Be me working in corporate job

Someone please, please tell me it gets easier. I'm basically an actor for eight hours day. I'm so, so, so tired of having to live in the Spectacle.

Any other workers want to share their "time to put on my happy capitalist mask" stories?

Other urls found in this thread:

You poor man. Tell daddy Holla Forums all about how those mean capitalists forced you to be a corporate stooge against your will.

It's in these moments you get a glimpse of the complete absurdity of the system.

Just make sure you have a self-sufficient place outside major cities.

Hi Holla Forums

keep believing in this Holla Forums you'll kiss a girl someday


Is that why you have so much overlap with r9k?


Alpha males care what everyone thinks of them. They're more self conscious than everyone else and more socially manipulative because of it. Sigma males don't care what other people think because they're sociopathic alpha males who are autistic and don't register social disapproval or shame the way others do. Alpha males avoid embarassment like the plague and have immense pride. Sigma males are literally autistic biological alphas who have no shame and don't care about social mores. Holla Forums and the right wing gets this wrong 10/10.

Sigma males do not care what others think, but are physically, sexually and psychologically dominant. Alpha males care what everyone thinks and are constantly gaming people and making power plays to ward off other Alphas and potential beta pretenders to their throne. Alphas are the classic dictator or king trying to desperately stay alive by crushing dissent. Sigmas are the Chad drifter who smokes cigarettes and drinks all day, doesn't pick up his tab, fucks girls without a condom and never shows up for anything.

talk about being a classcuck…

What do the neckbeards mean by this?

pure pseudoscience


I think I hate liberals more than conservatives because they pretend they're compassionate and #GameChangers by supporting gay marriage but don't give a rats ass about poor people or minorities beyond "we need more people of color in this boardroom"

Honest assholes are decidedly less annoying than hypocritical liberals.

This is why anti-liberals are more redeemable. At least polyps, ancraps and (neo)reactionaries think the system is flawed and needs to be destroyed. Even if they just want to be at the top of the new pyramid.
Liberals just think everything is fine and that politics is just for virtue signalling.

Are you in sales? Sales departments are always a cult.

Fucking corporate cocksucking motherfuckers, we need to throw all these bastards out of the office buildings they work in and transform them into 20-story tall farms and gardens.

come on, you are not much better than a liberal when it comes to virtue signalling. You talk about poor people this, poor people that, but at the end of the day most of you anticapitalists are Appleusers, sipp your 10$ coffee in starbucks and try your hardest to look like you "care". Most of you have never worked physically taxing manual jobs and never will be, because you are born with a silver spoon and will probably study something fancy that produces no value for the economy what-so-ever.

there you will sit in a gremium of others of your kind, debatind and discussing Issues for the public solving nothing and drowining yourself in selfpitty, content in your belief that you actually made a difference and belong to the few pure souls on this planet.

well, at least your kind can most of the time understand, that the worker gets fucked over by capitalists, mostly by their own government who swore to defend it's people ?citizens/people who happen to live in the arbitrary area I don't know if that triggers you but you probably get the idea of whom I am talking about

I love that Holla Forums still has no idea who the hell we are.

Except none of that is true. It's leftists smashing up Starbucks and I love the appusers comment when we have an active linux thread going right now. Seriously kys nigger.

Let's be real here: how many people do producr value for the economy?

in my opinion, leftists understand the issues even quite well sometimes but fail to adress the problem because of their ideologies. I don't say that people at Holla Forums are flawless, but I get the feeling that you are hellbent on thoughtpolicing yourself, telling yourself "a muslim refugee raped a 9year old boy because it was an 'sexual emergency' in his words? he was brainwashed by white, rich males into it!!"

offcourse this is mostly strawmanned heavily, but I just want to adress a point, that in my humble opinion you don't take life at what it is but at what it should be according to your definition of it.

this is an elementary flaw with leftists ideologies, they are too coddling, too good to be true and sometimes simply just bait to get the dumbpleb to buckleup for their new soviet capitalist Overlords under a different name.

offcourse a manual worker should get paid better, but does he really deserve the same salary as an scientist?

offcourse an individual should have a bottleneck of how much money he could make, but are foodstamps for everyone the answer to wealth?

then show me your hands of a true leftist worker, pic related are my humble hands

I didn't came to fling too much shit, it didn't mean to be provoking


workers, farmers & scientists

I'm amused. In that basically everything you wrote is wrong.

