#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Hopefully Working Links Edition




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>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: archive.fo/wwwrc
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>Every time: archive.is/vdpoh archive.fo/FnzSK
>A strange week indeed: archive.fo/Dzr3b#selection-3633.0-3633.12


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
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• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
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(Sorry, it's a post or two outdated, newer one should follow soon)

Other urls found in this thread:

funnyjunk.com/Eddie puss comics/funny-pictures/6214667/

no memes

What happened anons?

Who are we gonna harass today?

I stopped watching him because his videos are fucking long and a lot of the stuff he talks about I don't care about.

He's been talking himself in circles for years now

Sculpture by Luo Li Rong

old bread: archive.is/PUdev

Makes sense


I want to fuck that statue.

Pygmalion would be envious of that waifu.

That's pretty good, but what does a statue have to do with videogames?


I meant who was the false reanon.


nofap works guys

I'm not gonna hold them to their word. Remember they said the same crap about Criminal Girls 2.

Nofappers are like the vegans of the NEET community.

Nah. They're not really obnoxious like vegans are.

what if they are doing it to get that nice 1 month break fap?

Nofap gives me wet dreams, I don't like it

Chastity is a godly virtue.

what just happened?
Out of the dark lands of the forgoten, rememberd as forever gone in the shadows of thousend dead bones, damned to never been respawned. And yet here we are, again? How the fuck could this even happen?

Donal jr. and pewpie just boosted one of mombot tweet and everything goes batshit crazy, down or up i don't now, the ride is to wilde to reconize the current direction.
I notice an influx, something just happened but i also feel another storm coming. I hope user is ready for what this happening as forshadowing.
But i guess, everything is already lost and only a few remain on the battlefield just to record the exploisions.

Surrrrrreee. Next they'll say we aren't re-write entire conversations to make a stupid pun or push a political view point

and that male feminists never sexually assault and rape women OH WAIT A MINUTE.

Porn obsessed virgin detected

Do you have autism?

Someone who didn't know that I don't consider Gooks to be humans before deciding to shill for a Gook politician

ha, i remember how i only wanted to clean the shitty scums out of the gaming industry. Make it less corrupt and more open to devs who want just make video games, free from any ideolgie.

And now i see myself in a battle against a cabal who worship the moloch, with a huge network all over DC and the deep state fucking with sociaty in a big style which even cant MK Ultra hold against.

you're not wrong meatcuck


yes, i guess. I am a music artist and actually very paranoid. You will love me. promised

What tweet?

give me a minute.

this tweet was retweeted by donald jr. (if i'm correct)
at least something like this did he retweet, either mombots tweet or pwedipoes


Nofap gives you NEGATIVE gains …unless you have an active sex life, which if so, why the fuck are you here?
I tried it for a year in college and gave it up after 9 months, because I hated feeling like a 15-year-old getting lolrandomboners again.

Nofap is all hype and placebo effect with the added bonus of getting as annoying as veganism

He 'liked' both. Not so sure about him retweeting them.

Is anyone else getting security warnings when trying to view archives from archive.is?

Nofap is more than that but it's also expected from you to better yourself and seek a partner…you know regular people stuff.

Are you gay?

It works differently for different people, I personally like feeling lolrandomboners.

Wasn't nofap created by nu-male redditors who wanted to "start respecting the womyns again?"

CNN Reports, "Ousted South Korean president suffering in jail, lawyers say"

Remember the user's "How the media portrayed President Park Gyun-hye as evil" CNN edit to bait me? Well, it's happening irl.

>San Fransisco living, San Fransisco based woman activist
Park never pardoned any political prisoner in her term. Park ignored over 30 times of UN's human rights suggestion during her term.
And now she's desperate.
Desperate, your turn.
Gookfair reports soon, now I'm pissed and motivated. Thinking about dumping all my posts on fucking KYM so lulz can spread.

Yes, real men fap five times a day to show those damn numales.

Might be worth posting on KiA and twatter. Another blow to CNN that can get signal-boosted pretty nicely.

Post the CNN benis article for comparison, please.


Half the time I don't remember the dreams, and when I do it's usually stupid shit. Also I have to clean up my jizzed-in underwear at 1 in the morning.

Ive not impersonated anyone
shut up you fucking goober


Speaking of which, has there been any news with mentioning?

What the Hell does she think the U.N. are honestly going to do? They're a country club. They don't actually do shit except hold press conferences.

Has the method of counting UIDs been changed or something? The last few months the UID counts have been unusually much higher then usual.


Some Buzzfeed guy got asshurt too. I wonder if an article will be made? Or maybe one has already been made.


I'm afraid it really might be real this time

so, how long til Ryan Mac rapes or grops some girl?

There was a petition for NISA to release Criminal Girls 2 uncensored on Windows ( oneangrygamer.net/2016/09/gamers-petition-nisa-to-release-criminal-girtls-2-uncensored-on-steam/12296/ ) that came back with overwhelming success, but the game still released on Windows censored.

Why? What's CNN's stake in all this?

I bet within 6 months.


Got a link or an archive to that post gook?

That looks like three times the size of a Norwegian "NEET den" prison cell.
Also looks like a kitchenette in the lower part of the room, Norway doesn't even have that.

They will eventually get their reward somewhere secretly.

I dont fucking know you retard
this is an anonymous imageboard holy fuck you are stupid

I forgot to mention she even have her own locker with few of items she allowed to bring. Park is the only person with that kind of privilege in whole Seoul Dentention Center. They also removed the CCTV from the room which mandatorilly placed in every cell rooms in the detention center. This is also the only privilege.

And an increase chance of ass cancer. It's better to just cut off porn use instead of going cold turkey.

Does anyone have access to write in the wiki? I want to update the links to point to the right site, but I can't seem to make an account/edit.

If they do make the articles - and let's be real, they will - this actually could go one of two ways. I could see Trump Jr. either admitting to it and either be nonchalant about GamerGate, saying something positive about it, or hiding his power level altogether. Either way, he could let the media flip its shit about 'muh Gamergays' and cause Trump's base to look up what the hell the media is talking about, which would be an excellent opportunity to spread accurate information about it. If Trump Jr. cucks out and disavows, that's a trainwreck waiting to happen, though I think it's pretty unlikely since he retweeted Mombot (who isn't that well-known outside of butthurt goons and us unbearable faggots) and not just Pewdiepie (who is popular with normalfags).


Thanks Doc

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

please dump them on kym and imgur.

male mutilation and dehumanization maybe.

Can I get some recommendations for recording software for bideo games?

That pretty good.
why is the statue white ethnicity

All races lust after non kike european white women, its a proven fact. second is latina women and asian women.

Wha.. for what purpose? Are you sure you're not fucking with me?

You faggots need to start meeting women. I've been on nofap for nearly 2 months and already have a tonfuck more energy with a lot more to spare.

Plus, I've been eating better and meeting tons of fine bitches. Stop being pussies.

I haven't see you for a while. Where have you been? Basement?

shits, giggles, d&c, attention. and honestly marche has reason to impersonate anyone, or not impersonate anyone, not even himself.

Single studies aren't reliable unless backed up for more tbh. but we're getting off topic

Apparently she in a Renaissance inspired phase.


Looks like the guy mirroring the wiki hasn't done whatever he needs to do to enable account creation.

If you weren't here, the guy who maintained the previous version of the wiki supposedly posted in this thread saying the domain expired because he forgot to change the autorenewal to his new credit card and it would be fixed "soon". I don't know how soon that is though, I don't really know why it would take days once he knows about the problem.

Nice to see you still around. I hope I don't make you feel paranoid by recognizing you.

That's just the side effect of the discipline you impose with nofap affecting other parts of your life. You can get the same effect by cleaning your room or slowly working towards a positive endeavor, you twat.

You fucking slobs ain't gonna fool me again. I'll be await for reports from Censored Gaming and Usher.

Hate to say it, but that wasn't anything concrete. That was just NISA trying to "save face", and, if ever questioned about (Like with other companies and the petitions they receive), they could go on about how "It's ridiculous to think that a simple petition will actually generate game sales." THIS, however, is concrete and people will be holding NISA to their word. Their trust with the public and other companies is at an all-time low (Especially after they had to make that apology last week), and, if they're lying, this will be the company's death sentence.

Wait…could Junior being posting or lurking in these threads fight Fucking now?

gook, please make a thread on Holla Forums

Speak for yourself, user. Why are you here and where do you think you are?


No one here would ever impersonate anyone.

That said, remember to do it for your waifu!


I see. For now, guess I'll put a temp pastebin for bakers then. Thanks.

If he is, I get the sinking feeling it's not just him that's lurking, but Barron.

You can make one with exact Ctrl+C&V on Holla Forums. Just croosboard link it. Here.

Don't forget the redtext and bold.
I just can't stand the amount of shillings and cancer from recent 8/pol/ and I hardly goes there to protect my sanity. Too many Nork shills and too many anons have absolute no idea about what the fuck is going on.

But user, what if I don't have any waifu?
We should go on-topic now. This thread is dangerously going off-topic and we're not even reached 100 posts yet.

All you had to do was to sort yourself out, and its really easy to have relationships or just get any woman to like you. All you have to do is to be yourself, and give them a little bit of love. Its not that hard to be honest. The good looking ones are the easiest ones, because of their own unsorted lives, they want order and someone that is willing to listen to them, and truly love them

cause normal people are so shit, that videogame-addicted autists are more normal than "normal".
On a Jewish pig-farming forum.


I just came back from seeing Blade Runner for the third time with my sister.
In French, and yes the translation sucks.

How did you guys find the movie?

When I see her I remember that collage of redditfags trying to get her in the Fate mobile game and failing. Some even spending hundreds of bucks.

Blade Runner 2049
But I'd rather Hollywood do more new stories than rehashing old IPs.

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:

In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: Out but no one shared the magnet.

Info & feedback welcome


You have some low standards.

Maybe, but they're mine.

We'll find the answer, user. Like we always did.
True phoenix rises out of ashes.
Is there Holla Forums rule about no magnet posting? Or just being cheeky sneeky from Fakku's DMCA abuse?

I tried, got posting errors and made a second one by accident.

Link's on pantsu's sekubei, so I just copied their magnet:


The original? I don't actually remember much of it beyond the landscape pictures used as backgrounds. I do have it on DVD though, so I could watch again sometime, but I don't have much of a reason, or want, to. Personally, I'd prefer to watch either Dune or the Total Recall remake again instead of that.

Oh, so we're talking about the sequel. I heard that movie was downright Jewish with the very extensive softcore porn, all of the actors looking like they wanted to get their paycheck ASAP and flee the studio, and that there's only enough story and plot to fill 10 minutes of screentime. The only positives I've heard was of the AI character, and that the film "looked" good.

tfw no chubby elf


Careful now you will get banned for furry posting and rule 8 for that image..

>tfw nobody

I've rented worse apartments than that.
Would like to know the dimensions (roughly).

What if it's Mommy Trump checking what the kids are looking at online?

Enjoy your increased risk of prostate cancer, I guess.
If you really want to engage in slow suicide, I guess it's cheaper than smoking or alcoholism or eating yourself to death. Seems less fun, though.

This works though, in theory. Good luck finding a loyal woman to produce children for you, and then somehow attracting her despite her field of equal-or-better candidates. No, really, good luck, you'll need it. I wish you the best, if this's your strategy.

Some significant time ago, the Gildafag alleged that someone had been impersonating >her and roleplaying in the thread obnoxiously. Some other namefag brought up that it'd been happening to him, too. Given the relative obscurity of these threads, probably the same impersonator, and probably someone from leftypol or ggrevolt trying to stir up shit.

Nigger, I got a HUGE boost from just light exercise, walking more, and cutting high fructose corn syrup from my diet (I lost 15 pounds with no other changes to my diet, and it may have been more offsetting my muscle-mass gains), and nothing but negative effects from nofap.
It's just a meme that people parade around as somehow being morally superior for not doing a thing, like vegans do.

actually I know full well the gildafag kept trying to impersonate me in homes to get me banned for "avatarfagging" not even kidding about this

that said of course the gildafag will pretend like they are not a problem despite being banned recently and then ban evading and continuing to blogpost

It's not for everybody. So long as you're not some kind of faggot who faps 5 times a day, seven days a week, you're ok.
Nutting once every week is the best way IMO

The "avatarfagging" rule is too broad and fucking stupid tbh. "Posting pictures of anime is fine, but if you post the same character more than X times you will be b&." I get it was to stop the 4am thread circlejerk, but it isn't needed anymore. Forced user is more than enough.

sauce for the first two?

Yeah, nobody really avatarfags anymore.

Who the Hell is the last guy?

except the gildafag

Dude, all the images he posted are in reference to a avatarfag.




The point is, this isn't the 4am thread. All those people contribute something, at least occasionally so who cares what waifu they post with? And if the answer is (you), then justify why its any of your business.

Western gaming community: "We have no SJWs here!"
This is why reddit is cancer.

