Batman: Arkham Series

Seeing as Rocksteady has recently been teasing the hell out of another game announcement, which one does Holla Forums consider the best of the lot?

My personal vote goes to Asylum.

Bamham Asylum was the best. It just gets worse with each game after that.

I have the trilogy are they worth playing at all?

First one. The other two just meander and fill time with pointless busywork and collecting. Also, how do you make the batmobile suck? Rocksteady found a way.

Arkham City starts off okay but wears out its welcome by the hallway point. Arkham Knight is just a fucking mess from start to finish.


I hate how City started the trend of having these huge outdoor areas in the series, yet you can only go inside a handful of places making it seem way smaller than Asylum, where you could explore virtually every nook and cranny of the island.


Origins get the higher nod due to Deathstroke fight. That and the Electrocutioner fight where you just drop kick him in one hit.

I guess it's pretty bad that I feel the need to compliment City for at least having some indoor areas as opposed to Shadow of Mordor which doesn't have any.

Play in release order, quit when you get tired of gimmicks overwhelming the base gameplay.
That will either get you halfway through City or less than halfway through a Knight.

I liked the bane fights, and truth be told Origins is closer to my heart for being a colorful city set in the winter instead of the grey depressing city in City.
I still for the life of me can't understand why the combat system of the Arkham games was so praised. It completely strips you of any skill, challenge, spacing or enjoyment and replaces it with COOL ANIMATIONS BATMAN FLIP

Level design collapses from City onwards. If that's your favourite part of Asylum then you may as well not even bother with the rest.

Personally, past Asylum, the whole flashing blue lightning marks to counter now weren’t all that bothersome to me. In the first game, there really weren’t many variations of attacks to worry about (normal hits, knife swings, batons, guns) where I felt it was necessary to keep the icons on. It’s why I played the game on the hardest difficulty and felt challenged enough. Most attack animations weren’t super apparent, so it was harder to keep an eye out while flipping around.
The problem, however, comes from when they started adding more variations of attacks to deal with in city and beyond, especially bullshit that was at gun range like orange icons in Knight (who charged in and tackled you). The more they added, the harder it was to justify keeping the icons off. At that point, you’re just dealing with so much more shit and specific button prompts to deal with it that I just can’t process it without absolutely getting stomped on. The middle earth games have a different problem where there were few attack variations, but the orcs all look the fucking same, so it’s hard to notice if you’re swinging at a dual wielding guy who will just headbutt you if you just mash away.

Origins out of all the more open games past Asylum I think did it best. Sure there was the large open city to deal with (which was fucking boring), but I distinctly remember the indoor stuff being way longer than either City or Knight, kind of like how it was in Asylum. For all the shit that game got, I thought they got that stuff down right.

Knight barely had any indoor shit. Granted, it was sort of understandable as an extension of Rocksteady's desire to ram the Batmobile down people's throats (though even then, the indoor Batmobile sections were way more fun than outdoor ones) while City had the same issue but with seemingly no justification other than laziness.

Is the batmobile at least fun if overused? I've been craving a car combat game for a while.

The first. The rest are ruined by Open world meme shit.
Also Batman is overplayed and DC needs to learn to use their other and better heroes.

The combat system was good from an aesthetic point of view.
There was no way to make it look and feel like you were Batman dispensing 40 goons without being automated to an extent.


Shit taste like this should be punishable.

You should fucking leave this site user.

Sonic thread is two pages down

He's right though, Flash is the shittiest hero.

90% of his villains shouldn't take more then 3 seconds to take down, yet he either jobs constantly or else the writers just stick to writing Flash vs. Speedster-of-the-Week stories over and over again.

capeshit is not good, but batman games are the worst

Reminder that Arkham Knight was literally scaled up to make the city bigger. Does anyone have the screenshot form the game showing how fucking huge the cars are compared to Batman?

I see you like to go slow and therefore have shit taste in videogames, heroes, ect.
It's an objective fact that fast = good. See

That's because the CW show is shit.

Third game Arkham Origins which is a shitty prequel Rocksteady only were in an advisory role and Fourth game, Arkham Knight where the gameplay and level design is a headache, every DLC character plays the game, the Joker continues to be used, and goddamn it the story was a turd along with making the sexy villains into dyke munch carpets.

Post your deviant art page user

Wait, what? Did they actually fucking do that?

How about a detective story where you're only fighting bosses?
I have something similar to Fate Extra in mind, where a case has you follow the trail of some yet unknown villain, figuring out their identity and powers and then eventually squaring off against them, collecting more clues about the villain has you knowing more of their attacks and abilities and makes the fights easier/harder, and so on. I can compare the bosses to something like say Furi, but I can't quite compare the detective part to something. All I know is that it has to be challenging and requires some mental ability instead of pressing x to detective vision.

user don't mention those games! Non-whites don't have the brain capacity to play fast vidya!

