The Kafka-esque Horror of Morgana

There wouldn't be and Akechi romance just like you can't fuck the prosecutor, the loli twins, or the loli goddess.

I read that as "Eh!?" and thought more like Iwai would see it as out of the blue.



You think it comes from elsewhere?

P5 is filled to the brim with this kind of expository shit that makes everything feel awful. Like when you get to see Okumura get shot, or Akechi spying on you as you enter the Metaverese, or the two-dozen scenes between the director and the principle that do jack shit. There's not a speck of intelligent foreshadowing in this game besides those instances; mostly the game doesn't just tells you what's going to happen next. There's not even a good message or narrative going on in this game either. It starts off as a story about rebelling against society and has themes about changing your fate. Which is ironic because you cannot "rebel" against this game; you cannot "change your fate" as you are stuck flying down the tracks of a boring, linear, and predictable story where your choices don't matter. Even the moral grey area of "changing peoples hearts for the good of society" is bullshit because you just find out that everyone was being manipulated by a god, so of course you were doing the right thing.

I like P5. I think it's a decent JRPG, but it suffers because the writers didn't know how to tell a good story. It's full of small, contained character arcs that range from excellent to terrible, but an overarching story that is packed with cliche twists, terrible use of foreshadowing, forced drama, and general plot inconsistencies that really make the game a mess. It's a shame because I really like some of the ideas presented in the game, alternate worlds, Jungian shadows, stands,but I definitely feel like they're handled pretty poorly. Also the game really fucked up with Futaba's Palace. They could have had Futaba reject her shadow for a shadow futaba bossfight, and then have her fight the cognition boss. It would have been a great double header bossfight and a great callback to the Persona4 Shadow Rise/Shadow Teddie fight.

I don't have a lot of problems with Sojiro. The only bits that annoyed me was when he suddenly mentions that he used to work for "the government" and that he knew his wife was involved in some top-secret cognitive research. They don't expand on this at all, and it's just a contrivance to relate Sojiro back into the plot. Maybe it felt forced because it's one of the many info dumps at the end of the game where everyone yammers on and on in Leblanc in an attempt to tie up all the loose ends.

*mostly the game just tells you what's going to happen next. Fug proofreading.

I just assumed that the devs either didn't know or didn't care that Morgana and Mona aren't masculine names.

She wasn't his wife, user. That's the most pathetic thing. She wasn't even so much as engaged to him.
Sounds about right. As it's been said countless times, something happened during development where everything after Futaba's palace is an increasingly haphazard mess

Never tv

Sad, but true.