I'm not an apple user - their products are overpriced anyway -, I don't even drink coffee and rarely if ever eat outdoors. I don't even have any (active) social media accounts. I haven't just worked physical jobs, I prefer them. Etc. You get the point.
I guess I don't blame you though. The stereotypes, self-described liberal "leftists" and "champagne socialists" are after all the loudest.

Now I can't speak for the other users here, but just a reading the catalogue will show you that the people you describe aren't infesting this board.
In other words:

Lurk More





Who are you even arguing against here? I've never seen anyone argue that on this board ever.
It's effectively a strawman.

Left & Right is a false dichotomy anyway. This board might be called "leftypol" but there are plenty of people here that don't associate with either. It's really just /notpol/ at the moment, and even then there's the occasional overlap.

Shut up

Let me spell this one out for you retards who cannot into syntax. I was mocking OP for being apart of the capitalist system which he seems to despise so much. No one forces him to work a corporate job but by choosing to do so he keeps the same system that he bitches about going. Pic related might help you better understand the sentiment.

Now as for the image previous image. You can piss and moan all you want but the fact that people have different temperaments/personalities which in turn lead them to different life outcomes has been studied to hell and back. Is the image itself dumbed down to chan image standards? Yep. Is it fundamentally wrong? Nope.

But let's have a little mental exercise to contrast things. Let's say that your personality, ethnicity, intelligence, etc. has nothing to do with where you go in life. Now explain how wealth and income inequality develop without begging the question (hint you can't).

Now let me get to my own perspective on things. Differences in people exist, HOWEVER! these differences should not be used to justify the gross mistreatment of other humans because all life has value despite our differences. The world is a shitty brutal place and adding to that misery so a few people can live in decadence morally wrong. Not exactly the evil Holla Forums boogyman you thought huh? I swear you people need to learn how to actually engage in discussions instead of leveling labels at each other before this place does get as bad as Holla Forums where every other post is an accusation of being a "jew/leftypol/CIA/SJW".

so how & in which way are you different?

for example I think that killing&war or in general damaging someone in order to obtain things you need to acquire for your survival are righteous things to do on a planet with limited resources. In my definition it is applied evolution and the 'best' should should claim access to said resources to better the comming generations and so forth.

liberals would now cry at this point, but offcourse they use the same mechanics and even in a pretty nasty and artistic kind of way by cunning to get in the seats/positions they want. They tell you that they hate violence but only the kind of violence they are inferior in and hence fear perishing from it.

what is your point on this?

right wing retard getout

See! You have a choice, no one is forcing you.
"Voluntaryism" is infant level understanding and grasp of politics/life in general.

What I would say is that you have not even tried to discern what it is that we generally believe. Read the sticky.

You know what fuck everything else I would like to take a moment to discuss this.

THIS right fucking here is the main problem with every goddamn ideology under the sun. Once the glorious revolution is over how do you stop a new group of assholes from setting themselves up to play king of turd mountain?

Liberals get the bullet too you dumb fuck. Read the sticky

You guys could be polite enough and school him yourselves. He may have slave morality but you can't command him to liberate himself

If we manage to do sufficiently well, there will be no incentive for anyone to do what these retards say. They will lack any sufficient method of acquiring societal influence.

Well, this is the preferred god of our era.

Don't know what to tell you other than hang in there.

Nice binary thinking there pal. It's not like there are jobs where you can actually produce things or preform a service to people without exploiting someone. Nope ONLY choices are be a corporate stooge or suicide. Fucking brilliant logic right there. Let me know how that works out for you.

If we spent all our time telling right and left liberals that we are not liberals we would never get anything done

That's where we differ from you. Not everyone wants to live like an animal in the jungle.


You will be completely obliterated by any enterprise that does.

All jobs involve the owner taking surplus value from the worker.

Your dumbass social Darwinist ideology has bitten you right back in the ass. Terrorists strike your cities, because you bomb their fatherlands. And yet this is all necessary, because capitalism requires imperialism to maintain the system and wealth of the invading nation.

I laugh as you sow the seeds of your own destruction, and dance for the masters like the classcuck you are.

OK, What qualifies as "sufficiently well"? Because the last time I checked the Soviets voted capitalism back, the Chinese are ruled by wealthy bureaucrat overlords who can dissappear you at a whim, and every other communist/socialist society was ruled by a dictator who ended up living in a palace and being buried in a fucking golden tomb.

For reference

Yes, the 20th century sucked. We know. We were practically criticizing it before it even had power: ignore the autismlords with leftcom flags they are trolls

Be self employed

You are thinking from the perspective of the capitalists where you feel that you NEED to have infinite growth and always expand to beat out 'competitors'. In reality if you simply fill a niche you can live a modest life without needing to exploit or be exploited.

