Theresa May
Why are Conservatives literal children who can't take responsibility for the things that they have done?
If ISIS were to behead her that would be a good thing.
Theresa May
Why are Conservatives literal children who can't take responsibility for the things that they have done?
If ISIS were to behead her that would be a good thing.
She's a literal Blairite.
kek where do you think we are?
Your precious Obama was the one who started the refugee crisis, liberal.
i'm no racist but i don't want this people in my country because some porky wants a few extra oil barrels from the middle east, capitalism was a mistake.
It's a shame that liberal has become a dirty word, and civil liberty is a derided concept.
Just admit you're a racist, it's only the internet.
It's a dirty word because you are dirty and dishonest scum. Look no further than this thread where you excuse your tyrant king for putting his bbc into Syria.
It's a dirty word because people like you are politically illiterate and therefore easily misled.
It's like talking to lolberts who think emissions control is Keynesianism.
Are you fatshaming her?
go away reddit
bourgeois decadence
So is she a cretin, or the British people?
fucking lol
Islam is not compatible with leftism or socialism. Remove.
luckily for muslims it's not like you'd ever do anything about it
Muslims have it real easy it seems. It's so unfair!
Nasty woman, she needs to go.
Being both economically and socially liberal is not conservative.
economic liberalism has been the default since thatcher
social liberalism has been the default since blair
true conservatism (or any real political variety) doesn't exist any more in the UK