These cunts are retarded

Thanks for all the laughs now we have Moderates defending Nazi right to free speech and demanding a crack down on left wing terror.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds like the problem is actually supposed "moderates" friendo

Libs gonna lib

Good grief.

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the liberal moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the workers' great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the bourgeoisie or the politician, but the liberal moderate, who is more devoted to “free speech” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of property destruction to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the worker to wait for a “more convenient season.”

Now we have moderates revealing their true nature. Who were the last people to stand up to Hitler and the first to get thrown into the camps? The Communists. History repeats itself, and as this degeneration continues the people will remember who actually made a stand against the right and who meekly got on their knees and spread their cheeks.

True, but today's fascist regards liberals as communists. At least I'll die knowing those fuckers will burn with me.

If right now you told me Bolsheviks would throw every millionaire celebrity into the gas chamber and send ANTIFA directly to gulag i would seize the nearest memes of production. But you wont and we will end up being ruled by soulless Chinese.

Is that the British girl that cried over Brexit?

In case you haven't noticed you're supposed to win the moderates over. Enjoy losing.

How can you send an idea to gulag?

No man, no problem.

Hitler was summoned under mass dissatisfaction meant that liberal democracy was getting replaced one way or another and porky decided they'd rather have hitler over commies. Porky is ALWAYS going to decide they'd rather have hitler over commies, no matter how few trash cans get knocked over.

shit like this just makes me feel like life is a joke and im rofling my sides into oblivion on some acidium lsdmthc

the problem is with society not antifa

Yeah, no. The problem is retards giving an ugly face to left-wing ideologies.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I like the disappointed Asian man in the corner


People that upset about a few busted windows are going to be fundamentally opposed to the appropriation of the means of production for the workers anyways so uh, not really any uglier a face than left wing ideologies already have by their very platform.

Bitch please.

A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist “Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!” At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock. “How old is this rock?” The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian. “Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now” The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

Semper Fi

i can punch my router so hard, it'd go right up my modem and then fuck your internet connection just for fucking saying that you bitching, moaning, unsatisfied, edgy, suicidal, projectile fuck

Yes comrade we must violently attack the people for that is the only way to help the people.

A fetcher house hlaalu, spear-bitter temple priest and necromancer was preaching a sermon on Vivec, known false god.
“Before the sermon begins, you must get on your knees and worship Lord Vivec and accept that he was the most highly-leveled being the world has ever known, even greater than Boethia!”
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-ashlander Hunter-scout and tribe champion who had raided 1500 bandit caves on quest and understood the necessity of ancestor worship and fully supported all tribal decision made by the AshKhan and wise woman stood up and held up a small ring
“What is this symbol on the ring?”
The arrogant preacher smirked quite n'wahishly and smugly replied “it's moon-and-star the ring of nerevar the hero of the dunmer but it's useless now that he's dead, you stupid nomad"
“Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since Kagrenac created it for lord nerevar. If it was useless, as you say, and nerevar was dead… then I shouldn't be able to wear it”
The priest was visibly shaken, and dropped his kwama egg and copy of 36 lessons of Vivec. He stormed out of the cornerclub crying those hlaalu daedroth tears.
The patrons applauded and all joined the dissident priests that day and accepted the Nerevarine as their hortator and savior. A winged twiglight named “Drive out the outlanders” flew into the room and perched atop the banner of old Resdayn and shed a tear on the kwama egg. The lost prophecies was read several times, and Azura herself showed up and removed the blight storms across Vvardenfell
The priest lost his faith and was fired the next day. He died of the imperial plague ROCKJOINT and was tossed into oblivion for all eternity.
Tidings and good wishes.

user i don't play morrowind
im planning on doing so while also playing deus ex

Maybe the working-class you're supposedly trying to save don't agree with you :/

Snake misunderstands :\

It's been said before and I'll say it again: anarcho-spergouts, "black bloc" thuggery and left wing activism in general are all increasingly more obvious examples of today's left impotence. They are both harmful to any long term (and short term, truthfully) emancipatory politics, but are truly not even any kind of substitute for proper politics.

