Antifa faggots BTFO

Antifa assaults a Trump supporter, he shoots back in self-defense which is ruled legitimate by the police.

Why are leftists such fucking pussies who will only riot, assault people for their views, and destroy innocent people's property in cucked disarmed shithole states like California? States with gun laws that are extremely strict and have no stand your ground.

They will never pull this shit off in states Texas where a shitton of people carry.

Other urls found in this thread:

The antifa was acting in self-defence.

lol cool thread op, heres ur le upboat

we American leftists are peaceful larpers who decry all violence, we just want our voices heard by burning a few trashcans tbh fam

Did you forget about the Austin Mautists doing an open carry this quickly? You guys have the memory of goldfish.

i normally don't condone smashies but seeing all these triggered trash-kin is pretty amusing

No he wasn't. The antifa dipshit was a fucking faggot who was assaulting somebody because he supported Trump and was there to attend the Milo speech. You anfaggots are beyond fucking retarded.

MEIN GOTT every fucking time

Also destroying Starbucks.

Uh, no. He was defending himself against fascism. The Trump supporter was attacking him in the name of fascism.

Starbucks is a symbol of capitalist oppression


Think of the children

If we're all just latte liberals hanging out at starbucks buying over priced coffee and bitching about capitalism, why would we smash one up? Where do you think we're going to go to quench are thirsts after a hard day of rioting?


You assaulted Spencer because he was saying things you disagree with.


The media is on your side idiot.

Leftists have been increasingly aggressive as of late being the ones who instigate violence by punching anybody who supports Trump and rioting by destroying and vandalizing businesses and property.

You got your just deserts. You act likr the brownshirts.

mein gott!

Tip top kek. I give it a 2/10 comrade.

While antifa is assaulting Trump peons and killing trashcans and property that is all under insurance anyway, Milo gets to go on all media channels and gain sympathy from centrists and center left liberals, and the alt right arguments gains even more media attention enough to put Trump in office.

At the end of the day the alt-right is a lot closer to Trump ideologically then larpy antifa anarcho cucks were ever to Obama or Clinton

I don't blame him. These antifa faggots are literally just attacking other working class when they should be seizing control of the NY stock exchange. I'm glad Antifa got shot.

Lurk more.
Why do you have a problem with workers managing their workplaces?

We're just trying to impress her


And I don't give a shit if someone punched that faggot's mug. It amkes it look even more pathetic once anyone sees he was talking about a fucking cartoon frog.
Talk shit, get hit.

Like what? Four lanky fuccbois open carrying who wouldn't even be able to handle the recoil of their guns?

You antifa only try punching and assaulting people over free speech in leftist shithole disarmed cities and states like Cali, Chicongo, and DC.

I wear my MAGA hat every day and carry. If any of you fucklets tries to assault me over it, I'll send you to meet that fat fuck NEET kike Marx in heaven.



They aren't ours.

SJW tier.

In this case it was get hit, get shot you dumb anfaggot retard. :^)

You can't assault people over their views dumb fuck. The law is not on your side.

I pray the antifa riots in my state so I can show up with buddies ready to clap any of you faggots who tries to assault people over feee speech.

There is literally no reason to walk near antifa protesters unless you are instigating a fight. IMO anyone who intentionally seeks out an antifa protest to be a counter-protester is by definition guilty of instigating violence.

Here's the thing.

I don't give a fuck if you hate Trump, Nazis or whatever. But you deserve to get shot if you're going to assault people because they wear a hat you don't like.

That's just so whiny. I don't even like antifa but you're forcing me to appreciate them. Is that the best you really have "Oh why don't you respect everyone's opinion, man"-type garbage?

You don't even believe in it that shit its just a talking point for nomies:

Also this is an open carry board and pro-tip in America you can carry even in deep blue cities like Jew York

Untrigger yourself for long enough to respond.

The lifestyle ones at least.

not if we shoot first xaxaxaxax🍀🍀🍀

are you autistic? lurk more and stop being such a dipshit

Go back to reddit
Talk about being a bootlicking faggot
Larping is bad for you, kiddies

trash-kin sperging out hard that his trashcan family got hurt

nothing to see here

*pro-gun board

How so?

