PPG and Rojava on the Big Screen, I Really Don't Know What to Think of This

This is kind of fucked, Jack Gyllenhaall is a great actor though.


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Oh god, I'm terrified of what this will be like.

I bet the socialists will somehow become hipster liberals only concerned with gay/womens rights or something

This is either going to totally sanitize the political side of the conflict, or be hugely useful propaganda for leftists.

They're really going to say the words "Piss Pig Granddad" in a Hollywood film.

What in the world.

I hope not, I assume it would have to get into the character motivations. Does anyone know anything about this director, or his political views.


Idk if they are actually going to follow the specific individuals or just roughly take the idea of western volunteers going into the conflict. I'd assume the latter or they would have to pay people for the rights.

I'm SURE this will accurately portray what anarchism is, as the liberal western media has always been know for honesty and making this for honestys sake.

I felt second hand embarrassment after reading that.

They will butcher this. Syria and Rojava is too complex for normies, who they will undoubtedly cater to and thus water it down.

So I looked into Bold Films the company producing this and they seem pretty legit. They produced Drive, Whiplash, and Nightcrawler (along with some shitty films.) This could actually be good but I still think this is a shit title.

This will just be reduced to lost youth finding purpose in fighting for women's rights or whatever.

This is the studio that made fucking Neon Demon so maybe they aren't to worried about appealing to normies.

Nightcrawler was sick to be fair, so who knows.




Who know, this seems like an indy studio where they give full creative control to the. Maybe he has leftist sympathies im trying to find info on him.

might be nice then. imagine if refn was director.

If this movie is half of what drive was I will die happy.

The director is some swede of chilean descent. I'm praying his parents were driven out of the country by pinochet or something.

This gives me serious hope Gyllenhaal is really good at sniffing out good directors, dude has been in some amazing films. Donnie Darko, Jarhead, Brokeback Mountain, Prisoners, Enemy, Nightcrawler, End of Watch.


what I'm more interested in is the Turkish reaction. Last time Christian Bale was in a film about the Armenian Genocide and the Turkish reaction was intensely negative and there was a lot of screeching.

One of Turkey's biggest papers recently talked about how PPG is a terrorist.

Let's just nuke the place and be done with it.

If it pisses off the Turkroaches it must be good.

oh tankies will love this

they'll take it as evidence that the Kurds are Western-Ziollywood puppets

tfw Rojava foreign volunteers will create the stories that shift the overtone window

What does that actually say?

101 years of geno-lie tbh

lmao the Twitter Tankie cult are already spinning out conspiracies that this is imperialist propaganda.

I would be lying if this movies production doesn't make me feel uneasy about being a useful idiot or whatever. I'd like to see the details of its funding. It seems like its an indy studio, so hopefully its just a director going rogue and not evidence that we are all pawns.

PPG will personally behead the bastard Erdogan.

tankie Twitter is a CIA front designed to promote left infighting by getting everyone to accuse everyone else of being a CIA agent.

or at least, that was the original plan. Then they discovered that leftists, especially Trotskyists, didn't need any help with sectarian infighting, so now they just do it for the keks.

This is unchecked mental illness. These people are a danger to themselves and others.

This level of inabillity to explain stuff without conspiracy theories is bordering on mental illness.

but he is part of an establishment network of interests through his friends and family

When will they seek help?

dr apo im cia

from google translate

The entire internet just consists of intelligence operatives trying to subvert other intelligence operatives.

If anything I'm not so worried about "we were all pawn" as I am about it being an attempt to define the narrative so everyone who was actually there talking about the experiences mostly ends up basically having to have an argument with the movie rather than just telling people about what was going on.

If I pull that stache off, will you die?

so what, in what world do leftist complain about probably favourable propaganda even when it comes from liberals. I really cant imagine what the CIA would gain from this.

This is the real problem, but if the movie turns out good it could reshape the whole perception of sociaists and anarchists

Yeah I could definitely see that happening. It would be extremely disrespectful to leftists and kurds if they banalize the Rojava project. It would be very strange to put Anarchist in the titles and then ignore/misrepresent the politics though.


Not that I'm "ableist" or whatever, but a lot of Twitter tankies are literally mentally ill. Stuff like anxiety, bipolar, etc. in their bios.

See: the feud with that fuckmuir a couple days ago

I saw a thread from a Christcom (twitter.com/pomofoco/status/844304800653152256) that got me thinking, and made me go "Aha!" as to wtf makes these people tick.

