Is this true?
thats not real freedom, it takes away ones right to opress!
t. rightwingers
I can imagine someone saying that.
Green is invaded by the other squares and then also oppressed.
What about the Militias?
green should be oppressed by spooks
guerilla tactics become obsoleted by robot armies
I mean that's true.
depends what you mean by freedom. Virtually all our actions affect other people all our actions are inspired by outside causes. To say some of these actions are ok but some are oppressive seems pretty arbitrary. At least to me.
lmao change it to "oppressed by not-a-state" and we're good.
Yes. Freedom from the state, freedom from wage slavery.
It's the only way, user.
But you see, The problem with this is that, by implying anarchists use a dildo instead of a weapon, just proves that in aproper anarchist society has no necessity for weapons, as the oppressive forces are long gone
Basically anarchists spend all day fucking, while the other sectors are starving, getting exploited or both
I quite clearly implies anarchists use a dildo as a weapon, not instead of.
I think it's a dig at anarchist impotence.
Thats pretty nice.
Anarchists are the Bonobos of the political world.
I'm a 'needs of the many' state socialist and I'm still in the very bottom left corner, doesn't mean shit
Nice damage control marxists
Just accept the fact that you are an edgy incel and join the winning side, a union of egoists is inevitable, we need men like you to fuck antifa chicks
Do female black bloc even exist? I've never seen them
of course it is
how in any way could a overbearing power structure you have no control over be any form of Liberation?
sure statists,sure
100% true comrade
Capitalists aren't "Companies" but whatever.
Is a few weeks of "freedom" really worth getting crushed by fascists though? Can't we do this right for once?
It's by a trumpfag lolbert, I'd say it's about muh fun.
That's because they're dressed in all black.
bottom right would require state oppression in order for companies to exist.
Probably the most accurate political compass I've seen in my lifetime.
what about drone-bombs made in workshops?
this is actually not so bad
You don't have a gender in a black bloc. It's like being user, but irl