Did he save capitalism?

Did he save capitalism?

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yeah, pretty much.

He saved America from fascism.

He knew damn well what he was doing. Dude was scared as shit about the inevitable communist revolution.

I don't think so lol.

Kek he knew exactly what he was doing. FDR was old money bourgeoisie and did whatever he could to maintain that position.

FDR thought that the US would eventually become socialist

This asshole did, and his ghost returns to haunt us every crisis.

That sounds like word salad.

Somewhat, there wasn't a real powerful workers movement at the time thanks to Wilson. American porkies were extremely snappy at the time, as evidenced by the business plot. If FDR wouldn't have been elected America would likely have become a right wing military autocracy, or even a fascist dictatorship.

FDR was probably the best US president of the 20th century tbh.

That isn't saying much.

no he did what he was told by his Fabian handlers

I know, but still, the only other one who wasn't complete cancer was Carter.

I was pretty sure it was a boy until I saw that boob.

Nah, LBJ was better. Worst thing about him was Nam, which pretty boy more or less already locked us into by the time he was in office

What about the IWW?

Already crushed before then.

Carter was a union buster, got the ball rolling on Operation Cyclone, and stepped up military aid to the Indonesians during their genocidal campaign in East Timor. He's absolute shit. This meme needs to die.

Yes, and as a result he destroyed the world. The ruling class was for the most part vehemently against the kind of socdem programs he used. Without FDR shit would have gotten worse and the US would have had a communist revolution after WWII from the economy being so fucked. There would have been no cold war, maybe some conflicts over the different strains of socialism. Imagine 2/3s of a century of the US exporting communism instead of capitalism.

I thought the 30s was one of the periods in which they were the most active.

If you put unions before anti-imperialism you're no leftist.

Do some self-crit

Neh, it got crushed following WW1. By 1930 it only had 10,000 members compared to the 150,000 it had in 1917.

Where's the proofs Billy!

carter's CIA killed archbishop of San Salvador for believing in liberation theology :(

who is the woman in the pic?

Carter was the first neoliberal president. There have been only two good American politicians: Lincoln and Huey Long. The rest have all been huge porky cock suckers.

That event "redpilled" and a lot of other catholics on the true nature of capitalism. Still makes me furious when I think about it.

Reminds me of that pic with a Reagan quote shilling employee ownership.

That quote is even better when you pair it with his "communists are those who read marx and lenin and capitalists are those who understand marx and lenin"


Rep. Benjamin Wade was relatively good

"That system of labor, which degrades the poor man and elevates the rich; which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer; which drags the very soul out of a poor man for pitiful existence, is wrong. We must elevate the laborer and give him a share in the proceeds of his labor."

sssswing and a miss, Benjamin

Wallace was an alright dude.

WWII "saved" capitalism. Expect WWIII to do the same.


Where can I read that?

Is everyone here a Jimmy Dore watcher?


Lincoln was avg in my opinion. He was pushed into signing most of his landmark reforms by the abolitionists and gave huge concessions to corporations

Wallace was based as fuck.

Into the trash he goes.

shit thread


He was fascism

Well he certainly made capitalism even more oppressive.

It's not fair.

I want to sympathise with Carter personally, but the more I learn about him the more I realize how much he helped kickstart neoliberalism. I mean fuck, mises.org has an article speaking highly of him: mises.org/library/rethinking-carter

Still wish he beat Reagan though, if only so that export restrictions on the F-16 would stay in place and this little qt plane would've got mass produced instead.

Check out his biography, there's also another book on him and Father Coughlin, the name escapes me at the moment

I'll boil it down though
Fuck FDR for killing him

Was he not the one that said 'in time the USSR will become more democratic while we in the US will become more concerned with the socialism' (not verbatim)

Anyway, he wasn't alone. Some actually sought to ease this transition.



remind me again why leftypol consider this liberal as /ourguy/?

because of the meme mentality of "we have to support these slightly more left wing progressives even though they're peak liberals stop being sectarian maaaan #leftunity". i'm glad that shit is waning even though there's still some fools who unironically think bernie sanders is the way to a serious socialist politics.

it's as if they consciously choose to be ignorant of the fact that social liberals have every time been the ones to either passify mass movements with their compromises, alms and reformism or outright killed mass movements off. i mean FDR literally did the latter to the american labor movement and is probably single-handedly responsible for the decline in workers' mass entrenchment against capital there. people so preoccupied with muh unity that they ultimately spend all their time trying to save capitalism.

jimmy dore on Holla Forums started out as a meme: a figure that sometimes happens to say things that could be interpreted as being anti-capitalistic and we could meme him as such. let him and all the others like sanders, corbyn, melenchon, etc. stay that way in our minds please fuck.

honestly it's really strange to me that everyone went back to free markets at the end of the 20th century (it might seem inevitable now, but everything always does)

like if people decided that democracy was too hard and monarchy had to come back in the 1800s or something

If socialism requires capitalism to run its course first then it kinda makes sense. Globalism has done more globally to make people equal than any of the socialisms tried to date. Well as long as you just focus on the global masses. The elite are obviously getting rich of this but the rest of us are seeing an equalisation in poverty.

Globalization has only helped Chinese proles. The rest of the developing world is still very poor and hasn't seen much of an increase in wealth. The third world will always be a thing under capitalism.

Indians are doing alright out of it too. As are other asians. That's almost half the global population dawg.

Cause cheap exploitable labour? All it will take is another crisis to start hacking away at empoyee protections and benefits over here. Make Britain competitive again!

the american working class literally doesn't exist anymore and the former factory worker class work at walmart, fastfood places, or if they do have blue collar jobs (welder, plumber,carpenter)the pay is shittier because the unions can no longer reach out to masses of factory workers Because the factories are gone. even if they themselves weren't in unions they still say increases in wages if there was some union presence in their sector. globalization killed america because it allowed poor white working people to become republicucks worried about muh culture which for some reason is all about supply side jesus, guns or abortion and poor minorities become worried about muh culture which or some reason is all about identity politics, representation on tv and convincing them that white people in trailer parks are their enemy

and since america is the biggest propaganda exporter in the world billions of people believe that what we have to say about class war , which is nothing at all