Explaining how capitalism works is not the same as rationalizing it.

Enjoy getting beaten out of the market by cutthroat capitalists.

You're fixating on the ML examples, while ignoring all the successful socialist societies that didn't end up that way at all. See: Paris Commune, Catalonia, etc

Explotation is not the issue but people being alienated from their labor
Workers don't deceide what the factory makes.
Self employed people is still subjugated by the whims of the market.
The point of socialism is giving the people to power to decide what do they make


on one hand you tell me that you are all different and what my experience so far of your kind misrepresents you and on the other hand you don't want to give me something to grab on.

now this might be another strawman, but many of you are very niche in their belief and I find it hard to grasp the leftist thought if you don't agree to certain stances. Sometimes I get the idea that many of you are so different and would start to get on each others neck if you weren't covered under the shared umbrella of "leftist" ideologies. In this example I am referring to the soviet/stalinist leftists and hippie/greenpeace leftists I know, I know, someone will now come with a true scotsman argument, but my issue that you get the idea of what I am saying

there is a practical reason of having someone to rule over another, this has been the case for pretty much all pack-animals be it apes, wolfes or what not.

I mean imagine a military without a clear hierarchy, it would be a total mess I think that we can agree upon that?

the sticky doesn't cover groucho marxists

so in your perception the human doesn't belong to the rest of nature or do aknowledge it but think that all humans should hold together as a species? But how will we solve the evolutionary issue then?

if direct conflict falls away only the sexually evolutionary pressure remains and when the unfit/rejected can't procreate what will then happen?

this is very abstract and strawmanned, I know, but what is important for me to know is

would you then install a government and force woman to marry certain sexually disadvanted males or would you let them die off?

no matter how much we try to averse the laws of nature, she will allways prevail and in my opinion I think it would be wiser to follow her instead of going against her

but maybe you don't interpret your way of going against nature which is okay aswell, but I would like to know how you tackle said issue then?

mindblowing, am I right?

I bet nowadays' generation thinks if you press the likebutton on socialmedia hard & often enough all the starving people in the world will magically disappear "somehow" "probably"

as far as I remember I have never bombed a city or voted to bomb other cities, also when did countries like germany invade your county you are talking about I presume?

you sound like you believe the isis is a leftist defence force against imperialism and that some kind of fault that "we" inflicted upon you is now your casus belli to rape & murder? I thought countries and nationalties are made upbtw? how can I be responsible for this then??

Because even relatively similar views can be very ideologically diverse. Realpolitik is extremely restrictive about what is and is not acceptable to talk about, and most of the people that want to change this directly are simply obsessed with being able to shout niggers in public without social ostracism.

I think this goes further than shouting niggers but I can understand why you would think like that.

That is all well and good but it still begs the question of how do you set it up permanently and/or scale it up to a societal level.

There have been literally hundreds of thousands of communes and other such small isolated communities throughout history and by and large they are either extremely short lived or get crushed by another group.

so to reiterate.

For the sake of simplicity let's include getting crushed by an outside group of assholes in the "new group of assholes" category of this question.

Wow that sure was hard.

That's a meme. It requires wealth that the vast majority of people do not have. And like said, even if you manage to establish your business, it will be subject to the market.

"The Market™" is not some sort of all powerful God that goes around smashing everyone who decides to sell fruit by the side of the road or, god forbid, unclog a toilet.

I'm not saying you can be a one man self-made millionaire but you can work for yourself without starving to death.

There is a difference between a practical and ideological issue. Half of Yugoslavia's economic woes would have disappeared if they had modern technology for logistics and communication.

That is just part of historical materialims. Kings come and kings go but for good reasons.
The question should not be how to avoid a dictaship but what will topple it down

But going more indepth, according to marx economic systems fall because they can't compete with the new system, fedalism could not compete with capitalism, capitalism could not compete with socialism so imperialism was developed

Work for one self but with what capital to start a bussiness? If I ask the bank then i will be in a debt larger than the capital they gave me, and even if I pay it as a small bussines owner I am at the mercy of the market, my own workers and the state. If crippling debt and a constant state of menace is success then I prefer not to succeed

Go back to Facebook, grandma.

make a page, tell your friends to like it & see if it works

You said "for example I think that killing&war or in general damaging someone in order to obtain things you need to acquire for your survival are righteous things to do on a planet with limited resources. In my definition it is applied evolution and the 'best' should should claim access to said resources to better the comming generations and so forth." So yes, you are supporting bombing.

