ITT we seize the memes pt 2
So far so good guys. Keep it up. I'm going to do some editing now as well.
ITT we seize the memes pt 2
So far so good guys. Keep it up. I'm going to do some editing now as well.
Keep in mind, the memes don't have to exclusively come from redpanels. Any popular reactionary memes can be seized.
what's the redpanels font?
these are all very dank
I applaud the seizing of these memes
Did you guys see that Spencer literally retweeted the original concentration camps comic? Where are the liberals on that shit?
tbf I'm seeing a bunch of liberals on normiebook spamming "nevermind punch him harder next time tbh" and shit like that
What was the Churchill one originally?
The radicalization is happening my fams
yeah the trick is to channel their anger at Hillary for letting them down
make them remember again and again that they got betrayed and let down
kek. Can you post the originals?
Stop playing their game, we can't give up Pepe to them.
Re-edits make the memes stronger, so we always come on top. If we have to sacrifice Pepe for that, then so be it.
nah let them have pepe for the most part, gives us a shorthand to draw them into compromising situations
Post originals.
The fact that Pepe was salvaged from the gutters of Facebook by chantards rather than left behind for newer and spicier memes is proof that imageboard culture is well and truly dead.
pepe is long gone dude
dam…u rly got us
Can someone improve on this? It's good but I think it should focus more on anti-worker shit Trump has said than stupid insults he's said.
More of these Ben Garrison communist memes please
They are just now saying this? How can people act surprised when actual Nazis make their true intentions known? People in the 30s had the benefit of Fascism being a new thing, it wouldn't be totally crazy to take the Nazis at their word when they appeared to act reasonably or carried themselves with some kind of decorum. But this just ridiculous, we've been through this shit before, we know what they will do if they get power. You have all these liberals sitting around saying that if they get violent then we'll do something about it, when any idiot can see what ther goals and intentions are. It's like knowing that somebody is planning a gruesome murder and saying that you won't arrest them until they've already murdred somebody.
I think these are awful, they will be seen as agressive and alien. They will fail simply because nazis populate media more and are embedded in everyone's minds.
hi Holla Forums
You are better than this Holla Forums
these are great
Imageboards are no longer the forefront of OC nowadays, even imageboards are using shitty normalfag memes nowadays.
I feel imageboards are starting to go the way of something awful.
Red Panels is so damn cringey.
your second hand memes are weak sauce Holla Forums
ours are dank and full of chaos magics.
What is this supposed to mean?
Your magic is weak.
It's an edit.
Stop equating what people say or believe with what they actually are likely to do. I was an edgy authoritarian/quasi-fascist once and believed in the stupid shit they advocate for now, but if it was actually happening I wouldn't have condoned it or even wanted it, but I was an edgy retard who didn't think my beliefs all the way through. I grew out of them but if I was attacked by some retard with a red and black flag I might've never became a leftist and probably would've been more set in my mindset.
then go be a memer & be made fun of or better yet get punched in the face.
memers are cringy dumbasses.
holy fuck who invited the 9gaggers in?
you're an idiot & a memer.
& socially retarded irl too but all memers are so thats no surprise.
Dat boi is a fucking 9gag meme. If you already knew that and still like the meme please kys. It's like sending Damn Daniel Harambe XDD memes.
tfw people still confuse democratic socialism and social democracy
But these are actually on point.
subversion of porky's own propaganda is actually a strong leftist tradition, eat shit
I am right wing but I'm not saying we are winning, I am giving a critique.
You guys never listen so your memes never reach the common people, they just touch down to the people who have researched and have cultural experience with what your saying
Is that supposed to be some type of consolation? Just because you're a weak willed moron and "wouldn't condone it" means that the people committing the atrocities would suddenly stop?
You would sit back and go "oh well, I don't have the power to stop them anyway! And if they press me on my views, I'll instantly capitulate and agree with everything they say, otherwise I'm dead".
don't try, Holla Forums is too autistic to produce fun things.
oh sweet irony.
Nice reading comprehension m8. I'm saying that most people will never act on their views, authoritarians included, so "preemptively" attacking attacking them for views they're likely to never act on only solidifies their mindset and might radicalize them to actually eventually act on their views. Attack the people actually being violent, don't attack people having the wrong opinion and in doing so create your own future enemy.
