Mfw LePen is elected

its gonna be one glorious shit show.
10 times better than Trump.
the Government will crash right away.

unlike Trump, LePen doesn't have a strong party to make a government with, even if other political parties wanted to deal with them (which they don't, they're still not enough.
the FN has at best a dozen of eligible people, everyone else are a bunch of hillbilly fuck up.

imagine Trump right now, with a gov full of Democrats.

i hope you guys will vote for her

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If it comes down to Le Pen vs Fillon or Macron I hope she wins

At least she's pro working class and anti-EU

The best part is that the president can unilaterally call a referendum on something like the EU. I mean I hate her and all she stands for, but that would be a shitshow extraordinaire.

thats verry likely.
most of her policies are undoable, but thats not the point.
the point is everyone will be against her, not just the medias.
other parties absolutely refuse to deal with them.

too bad her economic plan is literal suicide, not even talking about the social one.

but i guess she's a necessary evil, rightwingers are pushing too hard, let them fuck up.

she backpedaled on leaving the EU.
she now wants French corporations to use the Euro and regular French to use the Franc.
its gonna be fun

You do know that Bannon is working with her campaign? If she wins I imagine through him she will be able to forge lucrative relationships with the US and with Britain, and she will have a safety net when she pulls out of the EU.

They did their best to prevent Mélenchon.

Kinda like Sanders really. The only people who can stop the far-right are the far-left. But the far-left is always thwarted by centrists.

It's like eternal rock-paper-scissors.

This is a joke right?


she's not

that's stupid. disbanding the eu would make every single country in negotiations with e.g. trump or the chinese weak. no european country, not even germany, has the bargaining power to deal with big players on eye level then. guess who will receive the short short end of the stick of EVERY single bilateral trade deal to be made - protipp: neither banksters nor corporations. the working class will. there are about 150 countries in the world, that is 150 occassions for the rich to fuck with the working class via "trade deals".

Compared to Fillon and Macron she is. She wants to bring back jobs and industry. High energy!

The EU is a capitalist shithole that only exists to exploit Europeans as a whole. It needs to go.

oh wew such a surprise

i refuse to believe that you are stupid enough to believe that disbanding the eu would end capitalism/neoliberalism in europe.

so you must be a trump shill. bannon wants to destroy the eu, he even said it openly, and lel pen is his 5th column in france.

i want pic related to win, he has no chance though, thanks liberal media.

I guess most people on this board are Trump shills then.

Wtf I love the EU now?

every time

That's all sorts of retarded from any angle

Le Pen?
More like cushy pen

thats far-right populism for you


Reminder that Hitler was the accelerationism candidate.

I thought commushits wanted to empower the average guy?

Liberal-tier understanding of communism tbh

You want the proletariat to run the factories and run their communities via direct democracy except for when the proletariat decides they don't want brown Muslims clogging the streets during prayer time or Africans selling drugs and leeching welfare around.

If the majority don't want muslims in their country, then so be it.




what if that's how the niggers/sandskins/wetbacks see it tho

Then they are reactionary and deserve gulag

this image is late stage capitalism

why what?


What the left needs is a flamboyant politician. Someone who calls the other politician stupid and doesn't ask for forgiveness.
You can see the rise of PODEMOS in Spain as an example. Their leaders went around on right wing shows where the mass media expected them to be clowns, they started to call everyone "casta" (derogatory term for ruling class) and thieves, making them look stupid and the party rised up from being nobodies, to actually threathen the political establishment.
But eventually they moderated the discourse, and became reformists expecting to lure more moderates, and they actually lost votes.

Being inflamatory is part of Trump's victory, low and middle class are angry and they're searching for an enemy. Fascist won't hesitate on pointing them one, but it seems like left wing leaders are afraid of being populists.

t. mutt

no, i don't want the average guy to be in charge of my country.
nor do i want my plumber to become my surgeon.

Go back to reddit you fucking socdem bastard