Here you go faggot.
You still have shit taste, fast = best and that has been proven over and over in vidya

Do you like warframe? Sounds like you might.

No, it's too Grindy but if I had to play one grindy game for 1000 hours that would be it.
I play Tribes and used to own all the major Car Combat games from Twisted Metal to Rogue Trip

Not really.

Vertigo prevents going fsat
Cold is the direct opposite of speed
Can't outrun telepathy
Can't run if you can't see
Something similar to the above
Has shit tons of ""magic"" powers that fuck over speedsters
Speedsters couldn't be in more than one place at once until Wally meme'd it into existence
Can't run fast in tar
Slows things around him

Then you have shit tons of villains that can create forcefields, control minds, warp dimensions etc that fuck with speedsters.
To say The Flash is a shitty hero is just admitting that you don't know anything about The Flash beyond the films/tv shows made where they reduce him down.

Probably couldn't be made to go over 10 hours and not get really fucking boring.
If they made the evidence sections of the games longer, more frequent and more interactive, it'd be perfect.

Instead, we get Batman reconstructing an autistic murder scene with more stupid reasoning being brought up after every evidence piece is scanned.
That Black Mask murder scene in AK was absolutely hideous at how Marty Stu his reasoning abilities got.


I'm going to miss playing as Harley

Maybe he's just a manlet

that's a big car

That's not Arkham Knight though, that's Arkham Origins.

The first one was pretty good for most of the way through, maybe waned a bit toward the end but still alright. Second needed to be a bit longer and had far too many Riddler puzzles all over the place. The most recent one was ok but really felt like the series had well and truly run its course by the end.

For you.

That's one thing I have to give the Telltale Batman game. I was disappointed it didn't live up to its apparent premise (a Sierra/Lucasarts-style point-and-click puzzle solving detective game starring Batman is such a logical fit that I can't believe it's never been done). Sadly, that's not what the game is - instead it's 90% QTEs combined with something like an animated VN.

But there ARE a couple of brief sequences where you actually control Batman and have to sleuth around crime scenes, finding evidence and piecing things together by combining objects a la Edgeworth, and those are interesting, if simplistic. They feel like a less ridiculous version of the Origins detective scenes, and I couldn't help thinking if you combined this with something like Arkham Asylum, you'd have very nearly the perfect Batman game.


I loved both Asylum and City, i loved them so much that i can't forgive Rocksteady for fucking up what was supposed to be "the epic conclusion of the trilogy"
Arkham Knight looked beautiful but everything else was fucking garbage, for me the biggest disappointment in years.

Asylum is the best for two reasons: firstly it's the most focussed and secondly the hard mode actually turns off the 'time to hit counter' indicators which I think was missing from the other games.
City is second because, while bloated, it does improve here and there and added New Game+.
The other two can be ignored.

Harley's DLC costume was so much fucking better than her base game costume.

City's shitty open world design and garbage story just completely killed it for me. I'm not really a storyfag but in these games, it's kind of strongly intertwined with the actual gameplay so the fact that it was so badly written impacted the whole in a very negative manner. Arkham Knight, despite the Batmobile overuse, didn't really have this problem since the story wasn't quite as garbage as City. And Origins has the best plot besides Asylum.

I'd agree the only thing City's story really did well was the final act shit with Joker, even paying attention to things like not having 'his' skeleton show up in the early parts of the game but I still prefer its gameplay. Also Origins' main plot is fine but the fact that you spend half of the game fighting Z-list villains kills the mood.

Am I the only one that prefers City to Asylum?

Honestly, even the final act was a plot-hole-filled mess. Clayface working for Joker makes no sense no matter which way you spin it, Talia's behavior makes no sense, Batman's behavior makes no sense, hell, even the Joker's behavior makes no goddamn sense. It just seems like the developers were set on having their "Joker dies" finale and didn't care how badly they fucked the game's story in the process.

So is the next game going to be Justice League or is it going to be Superman?

Was anyone not done after City? Unless you're going to set it somewhere other than Gotham, it's all just the same shit at this point.

It's the problem of having a finale but having to somehow put all the characters in the right places for it to work: City didn't do that well.

I liked Knight the most, but then again I'm a tank fag, so I didn't mind sequences with batank.

The thing about most big open world franchises, is you get a change of scenery every game or two. Gotham is Gotham, and Batman is Gotham. To keep this series fresh at this point, you're going to need to make a Batman game without traditional Gotham, which I guess would have to be Batman Beyond, or some kind of elseworld.

Afraid not. The reason it gets called overused is because it's so fucking dull to use. This applies to both the driving (which is super easy - almost on rails-y) and the tank gameplay (which is just strafe, fire, strafe, fire).

Asylum is the best and probably only truly good one, City was alright, everything else is shit.

