Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, for some glaring translation errors and only translating text from the shorter easy mode script, added some new content and apparently fixed one of the stupidest plot contrivances ever
Another one from Soul Hackers I liked
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, for some glaring translation errors and only translating text from the shorter easy mode script, added some new content and apparently fixed one of the stupidest plot contrivances ever
Another one from Soul Hackers I liked
Other urls found in this thread:
None. Translate it as is or don't fucking bother; you aren't the writer and it's not your fucking game. I don't want your ideas injected into the game.
Cue autistic screeching about localisations.
Because anons here are retarded and think a perfect 1:1 translation works from Japanese to Enligsh, and that translation and localisations are even the same thing.
They're localizers first and translators second. Quit acting like the writing in these games is anything special.
What matters is the gameplay, not the dialog. But if you are going to bring the game outside of Japan there's no harm in tailoring it for your region.
We had this same thread a few days ago.
This is some hardcore fucking shilling going on.
You know user, sometimes a thread on the video games board of Holla Forums isn't a global conspiracy, it's just a thread.
Anyone who thinks this isn't pure brilliance is either a turbo weeb or someone who hates fun.
Not when it's repeatedly the same thing.
Those go hand-in-hand, really.
There's nothing wrong with localizations in theory, but the problem comes in when things get changed and dumbed down for no reason, which is usually the case these days.
Webm related.
This post is painful to look at.
Aye, good point.
You'll need a better argument.
Holy fucking shit you need to kill yourself as quickly as possible.
And no I'm not advocating for 1:1 translations the grammar won't work
I can literally feel you autistic weebs SEETHING through my monitor.
Inb4 connor shows up
I'm not a weeb you shit stain.
If it makes your precious feelings hurt less, I'm okay with something like
I would rather have dull dialogue than fucking annoying dialogue. All I'm advocating against is the trash in the very image you posted in the OP.
Localization is somewhat necessary because you can't do a 100% translation of japanese, mongoloid. There are way too many cultural differences plus manner of speaking and the such.
It depends, too much jokes can be cancer, if you add a joke in an otherwise meaningless chitchat, that's nice.
It's still halfchan cancer from years ago, but still.
RPGs are heavily focused on story, and JRPGs are what get the shit end of the localization stick most of the time. Even if the story had little to no importance, localization still affects other aspects of the game.
Who else do you think would buy this? The only people who would buy this outside of Japan are weebs and sexual degenerates, but NISA decided to censor it anyway.
I know what You Laugh You Lose is, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been long co-opted by normalfags.
Becasue G*D FUCKING FORBID you have to learn something about a new culture, right?
OH MY GEE, my precious fee-fees could get hurt if I have to LEARN something new.
Go fuck yourself, dipshit.
You're the fucking cancer that destroys vidya and are so devoid of any fucking intelligence to notice it.
As I said in the other post, nowadays is easier to do those things, but before everyone had internet fast enough, no one had an encyclopedia next to them to look for weird shit that might appear in-game with little to no explanation because the game assumes you know what the fuck O-Bon is.
Reading a book in your grandpa days was never an option.
Just because you might've been a lazy ass fucking kid doesn't mean all of us were. It also doesn't excuse bullshit localisation efforts.
That's the excuse the AIDS crew uses when they completely alter dialog of conversations in PSO2 and give both the villains and friendly characters completely fucking different reasons for their behavior. The actual words being spoken by the final villain in Episode 4 say that in order to save humanity it must accept a paradigm shift(he actually says that term in english) of his design, but the translated words popping up in the speech bubble say instead that he's going to force evolution because humanity is stupid for not accepting his ideas for centuries, completely ignoring the words he spoke in english.
All because it's impossible to 1:1 translate because cultural differences.
Fuck off
You do realize that he used "G*D" in an ironic fashion because the vast majority of "localizers" are libshits that use it seriously, right?
The point is faggot that not everyone did or even wanted to, which is what companies always try to avoid in order to bring more players, bringing down barriers, basically, for the sake of (((accessibility))). Good for you for being so smart, though, your parents should be proud.
It was a lot more time consuming than simply searching for the term online, and depending on the book there was a big chance you wouldn't find it or you'd need another book. Good luck running to the library just because a game wasn't localized.
Wew. In any case, what I said can be used to abuse how much you change, but I said in the other thread that the amount of change should be minimal, it should correct errors, and it should try to maintain the story coherent and cohesive even after those changes.
It's easy to fuck up meaning of things considering hou easy is to change said meaning in japanese. I'm not excusing them, but it's just a fact when you try to translate something, everyone have their own interpretation which is why you should fucking learn japanese.
I want Treehouse to go.
Are you trying to suggest that it's ok to change the original meaning just because people are lazy? I get from a company perspective why they would do it, but that doesn't mean localisation is a good thing.
Well as you said it does not really matter any more.
Instead of localization trying to help explain away things that might have seemed confusing. Now localization is used to inject politics and 45 year old pop culture references only the oldest of neck beards even get while everyone else scratches their head trying to look up the reference.
