
>>133671777Its funny, in a recession everyone is trying to save money and cut down spending which only deepens the recession.

>extremely secretive about his personal life>no close relationships with anyone, including his family>transient, shallow hook ups with slutty women>forced, overly macho personaHe was in the closet.

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>>133673594This sounds like a gay guy forcing his gay inclinations onto a character. Go away, BF.

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>>133672877I vaguely recall some post-Nemesis story for Jae... probably fan fic but might be books. You'll never guess what happens to her: she becomes captain of her own ship.

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>>133673594Delete your first two points and it matches with the character of Mac, who in later seasons was revealed to be gay.

This is obviously the facial hair of a gay man.

Attached: Malcolm_Reed,_2165.jpg (468x450, 15.19K)

>>133674040He has so much pent up cocklust in his eyes


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>>133674244>I suppose we should call it a /thread

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