially decreased.[1][2] Mao ordered the end of the campaign against sparrows, replacing them with bed bugs in the ongoing campaign against the Four Pests.[3] By this time, however, it was too late. With no sparrows to eat them, locust populations ballooned, swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by the Great Leap Forward, including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides.[1] Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine, in which 20–45 million people died of starvation"


Obviously there is also an element of Maoists who are completely ineffectual sects but that's true for lots of groups.

fuck sparrows.
we should just kill them all, fuckers don't do any good for anyone anyway.
I'm sure this will not cause any problems.