The ruling class and prevailing ideology don't care for your so-called "revolutionary" purism and how you manifest it into public spergouts and demands for a safe space. They are, if anything, glad to see how truly impotent and easy to use they are to subvert the very little truly subversive ideological basis the left still has.

You could say the same about any ideology other than liberal conservatism, no? Of course the people are brainwashed to follow the ruling ideology.

But they are the problem.

They have no sense of the long term.

Contrary to your pearl clutching ideals, free speech does not exist and is a contradictory myth.

They will when the time comes if socialism is the only alternative to capitalism being offered. Which is the intent of antifa: to strangle socialism's prime rival in the crib.

I dont care.
Revolutions aren't fought with hugs and kindness.
go away fucking liberal.

You are all kinds of fucked up. People now view these assholes as the super Ego telling them what they can and cannot do.

Guess what

The majority doesn't care. They hate nazis more.

The Majority now hates you more. God dam why do i care you are going into an oven or into a gulag either is fine by me.

Oh they do.

Who doesn't love a good movie about the slaughter of nazis? You could release fucking exploitation porn of it, people would drive in flocks.

People empathize with the black block, silly as they are, more than actual skin heads.

Only skin heads think differently.

Stop pearl clutching over hysterical racist liberals who can't hold a punch.

Laugh with us.

More than nazis? Nope

a bunch of people would just punch you lol

The majority might find it distasteful but i sincerely doubt they actually HATE anything that's not happening right outside their window. They're much more concerned with making rent. If a revolutionary moment comes they certainly won't give a shit, meanwhile any efforts that have been made to prevent fascist organizing will have been extremely fucking useful.

Those Nazis you squeal about like a good piggy bankster look like pic related and so do you. Skin heads aren't a threat nor are the mythical Hollywood caricatures that the millionaire liberals love to conjure up.

Nazi Germany was extremely friendly with banks.

Another reason to never trust Nazis or anything they promise.

the right populist us president is putting literal fascists in his cabinet

like who?

Just tell everyone it's right wingers that were paid off to make the left look bad.

gorsuch, bannon

His Supreme Court pick was an open fascist for most of his young life.

Little rat fuck

More people are laughing at nazis getting punched than condemning it

Last time moderates defended the Nazis, we got Hitler through a democratic process.

I am sorry but I'm not buying liberal bullshit.

Reactionaries and alt-rightist (neo-fashists) have been left alone and managed to seize power, while the liberal opposition was "Well people can't be serious about voting Trump, can they?" or "You are racist and I'm going to tell Twitter about it".

That's all useless crap. Liberals have failed to stop the reactionary menace and now it falls on the hand of the left to actually do something. And believe it or not, violience will be part of the solution, because the reactionaries will not simply stand idly while you question their authority. They are part of the state now, and they will bring out the police and their alt-right lackies to put the opposition to it's knees.

Of course the media will potray the left as "violent hooligans" and the policemen as "peackeepers", but it is only natural for them to do so, after all the media always wanted to be in favor of the state, that's for their own benefit ofcourse.

After all, what have the liberals done so far against Trump? All I see is whining on Twitter and saying "I'm so embarrased right now, SAD :'( :'( " while they don't actually do anything that matters. They will continue to sit iddly while Trump takes the USA back 50 years, ignore global warming and rise the tensions with other countries.

Unless ofcourse we wait 4 years, because then we will choose another president and that will change A LOT , for sure :^)

you're mixing him up with someone else. He was just president of a debate club with an edgy name. Calm your tits.

never heard of him tbh
breitbart is just alt-light cuckservatives.

Scare the population into never wanting to be associated with fascists again.

Honestly doxx them, humiliate them, dig up their past, hire private investigators

Destroy them and their chance to ever have a family

No I'm not

have you ever punched anyone?

What size shoe do you wear?

Appropriation of the means of production is quite obviously not the same as destruction of them.