CNN's entire existence was built on lies.

I should have added a picture of rob

What counts as contribution? Posting an archive of a news article and a tweet with left-leaning opinions? Drawing stuff?
There are plenty of posts here that don't have to do with anything, and are just posted for the sake of posting. With the frequent blogposting, just switch our avatarfags for the 4AM avatarfags and you won't be able to tell the difference.


If I see "if you don't like it, don't buy it" one more time, I swear to God, I'm going to shoot somebody.
You know, because God fucking forbid that someone actually tries to educate people on how hard they're getting fucked by that practice.





Going through a guy's history for porn mods and being offended by loli is the kind of stupidity i expect of an average redditor. Being offended by an eternal loli like Vampy makes it even worse.
At least that thread you linked seems to be mostly positive.



The threads with the greentexts I enumerated were pruned off the board by the mods before I could've archived them. It's irritating how quick the SJW infestation has spread.
Just my take, but from what I've observed the outrage peddlers have latched on to SV since GBF has settled into a form of deadlock and they couldn't subvert the community there. SV however is growing popular and potentially profitable due to ESPORTS pushing by Cygames, so opportunists are coming into the party in droves. archive.is/RMPqm

if their reporting ends up endangering someone they should be held responsible as a non governmental controlled public influence. and if they commit a crime while reporting they should be punished for said crime.

The UN seems to disagree, considering that they're trying to ding Japan for "infringing freedom of the press" after a BBC reporter got fined repeatedly for filming people without permission.

it's a political cult.

so do libshits as long as the reporters are also libshits.

His very existence is contribution for me I rike him because he just baits too well and I rike australian

That shit fucking happened in here, gookland years ago when they implanted "Child Protection Jurisdiction Act" which illegalize any 2D lewd material and classify them same as fucking real legit pedophile videos. All the Police forces was deployed to hunt down real CP all transfered to hunt down 2D and hentai instead and literally any kind of real CP investigation in Korea ben halted for years. They hunt down 2D now, because it's easier to catch and easier to raise credits because media won't tell you if those evil pedos caught because of real CP or just fucking drawn tits from online. More than 10,000 people registered onto sex offender because of this fucking shit law and nobody can't tell them apart from real rapists and pedophiles. Even kids got registered onto sex offender because of this law and they will be banned from getting any social jobs. Countless kids are currently in sex offender registry and most of them are seemed to be because of this shit law.
And more important, after this shit law the public has changed. Like a fucking insanity spreading like a plague and disease, people started to can't tell apart 2D from 3D, or what is wrong and right. The national TV channels in Korea still broadcast shits like the gif I attached and most of these so-called 'K-pop stars' are underage. The one in the image is like 16 years old. The sex traficking shits are not new news in here and actually it's happening for daily basis. Some of those underage 'stars' kill themselves due to excessive amount of sex offer shit and nobody literally fucking cares. Not even Feminist cares because the ones behind these crimes are too powerful. They instead chase after 2D and hentai. Thanks for the law, over 20% of Japanese mangas, that is not 18+ or even 15+, considered as 'Child Pornography' by the state and the production or even distribution are halted. Countless TV Animes canceled and like I said more than 10000 people caught for hentai in real life and some of them are goes to jail. Like this one.
People gets at least 3 years in jail for fucking watching hentai online. While fucking rapists usually get only probation and walk freely.
The most important part is; people thinks this is sane and normal shit; to punish people for watching ebil 2D pedo pictures while rapists walks freely and our national TV channels broadcasts half-naked teenage girls dancing and people worshiping them as sex idol. And people doesn't care if they kill themselves for doing sex offer or not; what's matter is wiping the evil existence of lewd 2D pictures from this earth; and jail any people who watch them or defending such filthy crime.
People in Korea genuinely fucking report each other for watching hentai or even Anime. I've seen countless cases on Korean internet where people uploads picture of animes like Magical Illiya or Maid Dragon, and immediately the comment section filled with fucking SA & Holla Forums tier goons calling OP to pedo and threatening to call police or child protect services, and even worse part is; they actually do. They fucking formed some kind of internet vigilante against evil 2D pedo crimes and they report online people for being evil pedo to police, for free. Hundreds, thousands of goon comments will occupy your internet post if you post something that's anything related to Japanese manga or anime. Like, you know, "Fucking disgusting pedophiles are scum of this earth and they need to fucking die in a cell", "Here I attach the proof of police report for this case. Enjoy your time in jail" with text reporting to police station.
This is now normal day in Korea. The fucking law and Park's insane amount of public propaganda forever changed the 'public' of Korean mind. Everyone is goon here. You thought 4chan, leddit, or even SA or Holla Forums are bad? I dare say, almost everyone you meets in Korean internet are like SA+Holla Forums+Reddit+NeoFAG combined. We ain't used to be like this. I remember post-2010 Korean internet where people freely posts fucking loli hentai on the internet and even fucking website manager make public comment like 'Nice, I'm dumping all the report for this post, keep running'. We used to be free, we used to be sane, and we were not hypocritical and hysterical like today. What happened? Fucking MK. Ultra? I don't know, we're forever changed. At first people were against this law but now it's hard to find a single person publicly making opinion against this law because you will be immediately slandered to 'Evil Pedophile Defender' by the media and public.

Hypocrisy and bit of mixture of hysteria is the perfect recipe to create mass insanity. It's like a disease, it has no form or shape but it will spread through online and offline, person to person. The madness is highly contagious and we are suffering the outbreak.
If you don't fucking surpass those fucking mindless goons who calling 2D or manmade computer graphics like SFM as pedophile, this will be your own future, in the west. Like I said countless times, SK is a fucking political experiment ground and everything happening in here could happen in other countries, especially west. You have no idea how Zionists and Bilderberg invests annually for social experiment in South Korea. The official numbers are over 12 figures. And ctiy of Seoul is world number one for having official known social and medical experiment project is running.
You have no idea how urgent the situation you're facing. You have no idea. You can't handle this insanity, no you can't. I grew up beating everydays and I can't even handle it. I can survive from daily beatings but this is something that I can't handle; watching the people goes insane day by days; and good people and their voice surpassed by the ignorant. All the rational people shuts their mouth because of fear and all the fanatics and ignorants going amuck because it's not their world.
Only you can possess the power to stop it. This doesn't have to be your future. Our case is enough. you can make your own destiny. You can make your future. Fight against these fanatics and surpass them with the rational thinking, reason and the truth.
I begging you, for please help yourself before the storm comes in.

Gotta agree with the lardass on this. Not just on the gambling aspect, but on the undeniable truth that the ESRB, ESA, and every other parasitic organization that's cropped up around the vidya industry, awards shows included, do nothing good to protect consumers, stop corruption and awful practices within the industry, or help in any way at all.

I meant pre-2010. bulli me

Your idolshit is no different than the ones in the west, look up pussycad doll, literally strippers, sorry "burlesque" aka fancy strippers who were given singing contracts and autotuned so mush that I lack a good simile for it. and 2d is treated about the same in canada, and rapists are generally guilty until proven innocent.
and you are repeating yourself.
money and promises of power, and samsung getting big in the west.

middle men snake oil salesmen. They need a bullet.


And I meant annually. I'm fucking shit at engrish when I write something with my heart.

No they don't.

CYgames has been teetering on the edge for a while since a single bad decision can throw them off into the deep end.
I'm not sure if you've been following GBF news but for the last few months they have been playing it really safe. All the new characters are good but not outstanding, new content is being drip fed and what little new stuff there is, is mostly recycled stuff. The only new thing that shook things up a bit were the atma weapons.

I assume they want to expand the audience for SV by emulating Hearthstone even more. I don't have a lot of investment in SV but i can see changes like that affecting other CY properties. I have my grievances with the core gameplay but i still play my Bloodcraft decks every now and then. It's mostly just that it's a TCG without trading. Trading is a huge reason why i play those types of games in the first place.

Re;Link when?

They've been like that since Monkeygate. The rate the revamped Arcanum keeps getting postponed we'll likely have the Manaria Friends anime released before it'll be implemented.
> Re;Link when?
Very likely they'll announce it during the Cygames Festival this December.

as much as I hate duterte, I hope they mimic him against CNN fake news. Not giving a fuck or hurl facts against them.

Last time I lurked in these threads was 3 years ago. Nothing changed and keep fighting I guess. this is out of place though. literally wu?

But Maid Dragon is such a comfy and innocuous show.

The thing is; Korean is pioneer of that thing. In fact, all the cancerous shit in the world is invented by gooks. The first DLC is made by Korean, the first microstransaction in vidya is first tried by Korean company, and the fucking list goes on and on. And the whole fucking sex-idol shit is trended by fucking cancerous gook 'K-Pop' shit. I sometimes wish there was no country for me. No Jap or nationality shit, I want to remove just this hellish abyss peninsula from the history.
Have faith, at least you're not South Korean. Although there are abnormal amount of political connections between Korea, Germany, Israel and Canada. You have better people than us, that's the hope. You're being cucked but at least you're not enjoying the cuck, unlike we are.
Trust me, Samsung might bigger than any Asian company but they cannot surpass the western masonic shits. They are merely tools, although they are useful, powerful tool for their new world order plan. I have countless thing to say about Samsung and how they corrupted Korea and our religion, even Buddhism. I heard top heads of Samsung are batshit insane pseudo-Buddhism cultists like Scientology. They believe the whole logic from the movie Matrix as creed, that this world is nothing but hallucination and it's nothing wrong to do anything evil because, you know, all this reality is nothing more special than video game.

You know, user. They don't watch anime as they don't play video games.

and you're still alive

South Korea being a political experiment explains a lot of things over here.

First off, Park's presidency directly mirrored Hillary's attempt, second, the huge reaction from the left ACROSS THE BOARD at failing to instate Hillary does not line up with a regular loss in a presidential situation, this one was special.

Even the ever smug media were shaken, doomsayers saying the country's over and the constant muckraking that piled up on Trump, the across the board rigged polls, etc.

One thing that makes your country a poor testing ground for social experiments (or any country for that matter), however, is that each country's values are different from every other country, these slight differences make it impossible to replicate the same event twice in the same way. This plan of theirs is already dead.

As for you, I recommend that you keep your head down in your own country and keep reporting these things. And don't get burned out, you are not on the path to hell, this is just a big, rocky road before the sunrise. You've named the devil, and what results next will be insanity, all you have to do is to remember the name of the devil, and pass it on.

Park's done. The deep state behind her will retreat for a long time, and they'll use the chaos to retreat and regroup. That's victory. There is no such thing as an eradicated evil in this world and you have to accept that, but you must keep fighting against insanity.

And if things go more south then north korea, do not jump into the fray. activist work, it won't save your country. What you need is resistance. And to do that you must simply speak to your fellow man without a megaphone.

apathy is the drug of choice in canada, nhilist apathy.
Depends on the area. there are canadians who literally would love to die for shit they have no control over rather than look like they might be a meanie.

From what I've heard (from gookanon and personal experience with Korean tourists) SK is totally Westernized save for their language. The majority of the younger generation even thinks in a more Western behavior than their Asian roots. Thus it's plausible they're susceptible to the same progressive influences plaguing the West.


Fuck off /pinoy/ faggot.

TL;DR You guys need common sense. Not you but others that hasn't woken up yet.

continue to suck his dick faggot. Over and out.

Hey gook is posting here technically illegal for you considering the amount of hentai and loli on Holla Forums?

We have lots of Canadians posting here so…

I'm a leaf but isn't gook internet more heavily regulated?

Why does it seem like the board is getting flooded with a bunch of Redditors?

If plot progression in fiction is to be believed, you can "eradicate" evil, but you face the problem of different, and even worse, evil arising because of the universe's shitty balance system. It's similar to how the leading countries thought they knew everything there is to know about interrogation and torture techniques, but every single war fought in the Pacific since WWI has shown that they didn't know squat, and then the Middle East…was something else by all accounts. To best compare it, it's another reason why Batman just won't kill Joker. If he does, there exists a power vacuum, and who's to say the successor won't be any better?

But, don't they also have a similar strengths of what made the West great?

When I heard the name of the book or whatever it was, I just fucking knew the author was going to be a ham planet or otherwise disgusting. This woman is living proof that the feminist movement, from the very start, was just a massive lash out against men because nobody wanted to touch those women with a ten foot pole. It's a large scale, organized version of the fat, ugly girl who slashes the tires and kills the cat of the pretty girl who's fucking the uggo's crush.

So you went back to cuckchan? maybe you should stay there.

