Why are "gaming" meetups always a letdown?

Recently went to a gaming meetup in my local area. Brought my Switch in hopes of playing some Splatoon and Street Fighter with some
Making some new friends and all.

Infuckingstead it's a bunch of Tumblr whores (and a tranny) who all, thankfully, did have a copy of splatoon. Though, the entire time was so fucking embarrassing - especially since we were in a cafe and they were screaming "yaasss" and "FTW" at the top of their lungs. Eventually I got up and left, since the situation was unbearable and I was oozing with whore-slime from just being near them.
I wasted my day off and I'm thoroughly pissed.

Who the fuck would make a dog prop that huge?

That's what you get for going to a fucking meet up you tard. I will never understand going out to play videogames that you can already play online

Are you gay or something OP? You just let one of the easiest opportunities go that I've seen.

always pathetic

Those are some nice quads, so I'll answer

The girls were all fat, loud and smelled like three-day old perfume. Also

I'm not desperate enough to fuck anything that low.

Online meetups are almost always shit because the people who show up have no dignity and are almost 90% nonwhite/fat.
It's important to note that a lot of 'memers' are shitskins themselves. Case and point: Kekistan faggots.
It's fine to meme in real life if it's subtle, clever, and sparse, but a lot of shitskins just meme irresponsibly and be as loud and as annoying as possible. I don't really know why psychologically, and I am hoping someone can answer this for me.



It's a dog sticking its head in a doll house.

Because only a fucking loser would go to a meet up when we can just play video games with each other from our rooms you dingus.

Why don't you have friends OP?

We all work different hours, and all of us put in at least 50+ a week

cancer faggot

Okay, that's actually understandable then.
Still shouldn't have gone to a fucking splatoon meetup. You'd have better luck at a fuggin' Gamergate meetup lmao

Usually people either play online or with their friends. The people who meet up with random people url are the types who don't have friends or want attention. You're better off trying to make friends with someone first, then getting them into games.

I at least hoped to meet some normal people for once. Even that was too much to ask

Newsflash, dipshit: All the people you play with online are trannies and children too. kys

I would, if I had free time outside of work and sleep. Even now I'm drifting in and out of consciousness.

But user, they are the same.

Sounds like my community college.
Thank god I dropped out and got into landscaping

Graduated but I work blue collar too. Fucking unreal how different the work force and SJW-college land are.

Went to my campus's "esports" group for some Melee a few weeks ago. Jesus what a mistake that was. I hate tourneyfaggot culture so much. These retards literally do not know the meaning of fun.

Are you retarded? Did you expect anything else?

Because anyone who's fun to play games with doesn't have time to travel.

but did anyone hand out cookies?

but user, landscaping is one of the jobs that americans wont do!

Because despite what you have heard, neckbeards don't exist.

I pretty much bought snacks for everyone, since I was a guy and the only one who had a stable job.

I was "repaid" with hugs from lardasses.

I don't know what you expected.
No one else would go to that and surely any people that visit imageboards wouldn't leave their home for this.

There is huge amount of trash in this thread.

(((Americans))) won't do

>just want to play vidya with bros but my taste is too gud
I wish I could enjoy shittier games.


What's wrong with RTS m8?
Not even smash bros? Sounds like you got the short end of the stick brah

That's funny. I literally had three of my friends over today for Splatfest. We had a blast. Did fairly well, too. I'm also old enough now where I have well established friends with jobs and responsibilities. I'm sorry you got stuck with the trannys and the faggots.

I once went to a campus "fighting game" meetup. It was literally all smash.

Couch co-op is comfy as fuck, and I wish I was able to do it more often.

That said, what OP describes is basically modern gaming meetups in a nutshell. You'll find a handful of decent people at best, in a sea of shit.

Out of my college's gaming club, there was like 1 person there I could mesh with, and it more or less consisted of a few hundred people, weekly meetups usually housed 50 or so people. Damn shame that I never got a way of keeping in touch with her after I finished classes, though.

Not a surprise at all.

Congrats user, you found the unicorn, and you let it slip away.

maybe next time.jpg

user… normalfags aren't normal anymore.

It's a force of habit. Doesn't beat the one girl I met from Cuckchan years back who got a goony beardman bf by the time I was actually within reasonable distance of her.


Man Holla Forumsirgins really are fags aren't they

Why would someone make a doll house that big?

So they could put big dolls in it

Video games are for losers

Lotta dedication for some simple toys.

stay inside, never leave the house

shitpost on 4chan, blogpost on Holla Forums

join r9k skype/discord groups, then go on Holla Forums and bash discord to make up for it

live life like a true \v\irgin

Why does his cum looks like melted white chocolate?

It's a hobby to some people, there is a market for small furniture crafted to behave as similar to the full sized version as possible, some people even run wire through these small model houses for lighting.


