Poll time Gomrade

Been a while since we've had one of these

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Gramsci is not a leftcom btw.


What's the point of choosing one of these many obscure ideologies? Isn't it pure LARPing?

Meh. Close enough.

What's the point of not choosing?


Better Poll, OP is a lazy faggot.

fug, forgot Egoism, whatever.


shit, so sorry. should I remake it?
I knew I'd missed some.


Because 99% of these ideologies have no movement behind them. I think "leftist" "socialist" "radical Leftists" are the only reasonable things one needs to label themselves as

Might as well include posadism while you're at it

My bad. Just pick individualist anarchism for MarkSoc

Yeah but the special snowflakes would screech if I didn't include them. Plus, I would say most on the list have some kind of movement behind them

how do we deal with all the anarkiddies

By becoming a communalist

Goddamn I'm a fucking moron.
this is unnexcusable.

Liberal detected

communization is ok too

Yeah I agree with this I'm a marketsoc, but I would support any anti-capitalist movement that was gaining momentum whether they were ML, Anarchists of whatever.

You some kind of masochist user?

I have the feeling that the next great left revolutionary leader will have to play a "non-denominational" role and dance according to the music.


Realistically i'd join any leftist mass movement. Sectarianism is simply a sign that there isn't a strong mass movement



it's 4pol

poll is probably getting raided/spammed, usually these polls have majority leftists

What the fuck

I think that a centralized planned economy in a first world country could work decently. Not as efficient as market socialism and would be worried about authoritarianism, but at least we'd move past capitalism. We are coming up against contradictions in this mode of production which are going to extinct humanity the stakes are too high to be a purist.

Also ML will never generate a mass movement in the first world because of the soviet experience it is more a hypothetical than anything.

Ah. Might as well just disregard that option now

Ahh ok, useless results now.

Or maybe you can just ignore all the non-leftist votes, and examine the others?

Its going to fuck the poll and it was shitty anyways, abandon thread. Next time we do one of these the OP should brainstorm first.

100% agree.

yeah I would recommned people not take the meme options like not a leftist or nazbol too seriously

Not sure how "brainstorming" would stop people from spamming.

I'm saying to at least get all the options beforehand through brainstorming so there aren't major gaps. Im biased against this poll because I'm marketsoc tho.

It's actually useful that they're in the poll, because if they weren't, Holla Forums would just vote for non-memes and fuck up the results.

Yeah I'll admit I should have included marketsoc. My mistake.

OK, I fixed it.
Sorry for being a retard.

Eco-Socialism isn't included. Fuck you.

What do you think the anprim and communalist options are for?

I'm talking about basically the Green Party US platform, but the means of production are owned by the workers.


Just click SocDem you massive faggot.

Green party has a sort of psuedo-communalist platform. I guess you could call it SuckDem with communalist characteristics

There going toads it.

Gramsci was a stalinist you mongoloid.

I've heard him described as a leftcom, neo-marxist, but never as a stalinist. Mind sharing you're reasoning?

Wasn't Gramsci the one who requested Stalin to give leadership of the USSR over to the Comintern?

doesn't include one of the more popular versions – council communism.

Gramsci is not leftcom, is closer to Lenin than you think.

uh.. ?

You guys serious? Gramsci was a leninist

That was Bordiga.


Where the fuk is market socilism

inderdasting i guess



1. Maoism is not ML
2. Hoxhaism is not a thing
3. Neither are "Orthodox" or "Classical" Marxism
4. Marxism and Leninism are inseperable

Fix your shit, OP.

It's an offshoot or branch of Stalinism, the original ML
It is. It's an offshoot of Maoism
Orthodox Marxism refers to the Social Democratic parties of the 2nd internationale, Kautsky being a prime example. Classical Marxism refers to Marxism as it was as Marx originally envisioned it, before the emergence of strains like Orthodox Marxism, Leninism etc.
Lel no.
No, u

1. Stalinism is not a thing.
2. Hoxhaism is not one either, still.
3. Your misrepresentations of Marxism don't make orthodox and classical "Marxism" a thing.
4. It's a matter of fact an illiterate shitposter like you wouldn't know.
5. Get one thing right and go drink bleach.

where is market socialism? :/
Up the RA.