I've read many of occult and conspiracy shit books and I remember the quote, "So above, so bellow. So bellow, so above" which is kind of occult creed. This truly fits for current situation for gookland. We are bellow and everything happening here can happen on above, which is western world.
I've been a member of rotary club since I was young, which is Asian lowest branch of freemason. I know their tactics and their creed. And I know how they think about Korean. They genuinely thinks we are sub-human, I talked with them. And deserve all the pain and tortured history we're suffering and suffered.
Although, like you said, there are always hope. Moon doesn't seem to want to solve or fix any kind of shits that done by Park but yet we dethrowned the mad queen who considered to be the absolute power. People talking about politics, society, culture all the times like how they can fix this whole mess in one day if given power, but they can't. The problem is within out hearts; include and answer. This fucked country will never get out of it's puppet slavery state if those fucking dumb fucks wake up and says no.
Yeah, the fight to the righteous is endless enduring and resistance because it won't be end forever. But like Korean proverb, how many chickens you slaughter to prevent them at the dawn, the bright morning will come eventually.

You got that right. We are westernized than any other western countries. I'm not joking or making pun. We are the most 'Westernized' in Illuminati's perspective. We forgot our own language by our own. Last time the Japs tried to ban our language we spoke and written our own language hidden in attic. And now we're abandoning, trashing our own culture and language because 'It does not suit for modern days'. It's wilful ignorance and volunteered slavery. We totally forgot who we are, who we was and who our forefathers were. We forgot our history, culture, language, and even the very identity because they're not 'Cool'. All the things left in modern day Korea is nothing but hollow shells and cultural junk and garbage that is imported.
Fuck the industrialization, and fuck modernization. And especially fuck the Globalization. Those 3 unholy trinities fucked my people into oblivion. And fuck Progressive too. All the things I saw from 'Progressive' is nothing but retardation 뭉 degeneration. Even regression is better than fucking Progressive.

That sounds awful. We chose to be nihilist hysteria but nihilistic apathy sounds just as bad, with only slightly less cancerous.
I saw many Canadian anons who against the madness over there. And I don't see a single person on our local internet talking about things I've told. My few relatives lives in Canada because it's whole lot better country to live and has even better future. Just make votings matter and don't let them rig it and you can eventually unfuck yourself.

"Straight thinking is rare in our time, and common sense the most uncommon of the senses. Many psychological difficulties have their origin in the effort to live in harmony with some immature system of opinions. Everyone has opinions and to their owners these notions are vitally significant, worthy to be passed on as a priceless heritage unto their issue. To differ with a man's opinions is a grave social error, not easily forgiven. But, opinions are of importance no greater than the mental achievements of the person who has them; and they are most abundant where the ability is the slightest. Even your own opinions on any matter are not to be taken by yourself too seriously unless you know you are thoroughly informed on the subject."
Just quoting the book from Manly P. Hall. Your post just reminded me the very specific quote from 'Healing - The Divine Art'. How fucking irony, isn't it? 'Common sense' became the most uncommon thing in the world.

Look at the VPN usage from the image I attached. Ask any VPN providers about the national usage and there will be always South Korea as number 1 traffic.
I'm currently using Cyberghost, Is there any other better alternative?

Not using VPN in gook is suicide act and basically you are the honeypot yourself.

No shit, Sherlock. We were been flooded with Redditors around Holla Forums harbor.
Good taste. My granpa used to tell me the story about 12 vs 600 when I was toddler.

That VPN usage is crazy. I assume it's because

You forgot one, or two.

Japan is because of their retarded copyright laws and shit. You can be fined millions of dollars of a fucking photo of a manga cover in there. Things aren't quit different in here too but at least we have strong pirate communities who doesn't give a shit. Dumb fucking gooks always shit on pirates but the funniest part is they are the only savior of gook internet.

post cute gilda pics

do it NOW


Japan usually has very strict laws against piracy, might be that and also 2ch where they hate being datamined.

In others news. Holy shit.



user it says 26 square meters in the pic, probably the size.
Fucking massive for a single jail cell plus a kitchenette and private shower. I'm thinking it might have been an administrator office that was converted into a luxury cell.

I found this, doesn't look good.

Apparently there are also some rumors they might be feeding info on users to UK and Euro intelligence organizations.


Skull Face was right

pick one.

Good thing the subscription ends in December. I'll clean install my OS then.

Actually it's better choice to be educate yourself on KYM or ED than Wikipedia or MSM.

I wanna fuck that tomboy.

they're the best

That girl has some muscle on her. I bet she'd be real firm but nice and soft.

made me remember a vid about chinks in seattle/vancouver (the real estate issue) forgetting about their identities because of greed/money.

We have 1 part posing as 3, and they are openly corrupt, and with how our system works, either the corrupt part gets their way or they drag their feet until they get their way.

Yeah that will totally stop pervert animators "hint every animator is a fetish artists"

chinks in canada need to be shot.

Because it is. Fight or flight instincts when things go bad. Reddit is cancer, but the refugees act like rapefugees and bring whatever cancer that infected their area with them.

The best laid plans of mice and men, gook-user. They try to include failure in their plans, by planning on certain tools failing, but history has shown that the current social order is leading to some bloody times. At the very least, I hope your country can avoid the bloodshed that is coming.

It also helps that the next generation of ruling class all around seems rather incompetent, and they are running essentially on the past victories they held. If they didn't start rushing their plans in the past few years, they would have been much better off now.

wait I thought Trump was secretly colluding with the Russians and GG already.

They need to get their narrative straight.

Being truly anonymous is almost completely dead.
You could give this list a shot, see what you like

Does anyone have any evidence of the ESRB's corruption and industry giants manipulating them?
I remember some anons saying something about Nintendo using them like a cudgel in the 80s or 90s or something but I'm having trouble finding shit on them

Bu.. but who's the tomboy? Who is the trap? Who is the brother and who is the sis? Who's the muscle girl and does the cooking girls has penis? If so then is it gay or not?Where is the penis anyway?

Gildafag usually doesn't, neither does Marche
Getting on Acid is silly though.


Are you retarded?
The girl with short hair and tits as well as muscles is female. The kid with long hair is a boy but looks feminine, and this one here is female.

It's just perfectly normal siblings in everyday life. Nothing untoward here.

user I'm sorry I used to have gigabytes of collected GG saves and digs, assorted by genre like prons, but my HDD fried up few months ago and it was so devastating I quit collecting diggings.

I would be interested in this as well.

As far as I remember that's not too useful regarding the ESRB specifically

this, same with illegals.
I predict the revolts, not wars, will be in multiple areas.
They did not earn those past victories, they only inherited the environments that resulted from them. they are weak by hedonistic attitudes and it will be their biggest folly.

marche is good for Holla Forums to twitter crossover, gildafag, I have nothing, since gildafag should not have said anything about the falcom thing.

If you guys don't mind, I'll just dump all of the shit I have saved.

It doesn't have much of anything on the ESRB's actual corruption though

It happens user. I only hope too much info that probably wasn't saved by anyone else wasn't lost in it.
always remember to back up

Marche is good for triggering commies and shitposting, that's about it.
I dunno if Gildafag actually was the one behind the Falcom thing but if he was, then that's pretty good.
I'm kinda ambivalent towards the avatarfagging rule tbh. I think it can be pretty cancerous at times but I don't think its a real problem in the GG threads. I've seen avatarfag circlejerks like Holla Forums and various other boards like that and this place is nothing compared to it
Ritsu is an indefensible cancer though

Go for it user, Any and all information about vidya corruption will always be useful

marches strength is drawing people to info on twitter. we need another big tag and ifo drive soon though to use that strength.

I'd be tempted to agree if he didn't get banned on it so much; he's practically castrated for the next 3 months every time it happens

Get on my level, my dudes:

I'll just post the infographics, screencaps, and PDFs I have, and then see about posting some of the OC we briefly discussed on making.

It's fucking happening all around the world. All these fucking fake democracies make my ancap blood boiling. We need fucking McNukes.

The one thing more horrible than bloodshed is slavery without bloodshed. I regain little amount of hope in humanity after gookening shit but still we are far from over and to declare victory. Not even close.
There are no next generation of ruling class, user. They are inbreed, and they are one united bloodlines. They are one generation the whole and and been ruling the mankind since tens of thousands years ago. They are legion. Their greatest weakness is pride and ego but yet they are precise and sophisticate. Their time will end someday but observing the current degree of population today, the liberation of mankind is too far away.


Thank you anons ur the best and ur waifu a best too

Marche is a huge sperg and should barely be tolerated.

Kill yourself.

Remember, the whole term 'Gildfag' is actually indicating the legion of cultist posters of Gilda. There are at least 3 known Gildafags and they doesn't even seemed to communicate each others. And the numbers od Gildafag actually increasing day by day despite Mark ban them on sight. Anyone could be a Gildafag, me or even yourself.

I actually found an old article by Usher on the ESRB on Hatred
Crazy times
Also 4th image will definitely be useful.


thats not really his fault though.

look at turfd jr vs senior, hes a walking puppet and accident prone, and soros' kid is a sperg to surpass bob and dobson and will be chinked out of his inheritance by soros' chink trophy wife

If they posted more of this, I'd tolerate them a lot better.

That's…pretty much everything other anons created. Now here's everything I downloaded from the ESRB links anons found months back. Including a point list that "sort-of" exist:

Oh Nelly, here we go.

This looks interesting.




I smell a possible new op incoming…
especially in the wake of their recent screw up with the loot box fiasco…







Pics are from the "Advertising & Marketing Guidelines" folder



This pleases my newest GG info hoarding fetish.


We might be similar, but people across the world are different in subtle enough ways even IF they seem similar.

Let's say the whole world is one culture, McDonalds or some shit, the menu's still different depending on what country you're in. Japan has weird ass soy sauce fries, India serves things that aren't beef expressly due to cultural differences, Korea likely has shit that isn't in America, like choco-waffle fries and mushroom shrimp burgers what the fuck Korea I checked that how do you eat that shit

Not a single one of us is alike. That's scary to those who plan. Humanity is chaos, and order is our answer to manage that chaos, but until the day we can escape the human condition, we are unable to deny the basic facts of what we are.

We're cyclical, and we break cycles, we as a species are living paradoxes that cannot be planned around or predicted unless every facet of every individual human being is known. This is why it's a saying that best made plans are destined to fail.

Anyone that does not have faith in humanity is a fool.






And, that's everything uploadable out of that folder.

Thank you user.
Time to sift and parse. Anything that might be worth uploading on volafile?

Now, I'm extracting the ZIPs some user linked a while back. In the mean time, here's a video about the history of the ESRB.

No seriously what fucked up human being combines seafood and beef that shit is disgusting

Dude this is a fucking abomination on the American Burger holy tradition did Park instate this shit?

no first for benis, therefore sage


They sure as fuck don't do that shit in my state, and we don't serve that shit on fucking burgers.

Turns out that there is nothing uploadable in any of those folders. However, there were some word documents that are included strangely. Here they are as PDFs.

fucking hell there's too many faggots in the US government

Jesus christ, might go for only a PC release then

>fucking hell there's too many (((faggots))) in the US government


And, that's pretty much all I have as far as stuff relating somewhat with the ESRB.

Also, for a little while, we were throwing around the idea of making our own tagging system (Because the ESRB is damn near inconsistent on the extent of shit allowed), but it never really came to fruition. Speaking which, does anyone still have that OC which showed MKX' s rating and description right next to Hatred' s?

I agree, but I would rather not find out that you died or were jailed one day, gook-user. I am being hypocritical, though, since I don't much care about getting killed myself.

While those are nice dubs, humanity also has the tendency to fuck it up whenever shit gets to the wire.

Its not like it makes much sense now, since you can just do similar checks for their online stores if it comes to that. Hell, Sony has no excuse since GoW sold itself on ass, titties and easily done ultra violence.


fucking hell there's too many (((faggots))) in the US government power


We also fuck up so bad that we fuck up fucking up, therefore not fucking up.

I win, humanity doesn't suck, lick my balls.

I dunno man, some tropic items look interesting like the all black burger from japan

that mushroom burger looks good, too bad its mcd
">mcd may have to downsize in your lifetime

I don't understand.. What does western people eats at the fast food restaurant?
user, that sums up about the whole history, purpose, and existence of mankind is better than dozens of books combined I've read to figure out what's Nibiru and fate of Atlantis.
Mankind is born from the chaos, to overcome the chaos. Nothing remains the same and everything that vibrates will always be changes and destroyed. Our own nature is chaos and we must know how to control it; not abusing it or repressing it. We are all souls of on our own and we have all power to create the very reality that we want to create. In the end, out bodies, race, culture, gender, politics, religion and science, all the physical things, even the good or evil is hollow; because they were all created by our own will.
Good thing is nothing is forgotten and the truth will remain. See you at the other side. Good to know it seem to you already know pretty much everything. You have you own liberation already. You are ready to leave this damned planet when you're done.

Thank you user for great dumping.

It's stunning to know. We fucking combines everything with seafood. I ate the mushroom burger and shrimp burger few days ago
But nothing can beats gook's fucking weird ass fuck pizza fetish, we have..
Fuck Italians, we're the pizza now.

I'll be okay, user. Korean has culture heritage that tend to avoid and despise violent shits and that is thousands years old culture. I don't think we would suffer day of the rope someday, even if we does there would be sign and I'll be one of the first people who'll notice it. And even if we does we'll sort it out quickly. I believe so. At least I want to believe that way.

