Are there any RPG maker games that aren't utter garbage?

Are there any RPG maker games that aren't utter garbage?

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I liked OFF, LISA and Ib. Both OFF and LISA could have used better combat though.

You can't paint a Mona Lisa with dung.

Wasn't there some Jojo RPG maker game that had a lot of details?

Ib and Witch's House were both enjoyable.

Are you talking about seventh stand user? I don't believe that was RPGmaker but if it was it was a much older version.


The porn, I'm fucking calling it.

Super Columbine RPG

Of course there are.

Cthulhu Saves the World

There's a fetish one I enjoyed greatly
s'called Shrink High


Is there any way to play pettanko park without downloading rpg maker

No. Not a single one has any form of gameplay and only focuses on story shit. RPG Maker games are held back by their shitty engine. Trust me, I've worked with it.

There was one I played like 10 years ago in University that had pretty much no story and was just a competent but simple JRPG. The guy's DRM was that he put an item in your inventory at the half-way point that said "I worked hard on this please buy it if you like it". So I actually went to his site and bought a copy. I have no idea what the fuck it's called though.

OP said games



Do you like Doom?

But neither of those are RPG Maker games. Barkley is done in Game Maker, and Cthulhu is XNA.

one of the first RPG maker game I've played… also surprised that this is a demo game for the RPG maker XP

Is this the one where you have to heal your patients?

It's been years since I played it but I remember thinking Doom & Destiny was ok.

What's with RPG maker and horror genre and why is it so good?

I wanted to play around with this software but I kinda want to be able to customize the way the battle looks, and from what I've seen the only options are to copy Dragon Quest and copy Final Fantasy VI.

A lot of the porn ones are genuinely good. Ariadne, Arms Devicer, Haru Uru, Violated Heroine, etc.

limitation breeds creativity.
RPGMaker is such a limited engine that the only way to be scary is actual writing and spooks, not just jumpscares

That depends on what your definition of utter garbage is. Barkley is good, made by goons, but its not full of SA shit. Some people say games like OFF or Space Funeral are good. But I didn't like either. Haven't played LISA and I haven't heard anything bad about it. So it might be ok? Ib is not bad, more of a walking "puzzel" game. Maybe Yume Nikki? Dunno if its RPG Maker. But aside from those, the rest is probably garbage.

Harem Collector is pretty good. Manages to strike the right balance between not taking itself completely serious and yet not devolving into full on self parody.

I actually dig the combat and mechanics in The Last Sovereign too, but holy shit if the writer isn't trying to crawl up their own ass and re-examine the nature of both mortal and divine for no fucking reason.

Oh yeah, my favorite RPG Maker game got translated not so long ago. It has toddlercon and oppai loli so don't act triggered if it's not up your alley.

I liked off and Yume Nikki.

where would i find the translation user? i googled it and couldn't find it anywhere.

Oracle of Tao, niggers.

Wrong month, faggot.

But most of horror games that got translated contain jumpscares. They're a part of the experience.

what I was trying to say is that you can't rely on cheap scares like most modern horror titles do

Some crappy ad infested spanish blog called onlyhgames. did my ID got changed for some fucking reason?


If you count pedoshit as games.

off i go thanks user.

If they can't spring for game maker, don't play it.

RPG Maker games were only good back in the early 2000s, and that was because there was a real community of talented elitists that made everybody else feel like shit for reusing the above greentext stuff.

I have no doubt you're talking something that isn't even remotely loli and is 100% just big titted hot as fuck teenagers. Kill yourself.

RPGs are inherently shit regardless so I don't see why the engine matters

I'd rather just have a system I can use to make my own stuff from the ground up.

Game maker, or a BASIC toolset.

I said don't act triggered

There are or used to be other smaller communities using different RPG engines that did create mostly original content and assets like OHRRPGCE (which is free)

Nothing like that. It's a series of simple puzzles that give you a reason to explore the fairly tasteful horror elements spread throughout. For a short RPG Maker game it's very good.

