Okay. We are overrun by redditors and Holla Forumsyps who don't know any better, as well as certain Anarcho-Nihilist (n1x?), but let's get this trainwreck of a discussion on the road.
tl;dr: In other thread I suggested that classes are predisposed to support specific ideologies (class consciouness). And then claimed Anarchism to be ideology of Petit-Bourgeoisie. If I'm wrong in this, I'd like to know it.
As we (should) already know, there are three basic classes (economic roles) in Marxism:
1) Capitalist (big proprietors)
2) Petit-Bourgeois (small proprietors)
3) Proletariat (wage labourers)
Mindset of each class is influenced by its own situation (reminder: influenced and determined are different words; it is possible, even easy - with the help of propaganda - to adopt ideology of other class). I.e. class consciousness.
For example:
1) On one hand, Capitalists need state to enforce private property relations since most of their power is absentee ownership and they can't enforce anything personally. On the other, Capitalists have a lot of economic power and don't want state to regulate it.
2) Petit-Bourgeois also have some economic power and also don't want state to regulate it. However, their property is mostly personal and they don't need much of a state to enforce it. Thus, they are the most self-reliant and need state the least - if any.
3) Similarly to Capitalists, Proletariat needs state, but for different reasons (to have a job). Unlike Capitalists and Petit-Bourgeois, Proletariat doesn't have any economic power and is therefore unperturbed by economic regulations. If state is democratic, it grants decision-making power to Proletariat, making it support state regulations.
Therefore, it is not unthinkable to suggest that class consciousness of each class supports a set of ideas (ideology, yes) that promote its interests. I claim
1) Liberalism be the ideology of Capitalists
2) Anarchism of Petit-Bourgeois
3) Communism of Proletariat
As another example: Managers
1) Liberals support managers (Capitalists can't manage everything themselves) and want them to operate freely - as long as there is profit.
2) Anarchists do not support managerial hierarchy at all (Petit-Bourgeois can manage things themselves).
3) Communists support managers (Proletariat also can't manage everything), but want managers to be bound by strict regulations, since they don't care about profit alone.
Now, this might be poorly phrased, but are there any actual objections?