Greatest retard of all time?

What the fuck was his problem?

He had a personality disorder. But seriously I agree that Death Note would have been way better if he tried to take down porky instead.

He was in an anime so sensible actions were forbidden.

The problem was that the author wrote him to be smarter than himself. Naturally, this meant that his character was rather limited.

Because he's a Japanese classcuck, duh.

You could say the same about almost any superhero or superpowered character. In some cases, like Batman and Iron Man, they're porkies themselves. If some super actually did try to do that, it'd be someone like Magneto. Magneto is pretty spooked by idpol, but in fairness his identity group actually does get discriminated against.

He was a jap teen classcuck


shit anime

I would pay good money for a version of Batman who blames the material deprivation caused by Capitalism for his parents death and thus tries to take down porky.

Make em all read the communist manifesto live on TV before committing an hero. bam.

because that's the scope of the political thought of some japanese animator. in his eyes, if you ask him what's wrong with the world, he thinks crime etc not global capitalism

that's also the reason why anime aren't really worth anything as a medium other than a few exceptions. the animators just end up projecting their morals and insecurities onto the characters, which usually end up being 1d caricatures

at least ghost in a shell was ok




GitS remains to be my favourite


No surprise that a tankie doesn't recognize the superiority of manga.

OP I was talking about this with my roommate the other day, and we made the plan.
Disclaimer: We each took 3 THC pills and were well into it when we started talking about this:

Damn that pidgeon girl is smug

In the 2015 live-action Death Note TV show, that iteration of Light actually does kill a few porkies who had been accused of financial crimes. It's not systematic, though. Even when you do get a superhero who goes after a corrupt corporation, recognition of the problem rarely extends beyond that corporation to the capitalist mode of production as a whole.

Do you know any leftist anime?

There is some mentioned here.


Didn't even the anime/manga mention that he'd killed off not just sleazy businessmen, but every high-profile scumball, including various dictators, war criminals, and sleazy politicians (the US was supposedly on its 3rd president?).

In any case, I recall the postscript noted that in spite of his extensive global purge of anyone from presidents to pickpockets that fell into a category he disliked, just a few years after Light's death, things largely returned to the way they were.

Sort of a final snub both against Light's "God of the New World" thing, and by the author to all IRL the fans wooed by Light.

Buta Note doujinshi when?

Sasuga Holla Forums

There's a reason it's called capital-ism and not capitalist-ism. This wouldn't do jack dick. New Porkies would arise in short order or we'd just get the good old coop capitalism we discuss every third thread.

only the first one
second film is meh
TV series is shit tier
manga is ugly as fuck
plus, wtf is with all of this sunny mood
cheerful major? fuck that shit

I won't say GitS:SAC was "good" but it wasn't "bad" either. It kept us all engaged.

Punisher ain' extreme enuf to handle all dem porkies. You gotta make a commitment to
and also not care all that much about collateral damage
technically he's more of an anakuza splatterpunk, he's out to exterminate all authority in the world, as "authority perpetuates evil"

Japs love the status quo.

SAC was pretty good. Not really sure what y'all were expecting from a television anime. Really the entire franchise is overshadowed by the 1995 film in my mind. Only thing I continually rewatch.

What the fuck was Scion's problem?

Forgot pic

He's a statist, bootlicking, goodie goodie two-shoes son-of-a-cop. he was born into an upper middle-class family under the catholic faith. naturally he's going to try to become god. first of all, all the idiots who attempted to "kill all porkies" established absolute dictatorships, his death note is no different from stalin's whimsical purges. Second of all, of course he tries to become God he can kill anyone he doesn't like

lmoa at thinking that shit is potent, one dab of good BHO or Rosin will get you higher than 10 of those pills

Intelligent individuals and decisions are forbidden in the vast majority of modern stories - if modern writers cant force stupidity then they have no stories to write.

I mean, unexplained stupidity has taken preference over creating actual flaws in characters, because being a good writer isn't worth any time when your average viewer is dumb as a fucking brick anyway

Story time.










The TV series is closest to the manga in tone and content you cuck.

He became drunk with power and started lusting for blood. Who wouldn't?

He literally has a god complex. He doesn't care about justice or equality, he cares about himself and his rule over the world. He may have started out caring, but it quickly changed.

Kira is Stalin.

You were doing so well user

couldn't care less
in comparison with the film it's shit
no amount of crying about how manga is the source material will change that

The film is pretentious garbage for pseudo-intellectuals.

it's literally just a cop story
only pretentious thing I can think of is a boat scene
surely you're not implying that Kusanagi sacrificing her identity to become something greater is pretentious?

Myiazaki is a socialist

Kira would probably be a retarded classcuck anyways