Who changed the text? You killed the joke.
They say it only takes 5% of the population to overthrow the government, so if a further 30-40% are sympathetic to the butchers within that former percentage, then what hope do you have when things actually "do turn violent"? It is best to act now rather than forgoing the opportunity altogether and becoming another tragedy.
It doesn't matter about the majority who act on their views or not, they will NOT lift a finger when actual sadists take to the street. These people may as well be complicit due to their cognizance of the situation yet allowing it to happen. The sadists are only allowed to operate when they're assured that the majority of the population will not physically oppose them.
You have a skewed understanding of human psychology, those who already harbor views of genocide and ethnic cleansing are already too far gone for any rational debate to take place - empathy does not factor into their minds at that state, hence in America you have this large sociopath undercurrent where any grievance is trivialized as "feels over reals". Honestly if a large proportion of your country is already comfortable with murder of its own citizens to achieve some randian utopia then you are too far gone; let it collapse and have the sadists feast on the remains.
I want to laugh but laughter is not coming to me
Firstly, all Fascist regimes were never popular revolutions, there were always coups from within the government, the president of the Weimar Republic appointing Hitler as Chancellor or the King of Italy appointing Mussolini as prime minister. Secondly attacking people for the wrong views isn't going to make the 30-40% more sympathetic to you, if anything it'll give them more cause to support the Fascist regime. What even is acting now, getting into gang fights with skinheads or assaulting Trump supporters?
And they can be assured of that regardless, considering it is the state of things now with people's tolerance of the state.
Except you don't realize how many people have views that they don't rationally think through or won't simply outgrow. Again, I use to be awfully close to Holla Forums once but I outgrew them and realized why it was bullshit. Simply getting friends and a gf would probably be enough for most of the alt-right to give up politics, since their ideology is largely rooted in bitterness and negativity. You want to paint rightists as some fascist boogeyman when they're not a real threat and they couldn't effectively take over the governments of western states in coups like they did previously. Guys like Richard Spencer who talk about memes and cartoon frogs aren't going to be leading a paramilitary organization like the SS.
The punching of Richard Spencer proves that you no longer hold Kek's favor.
Or did you think that the allegiance of a chaos god would last forever?
Don't worry, Pepe is a horseshoe theorist.
you pol cucks keep saying this and leftypol just keeps growing
fuck off already
spouting fascist rhetoric is acting on their views dipshit
Make the dog guy an anarchist too since they're in this too. They're the ones throwing the physical punches actually.
I meant the violent, genocidal part of their views, the shit you should actually worry about.
That's what you think. Remember when Pepe was nothing more than a "rare" instance that did nothing more than occasionally pop up on forums and threads? Just when everyone thought he was dead, the fucking alt-righties on Holla Forums unearthed his corpse and injected it with fascism and hatred as an unholy life source.
Holla Forums can do the same with Dat Boi, except for wholly righteous purposes. It's up to us to seize the memes of production… If you have a better plan to do so, by all means, please speak your mind.
Oh, look its another episode of Holla Forums can't meme worth shit so they create entirely derivative low energy garbage of Holla Forums OC. Hahahaha get fucked lefties can't meme.
Seriously Holla Forums, you're fucking drunk. Piss off.
dat boi is way cooler
It's basically better thought out vandalizing like Holla Forums's and 4chon's Ben Garrison sprees
And now Garrion's their lapdog
Nah. Pepe was getting big with the tumblr and facebook crowds and there was an active /r9k/ conspiracy to connect pepe with neonazism so normies wouldn't like it anymore.
Eh? I thought r9ks op was the poo and gore, and that it was unexpected for all *that* shit to fail, but being associated with western netoyo was enough to get it declared a hate symbol
Not our fault invoking pepe's name causes you to get punched in the face.
That's definitely not what happened.
It was a creative punch to the face.
Perfectly timed.
The Pats' super bowl win was pure kek.
memes are shit
That's just liberals fam. They're not moving to the left they're just tired of wringing their hands and are following the path of least resistance.