The forefather realized that fact more than 200 years ago.

wait, that burger had shrimp, nevermind, and shrimp is a bit more of a luxury in the west, as is lobster and crab. Pic 1 I can guarantee exists in the west though

Can someone explain anarchism and how it's somehow leftwing? If it's whole point is to have chaos and mad max it then how does it fall under leftwing let alone being part of any political leaning?

Its goal is the destruction of civilization. Seems pretty leftwing to me.

Its not inherently left-wing. Its just that a lot of communists tend to be anarcho-communists.
Ancaps are more like libertarians, which aren't necessarily left-wing.

They want leaderless communes or some shit, All people on the left hate one another.

This just hurts my head it doesn't make any fucking sense.

I don't fuggin' know, go ask on Holla Forums

They are the most retarded board on Holla Forums I'm not sure how they function with how oxymoron their beliefs are.

I want to fill Futabas anus full of my own semen

Pol Pot killed every intellectual, old government loyalists, Christians, and foreigners. it's like this, Anarchism leads to the downfall of the big bad evil fascist government and then the Anarchists will make house rules that will lead them to a Communist state.

I think they are a cia front.

I don't know whether to be horrified or to praise it as the savior of the American people.

However, the construction of the Korean pizza is inferior, as is seems like it comes apart easily and topping drop off when you pick it up.
The hallmark of a true pizza is a meal that can be split among friends, with stretchy cheese that almost seems to melt off but still holds together the toppings that determine the flavor and texture of the pizza.

The composition of the Korean pizza, however, is a mess. The crusts are split and sectioned to allow clear sections to be portioned (which is a mark of a good pizza), yet the toppings aren't even held by the cheese, and even eclipse it, like throwing trash on the street, with no connection to the pizza.

It's almost like the pizza is screaming to be the traditional Korean rice bowl with scattered meat and veggies that the Korean people sorely deserve to be given back to them.

I see your pizza and I see the sorrow of the Korean people within it.

It's pretty fucking horrifying my man.

Also to answer your question, we eat regular burgers and fries, with ketchup and mustard, some restaurants have a secret sauce they produce themselves, usually a sweet sauce.

add-on toppings include bacon, fried onion rings, lettuce, tomato slices, and pickles. for the full american experience, put a layer of fries in the burger, and then cut out anything else that isn't meat, add the blood of those who would destroy Freedom and enjoy.

Anarchism is retarded. It takes an insane or at least insanely naive person to believe that society could function in the absence of a state, rather than immediately returning to feudalism.

Communism requires a similar kind of retardation, insanity and naivety to believe in. There are branches of communism that overlap with anarchism, but before that, communism's nature attracts dumb children and the literally mentally ill, just like anarchism.

I've seen lower level (((establishment))) figures openly talking about Holla Forums on numerous occasions, I wouldn't be surprised.

I want a sticker of that on my toilet.

Korea-Italian war imminent.

What about a bunch of different organizations all trying to shill/keep track of them, when in reality its just them and not real people.

Here's educated philosopher's guide on Anarchy: the modern day anarchy is not actually anarchy; it's more like Satanism.
Anarchy comes from the Greek prefix an-(av-): "without; the absence of" and the Greek noun archon: "master; ruler".
Anarchy does NOT mean "without rules." It literally means "without rulers; without masters.
Anarchy is the state of existence where there are no Masters and no Slaves. Therefore, Anarchy means the absence of Slavery, or in other words, Freedom.
The old Greeks, Chinese philosophers thought the 'State without the Ruler' is the true state of freedom. And Old Gnosis call Satan as 'Archon', which is ruler of all evil. They all thought to achieve the true status of freedom and liberation; there should be no ruler and we must govern ourselves.
So, from the word 'Archon', which means the evil ruler or Satan, derives 'Anarchy' which means 'Against Archon'. The old fellas were helluva intellect and wise than nowadays so-called 'Political experts'.
But this concept of 'Freedom' soon be hated by, well, rulers. They doesn't want to people know the true meaning of freedom. They began their propaganda operation, distorting the meaning of 'Freedom' into 'Chaos', and soon after people believed anyone who wants 'Freedom' desires the total destruction of the world. Thus the word 'Anarchy', which is thousands years old world, got tainted and defiled. Pretty much like modern day. And by we born, the word 'Anarchy' becomes belong to maniacs, psychos, and the real servants of the ruler who wants chaos among public and more division of society.
The word 'Anarchy' itself is actually meant to be against chaos and divide; it was meant to be unite the people against the ruler and achieve the true liberation; the self governance. No one will dictate you to what you do, no one will jail you for doing things they don't like; but to achieve that we must have way more, WAY MORE psycholosical, spiritual, and humane way of development. We must know how to control and govern ourselves before get rid of the ruler. This is the summed up principal and guide of old Greek & Gnosis term of original 'Anarchy'.
But nowaways if you say you want anarchy people thinks you are mad maxx maniac who wants to kill and rape everyone. This is fucking irony and sad; but hilarious at the same time. The milleniums old tactics still working as intended. Old Greeks are dead and their lessons are distorted. Gnosis are persecuted and dead and all their teachings are forgotten and nowaday college kids doesn't know what Gnosis is.

Also there are seafood fast food chains, but they're not as common as the normal places, the seafood fast food restaurants tend to be dominated by locals, not chains, at least in my area.

You can get equally good stuff at some pizza restaurants, it's just that you are used to $20 shit tier dominos and probably have never seen a good pizza made by an Italian chef

would make me unsurprised.

Look, way I see it it's either edgelord nonsense or bleeding heart "WE CAN ALL GET ALONG IF WE TRY" bullshit.

Everyone wants to be the moral superior from their point of view and philosophy, but if it didn't work the first time and continues to fail there's a fundamental flaw with it.

It could be that Anarchy as you state it cannot be achieved because it can't survive those who would keep it from happening and you have to accept that.

As noble as your goals may be, if you can't achieve those lofty goals then your political philosophy amounts to nothing.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't hold an ideal of peace, it just means you need to adopt a different viewpoint in order to achieve it.

A system is a system, what's important is the goal of it all. Lose sight of that and you may as well be nothing more then a cog in the machine.

This isn't a gook update, this is just gook fearmongering

Pretty much. The western pizza introduced by US GI soldiers after Korean war. And during that time we were fucking poor as fuck and even Ethopia used to send as charities because holy fuck, we were so poor.
And to our uncultured, poor toungue, the pizza tasted like heaven, just like your mom's dish of Bibimbop you used to eat but bit more exotic and cheesy. So Korean began obsessing with pizza in their own way.
And soon after Pizza known to Korean as 'Elite's dish'. The price of Korean pizza is usually over $30 for 6 inch, single person serving size. We didn't know how to make pizza properly, we never taught and still we don't. We just fucking improvised shits by pieces of things American Soldiers were making. Absurd and abnormal things put on topping on pizza, and our quality of cheese were inferior as well; but we just ate it anyway, because it's pizza, you know. The heavenly whitemen's dish! The exotic, creamy food only riches could eat.
Don't hate Korean pizza too much. It's just.. historical thing. We still don't know what real pizza is but we just eat our own; because of the nostalgia, history and thing. It's pretty much like cultures from South America; where various western cultures transformed into their own through harsh times.

the only way i'll hate pizza of any kind is if it tastes like crap. I'm just saying that it'd be easier to eat the pizza if it didn't fall apart when you picked it up.

What the fuck.

Reminder to UK anons, your porn is being taken away.

It's still an elite's dish for majority of Korean. Like a misrepresented piece of culture. Our salary is even lower and pizza is only for those people can afford them or for average family's holiday feast. I can kill for a pizza.

Ever hear of garlic fingers? Those are great especially with bacon on top. I also made a calzone with a peach mango habenero sauce

6 inch diameter or 6 inch radius? Either way horry sheet, thats worse than canada.

Coffee's worse I hear.

that Gangnam Style shit was a satire about how fucking expensive and worthless that Korean high life was, with shit like coffee being around 50 bucks.

It's honestly not hard to make pizza, you might fuck up the first couple of tries on the dough (usually tastes like iron the first couple tries) but generally if you have a basic oven you can make your own.


You know english, we have the recipes, make yourself a pizza and steal our fucking pizza secrets.


If you can get the dough or premade bases, they're pretty easy to make. I highly recommend getting into making your own, it's one of the simpler foods out there. Hell, you can make mini pizzas using english muffins as a base, then it's just pasta sauce, meat, veg and cheese. Cheap as hell, too.

how expensive is cheese and tomato? or hell, if you dont mind odd food, some fruits and peppers pureed can be used as a sauce.

To be fair, he thought Cash did it better.

Didn't he, though?


To this day, people still think he covered Cash, not the other way around.

Trent did the better version IMO.

ease off the sauce that is probably too much or get better sauce. Probably increase the cheese by 25%, cook at around 350 for the most part then 450. for the last 5 minutes

You're probably using too much sauce gook
And fat and grease are key (next to actual, high-quality ingredients of course) in ensuring a pizza tastes amazing even when cold
t. guy who lives in one of the best areas in America for pizza

oh, and mozza, always use mozza as primary cheese.

less sauce, spread it thin, mix well some shredded cheese into the sauce to thicken it, then add layer of cheese.
When you add toppings, unless it's pepperoni, add it some of them before the cheese.
Grease and fat add to the pizza's taste, like how the japanese prize their fatty tuna, so don't bother with low fat cheese.

By mozza, he means mozzarella, if language confuses the issue.

and if you still have issues, make calzones aka pizza pockets.

mmmm, fatty tuna. now I want sushi.

I never know, user. I never eat a proper pizza.

I know user. But like you said, there are people in the world that has higher viewpoint than others.
They didn't think they have higher goal, and they doesn't think they have moral superiority. In the old philosopher's world, the pride and superiority is another term of 'Ignorance'. In fact, it was the ignorance and one of the most avoidable irrational emotion that men to have. Thinking about Socrates said "I am the intelligent because I admit and know I know nothing". And look how this quote misrepresented among our college kids and how they mock old philosophers, with their ignorant, narrow perspective.
Those great people respected others' point of view and that's the reason why they so tried to enlighten the people; even persecuted or even punished to death. They chose to spread their own teaching they found and know, to make better world; saying we can actually build Utopia if individual's level of insight develops.
A system ain't a system; we are the system. We are all part of this well-oiled machine called world and we poseesse the power to make it better; we just didn't realize yet.
Those old teachers are to me; like people in the gutters looking at the stars. We all in gutters, some are busy living, some are happy with it, but some of us are just looking at the stars.

>it sounds just like fearmongering
But to me user, it is reality. I know it sounds surreal and absurd but I see it everyday and every single day in my life and it drove me crazy; crazy while worry about they could actually force onto other nations like Japan or US.
pardon my exaggeration shit because it's my habit. I grew up in fear pornography and brainwash whole my life, most about Norks; so I usually speak in hype when I want to give people warning.

Yeah, coffee is even worse. Fucking Starbucks is Korean SJW & Hipster infesting gathering place and only fucking rich kids drinks $50 coffee there. Frankly disgusting all the money they pay goes to Israel. They think it's 'Cool' thing.
And majority of Korean houses doesn't have any ovens. That's something very saddening me. We have no proper pizza restaurants, bakeries or even ovens. If I could make Pizza out of dutch oven I'd do it but it would be fucking complicated so I just order pizza even it's hilariously overpriced and monopolized. It's just that simple.

Cheese are quit overpriced thinking that dairy industry in here is pretty weak and it's hard to import cheese due to transport. Tomatoes are cheap but you must know the whole vegetable market price fucking way to overpriced in Korea. A single cabbage costs over $20 if there's bad weather in this weak or something. And generally it's like 3~5 times more pricey than any other countries. Even Japanese and Swiss people come over here and surprise how all the fucking food are overpriced. I drink lemon juice every morning and a small bag of lemons costs like $15. Which contains like 8 or less lemons.

So ironically we just recreated the pizza in original Italian's way? That's hilarious.

I'm not Gook, and the sauce we usually use is the homemade tomato sauce me dad makes (And, we're sure as Hell not using the stuff you buy at the stores because shit is loaded with sugar, also my dad's sauce has some actual spice to it and tastes better than any other tomato sauce I've tasted). Also, I do spread the sauce somewhat thin.

Started doing that, but still mostly use Colby Jack, Pepper Jack, or Cheddar.

Have to take note of that.
Already do that.
Have to check the fat content in our cheese.

for a country that over produces dairy our chese is 5$ cad for 100g average. but jezus those prices, and I assume you are speaking based on the usd.

You'd probably need to layer your cheese lightly as you add toppings. I also put thinly sliced onion across the top layer to crisp, but it also turns into a sort of netting. Also, try using less paste/sauce, but with cherry tomatoes halved or quartered scattered across, that way you still get the tomato flavor, but it's not a full sea of sauce underneath. If you like the taste, cracking an egg in the middle can also thicken and hold it together, but the timing can be fiddly.

