Stirner Appreciation Thread

Post your best Stirner memes.
What do you like about Max Stirner's philosophy?
Do you see it useful for pushing your political dreams?
I'm curious, how can Stirner be used against capitalists?

Stirner would be fine with you becoming a capitalist and ruthlessly brutalising the working class as long as you succeed and get away with it


I want to see Stirner used against capitalism.
Otherwise, if Stirner works better for capitalism, why does this board love him so much?

Based Zizek should talk about Stirner.

because this board is made up of edgy contrarian nihilistic larpers

Is being contrarian necessarily bad?

This is what Zizek calls "way cool"

Tankies are fine with state capitalism masquerading as communism, why shouldn't I be fine with exploiting the realpolitik of power to get reeeyutch and fuck bitches?

no reason

Count do discover how many people actually read Stirner.

Also, Stirner is better meme than an author, tbh.

it depends. If you are an edgy contrarian who thinks he's smarter than everyone else with a high paying job and a hot girlfriend then you may be right and be a net benefit.

if you're and edgy contrarian who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in extended adolescence who looks like shit and is supported by his parents then you are cancer and you are recognised as cancer by everyone else and would be purged in any just society and not just set up as an example of what not to be

True but being contrarian isn't necessarily bad. I am against the prevalent views of my society but not to be edgy or be a leech. If the vast majority believes evolution is false would i be contrarian for believing otherwise?


You can easily spot who didn't read Stirner, it's the best thing about him.

Stirner represents the self interest of the proletariat.

Also I find his thoughts kind of useful in a self help sense, cos I'm usually the kind of person to do too much for other people and forget about what I need.

Stirner's philosophy is composed mainly of notes from Hegel's lectures with author's addition of faulty argumentation and tautologies. Not worth reading.


Honest question is it contradictory to like borh Kierkegaard and Stirner at the same time?

His concept of spook is amazing as a guideline to whether ideas control you or vice versa

lol wut

perhaps if you were a psychopath, but it would be in the interest of non-psychopathic egoists to shut that person down.

dropping my whole stirner file















He cant explain anything because his conslusions are composed mainly of notes from Stirners wikipage with his addition of faulty argumentation and tautologies.

Th-th-there's s-so many…