What I hated about Arkham City is that some of the Riddler puzzles could no longer be solved if you accidentally knocked out one of his accomplishes meaning that if you did that you could only get 100% by restarting the game and doing it all over.

Wasn't Origins a buggy piece of shit with D-tier enemies to fight off?
I remember it getting shit on by most people pretty quickly too.

I didn't like it when it came out, but played it again a year or so ago and warmed up to it a little more. Still not great but not as bad as I remembered.

Origins was actually pretty fun but it was hampered by the fact that it was bug-infested crap at launch and that WB Montreal were a bunch of lazy fags.

Asylum was fine, but it had no replayability. I can't imagine how the sequels went.

Mr. Freeze's mini campaign was the best thing in Origins.

I like parts of City better but there should have been a bit more to do. A couple more side quests, the main quest a bit longer too. Asylum started off really well but from around when the plants take over became less engaging.

They just copied Assassin's Creed and slapped Batman onto it.

It's more bombastic and cartoony than AC, both artistically and mechanically. The combat system, for example, is less hamstrung in Bamham; you can do more things and you have more toys, there's also a fairly rudimentary combo mini-system. The predator is unique to Bamham, AC never locks you in a room and forces you to pick off heavily armed enemies one by one in increasingly creative ways; AC's stealth sections are more designed around infiltration or, suprise surprise, assassination.

They're certainly similar, they're in the same genre (third person brawler, I guess?) and/or subgenre (sandbox stealth brawler? SBSB for short?), but they are quite distinct from eachother.

A Batman Beyond sequel to Arkham Knight could be really cool.

If by that you mean they were able to do with just Asylum what Ubisoft had failed to do with Ass Creed's entire series.

And no they aren't the same game, or at least they weren't supposed to be. AC was clearly supposed to be a sort of medieval Hitman with a focus on running from your enemies after you killed the targets. But because it was a AAA title it had to have the AAA industry's interpretation of "stealth game" while also failing to make the guards a threat worth running from, probably because focus testers complained that they couldn't attack them head on.

The Arkham games basically felt like Rocksteady stepping in and saying "stop bullshitting everyone and admit you just want to make an combat-heavy action game with light stealth sections and HERE's how you do it".

I wouldn't describe Bamham's stealth sections as 'light' exactly.

Then again I suppose they were my favorite part of those games and I sought them out, so maybe I just remember them being more predominant than they were supposed to be.

That Mr Freeze fight in City though.

Arkham Asylum will always be the best one.
They've made a huge mistake by listening to Reddit when they added the batmobile (come one, anyone with half a brain would know that the batmobile had no place in an Arkham game since it doesn't fit with the core mechanics, see how it fucked up Arkham Knight), the open world in City and Knight. The Riddler's collectibles were a bad idea too.

My only gripe with Origins was how awful the dialog in is, fuck I cringed so hard at times.

Back when I played it, I never ran into any optimization problems or things like that. The only real problem was the game glitches out on a grapple location that was needed to turn on a radar station which you used to open up fast travel spots. Completely broke being able to 100% the game, but by that point I didn’t really care.
As for villains, the only real D-tier I can think of was the Electricutioner, and his entire fucking gimmick was he had shock gloves. The game knew he was garbage tier because his whole bossfight was you hitting X once. Batman would then dropkick his, and then the real fight with Deathstroke would begin. Electricutioner came back later during the reveal that Black Mask was Joker the whole time. He says some dumb shit to Joker, which he prompltly gets thrown out of a window and impaled in the lobby you’re in. It’s at this point you take his shock gloves for an upgrade.
There was also some other chick there, but who the fuck knows who it was. Croc came back with an entirely new look that they kept for the series onward (way more croc looking, less silver shiny scales with big teeth). You had Bane, Joker, Black Mask, and then finally Firefly. I guess he’s D-tier, but they did bring him back for Knight which was interesting.

His face*. Can’t fucking type today.

Your telling me a man who prides himself on his acting skills above all else wouldn't love to see if he could act well enough to fool the world's greatest detective?


I personally like City the most, people say Arkham Asylum is better and that might be true in regards to pacing, but I do actually like the open world gameplay when applied to Batman as a character. City seems to strike a good balance between being a solid Batman game and an open world game, and really should have been the last game in the trio considering Joker's death adds a nice element of finality to the game/series that is immediately shat upon by Knight.

Arkham Knight is kind of fun at the start, and I find it relatively enjoyable when you're just flying around solving random crimes, but the story is shit, you use the fucking Batmobile WAY too fucking much. The stealth is completely ruined by your insta-win button and the fact that the AI no longer gets spooked.

I really hope Rocksteady gets to do a different IP this time. The Batman games were really good (especially Asylum), as was Urban Chaos Riot Response. They're talented devs but I think they've really played-out Batman at this point.

