What where the leading reasons for failure of German revolution of 1918?

What where the leading reasons for failure of German revolution of 1918?

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Partly, but SocDems wouldn't be able to do shit if there wasn't a mass of proto-fascist Freikorps out there. The Freikorps hated the SocDems just as well, since they were seen as responsible for the surrender and the shameful treaty of Versailles.

The true reasons are going back to 1848 and then later to Bismarck. Also the fact that the proletariat wasn't as pushed to the edge as in Russia.

Considering that the iron front was laid down only by 1919(along with the whole freikorps smash up) I don`t think that is intellectually honest view(specially considering that the independent social democratic party of 1918 was the primary organizatior of the revolution and later the whole communist party of Germany)

Bernie Sanders


about rosa, it was peer pressure. Everyone was shooting communists, we just wanted to be popular.

I would blame the lack of central leadership(fact that high command sent strike leaders into the front didnt really help) and the spontaneous nature that the uprising had.

The soldiers not joining the revolution en masse and instead putting it down.


also hey Holla Forums

read this: libcom.org/library/when-insurrections-die. goes over why the german revolution and all others ultimately failed, regressed or deviated from revolutionary praxis.

tankies are retarded.

The fact that armed revolutions cannot create socialism

Just ask porky nicely and he'll give up control of the entire world.

The absence of a communist party.

Your forgetting that the Freikorps had their origins in the Social Democratic party, that's not just a coincidence.


So did the revolution itself.
What is your point?

No. Just no.

This is probably the single most infuriating thing about arguing with both tankies and anarkiddies, most of their ideas look identical when put into practice, anarchists are just a lot better at coming up with bullshit new names for everything so it's "not a state".

What am I reading?



What does it have to do with my post?

A large portion of the Freikorps were turncoats who came out of the Social Democratic party, maybe it's just coincidence, but I think most Marxists don't have a meaningful explanation for why this happened.

Proves your point wrong,incorrect,non-factual etc. etc.

That is still a no.

The Freikorps were made up of royalist WW1 officers returning from the front.

SocDem meant something else then. Up until the russian revolution, every socialist/communist party was social democrats. Read Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg.

Yeah no shit. See

Nvm, I'm retarded

They were allied(ie organized with) spartacist league.

lack of popular support

Yes, and after the Spartacist Uprising multiple SocDems joined their ranks and gave them direct material support.


I misspoke by saying "origins", but the contemporary Freikorps of post-WWI did get direct support from the SocDems, and a large number of their membership came out of the Social Democratic party

So? Parties do not start revolutions genius, even if it's the spartacist league.

The old Prussian establishment


Socdems did it. They are basically the demorats of Europe and must be purged from that continent.

It was not something German peoplr wanted but a kike plot by insane Marxists to hand power to Soviets and kill german culture.



Jews don't control the word, mate. It's the Irish. I was surprised to find out myself, but JPEG's don't lie. Swallow the green pill.


Anarkiddies fucked it up

The split happened too late