Violated Heroine.

Exit fate

I'll shit on shit as much as I want. It ultimately just amounts to more shit.

You realize that RPG Maker games don't have to use the default battle system, menus, and sprites?

That's right, I forgot about that one. It's a blatant Suikoden II ripoff down to the war battles, large cast and home castle but it wasn't terrible, even if the art was bland and generic. I never actually finished it.

Calm down you nancy.


Lisa is an excellent game.

Rando did nothing wrong

stick to hand crafted experiences that developers put effort into


You realize RPGmaker lacks basic versatility all GDKs have as a "feature"?

Autists that want to destroy anons just for shits and giggles or actual retarded ducks?

What did he mean by this? cboyardee seems like an okay dude if that's what you ask, vid related.

In my exp yes but none of them are RPG's.
Ib, Mad Fartherm Ao Oni, all nice pick up and play horror games that are cozy to play.
Actual RPG's though there's a massive amount of laziness on the side of devs to actually use the tool to make anything else.
Like after a week of fumbling not even knowing what language I'm working with managed to make a battle system better then the default but I've never seen a game sold using the tool actually do that.
This game claims to not be an RPG but Hylics is made in RPG maker and it's very interesting, pretty much all assets in the game visual wise are made from Plasticine, I'd say this is worth a play.

There actually is an RPG maker version of the game available. It was the version they originally developed before they remade it on game maker. You can get it off of the ToG site. Unfortunately the New Game function is broken and the earliest save file that comes with it is in the sewers. I'd love to know if anyone has an earlier save or has been able to do something to make the game work properly.

found 1

its a hentai one, right?

Monster Girl Quest Paradox

Aren't those the best kind of games?

Excellent taste my fellow fapper.

MC looks deliciously pure and uncorrupted.

Alright, alright.

What about Non-porn games?


To clarify, Barkley 1 started in RPGMaker and parodied both RPGMaker, SomethingAwful and furry websites. They ported it over GameMaker late in development when they realized they couldn't do shit with the default RPGMaker kits.
Anyhow, 7th Stand User is alright.

The point was that since these elitist communities faded away, you almost never see a RM game use custom systems, despite being done with the latest and most versatile versions of RM.

Fucking autists in 2003 made custom everything with just RM2K. The oldest English RPG Maker, and they did what reddit-tier niggers still can't to this day using the latest and fanciest RM.

The witch's house's true ending is quite fun too seems to have some decent horror games like Ib and Mad Father.

You can win the game by standing outside the mansion for an hour or so due to the "witch" bleeding to death since before the game



middens and gingiva

looks like RPG maker to me

Also most of the NPC text is made from poorly sampled markov chains. It's great.

Winter Stream Wen?

Oh god… Thanks for reminding me how fucking cringy I was

in the winter


The playable ones tend to be those artsy puzzle, "run from things", etc. Japanese ones like Yume Nikki, Ao Oni, Witch's House, etc.
Essentially the ones that don't even use the battle system at all.
Chances are if an RPG Maker game is using said default battle system: it's ass.



Games like that were fun user, designing areas, thinking of bosses, doing spritework, finding the perfect midis for each area and then sharing the game with your friends or just playing through it yourself. It doesn't matter that its cringey it was fun as shit


This man is amazingly poorly drawn. Look at dem nipples.

man this thread is making me feel funny

I can't remember the last time I played an RPG maker game that wasn't a porn game. Is it weird that I find the stories in these games much more compelling than the shit that comes out of the AAA and indie scenes? I guess it just shows how far the game industry has fallen.

Corpse Party.


Violated Heroine

its because porn games are still entirely independent made by dedicated teams of guys in basements or offices
the way the gaming industry began…

That don't look like a porn game.

it could be for all you know

With a plague doctor? Color me interested.

got a mega link to Ariadne? Im having difficulty finding one that isnt password locked


look out user, you will summon the goons

You mean you haven't played the Monster Girl Quest series yet? You are missing out my friend.