Doing things like making it with soft flatbread as a base and then folding it to eat can help as well. You can go pretty wild so long as the base is thin and soft enough to fold up.

Do they sell convection microwaves over there? I swear by them. Like countertop microwaves with a heating element built in. They're really efficient. They've got grill and roasting settings on top of just being a regular microwave, and will usually come with a pan and a rack. They can't do quite as much, but it's good since they don't require any installation.

the sauce should be translucent once spread. and experiment with your sauces, I made something similar to this and used it, it was tasty. seriouseats.com/recipes/2012/05/mango-habanero-barbecue-sauce.html

and we became /ck/ again because /ck/ is ded

then post on it and make it not dead.

Nah, majority of microwaves here are just microwaves. And those microwaves holds oven ability are expensive as fuck. And many of Korean houses doesn't have even microwaves. Good Korean moms have thinking that making microwave foods to children is crime as parents and only serves conventionally heated foods to their family. There are something like dutch oven in ancient Korea but not something like oven, and we're lack of oven foods generally. And most of times you have no problem eating in Korea without microwaves or oven. Just good old flame and that's all.

I somehow accidentally derailed the thread but in good quality, just like old Holla Forums always did. sorry for derailing i have allergy to shitposting an early hideus status of this bread urged me to make posts great again so focused on writing quality posts, even it's off-topic.

That's good if you're just cooking food in a pot or a pan, but an "oven" needs to be electric if you want the best results. Also, there is such a thing as toaster ovens, those are the size of a microwave. How easily available are those?

Hope I can recover the ones in a laptop. Bare minimum is that and my old computer's HDD. Haven't even sorted most of the files in the former.
Though the dump about ESRB and pdfs are new material?

Toasters are quiet cheap and most of them are imported. Majority of Korean microwaves are small as fuck and only for 1 person serving, because otherwise there will be no need, the most of microwave demands are single living people. Some time ago I bough some imported frozen pizzas from mart and never able to eat it because there's no microwave in here that fits this massive dish. You can easily get microwaves, but small as fuck things that can only holds cup noodles costs like $100. Toaster ovens you mention are absolutely not popular in Korea due to we have no food to cook it. Korean people generally does not like bread and prefer rices. And only thing I could imagine we could do in toaster oven is like re-heating remnants and even microwaves can do that. I also had one but threw it away because it's useless for Korean dishes and it's annoying to maintain. Fucking wastes, oils, stains and stenches it hold is amazing.

Yeah, USD. Usually 1000 won equals 1 dollar. The exchange rate is unstable as fuck and few years ago 900 won was 1 dollar and now 1300 won is 1 dollar. Fucked economy, and too much foreign dependence, I'd say. Chinese and Japanese owned the most of lands in here.

We need a proper fucking archiving network to sort these shits out. Our wikis are constantly goes off and we're lack of database. If we could somehow build a fucking magnificent GG Wiki Database like ED then it could be gamechanger.

Good. The less tomato sauce on a pizza the better. Fucking hate those red abominations. Plus spices and it being homemade sounds god-tier. I

We can just start small first and have at a bare minimum one user archiving history and spreading around the data for redundancy. Blockchain couldn't come sooner

It frees people from putting their eggs in one basket and prevents that basket from being meddled by some Regressive ala Wikipedia.

Well, it sure is interesting how the exact same products can be so wildly different in price just because of the country and culture. I guess a big part is just supply and demand, if the food doesn't need it, the products wont sell. But then they have expensive luxury foods precisely because they don't have them? Seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy sort of issue.

Also a Dutch Oven over here is almost exclusively used as the term for pulling a bed sheet over someone and farting into it. For some reason we usually say crockpot for the cooking variety, which isn't even the same kind of thing.

Shit, that music track is insane. What's the source ? Sounds like something you'd find in a hotline miami game.

Probably from some fashwave song.
This one is pretty good.

Fuck this gay life what the fuck am I doing with my life I gave up


Haven't been around since the Gawker verdict


How come the youtube embed line dissapeared from top reply box

Oh, its in the drop down box now

He got board and now shitposting instead
Worrying about the aftermath of Las Vegas shooting would affect his business and whole 2nd amendment in general, but still shitposting and couldn't rid of his shit waifu
We write out own book here, user. Nobody will do it for us, we're on our own. Godspeed.
What else dead can do except wandering around the empty world, envying the living?
Thanks for tuning in. May shitposting bless you.

Oh, should've just searched for the webm's name on youtube, I thought it was merely jones' meme. Thanks a lot !

Those quads and this help make you a hero to me, user.

The ralph shill is here and there; very rarely though, these days.
Socks has… actually, no idea.
Haven't seen that user in a while.
Acid still posts from time to time.
Milo mentioned gamergate and even explained it fairly well in his recent book.
Glad to have you back. We never stop roaming as long we live in their heads rent-free.

Whoa. You really haven't been around lately.
What have you been up to, user?

Mark changed the rules on "avatarfagging" so mods kept using it as an excuse to ban me so I gave up

woah it's like in Poland
except prosecutors put all reports about drawn ceepee in the garbage bin where they belong

Sorry for late answer. It's 30cm in diameter I meant. Some family size pizzas are like near $50 USD but nowhere near US's 'Large'.

ralphshill seemed to tire out
Socks only had a spike of popularity in the early days. By the gawker verdict she was already out of the picture.
that user is marche. He switched from pasta to shitposting and twitter art thievery. Also it was super gay, not totally.
acid is still around, he just can't post his trip anymore due to forced user
dunno about who would write it or how you would condense weaponised autism to the page.

I know this is e-celebrity bullshit but Seatle 4 Truth killed his father.

also have this to catch up with.

up until the end of last year she did a fancy gaming news podcast under the name of "dead gamers talking". from then, all i've heard is that she may be shitposting on twitter about some guy that paid ten dollars to post on a forum.

Socks jettisoned around the second board migration. I don't think she burnt out, just more went off on her own thing.

ID: cc78b9
Had to turn vpn off to open the archive.is link, made me recapcha.

Praise Kek!

Guess I'll have to read it now. Was always hoping for a detailed, week by week what happened kind of thing though. Somebody needs to get on that, lost most of my archives but have a LOT of OC and screencaps.

After GG died down started doing all my effort/shitposting on Holla Forums. In february got Margaret Maclennan (GOAT GG eceleb IMHO) elected as Official Queen® over there which started a bit of a war the BO got involved in that eventually started an exodus board called /television/. You probably remember seeing the banners around for a couple months, was in the top 25 and rising till the April 1st hack. Back at Holla Forums now and still at war with the BO (go autism!)

Fugging Mark. Remember getting b& here once after he suddenly decided checking dubs was an evil that couldn't go unpunished. He's a massive faggot but current year arguably the best BO on h8chan.

If I said it once I said it a million times that guy was an unhinged psycho and was going to kill someone someday. To this day never seen spergouts anywhere close to his anywhere. From that first vid he made "they want to stop me before I put out the truth" where you could hear him rack the pump on a shotgun to his Acidman death threats to going off on that one faggot (John Kelly?) he was always a timebomb waiting to go off. Wish I still had all those archives. Still can't believe syrian girl gave him the time of day.

Will check out, thanx.

Remember she switched channels and I subbed to that one too but never got any notifications or saw new stuff posted. Last I heard she was about to get married, hope she's well and happy and her and optimus still play WoW together.

Wew lads, the feelz.

Why are you typing like a normalfag redditor?

I haven't there for years. You guys still post like /r9k/?
Almost everyone with some insight can immediately knew he was not well, in mentally. Half of Holla Forums and /gg/ back then genuinely worried him because he sounds literally mad as fuck and half of them cheered S4T because anons sensed it that if we doesn't applause him he might kill himself in the future. And after his burntout everyone abandoned him and that quickened his mental problem.

Because he's Holla Forums, user.



Kotaku and Polygon want South Park Creators to grow up and be more selective with whom they target with jokes.


Haaaw canada is about 20 for that and 2 topping. Its better but not by much.

Once again, kotaku and sojus prove they can dish the hate but when it is given to them, softballed I might added, they cry like a 3 year old whos icecream fell on the ground.

I'll have you know sir the last time I was on reddit was totalbiscuits deleted post. Can't blame me for my exuberance, been here a few times over the months to post about vidya but never saw the general so just assumed it was done. Feels good man.

Since trump election it's mostly Holla Forums vs Holla Forums shitflinging but there's still some of that too. Waifuwars been in full swing for about 9 months too. We keep it fun, the on-season GoT breads are particularly good.
Dumb as Ralph is I still couldn't believe it when he hired him. Great idea dude, align yourself with a mentally unstable sperg who if you ever disappoint might track down and kill you. Whatever happened with him btw? Last I heard he was arrested for taking a swing at a cop outside Arby's.
After lowcard got forced off Holla Forums it was the only decent shitposting board left. It does rub off, in all fairness though like to think I've helped elevate it to a higher place than I found it.

Considering who did the reviews, who played the game for them in order to see even a fraction of the game?

It's crazy to me that people still read game reviews.

My favorite quote of the article coming from a games journalist.


reported for ban evasion

Nigga you got it wrong.

dont enable to gildafag giving him more pictures to avatarfag with

Dubs speak the truth.


Im joking about reporting
but never EVER draw gilda again

No list for a couple days guys. I’m in my father’s hometown burying his ashes.

Past 300 and the activity drops out of nowhere
all the fake/pol/ anons stop their political derailment and bait postings.
Yes, i call them fake/pol/ because Holla Forums is not in here. I notic this since years, at least 2 or 3 years that these gg threads always get derailed by political topics which the actually Holla Forums isn't even on. And as you can see, it derailed the whole thread. What is gained by derailing, what is it that gg should actually focus on?

Email op's?
I don't think this works anymore, not enough people are on it and the op's itself isn't spreaded outside this thread.

Making information viral on other social boards?
Maybe this, since we are in a information war, the first rule of such a war is to be faster than the opposition. We speak about seconds and minutes to spread information. By derailing we lose the focus on what is a hot information that need to be spreaded and as you can see, nobody is sharing anything here that is worth to spread.

digging, fish in the barel?
This seemed never to work. All the anons who digged where mostly ignored back in the time where i was active here, and nowadays there is no info drop anymore. As soon this is pointed out the arguments start to dismentel this with postings like: "go to 8dimanond" "anons still dig they just don't post it" etc…. all i see is a tactic to divide, so information get lost and is no longer in this flow. This brings us back to my second point; Information war.

Little sidequest's/ other OP's
with so much infiltraion it is hard to tell which op's is ok and which is just a set up for a false flag/derailment. Overall, the push behind those ops in on a low level so it is hard to get anything done at all.

What ever it is, it disrupted the Information flow and the focus on real OP's.
You have to undrstand, fighting against the media/MSM is always to be consider as a Information war. They have enough money to keep this thread derailed on a long term, since we promised that gamergate is here forever you can also consider that they made preventations to keep the flow in here disrupted.

I would sugesst, that something need to be done to destroy the current disruption befor we re-focus.

too late.

hang in there.

On mobile so I can't link properly or archive.
Polnews got permabanned on Twitter.
No big deal until his back up (polnewsalerts) says his most recent tweet before the ban was over evidence Twitter CEO was giving money to an antifa group who want to assassinate trump "as painfully as possible".
Of course, odds are the group are full of shit and won't even get over the White House lawn. But it shows clear bias on Twitter if true- and could even lead to arrest if it's deemed funding terrorist acts.
Find it, archive it, spread it

There's also stuff on the UK hair loot boxes under review. Maybe it's worth complaining direct to Activision over their patent a la sonic Mania and denuvo. They hold the patent- but can't use it without bad PR and backlash.

Here's your hairy beast.
Happy now?

Don't be rude

But you are not the boss of me

Fuck you

see your own post.

user, the thread shot to 300 so fast because I was dumping shit:

As if I barely had Gilda pic to start with

Also I don't even post her all the time, not even half of my messages do feature her. And I'm sure you haven't seen a pic of her outside these threads. Stop making up bs, pls, if posting a few pictures of Gilda every two or three threads makes you all this butthurt, MAYBE it's your problem and not mine.

Now let's get back to the point of these threads.

You avatarfag and roleplay until people report you


Lel big if true

You also ban evading

There are different gildafags though. Plus that ban was wrong, no rules were broken.

No there isn't and ban evasion is against the rules

But I'm not the one doing that.

I should have ignored you from the start instead of dragging me into you derailing the thread. Which is against the rules, btw. If you are really concern about the rules instead of banning anyone who posts her, then by all means, let's stop this arguement.

Stop posting her and role-playing then

Got an archive of that?

So waifufags ran back to cuckchan.

There are animes that don't have lolis in them?

Nigga i cant archive dm groups

Probably bullshit, but I believe it. Mods have been trying to neuter /a/ long before the exodus. Not that /a/ isn't the source of a lot of the cancer killing weeb stuff.