That entirely depends on the context. O-bon for example have a lot more meaning than Halloween, but if you leave O-bon you either give a half assed explanation of it or just change it entirely, which evidently sucks Which is why, again, you should just learn Japanese.
Of course, today access to information is easier, but in turn people is even more lazy, so don't expect changes any time soon.
Localization is just a bad business practice of anime and video game translators invented to demand more money for shit work. Loose translations have always existed but localizers do outright violence to the source material to satisfy their desire for corporate creep.
Or you could just leave it as it without having to do anything. If people want to know what it means they'll look it up or normalfags will just play it off as "some stupid Japanese thing" and not give two shits.
You'd be terrible at business.
This isn't about good business practice, this is about whether or not localisation is good or not.
Yankee translations are shit because of the immense social pressure to make everyone a clone of each other. Different people, different races are forced to become clones with the same beliefs, dreams and fantasies.
You will never be able to fix american censorship, because it's part of the system to keep out the differences which would destroy you.
Evidently the way localisations are handled now is starting to be bad for business. Places like 8-4 and Treehouse are only used as much as they are because they're fucking cheap, but the finished products are reflecting that cost more and more and driving quality down.
The bitching over P5's localization comes mainly from the crowd that wants politics shoved into everything (ie: game journos and libshit "gamerz")
Europeans are even worse. You literally blacked a children's game for no reason.
Sega Changing Dr Eggman to Dr Robotnik, and then on the opposite side, Sega Changing Dr Robotonik back into Dr Eggman, even though that name is pants on head retarded, even in Japanese.
there was a children's dress up game for the 3ds which had certain NPC races switched to black in Europe.
Then there is the existence of Germany and Muslims who are catered to the detriment of the games. Ocarina of Time was censored to appease the mudslimes.
This isn't even considering all the non videogame thought policing that goes on in most of Europe.
Eggman is pretty great when you think of it as a childish and derogatory nickname.
Style Savvy/Style Boutique
The OoT fire temple thing is well known.
flip that around and you'd be correct.
Shit genre, with a few actually worthwhile games here and there. Go read a VN if you're so interested in "muh story".
Go jack off to actual porn, dweeb.
Now I know you're fucking with me.
Preserving tone and meaning is more important than a literal translation.
You know where you could have that information?
on the fucking instruction manual
Don't Wrack your brain about it. Most people take it for granite that we even HAVE Japanese games translated into English. For All Intensive Purposes, we're better off now than ever due to fan translations. If someone tells you it isn't driving these "translators" out of business it's a Bald-faced Lie.
None you FAGGOT
Look @ this tbb
Stop that
No you idiot. If I wanted a game that used western jokes and wordplay I'd play a fucking western game. I don't want a Japanese game getting translated to lol eat your jelly donut just because faggots can't comprehend that another country might have a different culture.
Translate the subject, tone, meaning and context.
Don't change any of it. That's all. Don't culturalize/americanize it, don't change it to fit the region, don't censor subjects because it's too "sensitive" for journalists to handle.
I don't want a literal translation. I want an accurate translation. There's a huge difference between the two. Localization is supposed to help with that. Like if there's a pun or joke that only makes sense in Japanese (such as Japanese wordplay with Japanese characters that don't make sense literally translated), localization is meant to find or make up an equivalent joke or pun that preserves the tone of the original and also gets the same point across.
If a character in Japanese names a Japanese food, don't change it to something else. Like if they say "tofu", don't change it to "bread" or something like that. It's tofu.
Localization is supposed to mean accuracy, but instead it means inserting memes and cultural imperialism. "It's not censorship, it's localization.
But wordplay in foreign languages almost never works when translated
If I told you that the goat has his horns crooked, it means nothing to you, but in my language it's akerrak adarrak okerrak ditu.
The fact that you even have someone explaining the moonrunes to you is why a literal translation will never work.
Symphony of the Night.
They added the correct use of time-based dilect for the age, biblical references and things people would be saying on religious debate, opposed to "It's my job to fuck mankinds shit up because you're all shit inside." Then Richter's all like "Generic human spirit and progress he's seen from the good hearts of the people he's saved" You know, opposed to the idea that Dracula's purpose is to be the opposite of god, which is in effect, said beings absence from the world as he fucks up people going to the afterlife, using his curse to also make people with weak will fall to their sin and all the other religious jargon.
Also, whoever thought it was a good idea to use Sasuke's English VA for Alucard in the PSP version deserves to be impaled.
Too bad 89 percent of localizations refuse to preserve tone and meaning, hell you got entire companies like NISA who does the direct opposite of that on purpose.
lold on that one
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is absolutely this and it's still mind blowing it came from Shithouse years ago. Like lightning in a bottle.
All it took was tweaking dialogue while keeping the original intent to make characters feel much more natural and relatable as they did their best to survive and enjoy living after the end of the world or make the villains feel even more impressively sinister, insane and ruthless in their vocabulary alone.
I saw this in another thread, how many have you posted this on?
