I don't know where else to ask this but I'm really curious:
What is this banner from? Who is that character?
I don't know where else to ask this but I'm really curious:
What is this banner from? Who is that character?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's Leo Gold from Deus Ex
You could have just fucking googled the quote, you know.
but that would mean a leftcom getting out of his armchair
I like interacting with real people. :3
He's already in front of a computer.
Get off your chair and go find them.
The corporate tax in 1945 was actually even higher than that.
We are not real people.
Feel free to anchor or lock this thread now mods.
Everyone should absolutely play this game for the story and presentation but the gameplay is rough and a bit dated so if you are going to do it use this.
So basically 60% of taxes came from corporations, not 50%.
No fuck you, lets talk about Deus Ex.
if you did not pick the dark ages ending you are a pleb.
that's not how you spell Helios ending
I wouldn't trust an A.I that could fail and neither should you, it is one step away from bringing everything back to hell.
Even the fucking illuminati ending is better than dark ages
It's actually justified to euthanize all anarcho-primitivists
I dunno kaczynski - sometimes you gotta roll the dice.
Even though I chose to burn it all down the first time I played, the dark ages ending is basically global genocide
Mad, Tongfags?
Helios is best girl
Helios comrades unite
then why do you have a leftcom flag
This guy has it right. So many noobs in the thread.
The dark ages ending can be triggered immediately upon reaching the reactors; it is used in the speedrun route.
file related
Did this game breed aut-rightist?
Game is good. I think the story is more leftist with some fun conspiracy stuff thrown in.
Those sentiments are lot older than the alt-right but just like with MGS Holla Forums's retardation knows no bounds so they try to claim the game is right-wing because bankers and secret world government run by industrialists=jews obviously.
wew laddo. kill me now.
Deus Ex is a fantastic video game but its conspiracist plotline is beyond retarded. Basically the developers wanted the game to have an "epic cyberpunk" edge and they turned to conspiracy theories that were popular at the time for that extra spice. It's ridiculous but I have grown fond of it as I played through, it imbues the game with a pretty unique over-the-top atmosphere.
The game says nothing about jews. The closest you'll get is a mention about the Rothschilds, but it's because they're corporate elites not because they're jews, the game isn't anti-semitic.
wow I completely missed the Kaczynski dialogue when I played that. I love this game and I agree with much of the points raised but I hate the libertarian angle they take 90% of the times
Deus Ex is such a fucking good game. Also Helios ending best ending
Holy shit the underage is real.
I guess that confirms it. Tongfags BTFO.
This guy made a pretty good analysis of the corporate aspect of the game. youtu.be
Also a very good game
What "libertarian angle"? Even your brother Paul warns you if you side with the illuminati you're allying with corporate elites in a capitalist system.
t. anprim
If only the new Dude sex games would be this great
Human revolution was alright and mankind divided just sucks
Thanks friendo
Don't listen to this user, Vanilla Dude Sex is best Dude Sex
Is Deus Ex a socialist game? I might play it just for the story. Seems interesting.
Conspiracies like Reptilians, MiB, the Illuminati, etc. are not limited to Infowars.com and the center-right, you know.
It's not. It's just that, the plot being based on conspiracy theories, there is some vague "anti-corporate" sentiment mixed in.
Play Deus Ex for its fantastic level design and unique atmosphere, not for his incredibly dumb story.
boo, the conspiracy aspect is fun and what sets it apart
That said, how is the latest Deus Ex game?
wrong, everything in that game is 75% correct.
they talked about meme war 16 years before it was cool.
I think I remember reading that it was basically functional but obviously missing lots of content that was "held back" for DLC
Everyone here except you is a bot, user.
Fucking rightist retards.
Ice cream? God I love ice cream!
Roosevelt created a tax bracket specifically to tax one person whose wealth was over 100M iirc, partially in order to cut the legs out from under the socialists.
Full text.
I don't think it was one person.
In fact did you see the video? The upper bracket was $25,000/yr and above. There can't have been another bracket about that one because that one started at 100% before compromising down to 94%.
We must be confusing two separate tax policies.
To be fair DE was pretty cutting edge in some aspects. For example, ECHELON was a big part of the game (ECHELON was the system that grew into Dadelus/Icarus). When the game came out ECHELON was still officially classified, or at least very much downplayed.
The 'conspiracy' shit some of you bemoan was all pretty accurate. Even the archaic shit about the Templar and MJ12 are rooted in truth.
Also, Tracer Tong ending every time. I don't want to be your fucking god.
The Illuminati, Majestic 12 and FEMA camps are "cutting edge" and "pretty accurate"…?
It is fun and distinctive — but it's still incredibly dumb politically speaking.
Rex 84 was a real act alluded to in the Iran Contra hearings about the military and homeland security being used to quell domestic disorder and is the basis for the games paranoia concerning Fema camps and martial law prisons.
At the time Deus Ex came out dank Alex Jones memes weren't a thing "Fema camps" didn't conjure visions of him sticking his head through a barb wire fence filming gardening materials and then claiming it was a conspiracy. It wasn't the conservashit spook meme yet.
Fema camps and martial law were abstract concepts to most people especially young gamers whose only references to such things at the time were spoopy net 1.0 pages and X Files.
The Illuminati and ufo stuff is just there to spice up the games atmosphere and give the player moire options for interpretation. The first two Silent Hills had a similar story philosophy.