Here's the chapter from Milo's book that focuses on #GamerGate: pastebin.com/biHkU7z2

Literally Who released their own book (after literally figuratively fucking over their co-authors), and it's the cover-to-cover package of lies you'd expect, but just vague enough to avoid the legal definition of libel: youtube.com/watch?v=xZoTn-ompdU

And a depressive oldfag got his shit together long enough to crowdfund a proper #GG book (embed related).
You can buy the hardcopy, beg someone for a PDF, or queue this shit into your audiobook playlist:

lo-ping tweeted this. does anybody know what comic is in the top left?

sage for ot

Is that you're mom?

JEW JEW ABRAMS YES! Goobers on suicide watch

Whatever it is you wanna do, don't do it.


I hate lolis, wouldn't mind if they were banned here too.

Is that a new alien species?

The only thing I find regrettable about old Solo dying is that we won't see Harrison Ford shitting on Abrams on live TV again.

Also, don't bite it.

Commiefornia recognizes non-binary as a gender now on state forms.

if only that wildfire took out the entirety of California in one fellswoop.



VIDEO:American Pravda, NYT Part IV: New York Times Company Culture Revealed: “Everyone hates Trump”


In that case, I'll try testing it. Just posted a thread on 4/a/ with this picture as the thread's thumbnail talking about No Game No Life.

Hey, Anons, here's the new domain for the GG Wiki. So, update. Link: gg.goprinny.com/

I asked in reddit and we won't have to worry about domains expiring until 2022.

Do you guys get filled with anger and rage just for it to turn into sadness and sorrow?

I'm drinking my sorrowness away because I'm an unemployed worthless NEET.

Get a fucking job then.

I don't quite get the one on the top right, I don't recognize where it's from; the other two are horrendous and I didn't need this pain right now. Name of the hentai ? Also, I'm mostly use nhentai, but how good would you guys say it is ?

Season 2 when ?

You're a hero user.

Stop drinking when feeling terrible. It will only help you link the emotion with alcohol, and push you towards drinking more each time you feel bad, and feeling bad each time you drink.
If you feel bad, whether through anger or sorrow, talk to someone. Even us, user. We're here to help, anytime.

But user, that is the whole time.
I'm sorry if you meant my rancid gookposts. I did my best to make active bread. Wasn't intended to derail or shilling. It's just lack of happenings lately and our enemies went low profile as well and I think that's the reason. We just need something to be motivated and keep going. And it was burger sleeping time as well. But yeah I agree there something to be done.
Yeah that's because we don't have a proper info hub. I think we need some proper info hub or wiki to dump all the informations and digging we achieved so far. Knowledge is wasted when they're not shared to people. Anons shitposting on social media is just not enough. Not even close. The Twitter shit is nothing but temporal propaganda tool. I always thought the Twitter shit is near useless and waste of time and energy. All we need is proper website or our own news & info outlet like One Angry Gamer or Torential Downpour. It is way more effective and easy to focus. The enemies have countless their false narrative fronts and Twitter is nothing but bunch of hugbox zones combined. We can never achieve something great through pozzed social media, especially Twitter. People tend to listen what they want and the Twitter is great example of that. People goes there to read and listen what they want, or shit on something they don't like, not to actually learn something and reflect. This is why we need our own hub websites. I ain't saying we need to drop social media now, but considering them as secondary spare time objective and let's build our own platform to achieve bigger goals.
We nees bigger guns to fight against the monster that is corruption. I think we been doing great so far, actually it's moee than great. But it's like we been fighting with improvised weapons and gorilla warfare tactics. We now need bigger, precise, and concentrated weapons and tactics to overcome the current stalemate situation. Our enemies went to long war stage and this guerilla warfare tactics and Twitter small weapons would won't work, not anymore.

I love you guys.


Kill me.

Its like poetry, anons

thanks user, you da real mvp

Take a dishwashing job it's not the best but you'll have some cash on you.

so, >>>/television/ is dead, right? just like thopse alternaative Holla Forums ones…

To be honest, inactive boards should be just deleted after six months of nothing.

Help me here, I can't archive this page

https:// motherboard vice com/en_us/article/d3dzvw/steam-is-full-nazi-racist-groups

Is this an old article or are they copy pasting old shit as new again?

Written by (((Emanuel Maiberg)))
Of course he cries about muh anti-semitism and white supremacists groups on Steam.

Nah, it's new. Less than an hour ago and doesn't seem to be a repeat of anything

you can archive vice articles by using google cache first. I back it up using google, than backup that page using archive.is.

Give me the name of the top left, i'll give you the top right.


Not a perfect save of the page but here it is.


Shit, I'm fucking retarded, I meant top left too… how the fuck did I mix up right and left… sorry user. Bully me.


The guy deleted his twitter too


is ok, this is not what i mean. It is actually good to post infographics and stuff like that as a counter to the derail and bait poster.
What you might not notic is the behavior and activity in each bread befor 300 (something around 300, past bumb limit) Notice how almost every user only post around 3 posting (IP jumping?) Notice how each user above 300 is unfocused as hell (bite there own bait?) Take your time and monitor some breads from now on, after a year you might get suspicious.
So, at this point, posting good information might help to counter this odd behavior (maybe they are bots?)

No, gamergate is older than you thing. The ZoePost was 2014. Than we got a full year of happenings. In the second year things slowed down. The last year i was off. Yeah, i guess only since 2 years (something around 1 to 2 years) this derailment is going on, you know, when shit slowed down.

deepfreeze.it is damn good already. And the old archives are stil active. OP just need to be better done and overall we need some steps to get back on focus. How about makign new breads at 400? Shills/bots will have to do overtime

They're in the fucking pic you faggot
both the incriminating tweets and the article about gamergate

My bad then, just got so fucking tired of seeing a pic posted without archives.

No worries hun.

This is one of the most blatant power grabs I've seen in awhile. They do realize that while its getting questionable thanks to fucking congress, steam is not responsible for anything people put on the site as long as they comply with the laws and report any illegal content? And why would steam fuck with its system? Its making them money, and if I had to guess the curators are better at getting people to buy games that reviewers.

Gookanon's been posting in the Hat in Time thread.

Report: Nintendo of America Clamps Down on Review Copies Following Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga Leak


Has this article been copy pasted from some angry tween's school essay?

gib more pictures of your mom

you forgot the actual article though, wasn't even archived


Oh yeah, that one, I felt it wasn't too necessary as the content didn't matter, the title itself was enough; but perhaps I should have indeed, you're right. Archive everything after all.

Why would he do that?




I'm not so sure that's a good thing, since it can easily turn on innocent people who weren't involved in this to begin with. this whole listen and believe shit may be entertaining since it's happening to people who helped enable this sort of behavior, but someone with a power trip can go around spreading false accusations and ruin innocent peoples lives.

It already did for the past ten years, user. Remember the "dongle" joke that got two guys fired ? Or elevatorgate ? Shit like that is the norm, because so far the victims of it always were enemies or non-affiliated.
Them falling victims of this garbage means they're gonna be forced to realize they have to either double down on the allyship and look even more suspicious and dumb, thus making the whole thing look even less credible; or back down and try to rationalize the entire crusade somehow to make the "listen and believe" shit tone down a bit.

it's 100% not a good thing, user. I'm just saying that we've been saying this shit forever and people not only ignored us, but went even further and labelled any disagreement, eye-gaze, or wearing a fucking hat as harassment and violence.

Now they're having their own tools used against them, tools that if people had been sane and not drunk the SocJuice, would never have been available in the first place.

or maybe these beta male journos actually ARE a bunch of perverted rapists, you never know


What was that jap rune that looked like a merchant? I need it real quick for personal reasons.

Grimachu made his own proGG book. And thr game featuring Vivian made by the TFYC, 'Afterlife Empire' also came out, in case you forgot or missed it.

This one?

Too bad that they are fake news.

So Nintendo still can do something good, when they want to.

Yeah, I ned that in copy/pastable form.

But user, 3 years ago is 2014. I've been here since the beginning too. I think most of us are.
Yeah I forgot to mention deepfreeze along with those sites. But deepfreeze is specialized website that is strict to certain information and category. I think we need more broader categories of pro-GG hubs to motivate people and keep going. ED-like wiki that is bomb-proof against domain vandal and with user-friendly interface, few more narrative outlets like the Torential Downpour website that should have been created long ago, more specialized outlets like Lewd Gamer or deepfreeze, and important of all, a proper hub to weaponize and concentrate our autism. KiA is pozzed, and this breads are just to hard to focus on.
Still the majority of gamer around are pro-GG and support the fight against corruption. It's just our enemies, goons and SJWs have more proper, concentrated communities and more fronts to force and shove their lies and false narratives to people. The rational people just can't share their thoughts because there is no place for them to. I ain't saying we need to drag normalfags over here, just need proper hub for this god forsaken resistance, where silent people raise their voice and join the cause. No PR shit I'm talking about, just more concentrated, well built and sophicated place to talk about current OPs and plan, or having more meaningful and on-topic discussions that is not benis or trap.

All we can really say is: We told you so.

I can't find the tweet on the Twitter CEO giving money to antifa now.

Found the UK Looking into Lootboxes story, but it sounds more like "yeah we'll get on with that eventually, honest.":

So we can combine this with the recovered/archived data from the old wiki and just copy/paste the entries to rebuild it?

November 4th, they are either going to look really shitty for giving all this cash to antifa, or we're all fucked.

This is a very important point you made. There is indeed a lag of places to openly speak about the shit surrounding gamergate (corruption/agenda driven people/etc) and on the boards for the mass majority, plebbit, face nook and so on, are being heavily monitored. As long this system is like that there can nothing generate from it. it's like living in a manufactured worldpoor normalfags
How to breake this condition?

Blizzard permabanned someone for calling Doomfist African American


Yes, as far as I know. I poked around and I saw that all the pages are there, but I don't know if some of the entries are missing some things from the transfer.

The redditor I talked to said that it'll take some hours for the DNS changes to be visible to everyone. But I haven't tried editing yet.

ユダ公 (yudakou) is one of the mean names for merchants.
公 itself just means governmental or official.

I was talking about the wiki. Sorry for confusion.

They might be cannibalizing their own because credibility for this kind of shit is getting worse; though, the recent stuff with Hollywood might breathe new life into their bullshit.

Weren't they already declared a terrorist organization or was that fake news to make the commies feel like underdogs? Anyway, given that Soros stuff, I could see them actually attempting a revolution.

Their actions were (rightfully) declared as terrorism, but the organization itself wasn't, IIRC.

i want to commit a crime

I'm fully expecting an actual coup to take place while this is happening too. They see an opportunity and they will go for it. Soros didn't spend 3/4ths of his net worth on this for nothing. Tbh, I'm scared and frustrated about this shit, Soros can't die soon enough.

Also making new bread at 400 is doable but I don't think it would do much favor. Ir might even backfired and raise the shilling voice of crossposters to ban GG thread and topica on Holla Forums, although Mark want us to be here forever ever. Maybe stickying the GG thread for a certain day of week might be great idea. I think it would make progress and discussuin fast and more qualitier.


You're new if you haven't seen what happens to stickied threads here

How would they even prove malicious intent


Just an idea plz no buli
I thought making GG thread sticky for a day in a week would remind our identity and why are we here, and where we are. And also declaration against cancerous crossposters who wants to cuckchanize this place.
but considering the amount of shills and shitposters you might be right

There is no other way, we must make our own. No other would make a place for us, no way. If we make a well-maintained, well built with nice interface hub for those gamers who silenced, it will eventually grow, if we just somehow manage the shills and goons. The avarage, majoroty of gaymurs are tired od Cucktaku and NeoFAG bullshit, but there's just no place to talk about things that are 'forbidden'. Inviting normalfags here shouldn't be happen so i suggest to make a website for them, by our own hands.

I pity the poor bastard. Imagine watching this over and over again, and times that by thousands of people just like this, and that's what you're dealing with.


Most TV is like this, except for a few gems like twin peaks. I still can't get over how good the revival was.

OK, uh… I'd seen that video before, but I only now noticed. At the 6th second mark, someone who seemingly isn't there appears for just a minute on the left. Possibly the boom operator or something. I sincerely hope I'm wrong and it's just another character but it genuinely looks like these incompetent fucks let someone get into the shot by accident and kept it when editing…

If want to stop cuckchanization you have to bully the newfags so that they go back to lurking until they get a hang of the culture. The worst thing you can do here is establish an identity

I'm trying to start up IPFS to at least create a distributed network for at least the breads (I don't think I have the hardware to store every archived article too), but I only have my laptop which is hooked on to a decent network during the afternoons.

IPFS is based on Blockchain.

Just report them until they get banned/will go away.

