Am i an alt left?
>alt left
there is no alt-left
No you're a social fascist reactionary faggot who belongs in the ground.
Too spooked. I recommend putting on the Nazbol flag.
why not?
Doesn't exist.
You sound like a genric liberal with a neocon foreign policy. You're the status quo.
I want to fuck burd.
The majority of Holla Forums are alt-left they're just autistic over admitting it.
there is no alt-left
No you are a generic liberal retard.
The alt in alt-right signifies that they are breaking away from the establishment right wing. There is no establishment left wing to break from. It's a useless term.
this is now a fucking get thread
respect these digits, bitches
Historical guilt is retarded.
History is a spook.
gets are meaningless on a low energy board like this
So close.
you're a little bitch that hates fun
haha. ha. haaaaaaaaaaaa…..
once socialism has been established, there will be no more dubs
We must preserve the qt jap waifus
Idpol is cancer