Anti "anti idpol" in Marxism

She just took things one step deeper. Thoughts?

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Can you keep it in one thread you dumb faggot

She's dumb and missing the point, also parroting everything you'd expect them to (like this is the gif of my reaction to you rn:), but it's good to see Jacobin (accidently) furthering the gap between the socialist Left and the SJWs


Idpol is cancer and you should kill yourself

What, like Beyoncé?


How the fuck would skin color change the basic structure of class society.

Sage because we have relevant threads for this shit.

Comrades, please, sage the thread and politely remind the OP to read Adolph Reed.

This woman goes directly to gulag after the revolution.

How do people get the idea that Jacobin is saying that racism doesn't exist or that racial and gender liberation isn't a necessary and worthwhile struggle? All they're saying is that class is the basis of these divisions, and that Marxism by definition sees class as the dominant factor, meaning that intersectionality is fundamentally anti-Marxist. Even saying that isn't really a big deal tbh, you don't have to be a Marxist or materialist to be a comrade.

because they're liberals who are in it for the meme points on Twitter

If you've got shit to say, try not saying 140 characters at a time.
I haven't devoted the energy to parsing everything she's said, but that gotcha "What you gonna do when america looks like this" means I can't take her seriously. there were communist civil wars in Africa, everyone there looks like that.

People are retarded. Many non-white college students in the US get triggered by any hint that Class is more fundamental to Marxist analysis then race. They don't want to accept that they are in a muh privileged group because of the socio-economic position so they try to keep the focus on race.


exactly the same

The crazy thing is that they almost always are white. It's a guilt fetish or something. I go to a no lie SJW university, and me and the other non-whites (which is technically everybody, but that's another argument) always sit together rolling our eyes and scoffing at how every history lesson gets explained by cis-het white males being racist, sexist homophobes. Seriously, it's the white kids eating that shit up like they need to be angry at themselves for shit they didn't do.

There is definitely a lot of white kids (particularly Women) who eat this shit up, but there are definitely a lot of non-whites involved with it to. I can't say I have first hand experience like you do, but I've seen a fair amount of videos of non-white being retarted SJWs.

I wasn't trying to imply most non-white college students do this shit, just like I doubt you're saying most white college kids do. It is ultimately a small minority of both groups who only gain influence through being loud bullies. I feel normal people of all races are afraid to confront them because their opinions have been deemed correct by academia and the media.

It's more annoying when non-whites do it because they literally accuse you of being racist and condescending if you disagree with them.

Yeah, I've been wanting to believe that the whole "institutionalized SJW" thing was an altright/altlight meme, but after seeing a recent ad for a local college with the words "Fight for social justice" and and comercial on tv advertising, I shit you not, an app to help you learn [email protected]/* */ words, not to mention Hillary's campaign hinging on the hope that more than half of voters being liberal tone-policing wanks, I'm not so sure it's just a meme. But yeah, it's mostly whitey who gets triggered, and after a while enough minorities/marginalized people take it seriously. Fuck white people, they ruined white people.

People like this are one step away from Hotep.

Grifters gonna grift.

Gotta build that brand.

Black feminism is thinking capitalism is solved because Beyonce gets to own sweatshops now.

She is a middle-class woman with Gender Studies degree that is somehow autistic about Marxism.
Of course she wants to be at the center of attention. Since she is just another spoiled brat that never worked a day in her life, she upholds this black feminism thing to be at the center of attention. Because if she is a black female, she is worse off than any prole automatically.

Also, lol at black feminism being inherently anti-capitalist.
Most black feminists would love nothing more than seeing mire black female capitalists. They celebrate corporations with a black female owner.
So much for the anti-capitalist nature of black feminism.



I swear, this phrase has become the new "problematic".

These people are so balls-deep in post-structuralist bullshit that they can no longer differentiate reality from their personal biases.


If you use the word "colonized" to mean anything other than th physical occupation of a territory and its population by a foreign power you should be gassed tbh.

liteally tumblr

Bodies are territories though.

If I see another Twitter account with "decolonized" in their bio, I'm to lose my shit.

why do these retards always use the word bodies, instead of 'people' or 'individuals'

Then you must be like a continent

Because Foucault.