Fucking this. Batman Beyond kicked ass and the setting would make for a great Arkham style game.


Asylum is a good game, absolutely worth playing.
City is decent, worth playing if you got it for free or very cheap.

Knight is a cluster fuck with some truly terrible sections aka anytime you have to do a "tank fight" with the Batmobile.

City is worth it in my opinion just for playing as Harley Quinn in her tights, also I like how the combat became a bit more streamlined in City, in Asylum it can be a bit clunky at times using gadgets during a combo.

Fucking This

Nice digits, but completely wrong.
The Arkham games have always been Tenchu with Batman. (There's even a batarang upgrade to make it act as poison rice.) And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, especially since we haven't had a real Tenchu game in forever.

Batman: Beyond Arkham is a fantastic idea. Though it would take a lot of careful balancing to have all the capability's of Terry's suit and still make the game challenging.
Arkham Knight's ending kind of prevents Beyond from happening though. Although I suppose it's still possible that Terry can encounter a grumpy old man who lives under an assumed name…

Why? Just because people found out Bruce is Batman? Just have Bruce fake his death…

Can someone please explain to me exactly why City's not as good as Asylum? I understand the concept of how compact level design is better than having an open world, but all I'm hearing is that open worlds are bad and the story wasn't good. Is there a breakdown on exactly why this is?

this too, I really didn't care about the "more open world" sequel, I just fucking loved this one the most

Origins wasn't made by Rocksteady morons, also the level design is the worst in the series…

If you can run faster than the speed of light to time travel, you can kill anything because everything isn't moving relatively…At light speed he can spend years looking for the enemies and it would look that less than a second has passed…The real problem with the Flash is because his power is so Op in fact that DC even had to kill Barry because they made him too fast for everything in reality, he could vibrate trough anything, he could use the speed force totally, are you sure you really know what you are talking about?! Can't run fast over tar…smh…

Predator levels are a little better on Asylum, on Knight it's non existent… Batman is like a ninja with a lot of cash, the most important objective for a ninja is to wipe the enemies silently, not getting down on the middle of the enemies and mashing "x"…On Asylum even when you could just wipe out the enmies mashing "x" you could still choose to get behind a wall, throw some batrangs to knock out some thugs and while the others where "wtf" you just get there and beat them while the others were still on the ground recovering, that's Batman style, that's why is so cool to do it instead of brainless button mashing…

Fucking seriously? Weren't they pretty adamant that Knight was the last one?

Batman dies at the end

They were also adamant that Joker wouldn't show up in it at all or even be mentioned, everyone can be persuade with enough cash.

I think they were all pretty mediocre


What did I miss? How close was I to the end, should I have kept playing?

I haven't played the game in a whole but, are you at the point where Scarecrows release a McGuffin and the floor of Gotham is covered in Fear Toxin?

Yes, that's what I'm talking about.

The game gets incredibly shit and tedious at that point. Nothing of note happens after that expect the bullshit twist that the Arkham Knight is Jason

Damn, I figured as much. Yeah once that happened I had lost all interest. I was just like what..Why. Why is the sky orange too.. Man. What the fuck. I traveled a couple feet out of whatever I was in after it happened, looked around and was like. "No. Just no. Nope." alt-f4.

Welp, thanks for sating my curiosity and saving me download/install of it again.

I liked it, but they could have been better. Played all except Knight but watched some gameplay videos on youtube. I do like the batman movies by nolan a lot, but I am glad they sticked with classic batman in these games.



The freshness and multiple game modes that went into it was fun. City got needlessly complicated plus the SecuROM drm in it ruined my DVD-drive, so NOPE.

what if bamtan was superpowers?

The problem with the whole series is it was too Joker-centric. Hamill did a great job and it worked really well in Asylum in particular, but it seemed they didn't have enough faith in themselves to move on without the character.

Not unless Joker somehow has precognitive powers and could predict all of the bullshit that goes down in the story of Arkham City. There is literally no point to Clayface hanging around pretending to be fake Joker to fool Batman, because the real Joker doesn't even have a reason to fool Batman into thinking he's healthy until the last hour or so of the game. Actually, he doesn't even have a reason after that. The whole finale is a fucking mess.

To be fair, they seem to be working on another DC character this time. Most people think it's going to be Superman though I'm personally betting on Green Lantern.

I was really pissed how they fucked over a cool antagonist in Hugo Strange in Arkham City just so we could get another boring Joker story. Granted, Ra's al Ghul's presence was also some serious bullshit but Joker's stupid cure was like 90% of the damn game.

Beyond would make for the better game friendo.

I'll never get why people hate Knight so much. I liked it more than City but neither came close to Asylum. Still the combat and batmobile felt real nice and the story was well told.