The people most lacking sense of the long term are smashies, seeing as they believe destruction and physical intimidation are valid activist tactics.

Free speech has so many well-attested benefits to society that your denial of it deserves neither response nor attention. But note that I have neither need nor desire to silence you because of the stupid things you say, and it's not a sign of weakness, but of strength.

Yes. In fact, I was and still am, quite the bully. > : )

yeah pretty sure you are. Being President of a Debate Club with an edgy Name (we're talking highschool kids here) which focused on reading classical conservative literature is not fasciscm in my opinion.

What size is that cock

The average white American is a humiliating 4 inches or something of the sort

If you're only pretty sure you should think before you post.

Someone who starts a debate club with the name Fascism forever has about the same odds of not being a fascist as a guy who's REALLY REALLY into ww2 wargames but only ever as nazi germany

All revolutions destroyed property.

Nazis would destroy property.

Nazis were notorious "smashies"

Shut the fuck up.

how much porn did you had to watch to come to that conclution
or did you get your facts by sucking too many white dicks

No it's actually medical fact

I just want to know if you have cute feet!

Asian sex tourists arent a representative sample


So you concede that you have nothing against him beside a debate club name from highschool?
Do you know what the conduct was at meetings of this club?

how many cocks did you had to examine to come to that conclusion
did you also compare them?


The average white American penile length is exactly 14.2 centimeters. Which, I mistake, is actually barely pushing 5 inches.

I never thought i would see the day when the left are running around doing hollywoods bidding slaying the cows they are conditioned to hate.

Memes become reality.

the wargames people have perfectly good conduct until they start up a conversation about the holocoast being a hoax

What do you mean by this image?

Nazis were smashies, threw a smashie tantrum, got their asses handed out to them, wisened up after a timeout in jail and then successfully worked to get elected instead.

I gotta be some kind of idiot who thinks that giving complete control of the state to one revolutionary comrade won't destroy the country to be bought by capitalists after it fails or an Anarchist that thinks destroying the state completely wouldn't just bring back capitalism at a feudalism level.

Imbeciles are probably funded by Global Capitalist interests anyway.

Slaying Nazis has been communist tradition for a long time now. Stalin managed to exterminate all fascist thinkers, or near all, in Russia.

I don't know what you expected.


Well you have evidence that it happened on your side, don't you? Why get so nervous when you just can refute his points?

No, they smashed and actually never got anything past a slap on the wrist, destroying Jewish small businesses, as well as other "degenerate" businesses and artists.

Nazis were actually worse smashies than these.

quit your fucking pearl clutching right now bitch boy

so then what was your point of reference to know that a white american penis is small compared to what exactly

user, any celebritiy thats not shitting on trump will probably get his or her death clock ativated, so if anything, even if they voted/supported trump in the past, for their health, they better keep shitting on trump, not because its the moral condition, but because their lives are at risk
we back to scientology 3.0

Oh fuck off Hollywood caricatures aren't even real you complete moron they are spooks inside your head.

The only one talking about nervousness here is you.

i wonder why

Poland actually has among the largest. Far larger than America. Most communist nations do.

Wonder why that would be.

Maybe capitalism emasculates men.


Were all those Russian Farmers secret fascists? Most didn't even know there had been a change in government at all.

Maybe some of them were useful for what amounted to intellectual slave labor.

I couldn't imagine it would be beyond that.

They're easy to vanish too

Penis size is irrelevant, girls don't care about size. It's all about the face, you see.

What? You mean the fucking Kulaks?

why are you doubting that

Fatness actively reduces the size of the penis because it actually connects to the pelvis so the fatter you are the more fat is has to go through before it starts poking out of the skin. So that's probably why.

"All fascists were killed" doesn't mean "all those killed were fascists." this is pretty basic logic if you don't get that I can see why you're being such an idiot all over this thread.

They also don't care about you










So you think a people should be judged based on their race?

not Holla Forums for one.

The likelihood of coital success is maybe fractionally higher here.