What the fuck?

Oh yeah, it's real. It's not everywhere like the aut-right wants you to believe, but SJW shit really is institutionalized in universities. Porky is cramming that shit down students' throats.

how did Foucault cause that switch in verbage

Because he constantly used that word.

Because they are slaves to fashion.

then how are we supposed to collectivize the means of reproduction?

Come on now lads, I don't dig identity politics either for reasons summed up nicely in this ( essay, but don't be so thick in the head. The person who wrote these tweets appears well versed in academic concepts from a look at her twitter feed, disagree with her thoughts as I do but she's clearly more advanced than 'YAAAAS SLAY YONCE'.

She seems far more obsessed with race than anti-capitalism, even if she does acknowledge it. She may be a legit intersectionalist unlike 99.99% of them, but if you focus on the racial aspect too much you're singling yourself out.

Black feminism has always been extremely class conscious. Don't be an idiot.

Not idpol, but shutting people up because they want to talk about how their social, ethnic and sex backgrounds affect their material conditions and how they're perceived, is nasty as fuck.

Capitalism, while not explicitly so, definitely has racist and sexists aspects. Because those act as justification for the system of exploitation. Even more so in non-western countries.

Instead of telling people to STFU whenever they bring this up, perhaps talk about how all of this ties into the fundamental nature of capitalism.

I'm of course talking about legitimate issues here. Not this "manspreading" and "cultural appropriation" bullshit.

Bourgeoisie White liberals seem to relish their guilt, like any good calvinist. You'd be surprised at how upset they get if you are not white and refuse to participate in their inane psychodramas

No one cares if they talk about how they personally feel, what people are criticizing them for is their arrogant mischaracterization of Marxism based on those feelings.

That is why postmodernism is cancer, it literally states that one's arbitrary biases are indistinguishable from reality because, like, you can't know something isn't biased, man.

much of what passes for 'social justice' in the US is a commodified 3rd gen bastardisation of stuff like Lenin's theory of imperialism and Maoist-Third Worldist political epistemology. I suspect Mao might be the key influence here, via 60s new left college activists (like the weathermen, in particular) who adopted his theories as a model to understand Vietnam and racism in america. They came to believe most American workers where in fact labor aristocrats and the only hope for revolution laid in a violent uprising by the oppressed in the third world and by minority populations in America. Fred Hampton of the black panthers compared them to general Custer, ie. for being desperate to die in a blaze of glory and take everyone down with them.


The construction of this sentence alone should be enough to earn her a place in the coldest gulag. But "subsidized labor?" I don't understand what she's trying to say. Forced labor, sure, but "subsidized?"

It's almost as though this isn't a question so it shouldn't have a fucking question mark. She's right that it required the forced labor of indigenous peoples, but what does she mean by "racialized?" That particular races were turned into underclasses and given the most exploitative work?

I mean, did it? Until the 19th century, Egypt was the primary producer of cotton iirc, but I don't know how much of it was slave labor. Then you had other textile production like wool which was domestic, but I doubt she's counting serfs and peasants as slaves because they're white because they aren't technically property. Germany didn't have any colonies because for most of the modern era there wasn't a Germany.

I guess I get what she's saying, that yeah, you had indigenous peoples exploited by capitalists and aristocrats in order to create even more wealth, but history shows that the ruling classes weren't really picky on who they exploited, regardless of race. From Ireland to Edo, you had the rulers that got all the wealth, and usually vast underclasses provided with some kind of excuse for why they should do all the work. Europe justified it with Christianity and Divine Right, the Muslim empires weren't shy about exploiting conquered peoples either, India is still struggling under a caste system, and Confucianism set the foundations for an "orderly society" with peasants at the bottom and the aristocracy at the top for over an millennium.

So, I dunno, it seems like race is really incidental.

She's approaching this from a bourgeois perspective. She sees racial exploitation as a form a theft rather than run of the mill exploitation. She probably unironically advocates for welfare programs as form of repayment for these indignities (because exploitation is fine as long as you pay a "fair price" to the workers right?) You find a lot of bourgeois fuckers like this in third worldist camps unfortunately.