They don't actually have any real politics. It's all ingroup/outgroup high school clique shit. This makes a ton of sense when you take a look at their bios, and how tight their circles are. A substantial amount of them are:

(1) young, late teens to early 20s. One of the most prominent is still in high school

(2) "woke af" ie. nontraditional gender/sexuality

(3) mental illness ex. depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. (This is actually unfortunate, and really shouldn't be mocked tbh.)

Yes, they jerk off to Stalin and Mao. But that's all just an auxillary function of the clique. If you wanna be one of the anti-imperialist cool kids, you gotta defend Assad's right to have institutionalized rape and crack down on the evil revisionists who use the slur "crazy".

Can you explain what you mean instead of making such a vague accusation that its essentially meaningless.

What if the people calling PPG a CIA op, are CIA ops themselves?

This makes a lot of sense

Best explanation I've seen of tankie twitter,

I'll be fucking fuming if they trivialise what's going on there. If they're serious about this they should go to Rojava and doing a shit ton of research and interviews.

This is actually true for counter-terrorism operations. I remember reading a story about some CIA or NSA agents infiltrating some kind of white supremacist terrorist organization, except the cell was being run by some other 3-letter agency, so when they eventually sprung the trap, they realized that everyone involved was a Federal agent. So, they decided to just pretend the whole thing never happened.

This is also a pretty good description of the people who run /r/socialism. In a way I'm glad tankies and anti-capitalist SJWs are converging into one group, we can ostracize one group instead of two.

It would seriously be disgusting though I'm sure their would be no outrage. The same press outlets that get triggered by everything would praise a movie that turned the Rojava revolution into a grrl power idpol uprising.

Reminds me of the old joke about women on the internet. Online all men are men, all women are men, and all children are the FBI.

Nightcrawler is a legit good anti-capitalist movie.

Hope the director/writers are up to making a good movie.

This is kinda cool but I doubt Brace is gonna get shit from this. Maybe the YPG will get some good press.

I just can't imagine some Hollywood liberal trying to portray what is anarchism, democratic-confederalism or maoism.

Do you too lurk Weird Catholic Twitter?

I think there's reason for at least slight positivity:

the company and the people affiliated seemed to have been involved in some decent projects recent and have a bit of indy cred

it's based off the rolling stone article, which I thought had a nice kind of gonzo style and did a good job portraying the leftists and their motivations in a non judgemental and even positive manor

the leftists will inevitably be the "good guys" in the film considering they're fighting evil incarnate in ISIS

yeah there is really no room to portray the volunteers as ambigous. They could try to portray the PYD as opressive or something so they can be "deep" by "deconstructing the leftist utopianism"

I agree, my main worry is they ignore anti-capitalist politics and focus on women lib angle. Considering the title though I'm hopeful that wont happen.

Also this directors most recent film got mediocre reviews so it could just be downright bad.

I dislike ppg solely because he steals the spotlight from the the many who have fought for years and the many who have died fighting.

And this ugly Westerner comes over and doesn't do shit, and goes back after a year and he gets the entire spotlight. It reeks of a socialist version of those liberal who go to Africa or whatever for a year to "help" but really just to take pictures

Yeah, if they're going off of rolling stone and the movie's tentative title/subject is "anarchists vs. ISIS", more specifically "young american anarchists vs. ISIS", I think they might take a sort of "chaotic good" approach to it. I can't be sure, but I can already see a trailer in my mind of sort of out of their element but zealous young Americans in a foreign country, comedic miscommunications and culture shocks with a group of ideologically determined and bizarre socialist Kurds (Think PPG's recent tweet about having to explain Scrubs to a curious comrade for 6 hours because of the principle of "Regime of Truth"). There will of course be action and death, some scenes of experiencing loss and the real hardship of being in a war, and the intimidating shadow of ISIS leaving a trail of destruction and misery.

There's a precedent for this kind of stuff


Brilliant movie, this puts my mind to rest. Gonna feel good to watch Hollywood produced anarchist propaganda

The difference is the main character of For Whom the Bell Tolls isn't portrayed in the book or movie as being a radical leftist, he's just someone who views the republic as the better side.


Dumping my JPG edits

He has to do what every other volunteer is expected to do.
So? How long was your tour?