Violated Heroine


I'm a bit of an elitist fuck and generally dislike monster girls when they're too human, which is why I've never been interested in Monster Girl Quest.
But if I don't have to see a human face that's a deal maker.



I remember finding middens charming but when I played gingiva I found the dialogue too on the nose. I'm exploring some surreal acidscape and too much of what the npcs say just sounds like a social network ramble or THE EVILS OF THE PATRIARCHY embodied.

Most have human faces or mostly humanoid bodies. It's the kind of /monster/ material I don't particularly enjoy.

You might still want to solely play Part 3.

i fear to ask what game of monstergirls you played to say THAT?

Already did and got banned for like an hour three days ago for telling the retard to kill himself, apparently I was derailing as well.

I mean, it looks great and all, but I don't see why they had to keep almost a whole human body anchored.
Unless it's explained in game and I'm being a picky faggot.
I guess it woudn't hurt to try.

The Konosuba fan game, was a decent adaptation of the first LN. It tried to show how useless Kazuma's team-mates actually are(you can only control Kazuma, the rest do whatever they want), with Aqua who will heal only when she feels like it, otherwise she will just do one damage, Megumin in round 3 of any battle will cast Explosion, and be incapacitated for the rest of the day if you don't finish the battle before she casts the spell, and Darkness can't hit for shit, but at least she casts taunt.

All the other RPG games I ever played were porn games, and some of them didn't even have battles.



I mean, Elona comes close, and even does the Spellcasting properly opposed to D&D's take on Vanacian spellcasting, but it's only Just there.

None. I'm following teraurge's development with some hope though.


That's actually pretty brilliant. I often thought about how a Konosuba game incorporating the party might work given how everyone is fucking dead weight, but I never considered just rolling with it.

Assuming you could get graphics/sprites to not make it look like RPG maker- is it worth using as an engine?

Or are you limited to use the mechanics it gives you?

What do you mean by "look like RPG Maker"?

A lot of games use the default sprites or style.
Highly detailed sprites of the buildings, yet simpler details on the chibi overworld people.
Perspective being a little fucked in the overworld.
Battle screens aping classic JRPGs (first person view, highly detailed monsters, blue GUI with white text) or Final Fantasy (overworld chibis in battle against detailed monsters, blue GUI with white text).

You could have the greatest mechanics and story in the world- no one is gonna care if it looks like what you made from tutorials.

The music is pretty neat, too.

Those are regular monsters, not a monster girls.

You know what's worse? When a bunch of nonames manage to create a great RPG system, which will never get ported over to computer.


monstergirls are monsters

The maximum resolution of 640x480 should give you give you good enough hint.

What the fuck? Why would you limit screen resolution? What could you gain from it?
Fuck that.

3DPD are true monsters

So it can be ported to mobile.

You can do a lot with RPGmaker if you really put the effort in, but the amount of effort it takes to remove all the "RPGmaker" qualities would be better spent just starting from a different engine. 7th Stand User is a good example of a game that uses all its own assets and non of the RTP stock assets (aside from some of the sound effects) but it's still recognisably "RPGmaker" because of the combat system and menus.

The beauty of RPGmaker is that you can plug whatever weird or stupid idea you have into it and it'll become a videogame, but if you don't want your idea to be recognisably an RPGmaker RPG then you should start elsewhere.

Like most things it's possible to change it using scripts but if you're really worried about window resolution you should be using a different tool. The RPGmaker subgenre is really about being intentionally primitive.

So unless you want to start with RPG maker to learn the basics (of code and design) then try something else later (but why would you not just jump into your engine of choice)- then there's no reason to use it?

There is no reasons to use it even if you want to learn the basics of code and design.

Only if you are too lazy/retarded to learn programming.
Even then you will need to learn either bootleg of ruby for VX/VX Ace or in newest MV version javascript for advanced mechanics.
Some people made premade scripts, but I won't link to them because I don't want to shill them.

Wut game?