I never understood online meetups. Having talked to people who play games that I met in real life, I know that most will have shit taste. So why would people after decades of the internet showing it's worst, feel that meeting up is a good idea?

The only online meetups that I didn't hear went to shit afterward were the small ones organized amongst namefags who were thus already friends before.

You just gotta be prepared is all

Underated post that needs to stop being ignored

Has there ever been a neetup that wasn't completely awkward and full of spergs?

Maybe it was.

AWM is the greatest living cartoonist.


Right; in the future nobody should reply to the weeaboo faggot. That'll settle it completely.

>only game friends ever want to play is melee

You know what's funny is the really insufferable people who turn up to my local FGC meetups are always fat white weeb guys with no skill. I see them coming when we have bigger events and I almost get embarrassed to be white. I'm having a good time playing with the asian guys in BB/GG and then some lard ass weeb wheezes over and says he plays Plat/May and proceeds to get stomped.

You're only making yourself look just as autistic. The first guy was making a joke.

gee i dunno, its almost like putting a bunch of antisocial sperglords that game to escape their shitty reality in a room together would result in a boring and lame party


Not really, but they are the only ones who have nothing to lose to virtue signal to us that they somehow belong to us. They are the losers of the losers of the shitskin-race. Attention-whores you can call them aswell.

Only go to a meetup if you've been talking with them consistantly in group chat online so you know what they'll be like irl.

Here's a protip for you: Nintendo games attract tumblrites and "le ebin nurdz" like shit attracts flies. If you want a group of half-decent people to play vidya in public, it needs to be a niche genre that attracts autists. Fighting game excluding Smash and RTS meetups are usually a safe bet, but occasionally you can find people dedicated to a single game like (((Dark Souls))) that have enough autism to hold public meetups.

Most fighting game/smash meetups usually end in Smash dominating the fucking room while everything else gets put into a small corner. If you're lucky, the group will break away from the smashfags once they get enough members.

Damn. I confused tumblr-whore with instagram-whore and thought about actually going to one for a second.

When will this meme stop?

If 8/v/ is neo or not, that doesn't matter, since both 8/v/ and 4/v/ are equally awful and bad, with none of them being better than the other.

And to play devil's advocate, complaining about some word that you don't like hearing on a game really does sounds like you're making a big deal over nothing, especially if the game is fiction. I mean, this is Holla Forums (from 4chan or 8ch) that we're talking about.

You're half right user. People that go to meetups are cunts with shit taste. But you aren't thinking through the problem enough. "Why do people go to meet ups where everyone is an idiot with shit taste?" Obviously because they are idiots with shit taste.

What the fuck im looking at

9/10 cosplay right there

The only meetups with normalish people are competitive games e.g. Fighting games. But be prepared to gitgud and play srs. No casual fun allowed, they want to fight you at your best not some shitty character you barely know how to play.

You wasted those quads you fucking pathetic commie piece of shit.

Since there is no difference how about you stay in cuck/v/ you filth.

Words have meaning. When people are pushing an ideology into games for the express purpose of political propaganda you should fight against it. Your view on this issue is about as nuanced as that of a 5 year old.

All your commies are gonna fucking burn.

Perhaps he's wondering why you would play with dolls without giving them a house.

How do you bear their stench? Don't Melee players smell so bad, hobos are perfume dispensers in comparison?

At least your dolls can talk.

He'd better get them out of the oven, then.

The Italians.
Science has, in fact, gone too far.

This is not your shitty blog faggot, why you and all the other faggots fuck off to kikebook or reddit with your blogging shit

Nothing wrong with that statement

A thread died for this.

Everything was your fault, user.


You like the one we're having right now in this thread?

The sheer political cartoon tier obnoxiousness of this shit cannot be overexaggerated.

The majority of people have personality issues, they're try hard to seem interesting instead of just being themselves. Playing a lot of video games does that to you, to be healthy you need multiple hobbies and interests.

I forgot to call it pretentious ane retarded as well.



No, it isn't. It is not fine.


Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. Going outside is for plebs.

Only women and tumblr tards care about social validation, so only they will go to a "meetup".

Any IRL gaming with others is only acceptable if its a tournament for a respectable game, which will by nature of the player's time investment and respect for the game heavily limit the appearance of attention whores.


filename: silenthill4.jpg

10/10 perfected half assed edit

It doesn't matter if they can talk, what matters is their house. No one cared who my dolls were until I put them in their house.

Now, this place has been fucking terrible after roughly 3 months after the exodus and is worsening at frightening speeds, but to liken it to 4/v/ is just plain cruelty. 4/v/ is disgustingly cucked, it's like watching a bad fever nightmare from afar. I can't even joke about this. I have no where else to go, before anyone asks.