You faggots tried assaultinf somebody because they support a candidate and a person you don't like. You got shot in self defense. The police ruled it justifiable.

I am happy you anfaggots got justice served. You act like fucking niggers, rioting, looting and vandalizing properry and pepper spraying an innocent woman because she supported Trump.

woah its almost like people who support trump are racists

really mages me dink -:DDD

Boy do I have some news for you, friend.

Top wew

No. We are not antifa, and if we were, we would not be the people who did those things.
Is this hard for you to understand?

stop responding to this "humans vs orcs" tier fag please

To virtue signal.

Antifa are scrawny morons born into well-off white families. You are not working class people, but idiots who only want to smash and hit people because DUDE ANARCHY LMAO.

The guy who got shot in the OP in self defense was employed as a computer engineer.


well well well

If this is what you meant then literally kill yourself faggot.


You morons tried assaulting KKK members in California last year, who stabbed back in self defense.

And it was ruled justifiable self defense by the police.

To add insult to injury, the antifa morons who attacked the KKK members were CHARGED with assault.

Let's make this clear. The first amendment protects free speech. It also protects hate speech like KKK or WBC members holding up signs like "pray for more dead fags". This isn't Eurocuck or Cucknada where you can be arrested for denying the holocaust, giving a nazi salute or saying all Mudslimes are pig fuckers and refugees are rape committing ragheads.

If you physically assault these people in the US, they have every right to use force that is lethal in self defense. The law is not on your side leftist cunt.

No you can't.

stop LARPing
now fuck off

You just can't wrap your head around Holla Forums not being antifa can you? Do you have some form of brain damage cause it seems like it.

shooting fascists is self defence
it's not just your right, it's your obligation


That's not how it works you idiot. The antifa showed up to instigate violence. They were assaulting Trump supporters who showed up to support Milo.


It's not how it works you idiot. Those people have every right to express their freedom of speech in opposition to yours and not get physically assaulted. In the case that they do, they have every right to retaliate in self-defense up to using lethal force.

The true MAGA way.

Bored now.

This is now a PisPigGranddad thread.



It's almost like Trumpfags get their info from fake news and/or lie:
Funnily enough on my first trip to NYC a man shot doing a concealed carry shot himself at a theatre I was in. The shit is just harder to get then in a red state that doesn't mean you can't get it.

Please. I wish a nigga would. Please start rioting in Texas. You'll get shot by the working-class store owners when you vandalize their property, you'll get shot by Trump supporters when you glorious uprising and try committing aggravated assault because of that little red hat they're wearing.

You will never do this though. You keep your chimping to states and cities that do not allow the carrying of guns for self defense and lack stand your ground. States like California, New York, Chicago, and DC.

You are the biggest pussies to have ever existed. Hiding under your black masks. Again, pull this shit off in a right to carry and stand your ground state. You'll be the next Trayboon.


what's the latest from PPG? when was his last message?

Why's the rifle painted white and black?


He makes his money by selling his labor, doesn't he?

not wage-worker

pick one dipshit, it's not that complicated yet somehow marxist classes still escape you

There are no SYG laws in New York dipshit.

You cannot carry a gun as the permits are not shall-issue and are almost never given to the general public.

So does virtually every job you idiot.

this is what happens when your whole ideology is LARPing and you think everyone else's is about LARPing too

what kind of fag do you have to be to think socialists are recruiting literal factory workers in newsie hats from the last century?

He's alive and well

Guy's a savage. Probably came all over it.

Meant to

computer engineers are salaried employees who receive part of their "wage" in company stock

it's not helpful to equate a salaried workers and a wage worker. very different life experiences

…yes, and?

Are you only just now learning about what "working class" means for socialism? do you need a picture book to walk you through it?

Yes. Most people aren't capitalists, you idiot.

lmao, you really are clueless


And you think computer engineers who own nothing but their labor are bourgeois by comparison 😂👌🏻

Oh ok.

So why do you hate people who make 300k a year? Are you aware that most millionaires are actually self-made?

