Which is the worst culture? Is there any culture incapable of sustaining socialism? Am I a spooked Nazi who should go back to Holla Forums?
Which is the worst culture? Is there any culture incapable of sustaining socialism...
gypsy culture, there exists nothing more that so is bestially reactionary
American culture, Fundamentalist Islamic culture, and British culture can be elitist AF.
American culture is so right-wing, it thinks free healthcare is communism.
Nigger culture
Which is?
You mean the African one or the Burger one?
Imageboard culture.
It's sexual insecurity applied to every aspect of life 24/7.
Kill yourself
t. nigger
well it sure ain't capitalism
t. Holla Forumsyp
American culture is the most badass individualist culture. Total cuckery in here. America anything can happen. Worst culture is voodoo shaman Africa shit
Merifag here I personally find black culture to be one of the most reactionary and backwards within the first world they act like being a thug is an honorable trait and praise bourgeois blacks. Literally everything is found on shity commonidty fetishism and being as vain as possible
t. Someone who grew up in the inner city
Yes of course some cultures won't be which is why tankie countries tried to forcefully change the culture of the countries. Just look at the maoists in China or the USSR repression of christians and muslims. This is a big problem normies will have with you guys.
I don't think you know what that means friendo. You mean consumerism, commodity fetishism is just how social relationships appear in Capitalism. It's just as potent in Seattle as it is in Detroit.
American culture is basically just starbucks, Mcdonalds, and the nfl
already have with us is that we won't accept their spooks as authorities. Evangelicalism is a problem. What is the solution?
It thinks taxing rich people is gommunism.