And no, this is not me defending ISIS. I'm saying they're not going to stop existing, because the conditions that brought them into existence still persist. When you bomb innocent civilians daily, don't be surprised that some of them get mad enough to retaliate. That doesn't mean it's justified, but don't be shocked it happens.

That's a fine question. And many different answers have been given by leftist thinkers/leaders, to solve this problem. Some have advocated for pushing world revolution as soon as possible, so that all the revolutions can aid each other against aggression. There's also questions on how much liberty and authority need to be balanced, to promote democracy while also stopping reactionaries who seek to destroy revolution. But all of these questions come with the accepted understanding that socialism is the path forward.

The point, is that you're still producing for profit instead of for society. It's stuff like this, that has caused the serious climate change issue we have now.

"So yes, you are supporting bombing." I support war, but I don't support the needless bombing on civilians.

"When you bomb innocent civilians daily, don't be surprised that some of them get mad enough to retaliate" retaliation only works against the people who have done you wrong. No one here holds the keys to an aircraft bomber, the people you search sit comfily in brüssel in gates communities of the rich.

also help to explain me how so many africans, who aren't being bombed come to europe with the same story? kosovarians, turks, arabs even indians, did we bomb them all as well?

I don't mind war like I said, but when you do it for your own benefit than just outright say how it is and don't play the victimgame.

if Europe perishes it deserved to perish and others take it's place. Life is eternal struggle,

That is what all the war consists of, in our day. Look at Thousands of civilians have been killed. Do you have any idea how many people get radicalized due to this?

I didn't say it's smart. I said that's what inevitably happens.

If they're Somali or Libyan, they very may well have been bombed. As for others, they're fleeing shitty conditions, and I don't see what your point is in bringing them up.

To be clear, I have no issue with self-defensive war. However, that is not what the governments of the world are doing today.

And all this imperialism is due to capitalism.

automation will force the creation of a basic income system, at which point you will be able to stick it to all those fuckers.
or we will become a people of slaves wasting our time building pyramids like in egypt or nazi germany. at least germany's infrastructure projects were kinda useful, but at some point automation makes useful job creation schemes impossible because literally everything can be done by intelligent machines.

"As for others, they're fleeing shitty conditions"
"And all this imperialism is due to capitalism."

I don't know, venezuela looks pretty fucked up rightnow and they are as leftist as it get's nowadays, North Korea doesn't look so bright either

I think it's a bit more than just capitalism/imperialism

No, you are not.


Has nothing to do with socialism. It's cause of oil price.

Not even tankies claim NK is socialist.

You can post all the gross pictures you want, but it really has nothing on pic related.

Other social democratic countries like Bolivia and Cuba are doing just fine ty very much.

plz put these all in one nice image


What's that?

A meme made by uKKKranians

ACTUALLY, it was because WW1, and WW1 was because Capitalism, plus Capitalism needs Nationalism, so it was because Capitalism.

And Holodomor was because Kulaks, AKA Capitalism.

About Hamburg, I don't know enough.

Ukraina has famine
Stalin needs grain to go for redistribution
Kulaks (owners of lands) say no
Stalin takes grain by force
Kulaks burn grain

Somehow everyone is right when thery were both faggots.

you in LA? Let's hang!

In all honesty tho, is there a nuanced book on the Soviet famine? They're all either "Stalin literally took the food out of children's mouths with his own hands" or "well yeah he sold grain while people starved but he needed to keep industrializing".

choose one
Really existing socialism can be found only in Rojava at the moment - it is the only place where the workers own the means of production.
There are isolated examples as well, such as with the worker-seized factories in Greece and Argentina, but these do not constitute socialism on their own - they are merely building blocks.

Come on now, Donald Trump doesn't post on Holla Forums

Che wasn't a liberal you fucking dunce.

Any idea on how much of the Venezuelan economy is collectivized?

State ownership =/= socialism
social ownership (aka workers' self-management) + production for use = socialism

Everyone tendency except for the tankies acknowledge the USSR and derivatives as state capitalist, not socialist.

God damn Holla Forums. Kill yourself

Yeah yeah, defiitions and all, but I still want to know how much of it is collectivized, because as far as I know, private property is still the overwhelming majority.

At least there were free drinks and free pens.

Marx himself told that increasing wages is useless because the capitalist will compensate it by increasing the price of their products. We need to abolish wage labor by seizing the means of production.