Gonna explain it to you like I would any 10 year old

Some people hire people for their labor. Those are "capitalists"

Everyone else is "not a capitalist"

I can come up with examples using animals and bright pictures if you give me some time and 10 year old is too high level for you

But shared class interest.
Wage work really sucks. Worker management would improve it.



Are you aware that most millionaires aren't you?

Could be a bit less hypocritical? Like next time when you come here please make choice between either unleashing your victim complex or going "your guy got fucked that proves for last that i don't have a small penis"

I don't hate people who make 300k a year. I don't hate capitalists either.


im sleep lmao

for probably the hundredth time, no one cares how much someone makes

we're against people living off surplus value of other people's work

the number matters for nothing


We are only in favour of antifa when it triggers visitors from Holla Forums.

Almost everything in that image is a lie my leftishit friend. Have an actual Chilean BTFO'ing thag meme image.

Pinochet is why Chile is the richest and most developed country in Latin America, while the rest are failed socialist shitholes.

Follow Allende my leftishit friend.

Typical right winger assumes other people's doctrines are based on emotion. We don't believe the capitalist model of employment is sustainable long term globally

You guys mostly agree but don't admit it. Hence all your autistic screeching about globalism and what not. You just haven't reached the step of realizing "maybe bending over backwards to make sure this keeps working in my country for a little bit longer isn't actually the best long term solution"

Now go pick up a book and read

CEOs are hired for their labor. They are paid in cash and stock.

I don't know man I don't get it

God you guys are so dumb. It's too easy.

Your whole ideology is based on "DUDE FUCK THE RICH MUH OPPRESHUN"

You routinely spout lies like how most of the rich were born with a silver spoon in their mouths when this is blatantly and utterly false.

You guys are fucking parodies. In a communist society, none of you fuccbois will be sweating blood and tears at the factories or the fields. You expect to be on your Macbooks when the "GLORIOUS REVOLUTION" happens. Being the NEET parasites that you are.

This is why China and Vietnam both dropped the socialist meme and became capitalists when Marx's theories weren't working, right?

cash and stock that constitutes value derived from the excess value of the labor

honestly you're wasting your time arguing with people here on their own terms on an ideology you clearly don't fully understand

even if you want to oppose an ideology wouldn't it make sense to read about it from the source rather than get into an imageboard fight about it and hope the person you're arguing can give you a second-hand knowledge on the topic on the fly?

There's literally a booklist linked to the top of the board. There's plenty of non-biased sources who give summaries by text or by video. Go read/watch one by someone not just out to "BTFO" socialism then come back when you know what you're fighting


we get it, you can't read
now fuck off

The enterprises of little parasites that usually try to exploit workers even harder then the big firms because their less efficient and have less of a war-chest to pay for improvements. Most of them also go bankrupt in less then five years and only a small portion of the population actually own one.

Thanks to the retarded burger definition of a small-business it can also be an enterprise of up to 500 people. In other words, not a mom and pop store.

And the closer the storeowners are to working class conditions typically means the closer they are to bankruptcy. "Self-employed" entrepreneurs is usually a euphemism for self-exploitation, many of the self-employed are just labelled that for the tax purposes by the big corporations pulling the strings

Let me let you in on two secrets about business:
1. you have to hire people to really make money
2. you get big or you die

Almost as if that Jewish """"NEET"""" you hate so much was right about capitalism's exploitative nature and tendency towards monopolization all along…

I use a commodore 64, retard


we're not LARPing factory workers
labour market has radically shifted and real economic models base themselves on current labour market and current workers

this is all high school level shit really, you should be embarrassed

I never said it was you idiot. The people that work there though are working-class, so are the managers.

Antifa are retards. They've vandalized small businesses before simply because they want to wreck havoc and destruction.

The funny thing is that if you actually lived in the USSR, and did the same shit you'd be shot dead right away.