Yeah I get the same vibes. I wonder how far they'd go with it too. I mean the battle of Raqqa hasn't even happened yet but obviously by the time the movie is being made it will have happened. If they were to include a battle of Raqqa part of the film it'd up the budget considerably. Pisspig and co. might fucking die tomorrow for all we know.

I have so many questions about this but there's not even been a script written yet so it's pointless.

Perhaps this would be a more similar precedent


that third one is pretty good

Fighting capabilities are greatly diminished if you are in the shit for too long

Yeah definitely, is this film any good?

yfw Jake Gyllenhaal takes the method acting too far and does a 6 month stint in the YPG

It's really not his fault that the media chooses to cover him. The media tends to believe consumers have a harder time relating to foreigners.

Whenever some guy on the internet says a man who left his comfortable life and illegally entered a war torn country at the risk of his life "hasn't done shit" I don't know what to say. Even if Brace wasn't a fighter and he was just some photographer or journalist he would have done more for leftism than 90% of leftypol tbh.

I haven't actually seen it but Ken Loach is a comrade and perhaps the most openly socialist filmmaker out there. I thought his film The Wind That Shakes The Barley was excellent at least.

It's by Ken Loach, he has made many good films with socialist themes

Oh cool, I liked The Wind That Shakes the Barley a lot.

If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain. England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.

stop it, my dick can only get so hard

Jake Gyllenhaal and his great hair are about to inspire a bunch of thirsty young girls to get involved with the radical left so he is a comrade already.


Connolly was so based.

therefore Marx was really just a porky agent

hes just your average volunteer tbh, he isnt even involved in any drama or is one of the apolitical ones. The only thing that distinguishes him is that he shiposts and everyone here should understand that.

It's actually incredibly stunning, how often this pet theory of mine is confirmed. In fact, just look at the thread the Christcom is replying to:

* The guy "DadTankie" says in his own words, "Also, by the way, I'm a queer teenaged communist with an anxiety disorder. FuckMuir can't play that shit."

* The person replying to DadTankie has in their bio, "queer enby they/them/their"

* Another person replying to him has in their bio, "20. Bisexual. Autistic. Large. He/They."

This isn't to make fun of their identities, but rather to show that this is the true factor that unifies them, rather than any serious political beliefs.

This was indicated most obviously the day they feuded with fuckmuir. The feud started because a tankie girl admitted she hasn't read Capital because of her ADHD, dyslexia, and dyscalcula (which is fine and completely understandable - most lefties don't read shit, let alone people with reading troubles) and fuckmuir replied with pictures of children books, saying they're more her speed.

Quickly after, woke tankie twitter's new position was that "reading is actually for loser nerds lol. stop worshipping books." See: twitter.com/eugen_levine/status/844320978301792256

I follow a few, cause I'm trying to get more religious leftists on my timeline.

That is fucking hilarious.

Any insight onto why the left attracts these types of people? I get why they become SJWs, but I dont really see what in communism/anarchism appeals to them. Is it purely the idea of breaking down the gender binary, why do they have to adopt a ML persona to do that?

Don't forget that the people working in Hollywood who write scripts, who produce films, who direct and so on all at one point in their lives considered themselves legitimate artists. There is a stark discrepancy between the films Hollywood produces and the motivations of those involved with the production on the artistic side.

If you are american being a rabid antiimperialist that only focuses on the USA is the most contrarian thing you can do. Also being exposed to constant pro-USA propaganda probably makes waking up to the reality all the more shocking and forms a deeper part of your identity.

I think it's young LGBT people who grow disillusioned with liberalism, and then just stumble upon the woke tankie clan, by accident. They find they're able to relate to them, and so they end up adopting their politics instead of normal non-insane Marxism.

That's just my speculation, though.

That's a good point.

Another funny thing about that DadCommie kid is that I think he only started referring to himself as queer because his internet girlfriend, another one of the teen tankies of Twitter, went trans. I had followed them for a minute when I was first looking for leftist accounts to follow and there was never any mention of him being queer until that point.

I think this is a huge part of it. I look at the teen tankies of twitter as being similar to a lot of the altright kids. Instead of adopting anime, gamergate, and nationalism, they adopted oppression olympics and anti-imperialism. They're all confused lonely kids looking for an online community.

Honestly, why would the media pick someone as butt-ugly as him to be the face of Western volunteers? I'm more inclined to believe that Weird Twitter connections made the journalist focus on him.

