Anyone have that picture of pol being full of non-whites?

Anyone have that picture of pol being full of non-whites?

Other urls found in this thread:

This one?

Oh shit that fanart is kawaii


WTF I love post irony now.

Well, there's at least a few whiteys here.

bonus with /r/socialism

If you miss the opportunity to lower the morale of Holla Forums with this, you are missing out all the fun.
You can open that true salt mine of Holla Forums that is condemned to be open.

Maybe they're big fans? White flight has resulted in a positive outcome only once.

Here's these two



Where exactly?

I suspect a lot of people just voted the most absurd thing they could think of on that, I know I did.
T. Black F2M.

It has metastasized

I fucking love how Holla Forums is trying to turn getting exposed into a positive light.

Daily reminder that only newfags don't know that Holla Forums was always a joke.


Considering Libertarians are autistic and conservatives tend to not be the sharpest tools in the shed, you're not fooling anyone.


As a left-winger and furry, this disgusts me on levels I cannot describe. Furry was a mistake, it's nothing but trash.

i wander what those debates look like, must be quite something.