How would a roguelike based on this image be?
How would a roguelike based on this image be?
perhaps itd be better as a cave exploring game with underwater segments
and of course theres some spooky stuff in those caves, most of which tries to kill you or worse
Mysterious cave place that's like the zone from Stalker in that there are valuable artifacts and weird creatures in it, you dive to find them, and sell them to purchase equipment.
So Spelunky but underwater
I can dig it
disregard that part, but if theres underwater parts then theres cave diving
it'd be a randomly procedurally generated game, like space engine, except with caves
It might make for a good RL where there is an air clock instead of a hunger clock, and you have to continually scavenge the spare air tanks of those who died before you to survive.
The upper levels would just be mundane stuff like worthless junk and wildlife, but as you go down odd creatures and treasures would start showing up that would eventually escalate into outright spoopiness at the bottom floors.
but there wouldnt be any spare air tanks that have air in them user
theyd all be empty because they'd been there for so long
there are no refills underwater; to get more air you gotta come back up
and no the game wouldnt be designed in such a way that the benefits of cave diving would stop so far down the cave; greed could compel you to go further at the risk of your own life
you would go into the underwater cave and keep exploring until you die so like every other rogue I guess
>go down to atlantis
It's a roguelite but let the faggot have his dream and don't derail the thread
It's vidya, who cares whether the air tanks actually could last that long.
The objective is to grab as much treasure and get out.
Exactly 30 minutes from now, I will post my vagina. And exactly 31 minutes from now, I will delete the post.
I'll be waiting faggot
>many dead divers will be in these tunnel systems
>some enemies later on in the game may fuck with these
well nigger?
What you're asking for is basically ecco the dolphin with randomly generated levels. Please reconsider
Why wouldn't it be top down?
I think OP's asking for something a bit closer in spirit to Subnautica with more randomness and less Minecraft aspects to it.
he said roguelike, faggot
Like this.
>Get to a certain point where there's no more water
>You've reached the inner earth
>It's basically hell and it's full of monstrosities
>The rest of the game is going to take place on dry land and from the looks of it there's going to be more magma than water
>yfw you already mutated gills and have level 20 in swimming
I think it wouldl be good if it had a lung system.
Every move you consume a point of air in your lungs, when it gets to half the max capacity, it refills with the air in the tank if there is one.
It would allow to not instantly die if you lose the tank, but to be able to get another one.
Well I imagine the only loot is on other dead divers. Perhaps you can loot your dead body on a new life to get further. Rare airpockets refill your tank, and running away from predators drains your tank faster. As well as getting in a tight spot would stress the diver and use more oxygen.
Probably like Let It Die, but with underwater caves instead of a tower.
You just blow some bubbles and wala.
It would be shit.
Not even once.
I would be fun
What would a roguelike based on this image be like?
Don't derail.
Looks like Nu Males' Sky but with fairies. Still a better game than Sean Murray is capable of making.
Having your life support system get damaged in Everspace kinda reminds me of this premise. You have to make a judgement call between jumping to the next zone or scavenging for the materials you need to fix it, and all the while your character is slowly running out of air and getting closer to suffocating.
Unless they're giant, these aren't going to be a threat to divers.
You really didn't think this through.
You could potential go the opposite way where you are some sort of merfolk evading capture and attempting to collect trinkets from divers of varying difficulty, from scuba divers to submersibles. I think it would require a fairly complex combat system like DF so you can sabotage them yanking at things and throwing coral and shit at them.