Greenland's Reign of Terror is Over

Woke Boston Schools have put an end to Nazi Greenlands world domination by binning the Mercator for another equally inaccurate projection, because using a globe is too difficult and division needs to be sewn by Liberal retards.

tbf there are more accurate projection then Meractor. But yah this classic feels>reals, we'll solve the worlds problems through culture war liberal retardation.

Here's an idea: use a projection that isn't fucking square, you retards.

Just do what the Mexicans want ffs, its theirs in a few years

Anyone who uses terms like colonization and decolonization in this manner should be summarily executed.

I don't think I have seen anyone use a Mercator projection map outside of old movies and history books.

Its kind of a shitty map unless you are sailing, I shed no tear to see it die.

Somehow I think maps have nothing to do with it and sociologists have a lot to do with it.

yeah the big deal theyre making over it is silly and it should be just a simple correction but the discrepancy is interesting and im glad its being corrected

Here's a map with africa and greenland in correct proportion to each other at the expense of everything else

"How many layers of map snobbery are you on"
"I dunno two or three"
"That's nothing, watch this"

how? It's not str8 but straightness is only useful for sailing.

Russia and China look a lot better in Peters though.

It's not

Its literally one step away from saying that all maths is racist

In a fucked up way if Europeans had the MASSIVE AFRICA map and saw how tiny they are, racism would grow as the demographics change fast and people ask questions.

It's literally just as horrible, except the distortion has been shifted to a different location.


They should just use a oval map but Jesus Christ that second image you posted is ugly, honestly fuck anyone who uses that.

Also, the discussion over stupid shit like maps instead of actual oppression reminds me of my neocolonialism review

this is also true.

Boston, he said in OP.