Straight bitches, as disgusting and heinous as they may be, do not like dating nazis. Kind of a bummer, bad reputation.

I feel like to actually get anywhere the Smashies need to be put on hold. There is a time and place for them but they are not organised well enough or in large enough numbers to actually do anything worthwhile.

Kulaks weren't a race. They were insects.

are you assuming i am an idpol, user.

is this your fursona hoochie?

I guess you couldn't focus long enough to get what I meant. What's the break even point for you, if you kill 1000 innocent peasants we're supposed to protect for one nazi is that worth it in your planning?

I understand there had been a civil war and the forces of global capitalism were trying to tear apart any good the Soviets councils had created but my question is do you have any bounds?


Nazis plan coups, they destroy progress made, they will not take no as an answer.

They brought their unfortunate fate to themselves.

wanna yiff?


If I change the word "Kulaks" to "Jews" how are you any different from a Nazi?

I wouldn't because kulaks aren't jews. Maybe some were, but the reason for their starvation was hording of grain that starved others.

The comparison to ethnic genocide is unwarranted, it is a resource struggle.

If there is one thing that every user across the chans can agree on it is that Tripfags will be the first to be put up against the wall come revolution.

lol made this a while back

agh wait i fucked it up, i need to label my images more clearly

tell me a flaw that insects have
cause knowing your posts, i'd say you're going to reply with
well no shit, bet you're a big guy to back this flight


Well I for one am not for being apart of organisms that lay eggs forcefully in one another to burst out like a knock off Alien movie.

Or getting mauled by a spider.

Aside that, I doubt you would want to be an insect.

Not a great time. Very short at least.

i'll aim for your head.

This is the correct answer.

they do more in their lifespan than you're ever going to accomplish in 20 years

You actually have to use a gun outside of a firing range for that, and you also have to own a gun.

Go aim for your testicles so you won't be a horrible father that has kids that regularly tell you they hate you, for good reason.

You can't be serious, my point is that one word separates you from your sworn enemy and you just deflected the question because you won't give me a straight answer.
It was a management problem, hoarding resources at the top of the state because the state became the machinations of one person.
both result in ethnic genocide, similar to those done by Mao, neither benefited the people and were as bad as both Monarchies in those countries centuries earlier

Ever heard of insect politics?

Well goly gee


It wasn't a deflection. One was identity politics driven drivel, the other was forceful smuggling of resources that caused the deaths of others.

The Kulaks were hardly angels.

One that was soon corrected. The kulaks shared the grain that they held that starved others. Greed, I suppose, pays at first, and pays again later.

Nope. Anyways for all the wrong reasons.

Why don't you pay attention to the genocides now instead of the Soviet Union,.

one word also separate helping people from killing people so "meaning of a sentence changes when you change one word to another word" isn't exactly a mind blowing discovery.

Where was I angry about that?

Someone has bad taste.

ever heard of EDF

All the young working people I know dream of burning down their workplace and killing their boss. They aren't put off by a couple of smashed cans or burnt cars.

The only thing they weren't happy about was that they only smashed property and didn't even manage to kill a single capitalist.

I guess it being an unoriginal discovery means it has no purpose.

Yeah see these few Capitalist Jews here, well their whole race is greedy we better get rid of them all.
Well it seems Antifa lumps Liberals in with Nazis, not like Antifa are useful tools to Globalist Finance, no they're all grassroot

Wasn't Lenin grassroot as well or was his train ticket paid for many times over?

I would blame Capitalism in general, not a group of farmers refusing to cooperate that horded grain at the expense of other people, other people who died.

What the Kulaks did was manslaughter.


Those fucking idiots bashing trashcans wear a months worth of wages for clothes.

I should have said Kulaks were criminals, but insects is a better word for those who prize hording their food at the expense of others even if it cost them their lives than criminals.


No, it has no purpose because "when you change a sentence to another sentence, it means something different" is completely irrelevant to any useful discussion whatsoever.