Very sad t b h f a m

They need to go to a mosque. Or study the dialectic and join DSA. Basically they need to do literally anything other than unironically jerk off to despotic rulers.

He's really not. And it's just Rolling Stones that's covered him to my knowledge. The rest of media doesn't really talk about this stuff.

Problem is that non insane Marxists are weird socdems or completely hidden.

We had one script writer that made a thread here a while ago describing how big blockbusters suck up all of the capital due to making better profits strangeling all the smaller experimental stuff that actually creates new talent.

What we really need is a socialist youth organisation structured along the long traditions of workers youth movements.

This will basically just hand a lot of ammo to Phil Greaves

phil greaves is a cia spook

All this talk of spooks has got me thinking: am I in the CIA? How would I know if I was?

this will ultimately end up what happens, and then everyone will have the wrong idea about everything.

what if the real cia is the spooks we spooked along the way?

I hate these people.


What kind of mental illness is this?

These people are worse than cointelpro.

How do SJW Tankie Twitter and Unruhe get along? Do they interact at all?

I'm pretty sure the Roo hates SJWs so probably not.



This better not portray the YPG as fucking liberals

On the other hand this might be good.

Meme this.

"queer" nearly always just means "straight, but I want to feel/appear to be part of a fashionable struggle"

Hearing that truly upsets me. I'd have given up on film entirely if the non-American industries weren't still producing good films.

If this movie actually gets made, then Phil Greaves was right.


tbh there should be a Mad Max-style action movie about Rojava. ISIS and FSA terrorists are like, the most insane enemies ever.

You really shouldn't. I loved Nightcrawler, but it really is just anti-cable news. I'm sure Holla Forumsyps just think it shows up the fake news or whatever.

Stop, I can only get so erect.

they're not cointelpro?

I suppose that's one way of looking at it, but there are a lot about that movie that can be applied to capitalism as a whole. Gyllenhaal's character disregarding humanity in pursuit of financial success, the exploitation of the poor, the ability of capitalists to justify whatever horrific shit they do in the name of money, the crimes of capitalism not being punished, rather they are rewarded.

sovietfangirl can be my honeypot any day, if you get what I mean

I don't think that makes sense. The emphasis on self-help books, Gyllenhaal's struggle to basically become what he is from the bottom through ruthlessly commodifying himself (implication that he used to be a prostitute), his constant veneer of professionalism which lay thinly atop an ultimately immoral, unlawful and unprofessional business.

But also, here is the director himself:

God damn that's a good quote.


I hope so. I try to remember my own biases and that normies probably went away from it thinking that it was just critiquing journalism.

I think you're right that most normies would think it had to do with journalism or psychopathy, and I figured that is how people would take it, but I felt that the first time I watched it I immediately stepped away with the feeling "this was anti-capitalist in some way". Lou's reverence for business against his total anti-social behavior made me think the connection was being highlighted.


Gas them. Besides the obvious, there's a fuckton of pre-Turkish historical heritage in the whole Anatolia.

Jesus fucking christ that last image makes me recoil physically. These fuckers don't really give a toss about revolution, don't they?

aaaah yes. The stolen valor argument.

"Who will play him in the inevitable biopic" memes became real.

What a time to be alive.


PissPigGrandad is a Tankie though, not an anarchist.

I love Gyllenhaal but they're gonna make everyone a bunch of idpol libs. I know it.

I really wish the edgy liberals would leave my movement alone.

One of the tankie twitter guys got cucked

Nobody likes tankies.

>whoops! that text was meant for someone else!
I have trouble believing this.


You guys are joking but Gyllenhaal is a serious method actor who does actual research for his roles. Part of what made Nightcrawler so good was how accurately he portrayed a psychopath. If he looked into the politics of the region he legitimately might be turned into a communalist. I feel it's worth asking why he even wants to do this picture in the first place. The YPG is not that widely known.


Yet he fights for Rojava. He's a bigger anarchist than most anarkiddies.

That's the point.


If Jake Gyllenhaal spreads the Rojava revolution to America we will truly live in the best timeline.

He's also quoted saying this so he might be semi-woke:
"it's a sad time when actors are politicians and politicians are actors"
On the other hand he supported Kerry in 2004.

I don't get why people do this. Save that for the DMs, not broadcasting it to hundreds of people.

Pretty much. Cuckold originally meant a man who raises another man's child, then it broadened more generally to any man who's wife cheats on him. It was only later that it was associated with the "watch your gf fuck another man" fetish.