I dont know dude I read a thing by some druid who explains the relationships between wage based labor and salary based labor better than you guys have

lmao I can't wait for this one

tell us all about the history of the USSR, I'm working on a new "what Holla Forumstards actually believe compilation"


He's the archdruid.

inb4 he can only name stalin as the leader

Lmao that's fucking pathetic the USSR under Stalin grew at about 14% and it was far poorer then Chile. Even liberal developing nations today grow far-faster today.

Funny how the Chileans have a museums to Pinochet's crimes. They also dumped le free market and instituted social democracy instead once his ass was gone. Even he had to move away from the free-marketer advice of Chicago Boys just to stay in power.

You're also incredibly ignorant about the fact that the US was also sabotaging the Chilean economy under Allende as Kissinger admits. Claiming to have saved the country from leftist economic sabotage while sabotaging the economy is a bit like breaking a window in order to "save it" don't you think?

I seriously don't understand the point you're making here. I told you to do your own research as it can explain better than arguing with randoms on the internet, and you counter by saying other people explain better than randoms on the internet.

Seriously, Marx is so ubiquitous and is such an obvious go to I have no idea why people don't just read his shit.

Or go watch Richard Wolff introductory vids on socialism

And again, I mean a real source. Not molycuck's or some other lolbert's "interpretation"


He fucked over the economy lad, and made giant divisions in wealth inequality.
Angell, Alan (1991). The Cambridge History of Latin America, Vol. VIII, 1930 to the Present. Ed. Leslie Bethell. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 318. ISBN 978-0-521-26652-9.


Also again

You Holla Forumsyps are retarded. The only reason why we'd support them is because they trigger retards like you who then sperg out on this board, and get BTFO every time you start shit.

Nice strawman faggot. There are plenty of other jobs than manual labour.

You're a fucking joke, lad. Not all anarchists are smashies. Lurk more

No. You're neets on a site owned by a pig-farmer planning the REVOLUTION and liberating the poor working class from the comfort of your home using the same technology that was made available by capitalism.

You'd be purged so hard kek.

Anyways it's getting late and we have deviated greatly from the original topic. You antifa cunts caught a good bullet when you assauled somebody because they wore a hat that made you SHAKING. And it was ruled legitimate self-defense. GG comrades

lol really BTFO those stalinist antifa NEETs who never leave their houses

You must be genuinely retarded.

Jesus christ, you're a fucking retard.

>using the same technology that was made available by capitalism labor

nice try though

Most programmers make their money by finding ways to automate tasks or find new forms of business that cuts the need for lower skilled labor. I don't see how you can call someone who makes 6 figures, gets the best benefits you available in the history of the world, and also get paid in stock as working class

Is this your attempt at a dignified exit after getting anally destroyed? Holla Forums is the big league kid you're way out of your depth when it comes to any debate of substance and you know it.

Yeah, people went from being equally poor as fuck under Allende to unequally richer. Poverty rates still declines greatly under Le Helicopter man.

I was talking about this. makes sense to me

Are you ready for the catabolic collapse?

Not all of them get paid this well but many of them do. From what I here STEM work is becoming more and more precarious and STEMfags are falling victim to the same automation and outsourcing forces they help put in motion. I'm not the poster your replying to but I wouldn't right them all off as bourgeois. You have to keep in mind as p1ivileged as they maybe, wage inequity among the workforce is really nothing in comparison to the wealthy who make their cash off their assets rather then the pay for their """"work""""

When I looked they rose. And GDP didn't grow much either.

Hurry up and start already!

To begin with, Pinochet’s economic reforms were not chiefly responsible for Chile’s prosperity. In fact, Pinochet’s leftist predecessors laid the groundwork for the economic growth he oversaw. “Land reform of the 1960s and early ‘70s […] [allowed] the military regime to stimulate the creation of agroindustry as a base for an export-driven economy. Chile’s modernization really began around 1920 and had nothing to do with the Chicago Boys” (Muñoz 308). Rather than the moderate and progressive reforms and broad mass support of murdered President Salvador Allende, Pinochet’s government mostly depended on support from outside superpowers. “The U.S. made significant increases in international aid and loans to Chile [under Pinochet]” (Pettit, and Starbird 229). In addition, despite a trade and arms embargo during the Carter Administration, “[a]ll the while, U.S. commercial banks were loaning billions of dollars to Chile” (Pettit, and Starbird 229). United States support played a key role in stimulating the economy of the country.