City was the only game I played.
Was good.
I really wanted to play against all familiar Batman antagonists in one game and City did just that.
Game could've been more tighter OR more things to do with your freedom than just collecting trophies but whatever.
It was really cool playing through the story once and never touching it again.

I guess the problem for other people is that they're playing all Arkham games, which makes it all so samey and there's already this standard set.
Playing only one game in the series is most likely the best experience one can have.

Also the fact that the games are more comic and Animated Series based than film based is also really good. Spiderman (2000) is like that as well and I liked it for it.

Honestly that's always been a flaw with Batman and arguably comic book translations into other media in general: most heroes have 1 or at most 2 good villains and then a bunch who just can't carry a non-comic plot on their own.

Clayface was hired by the Joker after he got freed from Arkham Asylum by impersonating Warden Sharp. The Joker needed him to set-up multiple things inside the City before Batman was even there, and he needed him to spy on his enemies (Blackmask, Twoface, Penguin, Hugo Strange) so he could know what was happening at all times even though he was essentially on his death-bed. Blackmask isn't in the game because Clayface helped Joker take over Sionis Industries.

As for why Clayface impersonated him? Harley got ambushed by Talia after stealing the cure from Mr. Freeze. At that point he couldn't let Batman know he'd lost the cure so he had Clayface impersonate him as if he'd already used it.


I have to say Asylum. It gave the honest sensation of being in a place where you need to use all of Batman's tricks of the trade and couldn't just "leave" to suit up for each Arkham inmate you needed to quell. It had mystery to it, a sense of purpose when taking out the villains, and a full reason for Bats being there.

City starts pretty good but it just turns into this slog later on and isn't very fun. I get that the idea was to emulate the rooftop hopping he normally does and to "clean up the streets", but it lacked the satisfying detective work that Asylum had when it went into an open world. I was so disappointed in that later half, I didn't even consider Knight, and considering the backlash it got from how poorly it was made, seems it was a good choice.

On another note, the TMNT would benefit rather well from the Bam Ham combat + stealth gameplay that rockstar has in place.

I hate the batmobil, and the fact that you are forced to use it in some missions is even worse. That said I do like the idea of batman freaking out/going evil, wish they had played more with that idea.

similar to , you don't play as Batman much.

Batman is supposed to be about sneaking in, gathering clues, gathering tools, and accomplishing things while winning fights before they start. Getting into fistfights is not supposed to be Plan A for him.

Asylum focuses in tight corridors, a mystery, using your skills and thinking ahead. City removes most of the tight corridors, thus the necessity of thinking ahead is reduced and instead it encourages dropping into a room of mooks and fistfighting them.

Knight makes this a shitload worse with the focus on the batmobile.


I don't get the hateboner people have for city and knight. Together the three games present to the player all the range batman has as a superhero. If you liked him in the cartoons and comics, you should be used to his stories shifting gears depending on the scale of the thread. I for one like all 3 games for what they have to offer individually. They are very well crafted for what each of them proposes.

I may not have gotten the company right, but I'm simply saying that the Arkham games "freeflow combat" would work well for the turtles. That, and the stealth. Everyone forgets that they were trained in the art of ninjitsu, which the FIRST part of it is to take out your target without them knowing you are there.

Thank fuck someone actually understands this. You know what the catchphrase "world's best detective" means? It means Batman. He's a normal dude with tons of money for gadgets who takes the law into his own hands by doing his own gumshoeing, because the cops are corrupt as fuck. These days though, it's like anyone born past the year 2000 thinks Batman is some super cool stoic dude in a costume whose primary raison d'etre is to zip around in black spandex and beat the ever living fuck out of random muggers and shoplifters.

First one was the best because it was streamlined and because it was so surprising. I don't think anyone in the world expected it nor for it to be so damn good.

I describe them as light stealth because its largely the AAA industry's interpretation of stealth, but in a "who cares, this is fun" kind of way.

There's no using the sound of enemy footprints to know your surroundings, you're given a wallhack ability with zero reason to ever turn it off. There's no ghosting, game very much appeals to the crowd who would just ignore stealth if given a choice by making taking the guards out the objective. Shadows have no effect on visibility, in fact the entire level design of the predator sections can be completely ignored if you prefer to just swoop on the guards from the statues above.

Arkham Aylsum is a mediocre game. Terrible boss battles and perhaps the most retarded ending to a game I've ever seen. lazy writing and contrived/non-interesting story. Also a shitload of back tracking which pissed me off.

Arkham City is better but not by much. Better boss battles and gameplay, but still suffers from poor writing and a non interesting story. Haven't played Knight as I heard it was dogshit.

Dubs were wasted on you.

I can't really argue with his post though, it's pretty valid overall. City is a tighter game due to the better controls. I think Origins is pretty much the best game overall if you take gameplay feel into context.

Asylum. It just makes you feel like batman. Hated the ending though.