In the trash, where it belongs.

Why even bother writing all of this if you're not even going to make an actual argument? Simply stating that well established schools of marxism don't exist and then not actually formulating an argument to back it up is just shitposting. Seriously, just because it isn't your one true flavor of marxism doesn't mean it's not marxism. It's like a calvinist saying that catholicism doesn't exist.

No need to argue against something void of any substance.
You talk stupid shit, i state facts. There is nothing more to it.
Case in point, you are an illiterate retard. "Flavors of Marxism", what the fuck are you on m8, you seriously need to kill yourself.

it's clear you suffer from an extreme form of autism. My mistake for engaging you in discussion

And then going on about comparing it to religion on top, it shows how you know and understand jack shit on what you're talking about.
Dude, shove your mom, that stupid cunt giving birth to and raising such an imbecile, in front of a train and eat a bullet.

Never change, Holla Forums.



You can look these things up, you know.

I understood classical marxism as simply meaning marxism without any of the subsequent developments by any of the "tendencies".

no option for state syndicalism. a shameful poll

Why does nobody ever add Anarcho-Hoxhaism to these? I feel invisible.


explains a lot

says the Bordigist, truly this will be a work without bias



This pleases Bookchin

Since when did this happen? MLM used to be the majority here.

one of the better troll compasses I've seen, 9/10

fuck you OP

I just put Orthodox Marxism

A result of people hearing about Rojava and Googling Bookchin I'd imagine

First World is becoming indistinguishable from Third nowadays. It's a question of time until "Left" will crumble completely and general public will start grasping at the straws of any radical policies, be it Racism, Theocracy, or - eventually, if we will not go extinct by this point - Marxism.

Frankly, I didn't expect Trump (not as a person, but as a "solution") getting elected so soon.

Why are you surprised? The term "Stalinist" had been created specifically created for propaganda reasons.

You are a weird person.

Holla Forums is trying to pretend they're not raiding us but then and goes and shows their asses in the strawpoll.

Damn, I fucked that sentence up something awful.

Bookchin is just based as fuck and communalism is the future. that and all the memes are good at getting people interested.

They're just obnoxiously loud and have too much time on their hands and never leave their basements

They're Holla Forums, and like all of Holla Forums have no lives, except they like red aesthetics

i didn't know Kapital was sekritly written by Lenin

it literally is

go back to r/fulltriggeredism

Meh I already clicked on it, why not

Why are there so many left communists all of a sudden? It was my smug shitposting ideology.

shit poll either way.

shiggy diggy


watcha doin', 4/pol/ nazbol?

"Radical" (from the Latin radix meaning root).
1) Racism isn't even a political system or philosophy.
2) Neither theocracy or racism in any meaningful way radical. You are thinking of the word "extremist."

i think the poll misses some ideolgies who are somewhat popluare here. like market socialism

I don't know what to say.
I was a socdem reformist type who unironically supported the left of my local socdem party (i.e. the Keynesians who thought they were socialists because they wanted publicly owned trains, and tbf that's still good.) but then I dug too deep into the pit of Keynes and realized it wasn't a simple electoral quirk, the entire "flow" of capitalism conspired against that simple goal.
There are other blurring factors but the end result is that I'm trapped between wanting muh kind capitalism (via Bancor, etc, with the hope that even the third world will benefit - at some indefinite point socialists can take over if things flow that way.) and a deep, ingrained pessimism that comes with knowing it's never coming.

In short, I no longer have any vision for the world. I just have growing a collection of enemies and a few "tru dat" points talking to actual leftists. I don't have the optimism of a sort necessary to move into real leftism, but I no longer believe that reform is systematically possible - which is perhaps the one thing you've gotta do to be a socdem. Neither reform or revolution seem like avenues. Don't forget, you're here forever…

I'll probably vote SocDem I just wanted to blog because I'm uncomfortable with that descriptor, it is a legacy descriptor.

Ancoms on top here
Buy communalists on top here
Communalism flag when?

Where's DeLeonism?

It could be considered a strain of left communism or Orthodox Marxism (although Engels strongly opposed syndicalism, later Marxists came to terms with its anarchist origins and adopted it).



where is the posadist option?
