Was the Left in your country dumb enough to praise the Syrian and/or Ukranian "revolutions"?
Was the Left in your country dumb enough to praise the Syrian and/or Ukranian "revolutions"?
Liberals, Socdems and Trots actually supported them.
the scum of the scum if you ask me.
Can someone give me a rundown of the situation in Ukraine?
I'm very familiar with Syria but Ukraine always kind of passes me by
I don't think so
Most want to stop intervention in Syria
it's a fucking mess.
but it all comes down to US NATO EU Imperialism vs Russian Imperialism.
Yes, Jacobin magazine has posted a few articles recently promoting blatant CIA disinfo on Syria. Weirdly, most of the people who write for Jacobin have quietly admitted on twitter that they disagree with it.
Then there's the Trots who think Al Qaeda is true anti-imperialism but that Cuba is red fascism.
Ukrainian revolution pushes forward the common pan-European agenda and unification of EU form confederation towards federation, thus it was a good thing.
Same goes for Syrian revolution since it gave rise to YPG and is possibly going to force Russian military bases out of Syria weakening their fascist state.
DIE LINKE didn't praise the fash in the Ukraine, unlike the rest of the German national parliament.
No…but they were dumb enough to send their condolences when Kim Jong Il died
Syrian revolution was pretty cool, Assad is a pile of shit who deserves to die, unfortunately there's no left wing movement worth mentioning so it ended up being Evil Dictator vs. Reactionaries (just like Egypt).
The YPG is pretty cool though
Reading Trot publications on Syria would have your head spinning tbh. Read one saying Al Nusra were "fine revolutionaries" and that the US shouldn't be bombing them.
This kind of shit is why I left Trotskyism. Sectarianism and wacky analysis like that kill the soul.
but you know Ruskies Germany and US supply and train YPG/SDF ?
Some of them yes. We have a leftist party composed of mostly trots.
I vaguely remember on the news the EU guy sabre rattling thinking Russia wouldn't do anything.
They thought they could supply arms to their guys in Ukraine and Obama would back them up if needed.
Russia invaded and effectively called the EU's bluff and Obama told them to deal with their own shit.
Obviously they didn't and it's still a shitshow to this day.
It was largely seen as a humiliation for the EU and a betrayal by Obama for not letting the EU know from the outset that he wouldn't support them besides talking tough.
Most of the Syrian fighters were militant centrists, unfortunately their cause was hijacked by ISIS and other extremists which completely delegitimised them as they all look the same.
God I hate Socialist Alternative so much, fucking trots.
Retards will never, ever seize a state.
they are atleast good outreach for normies… sometimes… maybe
Yeah nah I used to think that but they have fuck all beyond a parasitic cling onto student politics, embarrassing
pleb-tier tbh
Is one of the Jacobin editors just a liberal or something?
Holy fuck
At least Stalinists and Nazbols support Assad who's ba'athism at least pays lip service to leftist ideas
The right elements of pro-Russian forces are mainly monarchist with some nazbols & Serbian chetniks thrown in. Neo-Nazis have no significant presence since one of their commanders was purged and another battalion withdrew.
Anyway, Yanukovich is a cuck to the oligarchs like every Ukrainian president since its independence.
Hue, o famoso PSTUSA