What was your favorite part about the last boss fight? eh, mine was when Joker became a big guy and wasnt afraid of anything. No my favorite part was pulling him down with le epic bathook and watch him get stuck in the same wood floor over and over again. Pure comedy.

There's definitely no positive argument for Asylum's boss fights. Croc was decent the first time but that's it.

Answer me this. At the very least in Knight, do you get to play the likes of Arkham Knight, robin and whatnot in the predator/combat challenges? I remember those being the best parts of City, trying all the characters and seeing their differences and whatnot.

One of the best parts in the game for me was when you meet croc for the first time when your processing joker. And then it's completely ruined by running away from him on some fucking wood in a sewer.

Yeah you can.


They didn't even give nightwing voice lines even though the voice actor is credited for it.

Joker was phoned in. You can see hints in the game that imply Black Mask would be a major player in city.

Pirate versions are pretty much fixed though.

There's not enough love for Origins. Sure it was a buggy mess and they could've taken more risks in the story, but at least they tried to make the game more challenging.

The real ridiculous shit that The Flash does mostly originated after Barry died, when Wally was The Flash. They didn't kill Barry because he was too OP, because he wasn't yet.

The thing is, all the really ridiculous shit that gets said about most comics feats are special occasions. Like yeah a lot of the time it's just that they got really angry and thus tried harder and did crazier stuff, but it's beyond their normal power. Like in Dragon Ball when Gohan would get mad.

Except Martian Manhunter. That fucker is just Superman + telepathy + shapeshifting + intangibility. Now that's OP. But he's awesome too so I don't care.

which is a fucking bullshit trope and is gay no matter where it pops up. Every once in a blue moon it could be okay in the right context, but far too often it's a shit, lazy way of creating an asspull to get the hero out of the tight situation of the week. It's also anticlimactic and unoriginal, it's just a cancerous way of writing solutions to a problem. The most notorious example of this is something that isn't even comics, really: Naruto. Any /a/utist could write a book on why it's one of the worst abortions of all time, but one thing it's known for more than anything else is the shit way it was written:
>person tries super duper hard and is victorious
Icing on the cake is that it's a ridiculously juvenile, stupid message for kids, on par with giving anyone who plays in a game a participation trophy. No, you cannot succeed at everything just by trying harder and harder.

In which game was it possible to play as harley

I think it was City, but don't quote me on that.

Well note that all the crazy examples that I was talking about are rare occasions. There's at least one comic about any major character per month. Usually many more. Superman had three series per month since 1940 (Action Comics, Superman, World's Finest), then the Justice League appeared, making it four, and that was 1960. Plus there was Superboy, Superman when he was a kid, and that was going on since the '40s. Superboy and World's Finest ended in the '80s but were replaced with Man of Steel and Adventures of Superman, two other long running ongoing series, and World's Finest always keeps coming back anyway, just called Superman/Batman or Batman/Superman. And Superboy kept appearing in Legion of Superheroes even though he technically should never have existed anymore, and there was a whole Crisis to try to fix it. And when it was fixed, Superman just kept appearing there instead of Superboy. Then there are Supergirl and the new Superboy, and Superman is always guest starring there. Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane both had their own spinoffs that lasted for like 200 issues each and Superman appeared in every single one. Then there are all the alternate Justice Leagues (America, International, Europe, Extreme, 3000, etc.) where even if Superman isn't actually a member he always has to appear because he's Superman (Batman always does too). Then there are yearly universal crossovers since 1985 and Superman is a main character in every single one (as are most other major characters, especially The Flash, since every Crisis seems to revolve around him).

Now keep in mind, Action Comics is about to hit #1000. At least two other Superman series are right behind it. So I'm just estimating here, but I'm probably lowballing it if I say that Superman has starred in about ten thousand comic books. So honestly, the amount of times that he's solved a problem with sheer anger or whatever is remarkably low, all things considered. But that also means the amount of times he pulls off all that ridiculous bullshit is relatively low. And that's discounting the times that it was just Red Kryptonite (which gives a special one off random effect each time, and thus doesn't count).

Also, a lot of the time it's not that Superman or Flash or whoever get stronger because of "determination," but more like "I don't care if I kill you anymore" and they just finally go all out, while they're usually holding back so they don't kill people. Flash could blow up the multiverse if he really wanted to, but usually he tries pretty hard specifically to make sure that doesn't happen.

Arkham Knight but it's only with her DLC Mission and some challenges i think.

The Batmobile content was the main problem. It worked just fine but was just not as fun as the traditional arkham stealth/combat/exploration sections.

But you're going to be using the thing and doing activities with it 75% of your playthrough.

Delete this picture


Damn right. The whole reason normalfags meme the whole "batman could beat anyone if he had a week to prepare" comes from the fact that all conflicts that he's openly in, he's already won behind the scenes with his sherlock skills. Sure he walked into a room with 30 guys all trailing guns on him ready to fistfight a dude; because he already took out the guys in the rafters and has their unconscious bodies propped up so that the big bad of the week lets his guard down.