Dont have the link, but ask about it in the falcon thread
It was used to full effect in Trails in the Sky 3rd, where every other chest had jokes or something else except the ones in Gehenna. When the main characters fall into Gehenna and with some emotional trauma, all the chests say "It's empty."
In the future games they connected most chests to the same string, so some chests will end up saying the same thing as another chest.
Didn't we have a "censorship that turned out OK" thread a few days ago?
Someone trying to crack consensus or something?
Dumping what I have, might be relevant.
Unless you're male, straight and white. If you attempt to write anything female, gay or black you get shit on.
You're delusional.
Requesting that screen from the translation effort for M&L Partners in Time where they go into detail how they had to change a scene because it had a washtub dropping on someone's head and it was considered 'too foreign' for people to get the joke.
What's with cuckshit propaganda recently?
Why mods don't do shit?
That mentality only really works with the games GaijinWorking Designs shits out, you know, the type of company that just feeds off the scraps other companies like bamco or xseed either don't want to translate or can't be bothered with.
But user, having a character say
Is so boring. I'm pretty smart, I got a creative writing major in college. I know what'd make that line really fun to read.
Isn't that so much better user?
Phantasy Star II
In the game, there's a character named Ustvestia who teaches the MUSIK technique.
He's also a raging homo in the Japanese version, and will charge female characters to learn the technique, but will teach male characters the technique for free while claiming "Oh, he looks cute" - or something.
For the Western localization, they changed his dialogue to "Oh, he looks smart". Directly implying that the males of the party were so substantially smarter than the women that he didn't need to charge money for his service.
In one stroke, Sega both eliminated the gay and put women in their place.
Best localization ever.
>Defending cancer like fucking FEaime
Just fucking let Fire Emblem die. It didn't deserve to be turned into dumbed down waifu bait, let alone anything Treehouse did to it.
*with the most jewish DLC scam ever devised
Hell, the Radiant Dawn one may have been done by IS given the other additions to the NA version (weapons with new 3D assets are not something I'd expect translators to put in. Even changing text stored as graphics takes a lot of work for a translation team.)
Faggot was clearly defending the 3ds "games"
Literally everything about Kid Icarus Uprising is a good example, I remember Sakurai saying he preferred the localization to the original at one point. I don't really care about the opinions of the rabid weebs who insist Jap translations should be absolutely 1:1 because how dare they not learn about another culture or the original intent when most works translated are ambiguous enough in setting (ie swords n' sorcery RPGs) that changes to fit a different audience don't matter in the slightest, and outlandishly Japanese games that actually hinge upon the area being Japan like The World Ends With You or Persona in general don't have those changes. As for original intent nobody cares unless entire story segments are changed at which point the internet goes up in flames once it's found out, and unless it's to make the story make more sense as with the Fire Emblem example as cited in OP I don't think you'd find anybody that supports changing a story just because. Luckily that doesn't happen in like 99% of localizations despite the constant bringing up edge-cases and pretending all localizations are like that, but this is Holla Forums where black-and-white thinking is the norm no matter how brilliantly retarded it is.
It wasn't consensus in those threads either, same spiel where a few rabid weebs that got lost on their way to the learn-Japanese threads valiantly sallied forth to demand 1:1 translations on a Peruvian throat-singing bulletin board with such brilliant arguments as "learning about another culture". Shut the fuck up with buzzwords like "consensus crack" before you start foaming at the mouth about OPSEC and controlled opposition.
MGS1 was better off for it. The characters actually sounded human but Kojima didn't like people making his work better for a Western audience so forbid localization for future games.
Wonder if that's in the Prototype, or it's just something Nintendo of America decided to change when they were given a completely translated game.
Oh, speaking of Illusion of Gaia though, the NoA title screen with the nice fade in that compliments the music > Original
MGS1 was more localized, MGS2 and onward was as close to a direct translation as we can get.
This man is absolutely correct.
The localization for Final Fantasy 8 is really good. The jap version was straight up fucking anime nonsense. Rinoa was goddamn Selphie 2.0 and I wanted to murder her every time she's on the screen.
please use
Look, buddy. I know
But you know there are multiple opinions on this board? I bet if we actually found every single person who used this board we'd find at least 10 cucks who think censorship is okay. It's the shittiest opinion imaginable, but I'm sure in this shithole it's an opinion that a select number of people foster
Most of this shit isn't even censorship, and the shit that is, nobody's defending.
What about shit that doesn't fucking exist in other languages, like alternate character readings for kanji, or puns that only work in the original language of the work?
Translation is more than just transliteration, after all.
Doesn't matter how good the localization is if the story is garbage like the vast majority of J-shit.
>All these mouth breathing cumguzzling faggots parroting the 1:1 translation forced meme again
That's localization you fucking mongoloid.
There are way too many goons on this board.
Yeah, but there's a difference between a translation that selectively alters specific aspects of a given text in order to make it understood in the target language, and dipshits who go around using their "creative writing skills" to add extra implications or "flavor text" or "pop culture references" that shouldn't exist. In short, it's not like the latter can't ever happen, but there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it, without ruining the tone and intention of the original text.