Some dev once said how important it was for them so they could follow GG stuff. I'll start to collect important shit on a txt file every now and then

Stickies would make more harm than good. Even though revoltards pretty much fucked off from these threads they still browse Holla Forums and never lose an opportunity to cry about GG and shit up the thread onwards. All we need to do is to keep our heads up everytime there's a commotion (like some journo fucking up, a sexpest being found out, etc) and then make a thread about it and post links and infographs with past transgressions. Make people gravitate towards us instead of giving the impression we are forcing them to join in

Yeah that's better idea. Pardon my shit idea. Making occasional major happening on-topic GG related threads on Holla Forums now and then and bully the fuck out of those revoltrads and SA who scream to ban the goober from those threads is better idea. I can't believe how crossposter population increased recently. Cuckchan might banning the fuck out of these cucks right now.

This? I'm not a fan of that show, but I doubt another character entered the frame when they weren't visible when the shot went back to the young girl.

The entire r&m situations feels artificial to me. Six months ago it was still mostly just popular online and hardly mentioned IRL, but now suddenly it's everywhere.
It's like how when dark souls 2 came out everyone and their mom suddenly knew about how EPICLY HARD XD it was and uploaded their shit to youtube, even though the first game wasn't all that popular or known among normalfags.

Is it the dark souls of cartoons now?

So it's someone from the shooting crew who fucked up and was visible for a second there then.

Yea its weird, it gets some unfunny women on the writing team and apparently has the worst season so far and NOW it explodes in popularity?

You're probably right. Also you need a really high IQ to appreciate both.


Hello newfriend

I like Stardew Valley


Get out

to be fair, those were tabs I actually had open, I just left it in because it's amusing.

Go easy on him.

Demons and Dark Souls are actually really easy games that only seem difficult because they were so different at the time. Dark Souls 2 was marketed as a super difficult game but it's also a significantly harder game between the scenarios it throws at you and how much more difficult it is to parry and backstab enemies.

Yeah, that's the joke and he fucking missed it. So fuck him.

Sad part is, this is pretty standard fare for a school sexual awareness campaign. I see your Rick and Morty and raise you a twerking tiger.

DSP can beat it, anyone can. Hell, he even beat Cuphead, Game Journos have no excuse.


I know right, stardew valley what a degenerate.


It wasn't particularly difficult, just stupidly annoying

The huge range of the alonne knights actually made it easy as fuck, you never have to fight where the archers can shoot at you.

a sticked thread would also bring people in who do not care at all. It is a double harm.
Making a thread earlier on might help but on the other hand:

crossposter who want gg banned have no chance on Holla Forums since mark want these thread forever to be existing. Of course it will raise the shilling since they have to do overtime and can't just go to sleep past 300. Auto anker gg thread at 400 so it doesn't look spammed in the catalog and start a new thread around 400. Let see how this works for a week.

A fucking gay leaf

Try living up here and not crave dick. Seriously, there's something in the water in this country.

Shit taste.

Yeah, I thought it was a pretty fun level since you had to pull knights and fight them in the archer's blind spots. The little trap rooms were cool too.

S4T did nothing wrong!

He did everything wrong but at least he was right. Kind of.

What? His dad actually was a pedophile?



Nintendo Switch update brings video capture (to Zelda, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, ARMS & Splatoon 2), profile transfers (including save data) to another Switch and pre-purchases in the eShop


but that's false.

I doubt it, user. The dude is mentally insane. But at least his early days of digging were elaborating.

What is the point of this when it doesn't alter the rating at all?

Remember Aron Ra? it is sad to see him turn into a big faggot.

But well, those are old times.

He always behaved like a fucking spineless faggot, since the atheism plus bullshit.

FE:Warriors is garbage.

I'm still waiting for when MaleGoddess/Swami/JapaneseLettuceHardcore is revealed to be a child molester. Calling it now, he's going to go to prison at some point.

it's about the thread of "sexual violence" in the description. australia is pc as fuck so it could have been a risk for a future ban or at least controversy because some idiot parent/feminist stumbled upon it.


Oh yeah, I thought he was one of the guys against Atheisn +, but now I remember he was one of the faggots who joined in.

So what they're saying is I could sell 15-dollar "everyone's a winner" lotto tickets where the overwhelming majority of the tickets give out 1 or 2 dollars, and it wouldn't be considered gambling, since everyone would be guaranteed a reward? Am I reading that right?

When the original is not really like the book that it's based off, what are you going to say when the remake of the "original" is not the same?

I enjoyed the original when it came out and also like the book. Is it even worth a bootleg watch? Because I'm not supporting reboots

As if they wouldnt make that 0,01 dollars so you technically always get a reward :^)

I don't know for what purpose these rating boards still exist.
They are useless.


It's a joke, they are being raided so they need to check the authenticity of the users.

This. The original text read "In order to help the community, Voat is checking your bits."

Only by New Jersey I believe.

They exist to fuck over superior nip games

And to get paid big bucks as a nonprofit whenever a game company makes a game that gets rated above the targeted rating and has to get rerated, and to probably take secret payoffs to ensure all those big triple Ayy games with extreme violence like Mortal Kombat never get rated above M.

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were getting money under the rug from the loot crate companies.

Think you are confusing that with American Chinese Fried Rice.



But there is no such thing as free speech in the UK, free speech is a muriclap thing.

They mean they'll fine anyone that bans a member of an approved ideological group.

Like he said, there's no such thing as free speech in the UK.

Remember, to them, hate speech isn't free speech. So they think they have free speech, but they don't.

So, the British government is going to bankrupt every single university when a lesbian tries to hold an event, but is then banned by the Muslim group for double Haram, which is then told to piss off by the Jewish group, and just continues on diw the "Hurt feels" list.

Is this the new double nigger?

I think it's because it's harder to attach real world value to shit you get from crates

This is just basing it off of BF4's battlepack system though. I think the structure of the individual loot crate system is the important variable here. The player doesn't really stand to lose, but either breaks even with what he spent and what he got in value, or lucks and gets more. I'm not the best at math and probability so feel free to correct me here. I was really only to assume the worth of an Advanced item in a New Cummer Crate (BF4's Silver pack) by looking at the Manko Polo crate (BF4's Gold pack)

I was referring to the fact that not just any woman was speaking, but a gay woman. Also, how does the Muslim religion treat lesbians? The multiple wifes must be up to some fun of their own while their husband is off "Allah Akbar"ing.

allahu akbar

That comparison to CCGs is complete bullshit because there's usually no secondary market to sell or trade your unwanted drops/cards (and doing so may violate the ToS in some games)

Also cards are actual physical products and not bits of 1s and 0s

And even in the case of Hearthstone, you can at least exchange unwanted cards for currency to acquire cards you want. So it's not like unwanted stuff is complete junk.

Well, there are these scan cards for arcade machines.

where the hell did this come from

(you) are the reason I stopped caring about gaymangay

You're retarded user

Anons, I've tried creating a new account or logging into GG wiki, but they won't let me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if I have to wait it out for further information. Like seeing that "Yes, I can log in" but it was acting weird earlier or "I need to make a new account." I hope you, Anons, have better luck than me.


Activity drops out of nowhere because it doesn't show up on the first few pages of the catalog anymore user
This applies to every thread that gets past 300, which is why I hope cakeboy raises the bump limit soon, especially with Holla Forums's lowered activity in general.

Excellent job user
Weird ass domain name though

Doesn't freezepage work for vice or something? and then you can archive the freezepage?

Meh. At least he'll learn blizzard is shit if he hasn't already.

Like you said it is largely dependant on the system in place. Surprisingly, EA has some of the best lootbox value on a per purchase basis. If i buy a single premium box, i get more stuff than many other companies offer but there is usually no system in place for duplicates so multiple purchases quickly decrease in value.

Valve's crates on the other hand are extremely luck based, you might as well play a slot machine if you want resale value on your purchase. CS;GO crate content, for instance, varies from 2 cents to 500 dollars.
This used to be extremely exploitable in the early days of the steam market, without most of the inhibiting rules in place. You could hit critical mass in a cycle that i used. You would buy keys and open crates until you got good items, then you sold those items, finally selling your account on a shady website for non-steambux and then start the process again on a new account. After a few cycles, this became profitable.

I'm not sure which company/game was the first to introduce lootboxes into the industry. Probably Valve or some Free-to-play MMO.

Ik, but I can't log in or create a new account. I'm waiting to see if they're cleaning up the kinks before they let anyone in.

The wiki admin stops by this thread from time to to so he might see this. You might have to leave a post asking for help in each new bread till he drops in and responds. Or if there's an option somewhere on the wiki site to send him an email your could try that.

Thanks, I can't wait to add more info and fix whatever messes that I did to the wiki.

Hey, user, I've tried logging in and/or creating a new account for the GG wiki. But it doesn't work, help please.

Looks like he felt the burn.



that was a weak burn, I mean you have a struggling family business but he would lend a pass the big corporation that most probably are the reason why his company is struggling?

Someone needs to introduce these niggers to a pareto distribution. The whole, "1% has 90% of the wealth, therefor this is a problem," falacy needs to die. Things naturally stack up in this way, be it mate selection in chimps or emoji selection on Twitter.



Everything aGG claimed GG was guilty of was really a projection of their own guilt. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing.

and Galko's hairy asshole

That was a pretty good way of cutting through his political bullshit. Hopefully a few normalfags picked up on that.

Impressive to manage to get a politician to admit they were lying for a nice sounding soundbite.

I want to sniff galkos hairy butthole tbh

Accuse others of your own sins is a tactic as old as civilization.

Man, even cruz is going "this guy is a moron"

Cruz also completely destroyed him in a previous debate, pathetic really.


The question was "Why would you not want a tax cut for all americans?"
This does not constitute a yes to the question of whether or not he wanted tax cuts for all americans. He never claimed he did and the question was "why?" he didn't, not whether or not he did. He then explained why he didn't want a tax cuts for all Americans, just the middle class and below. Then Cruz repeated himself as if his question wasn't answered.

Cruz Conrad*


Another one too, Rupert Myers. Surprised this wasn't posted yet. I wonder if all these accusations are coordinated?

our glorious leader is so autistic he can't even wank properly


But, he still didn't answer the question of why he doesn't want tax cuts to also apply to wealthy people. To paraphrase, he just said "They have money they shouldn't have."His only defense was to bring up the "Estate tax", which is a complete red herring (If this article is to be believed): archive.fo/2r60G


came into video games from japanese mobile games. "gacha" systems.

Just use petroleum jelly/vaseline.

you what?



Link/archive faggot

Someone should tell cruz he has a better chance to win canada and make bank than in the states.


Coordinated or not, the rate at which these these callouts or happening are quite impressive recently. I think that makes two reports that hit here today.
Mombot's field day never ends



it was posted last thread

use archive.org instead to archive retarded shit please

Jesus Christ, Mark.


Yes let's waste bandwidth archiving random shit. Don't complain when the site is overloaded and we can't archive actual important stuff


Whatever happened to that Horror show that was using Trump and some cult
is it over yet?


gee I wonder who could be behind this

Didn't swami write some weird stuff to that YT little girl. The one that was kind of aware of the whole media bullshit Carbis or something like that

Both are spergs and it's funny to see chimp outs.

???? you think archiving random shit will bring archive.is to it's knees? I have the archive.is bookmark and I constantly archive random shit. Holla Forums threads, articles, even shit that I wont click again.

I have a better suggestion: Why not archive it on both sites? And, have a Freezpage archive of it as well?

His reason is "They have more than enough money and don't need the tax cuts". He answered the question. It may have been a shitty answer, but it's still an answer.

How do you think archiving a page works? Every time you archive something you send a request that Archive.is has to answer so not only you're are wasting computing time but also hard drive space on some random tweet from a random sperg. Archive.is is constantly on the red (nobody donates them shit) and freezes quite often, every time you offload shit to Archive.org you help making the former more stable for when you actually need it. The moment Archive.is goes tits up everything we dug the past years go straight to the toilet

If it is important then archive wherever and how many times you wish, all I'm asking is to avoid archiving random shit on Archive.is so it can stay stable and usable for when a happening takes place and we need to save important shit. Archive.org has the support from many tech companies and can afford saving a lot of shit, Archive.is doesn't

Ether the other user is too autistic for your arguments to matter or he's just trolling you.

What makes you think I don't know how archiving works? I think their servers are able to handle the shit we throw at them. I never noticed any freeze ups or down times or anything and I constantly use archive.is.

I doubt it. Harvey Weinstein's takedown was what encouraged them to step forward with their claims, as they've seen that these media lords are not as untouchable as they appear to be.

About seven in 2 weeks, all within the timeframe of the revelations of Weinstein's misdeeds.

What I've noticed more are the rats that are running away, purging their social media accounts and going off the grid. They clearly have their own skeletons to hide, but had the sense to disconnect before it's their turn to get caught.

And that's only some of them. Plenty of people come out and talking about either how they didn't know, or they talking about how they knew and how "I feel so guilty, I should have said something," etc etc so that way they can distance themself before someone mentions they knew it was going on. Plenty of people speaking out are using it as a political move.

>what encouraged them to step forward with their claims, as they've seen that these media lords are not as untouchable as they appear to be.
to throw everyone that jilted them under the bus before they get thrown there instead

a bit of this too.