Asylum was the only one that went full bore with that idea; using strung up mooks to spook other mooks, using gadgets to freak folks out, take out mooks behind the bad guy, and solve problems, but most importantly, the entire Riddler and Spirit of Arkham involvement was some of the most enjoyable shit, because you had to fucking think about what you were doing and no amount of punching was gonna get you through it.

Some parts of City have this, but it feels more like scattered "dungeons" amidst a dull GTA city, and not even all the "dungeons" have enjoyable layouts to do any of the real Batman stuff.

They did kill Barry because he was too op at the time, i read tinfinity crisis when it was released and that's one of the conclusions at that time…He could vibrate trough anything, nothing worked on him anymore, that's why they retired him and sent him to XXX century, since he could go light speed ("c") he achieved the physical limit of one force of the Universe, if you thought on F=M.a, since he got max accleration, he got max force, if you think on E= M.V²/2, since he got max speed, he would get max kinectic energy…If they wanted to, he could one shot superman at the time…And we all know the reason why they do something to superman when they want to make some major change on DC Universe…

Delete this picture now you gay.

Better only be Starseige
He was referencing related though

What about Blackgate.


Oh boy, I can't wait to play another game that teases an interesting main villain to be immediately tossed aside and be replaced with the Joker, because Rocksteady thinks that a Batman game without him won't sell.
Ok, we already had Black Mask thrown into the gargabe in Origins and the stupid Joker headmate in Arkham Knight, what's next? Ghost Joker?

Oh, I also forgot:
fucking Ra's Al Ghul killed in Arkham City and another Joker ending because it's not like the whole idea of Arkham City was set up by the League of Shadows, we need more spotlight on the Joker!

I'm actually more pissed with Ra's al Ghul and the League's inclusion in City because it ended up completely derailing Hugo Strange's awesome potential, not to mention that the way Batman finds them is a series of asspulls of hilarious proportions.

That being said, Joker taking over the main plotline was a huge mistake. I will admit that I liked Joker's inclusion in Arkham Knight, if only because the "Batman is slowly turning into the Joker" plotline had way more potential and actually meshed well with the Scarecrow plot unlike City's Joker/Protocol 10 plots.

Which never fucking made any sense because it implies that power is just a low/high switch - either you're going all out or holding back so much that you get your ass brutally kicked by every Tom, Dick and Harry. This applies to Superman a lot especially for some reason, where Superman usually spends 2/3 of a story getting beat up because "he's holding back". It's like writers don't realize that it is possible not to go full power and still apply just enough to take out an enemy swiftly and efficiently. Flash generally fared a bit better but nowadays this trope seems to be hitting him full force.

There's additionally the idea that Superman takes hits to protect others, which is also stupid because he endangers others more by taking enemy blows and leaving himself briefly incapacitated while the villain/villainess sows more destruction instead of trying to take them down as quickly as possible.

That's Origin. But still what a bunch of fucking hacks.

How did origins fuck things up so badly.
So out of 8 assassins only two at best were an actual fight. What a shit show. Not to mention DE JOKER

all of them are shit

I love the flash and agree with you but this is such a strange argument, I'm guessing you dislike TBS games?

You're getting into utilitarian arguments about saving the most people vs saving the people in front of you which capeshit is infamous for constantly exploiting.
I don't think there's a single hero that focuses saving the most people over the one's immediately in front of them. The only time I've seen that used was in the anime Fate/Zero for the MC

wait, did she him pop a boner?

I mean, if Hugo is going to be pushed aside so they can shill a villain, I'd rather have it be Ra's al Ghul than Joker. Even though Hugo's allegiance with Ra's makes no sense for his character (he cares way too much about his discovery of Batman's identity to ever share it and would never be anyone's puppet), nor does it make sense for Ra's (who should already be able to figure out Batman's identity on his own), at least you can kind of accept that it was Ra's who kicked his shit in. If it was Joker I would have been livid. With Ra's, I was just really annoyed (and they didn't really do a good job at depicting Ra's either).

Of course, they didn't have to push Hugo aside at all since he's a fantastic villain more than capable of holding his own against Batman and the other Rogues.
But to be honest, it's the only time Hugo has ever had a good depiction in media and it helped introduce a lot more people to the character.
And despite my issues with how he was handled, that alone is good enough for me.

But the problem is, it wasn't. Hugo went from being usually depicted as a genius mastermind in his own right but as a partially obscure villain to being much well-known but now forced into the "mad scientist henchman in the employ of some bigger villain" mold. Arkham City gave him more exposure but it's shitty depiction of him ended up ruining his character.