It is often claimed that Salvador Allende’s policies brought ruin, very high inflation and overall economic disaster on Chile’s economy before Augusto Pinochet’s 1973 coup. The story however, is not as one-sided as that. “His [Allende’s] political opponents, especially the wealthy ruling classes and the military [mostly loyal to Pinochet], worked to sabotage his programs. The United States provided money and tactical support for Allende’s opponents” (Porterfield, and Brezina 113). As a result of such admitted sabotage, inflation skyrocketed, production dropped and foreign investors fled the country as industry was nationalized.

Throughout his reign, “Pinochet did not build a single hospital in all his years of power and the country’s infrastructure was left practically untouched until the return of democracy” (Muñoz 309). The results of Pinochet’s military regime and his refusal to deviate from the most perverse interpretation of laissez-faire capitalism may have created economic growth on paper, but for most Chileans, this “growth” meant little to them. “In 1970, 20 percent of Chile’s population had lived under the poverty line; by 1990, when Pinochet left office, the poor had doubled to 40 percent. Average salaries during the Pinochet years were lower than in 1970 [before the coup]” (Muñoz 309). There is no evidence that Pinochet’s privatizations led to a booming economy, and much evidence that it, in fact, hindered the country’s development. After Pinochet’s defeat, the economy of Chile began growing again, proving once again that his authoritarian fascist government did not encourage but held back the economy of Chile. After his exile, “[t]he real Chilean economic miracle truly occurred during the sixteen years following the return of democracy, when the economy grew 5.6 percent, almost doubling the growth rates of the previous three decades” (Muñoz 310).

pt. 1

I'm guessing you fundamentally misunderstand the socialist doctrine as one of "levels of oppression"

We're not against people being rich or having things, we're against the fundamental way in which value is extracted by those who did not ostensibly work for it in the system of capitalism. Not because it is "immoral" or anything, but because we find the model unsustainable globally over the long term.

And like I've said a handful of times already, go to a primary source and read the literature. I have literally no idea why that source should be trusted on anything

Poverty decreased far more rapidly in the Soviet Union without an increase in inequality, in fact inequality decreased substantially. By comparison the Southern Cone of Latin America (that includes Chile) was wealthier then Russia prior to the revolution. By the mid 20th century they were much poorer then the USSR in comparison and most of the neoliberal experiments in places like Argentina actually descended from semi-first world status into third world status.

was about to post this as pt. 2

Cheers, comrade

I have a cabin in the woods with a fresh water source next to an inlet of the ocean. I doubt the carrying capacity of the area though could account for the number of people who would be in it.

I like how Chile is barely above Argentina and Uruguay yet it gets called the "miracle" of Latin America by loltards and fascists, especially when Pinochet had nothing to do with their actual recovery.


While the rest of Latin America remakned much poorer and stagnating because of socialism.

Russia is now better off at any point thsn it has been under the USSR rule.

I actually know how to distill and do so as a hobby. The cabin though is on the otherside of a range of mountains from the farming part of the state

And again,

It is often claimed that Salvador Allende’s policies brought ruin, very high inflation and overall economic disaster on Chile’s economy before Augusto Pinochet’s 1973 coup. The story however, is not as one-sided as that. “His [Allende’s] political opponents, especially the wealthy ruling classes and the military [mostly loyal to Pinochet], worked to sabotage his programs. The United States provided money and tactical support for Allende’s opponents” (Porterfield, and Brezina 113). As a result of such admitted sabotage, inflation skyrocketed, production dropped and foreign investors fled the country as industry was nationalized.