You can use RPGmaker to prototype things quickly if you know what you're doing, but the real reason to use RPGmaker is because you WANT your game to have that "RPGmaker" feel. It's why people in Japan still use RM2k3 even though there are more recent versions - the restrictions match retro consoles better and breed creativity.

I like RPGmaker but it's more used because people want to use it (or just enjoy using it) than for it really being the right thing to use.


There you go, user.

Thanks. Kinda tempting and off-putting at the same time.
I liked shit like Breath of Death 7 and Cthulu Saves The World- but I want to make more than that.

Is there any way to change the goddamn UI in VXA?
That's the one thing I haven't found any scripts for and it's my biggest problem with the system.
I also liked how I think VX had semi-transparent character images during battles to kind of make up for how it's in first-person.

I think Golden Sun or Shining Force did that.

They sell Luna Engine precisely because there's fuckall UI customisation in VXA and they're exploiting the gap in the market. It's ridiculous to sell scripts but if you don't know enough about Ruby and RPGmaker to make something like that on your own it should be easy to pirate.

I'm using RPG Maker MV for a game jam project, and I would never recommend this rubbish to anyone. It has very specific ideas about what kinds of stats you can buff and getting around its arbitrary limitations means installing a shitton of plugins and fucking around with states. The Common Events system is also a terrible introduction to programming and arguably harder for some things than a real programming language.
If you want to make a top-down RPG, just pick up something like Godot and implement your own battle system. It's more work at first but you gain much more flexibility and will save time later on, time you'd otherwise waste fighting with RPG Maker's weird design choices, inflexibility, and bad documentation.

Also, RPG Maker MV exports all its games as fucking javscript web applications and the desktop builds are just stripped-down web browsers that only run the game. It's fucking stupid and gives you awful performance on phones and toasters.

Holy shit. Yeah, that's getting pirated.

Hey I picked up Godot. Some elements are confusing (declaring variables at the end of a script- kinda), and the tutorial feels like it's covering it from the wrong end ("Don't worry, we'll explain this later"), but I should take another crack at it. And get someone to do sprites.

Good luck with the gamesjam fam.

What game is pic rel?

This game seemed pretty good.

Monster Girl Quest: Paradox. However I suggest playing the originals before that entry, you won't understand what's really going on without them.

I only have the Japanese version!nsQQSDQa!Z2gREeCHLoNqH3wmVraVW0S3kkZOXMSSDmlkefxPds4

Did the sequel ever get anywhere or just die like everyone expected it to?

As much as I hate going there, halfchan's /hgg/ has links to a lot of games in their pastebins including Ariadne.
Just remember to ignore the actual threads or the cancer might rub off on you.

Are the lysander86 games actually good?


I see it the same way I see those ad-riddled download sites that make you wait between files; it's an inconvenice to put up with in order to pirate vidya. You've got to find links wherever you can, and sometimes that means wading through some shit.

I've been tempted to make a Rural America Thriller RPG, but I can't get out of my couch nor I know how to start.

Could use more games with this.

That's pretty neat. Hopefully it gets translated.

It already has been.!sK5RwIKR!yeh9viUJUCMQvrlxlziRawfVVOUOMV4v-83DbLYFRiE! In the Life! ENG v1.03.5 (yuNS)(Gungnir Heart)(CyanideBlizzard).rar.torrent

Thanks to Gungnir Heart, yuNS and CyanideBlizzard

Also please note that it's a short game(2-4 hours to complete everything) and you can hold space or shift or something(can't remember which) during combat to speed up things considerably, so much so that a round can last a second with all the animations and things the AI will do. Also a minor spoiler, after you accept the zombie maker quest, the Wiz event the game will start a countdown to the Verdia fight, so if you want to just mess around, don't do that quest, it's also marked with red so you know it's a special event.

Anime tiddies even if imitation seem to have a strong correlation with fucking soul and humanity.

I enjoyed Space Funeral back when I played it in highschool. It did get me into Japanoise.