It does make one as an observer wonder if this is just another tactic: diluting the pool as it were, so as to make the genuine reports indistinguishable from the spurious allegations. Especially as a lot of the accusers aren't exactly spotless, and in many cases just as guilty as the accused (only that it's not their time to be shoved under the spotlight).

That too.

I don't think anyone saying he forced himself on him are lying, but Jennifer Lawrence specifically spoke out about how she had no idea it was going on, but since it was it was super bad. And Tarantino claims he knew it was happening but did nothing. Those two are pulling political moves to make sure they've distanced themselves before someone leaks some audio from a party or something like that. Tarantino for instance gets to claim, if someone hears him laughing at Harvey talking about what he did, that he already mentioned he knew about it and how badhe already feels about it. He gets to "learn his lesson" without being run through the ringer.

As usual most of it simply are opportunists smelling blood on the water and joining in for their 15 min of fame. Also a good opportunity for those who slept their way to the top to take revenge on those old dicks they had to suck while virtue signaling and trying to come up with a clean rep at the same time

You say that like it's a bad thing.

There's ancap too user.

Pretty sure archiving ignores a lot of the bloat that websites have from ads and other scripts. Once archived, it seems to load a lot faster than the site proper.

Holy fuck I see those everywhere.
Someone find and murder me.

I am sad, for 2 reasons.

1. Mombot got a Like from Trump Jnr. This pushes her prominance up a level. Now, instead of anti-GG ecelebs hunting her dox, it's now well-funded SuperPACs and DNC donors willing to shell out thousands to private investigators. Just like Milo, she's going to be HUNTED.

2. Patreon is ramping up their 'Trust & Safety' rules, banning "fringe" adult content, and will only allow "acceptable". Pretty much ALL GG artists will be removed, because Vivian & Lillian are cousins, violating the "no incest" clause, and people will claim Gilda is a minor. And the "no suggestive sexual violence" can be used to remove practically anything. And just like Google & Youtube, there's no realm competition, and they know it.

These two things make me sad. The bad thing hasn't happened yet… but it's coming. We can see it.

I don't understand, why a tiger?
Don't these people understand what they're invoking?

Mom seems like she's too smart to get doxxed, all she has to do is make sure her real name isn't tied at all to the mombot account and she'll be fine

I already have her full dox and feet pics

You only have her feet pics user don't lie

Patreon can get fucked if they're going to be ideological about who they allow to be funded on their platform. They're acting out the same pathology all the major social media websites have in the past. I wouldn't be worried, though. Just like in the past, other alternatives will pop up for the market they create when they ban people. Hell, that's why most of us are here and not in some other shit-hole on the internet.

They wont waste or money hunting a noone, milo was doing meat space things, which made him a threat.

The college in question has a tiger for a mascot.

Hi 9volt.

Why do you retards even keep drawing this literal SJW attempt at co-opting OC. She's a Vivian recolor and that's it. In what made up fairy tale land of make-believe are they related?

Well that's what you get for humoring Reddit

why did we spend a whole night editing tumblr trying to coop vivian by making her an sjw?
Because we can.

You spent all this time doing something simply because you can, but you never asked the question of if you should.
Where is that line from?

…and then drawfags can make porn of her

Jeff Goldblum says it in Jurassic Park.

Thanks user. Have some fine wine.

The poster was probably made by an actual furfag.

The mirrored version of the wiki (created because of the domain name of the old one going down, though the admin has said he's now aware and plans to fix the issue) doesn't know your login information and hasn't enabled account creation yet for some reason.

plus the benefit of butthurt is nice


Article about the firing:

He's anti-GG of course:

Post from when he left Gawker Media:

Two in one day - and Lockhart Steele seems like a big one.


A tweet linking to a tweet with nothing but screenshots. I swear, twitter must be misinfo central with all the shitty screenshots getting mixed in with the edits.

Here's the awl article: archive.is/LI50B

But what if the archive's benis?

Holyshit that looks fun.

Why do consoles never get any of this good shit with rhythm games and are stuck with Guitar Hero or Just Dance?
Project Diva is decent, but it doesn't fill the same hole shit like this and DDR fill. The only places where you can find these rhythm games (Excluding DDR) is at anime conventions, a Dave and Busters, or on your phone (Where it's close, but just not the same).

Depends on what your "good" is, user.



Forgot about that game as I can also get it for the Vita TV.
I can only get DJ Max Portable 3 (Because it's the only DJ Max title compatible with the Vita TV, Fuck you, Sony, for gimping your own hardware and blacklisting the library when homebrew has proven that it's fully capable of doing everything a regular Vita can do with the only exception being the camera). How good is that one?
Tried all three of Rayark's rhythm games on my phone, and I ended up preferring Cytus.

Trump Jr. is smart enough that if they go through with hit articles based on this he'll just tweet something like "I noticed liberal journalists were revealed to be harassing women and the media is trying to turn it into a conspiracy theory. Lol."

Culvers has a "Double Mushroom and Swiss" on their regular menu. It's pretty good, especially if you add sauteed onions (free).


I'm actually in Florida. Not that that user will ever be able to try it because he's from the land of banned loli.

Damn Florida was the one other place I knew had culvers because of reviewbrah

I remember that movie.

My body felt horribly after watching it and I was just a kid.

Which one?

The one from the webm. I don't remember the name but it was a movie I saw when I was 5 or 6.

Miracle Mile
I never got that far into it. I should set some time aside to finish it.

I drew this


Neat. Do you do commissions?

Goddamn, those are extremely pointed.

That's pretty dang nice !
Are you panda and stealing art again
Or Marche and literally stealing artists' money on twitter again

Starting to think that user that was surmising that sexual blackmail was involved with these virtue signaling journalists way back in 2014 might have been right. There is too many for it to not be a coincidence, sexual blackmail-ability might be a hiring requirement for journalism.


Pretty standard. I played DDR with controllers on the PS and it's more or less the same experience. Playing Rhythm games on a tablet was eye-opening. Bloody Purity FTW

Check out Lanota as well.

I like how Voez's songs move around a bit to mess with the player. Not liking that I have to download songs each time I want to play them.

Beautiful, user. Good work! And you turned Viv thicc or into an ara! Bonus points for the people here who are into that.

Is there a name for this? When a flat chested girl or loli wears a top too big and it hangs forward?

GG confirmed for pedophile scum.


Had the rest of your post not been present I would have thought you were serious, user.



2D =/= 3D you degenerate faggot. Neck yourself pedosexual.

Maid Dragon is fucking degenerate holy shit.

I'll admit, I chuckled. Cheers m8

I like that serious expression on Vivian's face. I wonder if she's out on business and Gilda is just being herself, or if she's being extra vigilant to protect Gilda while she has her fun, or maybe she just got stuck as a chaperone and is pissed off about it.

Being flat. I don't know what kind of keyword you can use to just find more of that, like how bursting_breasts is a common tag, but you should find it with size swapping/attribute theft stuff sometimes.


"loose clothes" needs to be a tag on the panda.



Ha, I knew that literal motherfucker would.
His comics: e621.net/pool/show/11281

No, KYM is becoming much like baitfeed. But they still have their old articles.

Still hard to believe that he got a show on nick with these floating around. Then again the jewish ogre behind steven universe did ed, edd and eddy porn.

I want to pat Teagan's head.

those are two separate people

Oh, those aren't the original comics.

I'm a faggot. The thumbnails looked like his work.
Got it from Jewglefunnyjunk.com/Eddie puss comics/funny-pictures/6214667/

What cancerous show is that so I know what to give extra hatred towards?

I have no mouth and I must scream.

Here, have this.

Is Koe no Katachi absolute kinography?

Can't read your webm, fag.
Also what the fuck there's an animé of koe no katachi ?! Had no idea. I'm ready for the tears again.

From the kike who made 2 1/2 men and the big bang theory, we present mom, a show about recovering alcoholics who exhibit so many idiotic traits and general idiocy you wonder why they are even alive. and the adults are anything but.

It's not a webm

Why is he trying to rape that girl?

He's not, he's trying to beat the shit out of her for helping him and he doesn't realize it. It's even sadder than that sounds.

Read the manga, or watch the animé since apparently there's an animé and no one told me.
You'll cry harder than you have in ten years combined user. God knows you need it.

What's with the é in your anime? Also the movie is much better, cuts a lot of bloat that the manga had, specially past the 4-5th volume, although if you for some reason liked the subplots from all the secondary characters, you might not like the movie, oh and it's a 2 hour movie not a tv anime.

Well "animé" comes from "dessin animé" in french, so that's how it's supposed to be written. Pleb.
But thanks for the info, the fact it's a film might be why I didn't hear about it.

how am I able to access a thread over a year old? 8ch.net/v/res/9993328.html

It's a bug where the old experimental 8ch native archive randomly works and saves threads.



holy shit val kill yourself

I unironically subbed to PDP last month. Even now after his cringe brofist phase, he's very hit or miss, but I don't know I've grown to kinda like his newer content.

Ops, meant to

Nigger, it comes from the "anima" in "animation." The Japnese don't understand how the eglish language works and pronounce shit randomly.

He's not completely anti-SJW and he still retains some normalfag cancer, but ever since the NYT thing and being let go of YT Red, it's freed him to do more things that he likes instead of sucking up to YT and the audience.

And what he likes sometimes just so happens to redpill his million subs.

For plebs, maybe.

I still find it hilarious that a Holla Forumsirgin doing a parody of shitty let's plays became the king of shitty let's plays on fucking accident.

As someone who's, shall we say, contributed to Omni-mixes, there's a huge policy on not showcasing many of these current BEMANI games at cons since they aren't supposed to run without linked to Konami's servers. That won't stop you from "procuring" these game for your home computer to run, however, if you know how to "sow" the seeds.

Great drawings! We need more Gilda art

You can use animé in baguette, not in English.

I bought the new WWE game and I can notice by playing online that everyone bought the stat buff for the beginning.

Is kinda upsetting to wait hours to get a mach just to be paired with someone outleveling you and using P2W shit.



The Onion knows how to make me chuckle

Is that why some anons want to increase the bump limit?

EVERY SINGLE TIME. The list keeps getting longer and longer.

IN the meantime the worst our side has is Ralph fighting cops who woke him on a park bench. Oh and Spaghetti4truth allegedly committing patricide.

Off topic, but who was the anti-GG guy who is accused of murder? I forget his name.

the latter which went full gon and agg if I recall.

there are threads I wish I could access, I still feel like a shit not archiving the anondev who worked on epic mickey.

Both went anti-gg barely months after it all started though. And their content has been banned and filtered even earlier than that.


I think Spaghetti dropped GG pretty early, but Ralph hanged on to it until it looked like it wasn't going to make him any more money. Both always hated Holla Forums and our thread though as far as I remember.

You know, with all these rape allegations because a guy held a door for a woman flying around lately with the #metoo witch hunt, I am conflicted. First because most of them are probably false and invented to get some sweet sweet likes and retweets, second because those accused were male feminist who helped build this climate of fear. I should feel bad, but I don't.

Maybe it's confirmation bias on my part, but I would think some degree of accusations are true given the atmosphere in Hollywood. It is interesting that for the most part most of the METOO accusers vaguely mention being raped/molested/harassed by unnamed hollywood bigwigs, but those naming names are naming journalists.

If I'm being conspiratorial, that metoo shit was launched to overshadow the hollywood sexual abuse by letting non-sexual abuse take the center stage.

Makes sense, they sacrifice pawns to save the bishop.

Silly question, does anyone remember what SJW bullshit Dunky spewed a few months ago? I remember there being a mini-drama about it.

Are you kidding me. It's a wholesome show about life, work, family, relating to others and one's place in society.

Jontron-related perhaps? Idk

Sounds degenerate to me

Who's a bakin'?

how about you?

Ah…I'll look into it. In the meantime, here's a topic with some fun discussion:

Alright, get to shit posting, bread is in the oven.

Even worse: A male feminist. Who wanted to "start a discussion" by using such a provocative picture.

But the only discussion a picture like that would start is how every furfag needs to be gassed.

His thing is sports and videogames. Now what has been happening in the world of sports over the last few months?

NFL has had it's lowest ratings ever, and they finally told the players to stop the knee shit.

I recall Goodell later retracting that statement. I could be wrong, though.

It's a real shame the league turned into a political shitstorm this season, because it's been pretty damn bananas otherwise

Exactly, rating in sports are declining, sharply in the NFL, and in a lesser extent for the other sports. That's why I think Event's views are going down. Normalfags are ditching sportsball.


Is there wall funding?


Still post in these thread from time to time but people didn't want to pay for disruption of GG anymore as it died.

Still post on Holla Forums just not much in here.

What ? Dunkey never said anything close to SJW shit. Quite the contrary actually.



Figured I might as well shitpost to 700 since no one else is doing it and I have other shit to do.
New Bread:
New Bread:
New Bread:

someone needs to make a anti-gg/male feminist sexual harassment allegation version of this