Throughout his reign, “Pinochet did not build a single hospital in all his years of power and the country’s infrastructure was left practically untouched until the return of democracy” (Muñoz 309). The results of Pinochet’s military regime and his refusal to deviate from the most perverse interpretation of laissez-faire capitalism may have created economic growth on paper, but for most Chileans, this “growth” meant little to them. “In 1970, 20 percent of Chile’s population had lived under the poverty line; by 1990, when Pinochet left office, the poor had doubled to 40 percent. Average salaries during the Pinochet years were lower than in 1970 [before the coup]” (Muñoz 309). There is no evidence that Pinochet’s privatizations led to a booming economy, and much evidence that it, in fact, hindered the country’s development. After Pinochet’s defeat, the economy of Chile began growing again, proving once again that his authoritarian fascist government did not encourage but held back the economy of Chile. After his exile, “[t]he real Chilean economic miracle truly occurred during the sixteen years following the return of democracy, when the economy grew 5.6 percent, almost doubling the growth rates of the previous three decades” (Muñoz 310).

And considering that Bolivia is rising in its GDP due to a state socialist government, you don't really have much of a say in this, son.

Chile's poverty rate is estimated to be between 40-50% at the time Pinochet took over, at the end of his regime the poverty line was estimated to at about 10-15%, the picture simply took the poverty rate from the year of the coup. the 19% fall in productivity statistic was taken at the lowest point in productivity during his regime, which was 1975. this was to be completely expected considering the country was already declining in productivity after the appropriation of many foreign owned enterprises under socialist governments, it also happened to line up with a global economic depression, which spells doom for a mono-exporting country, the fact that we managed to recover from that is considered a miracle.

You don't know anything about self defense or the Constitution of the United States for that matter, do you?

I still don't know why you think the government is after you.

Remember that you are on an imageboard.

And again, It is often claimed that Salvador Allende’s policies brought ruin, very high inflation and overall economic disaster on Chile’s economy before Augusto Pinochet’s 1973 coup. The story however, is not as one-sided as that. “His [Allende’s] political opponents, especially the wealthy ruling classes and the military [mostly loyal to Pinochet], worked to sabotage his programs. The United States provided money and tactical support for Allende’s opponents” (Porterfield, and Brezina 113). As a result of such admitted sabotage, inflation skyrocketed, production dropped and foreign investors fled the country as industry was nationalized.


To begin with, Pinochet’s economic reforms were not chiefly responsible for Chile’s prosperity. In fact, Pinochet’s leftist predecessors laid the groundwork for the economic growth he oversaw. “Land reform of the 1960s and early ‘70s […] [allowed] the military regime to stimulate the creation of agroindustry as a base for an export-driven economy. Chile’s modernization really began around 1920 and had nothing to do with the Chicago Boys” (Muñoz 308). Rather than the moderate and progressive reforms and broad mass support of murdered President Salvador Allende, Pinochet’s government mostly depended on support from outside superpowers. “The U.S. made significant increases in international aid and loans to Chile [under Pinochet]” (Pettit, and Starbird 229). In addition, despite a trade and arms embargo during the Carter Administration, “[a]ll the while, U.S. commercial banks were loaning billions of dollars to Chile” (Pettit, and Starbird 229). United States support played a key role in stimulating the economy of the country.

What happened to "liberals get the bullet too"?

Step away from the trash-can.

Considering the fact it's been almost 30 years since it dissolved, it under went a super-depression unseen in any developed nation in peacetime, and then happened to be the second largest oil producer in an age of high-oil prices I don't see why in supposed to be impressed. It took long enough for Russia to recover its pre-USSR per capita levels even despite the new millennium boom.

Birth rates and male life expectancy is still in the toilet so I'll let you figure out what that means on your own.

You should look into how poverty-lines are actually measured because many parts of Russia has not recovered:

As stated before in the second pic some things like free rents, health and education weren't easily quantifiable.

I think it's funny how you think that the helicopter man's brief period of rule and slow-growth can be entirely attributed to the helicopter man. But 70 years under the USSR and the second most rapid sustained economic growth in history had no effect on the prosperity of the new industrialied Russia.

The defender didn't mace anyone you stupid fucking idiot. You're dumb as fuck as he was assaulted first. Read the story again.

What socialism? All of south America's socialist governments were overthrown during the 1960s-70s, and the military juntas imposed neoliberal policies that destroyed their economies in the following years.