And my biggest problem is that the reveal with Ra's al Ghul doesn't even line up with Ra's al Ghul's own motivations in City. The reveal implies that he's a vigilante terrorist like in Batman Begins out to kill criminals but like 3 hours earlier Ra's and Talia were rambling about their usual population control agenda while Batman was kicking Ra's al Ghul's ass. It makes the whole "twist" feel like a last-minute asspull to get rid of Strange because with him knowing Batman's secret identity, the only way to effectively wrap up that plot point was to kill him or else make him forget that shit with a plot device.

But I guess the thing that makes me most pissed about it is that "big bad behind the big bad" reveals are rarely, if ever, worth it, especially when they are done are badly as in Arkham City.


Up until the Ra's al Ghul twist it was the closest Hugo had ever gotten to a faithful depiction in any sort of media. His appearence in the Arkham City prequel comic, the voice acting, his plan, the way he interacts with other characters and Batman, they had all the right ingredients.
It's the stupid twist that just causes his entire character to collapse.
I don't think Hugo became that well-known after Arkham City.
Sure, more normies became aware he existed and it led to him making appearences in Gotham (which once again reduced him to a spineless worm in the end) and Batman vs Two-Face (which promised him in the trailers but made him fuck off halfway through the movie), but he's still a relatively obscure character.
Although it's unfortunately true that most writers from now on are probably going to write Hugo Strange based on the game instead of going after his comic appearences.

Now that I think about it, one of the best things about Hugo Strange was that, since he was so obscure and yet had such quality storylines, the people that brought him into stories tended to be better writers who understood the character more (they'd have to in order to know he existed and why he was such a great villain), and thus he was only touched by people who really cared. That balance is now ruined thanks to Arkham City since he's now treated as the resident toady mad scientist who gets pushed around by other villains (instead of the absolute madman he's supposed to be)

Yeah, nevermind what I said earlier, fuck Arkham City. You are right.

I blame the Nolan movies, although I guess modern Batman comics have been guilty of this since before those.

Despite not really liking City I gotta say this track really got me going, despite being kind of generic. It played in just the right moment during protocol ten.
I pirated Knight, so far doesn't seem so bad besides the performance. Still wish these games had different combat though.

My favorite part of the Batman games is the combat. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Asylum is the best but to be honest id rather they not make another one. if they really want to make another game like it at least use a different character like wonder woman or something.

Wonder Woman offers virtually nothing of worth besides the obvious though. Her villains suck, her supporting cast is virtually non-existent half the time and DC can't make up their goddamn mind on whether they want her to be an actual unique superheroine or a Greek-flavored, female Thor knock-off.

Actually, I take that back. The WW movie made it pretty clear which direction they are going in but it's not a good direction whatsoever.

City's soundtrack felt like a letdown after Asylum's atmospheric tunes. It wasn't…bad but it was definitely just "generic hero music" rather than "Batman music".

Knight's combat has a crapload of animations though. It's kind of cool experimenting with different combinations to see what kind of cool shit you can get Batman to do.

Look as nice a detail this is it's still nothing but tapping lmb and watching batman go. The combat systems of the arkham games rile me up to no end but compared to other games of same combat systems, arkham at least has some considerable effort put into it so I can't get as mad at it as I can at say Shadow of Mordor.
It still amazes me how they can plan ahead to Knight but not realize how ass this combat system is, but I guess what sells sells.
What would you call Batman music, exactly?

I'd settle for batman beyond.

Listen to the score for the Burton movies and Batman: the Animated Series.

The Flash is just fucking awful. Thankfully this new game seems to be a JLA one so fuck that prick. Manhunter and Green Lantern all the way.

Why would a JLA game not have the flash?

Based off the bits and pieces of leaks that have been getting out, it seems like WB wants to build some kind of shared vidya universe around the Arkham games. seeing as the DCEU is basically a dumpster fire at this point Although seeing as both Suicide Squad and the Damian Wayne game got canned and Superman apparently too, it might end up being trash as well.

That game's combat system wasn't even Arkham-inspired like Mad Max, it was literally a copy-paste. 90% of it is the exact same moves, just renamed.

I haven't seen the new movie but I heard it was ok, what direction did it take exactly?

Any faggot bad at rhythm games will whinge eteranally, as they have never been in a street fight.

I can only see Wonder Woman working as a God of War clone.

Reminder, you only win on television and the cinema screen.

That voice ruins the whole thing.

She was made by a guy in a polygamous relationship with 2 bisexual feminists what do you expect from her?

And a bondage fetish. It's not coincidence that her weapon is a rope.

id be fine with that too.

I never saw the appeal of these as games, should've just been animated as TAS movies.

I never saw the appeal of these as games, should've just been animated as TAS movies.



Asylum is by far the best and the only game of the tetralogy I'd be willing to play again. Each subsequent release just made the game worse.