*entirely attributed as the root of modern Chile's relativesuccess.

Oh right, not real socialism.

No fucking shit. It's like it takes a while to recover from many decades under the same economic system after rapidly switching to a capitalist one.

Read the study. Russia's life expectancy is higher than at any point under the USSR. Their poverty rates are lower at any point during the USSR now. Same with GDP per capita.

The economy was already stagnating and declining to shit to the last decade of the USSR, again it means nothing.

Citation needed

gdp per capita highest at any pointnduring the ussr*

This meme as got to die. Just ask yourself: Do the workers own the means of production?


How is this a bad thing you idiot? We did the same to Europe after WW2.
Chile remains one of the freest economies in the world and the richest in Latin America.

While socialist policies have left Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela in ruins:

But Chile is doing fine with its capitalism kek.



Khanin proved that the USSR exaggerated the fuck out of gdp growth.

Those stats are bullshit. Again see the Khanin study and the other studu.

Nice lies by the soviet government. Glad Khanin called them out on their shit.

His estimates align much closer to the CIA ones.

Socialism is truly a failed ideology.

And numbers matter why?

They're not conspiracies, they're facts lad.

Well no shit, they're state socialist. Socialism isnt EVERYTHING THE GUBERMENT DOES LAD.

Workers co-ops do better than private companies after all.

(see pdf)

Rightio lad


So I should ignore the achievements of Thomas Sankara and the Spanish Anarchists?

Also "21st century socialism" is an inaccurate, made up term for the equivalent of Latin American socdems

The world is rich with irony.

Too bad world-renowned economic historian Robert C. Allen already refuted Khanin:

Plus real life when you consider that the Soviets outproduced the Nazis in WWII and it was widely considered the other super-power in the mid 20th century whereas Tsarist Russia was basically the sick man of Europe, she got trounced by Japan.

Wrong. It only just recovered and its not much higher then it was at its highest point. Ask any Russian whose both old enough and not rich if the phrase "the wild 90s" rings a bell and to tell you about it.



The largest and most "successful" worker co-op aka Mondragon failed HARD filing for bankruptcy.

Just stop.

Ahahahahahahahaha. Their economy consistently ranks as one of the least freest in the world. Chavezs' policies bit the country in the ass hard. It was already starting to decline before he left power. The socialist policies have turned the country into a fucking shithole.

Running for 50+ years is a failure? The whole thing is bankrupt, or just one part? Source?

Sadly for you mondragon isnt the only cooperative enterprise

Cooperatives are on average more succesful than private institutions

how deep in the hegemonic ideology ass are you?

Besides your brazen lie about Mondragon, you're just wrong about everything in general. As per usual with Nazi nincompoops.

Khanin was independently replicated you idiot. Furthermore Khanin's estimates are much more comparable to what the CIA estimated for the USSR's GDP growth.

This graph shows that the life expectancy for Russia is actually increasing. You had the brief outlier in the 80s, because the USSR clamped down hard on the rampant alcohol abuse for a period you fucking idiot. Now it's continuing to increase and at levels greater than at any point in the USSR.

Putin is clamping down hard on alcohol abuse as well, hence why life expectancy is rising. It has NOTHING to do with communism you stupid fucking idiot.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you did not read the study you linked hidden behind the Oxford pay wall, "you fucking idiot".

Only Fagor (their electrodomestic branch) did actually bankrupt back on 2013, the corporation itself is actually doing pretty good.
But hey.


Give me a pdf to RC Allen's book. The fact that Khanin was replicated independently multiple times raises quite a big flag.

Oh shit, there IS a board full of communist cancer.


True. But also truckloads that didn't.

Why aren't more comoanies becoming worker co-ops? Simple. It's an inherently unstable method of organizing a company that isn't a small bakery, microbrewery or eatery. Mondragon is pretty much the only relatively successful exemption.

This article says that one business within the federation of cooperatives in Mondragon declared bankruptcy. Do you realize how stupid you sound when you talk?

What the fuck am I supposed to give you moron? I don't even know what's going on, all I know is you are uncritically accepting what X economic historian said about the Soviet Union and when asked to substantiate you claim, posted a link to an academic journal locked behind a "paywall" for all intents and purposes. Wow, it's almost like you have no argument yourself and instead are relying on smarter men to do all the talking for you while you sit there with a blank look on your face.


Also, another falsehood.

I posted a pdf here:
of empirical work on worker cooperatives finding that they are typically larger, last longer and are just as, if not more capital intensive than typical private businesses.

Here's a PDF link you fucking imbecile. I googled for a PDF to your book but couldn't get one. So provide one right now.

The successes of worker co-ops are over hyped as fuck.

Hence by far why most worker co-ops are shit like small bakeries and such.


group. The bankruptcy highlights the urgent need to expand and consolidate democracy. This
paper offers tentative solutions to revitalize the democratic institutions that made Mondragon the
model for worker cooperative groups across the world.

Here's a paper completely btfo'ing Mondragon by the way.

/int/ friend is lying.

As far as I can tell from looking at world bank data, the poverty rate in Chile was Pinochet left office was close to 40%

I can't find data for when he came into power, but at the very least all his autism did was reduce the poverty rate by about .2%, which is nothing to write home about. I did find this by the fucking Heritage foundation that while being porky ideologues list the poverty rate in Chile in 1973 the year of the Junta at 20%. This means an 18% rise was seen in poverty under Pinochet, with a peak of around 45% in 1980.

It's not my book, I just noticed you linked to something you hadn't read behind a paywall and pointed it out.

Anyway, I will address what's worthy of being addressed here.
- I'm not going to sift through this 57 page PDF about the Soviet Unions GNP. I actually don't really care about the Soviet Union, and I'm not who you replied to. My whole point, and I'm still confident when I say this is that you posted this PDF without reading it beforehand in the hopes that would shut your opponent up. That is called arguing in bad faith.
- I'm also not going to sift through a 60 page report on Mondragon and workplace democracy. I gave you a much smaller, digestible PDF on worker cooperatives which you have refused to look into. This addresses any issues you may have about size, and the fact that Fagor was the largest cooperative does not change the fact that the Mondragon corporation of 261 companies and 75,000 employees is doing very well. Again, you can get all complains addressed easily by looking at the literature I've provided you on a wider variety of cooperatives in both Spain, Italy, France and other countries. What you are doing is called cherry picking.

I understand on Holla Forums it may be customary to spam PDF's instead of presenting them in a palpable form but please don't bring your shit post quality here with you.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Have fun arguing disingenuously with yourself in your bumplocked shitpost.

If you don't want to read the full text then that's what the abstract is for you fucking idiot. When I gave you that wanted the full text and bitched about it being behind a paywall. You're a retard.

Read the last paper I linked. Mondragon got fucking destroyed. It is not the best performing company in Spain.

You're a dipshit.

It makes me wonder why the vast majority of worker co-ops are stupid shit like making DUDE COMRADE BEER and vegetarian donuts. Rather than big companies of which only Mondragon can be pointed as being relatively successful.

Fuck off, cuck. Keep drinking your kool aid.

Giant protest and Antifa manages to shoot critically a Bernie supporter. I guess they kept their word that Liberals would get a bullet.

Further the shooter wanted to meet with Milo, who knows why, maybe he wanted a hat to set on fire.

I have to suspect Antifa is being funded by Global Capitalist interests, they form on the public stage and start to show their movement is purposeless, go after the strangest targets.

I guess I should be as worried about them as Trump supporters when stating Liberal ideals of how we must fight the one-percent.

lmao dude everyone down here hates pinochet


the only fuckers who still support him directly benefited from his regime via corruption or are larping LoL playing autists.


ps: argentina outdoes it in HDI anyway

That last pdf is good. The author is making a constructive critic about the work place of Mondragon. It's not btfo'ing, it's only thinking how to improve the company after Fagor's bankruptcy. Instead of discrediting the idea of a cooperative, the study is only trying to expand the concept of democracy used by the company. At least read the conclusions.

And yes, the company suffered with a crisis, but it's already back on track and is doing just fine.

Try again, lad