So the children should pay as well? Like the Ukrainians each has a debt to be paid.

That's my point when you break it down to ethnic groups conspiring the enemy becomes the entire group. If you aren't Ok with Jewish extermination because of a few I don't see how you can say Kulaks did manslaughter rather than a few community leaders, even if that.

lol i bed dey eben dweeded in der ibadz XDDDD


Yeah, I'm sure those are designer non descript black hoodies and balaclavas. The lastest thing from Paris!

You love the insect imagery. Is that how you dehumanize the enemy? Do you imagine them as insects or do you just really hate bugs?

Were not.
An ethnic group.

The kulaks starved out other children by refusing to obey the law, and refusing to share the crops they had with anyone but themselves.

Would you not want revenge against a group of farmers who starved out your children?

The effects, are not defensible. But neither, are what the Kulaks accomplished with their selfishness.

I can't imagine anything that puts self interest above their own sense of fight inside themselves as anything less than an insect.

Humans are far better at it being insect like than other mammals.

Indeed history has a tendency to do that, and just like that last time you rose from the grave, there you shall lie once more.

So Hitler dindu nuffin

Well don't be surprised when someone else says something you don't like and your only retort causes them to become your enemy.

I'll find you discussing rhetoric rather than core ideals. I'm sure the Working Class is with you.

Some insects are cute tbh

I can't imagine anything that puts self interest above their own sense of fight inside themselves as anything less than an insect.

Humans are far better at it being insect like than other mammals.

No, we actually have plenty of sectarianism here.

We do however, have a strict no tolerance policy to fascism. It is anathema to us, historically. And so, it must be dealt with swiftly.

It is only ideology, you can change your mind. If you cannot change your mind to rationality, you have no one to blame but yourself.

idk how this post got so fucked up. whatever.

I'd love to discuss core ideals. However when the other party is dropping nonsense and acting like it's a smoking gun there's not much one can do but say "that's nonsense."

Here, here's an example of why "gee what if you change kulak to jew" is useless.
Gee, what if you change enemy to ally?
Someone saying something I don't like and my only retort causing them to become my ally sounds pretty fucking sweet to me!

No, because Hitler didn't starve anyone out, not that starving people out is good.

His was very deliberate, selfish, entirely opposite to what we believe.

Are you going to ask why we disagree with Hitler? For fucks sakes man, graduate high school and finish world history at a basic level

No their philosophy appears to be "If I change what you're saying to be what hitler was saying, that sure makes sound like hitler. Doesn't that make you the real nazi?"

I get that. And it is thoroughly amusing.

Besides muh kulaks, are people here denying there was ethnic cleansing in the USSR?

So many layers to this, I literally can't even

Pretty sure the only thing people are denying is that kulaks were an ethnic group, probably because kulaks weren't an ethnic group!

National Bolshevik against ethnic cleansing and crying about it

"The fucking Bolsheviks went too far maintaining their nation"

t. """""Nationalist Bolshevik"""""

NazBols are against racism. It's hurtful to suggest we'd be for something like that.

You're an ironic playing faggot who should be banned for a month at least.

Into the oven you go.

It's as easy as 123



But it's so much fun.


actually incase you hadn't noticed the liberals are now on side


Avatarfagging now too… The cancer never stops!

This has to fucking Stop!

go to fur or the faggot pony thread in Holla Forums you fucking slime.



furries go into the gulag.


what the fuck kinda pizza have you been eating?

His mother's cunt

I for one welcome the iillustrious twitter support of the left-liberal daycare centre/asylum running their mouth with no apprehension of consequences in the never ending spiral of pointless internet oneupmanship

You're a true master at this, btw. I honestly can't tell who's in who's OODA sometimes.



Ah but if we change that to Jews that makes you a Nazi. Why are you such a Nazi, Nazi.

did you know that most furries, horsefuckers and Anime fans are right wingers/borderline nazis?

Maybe when they go low you should go high and focus on a positive coherent alternative rather than triggering le ebin maga hats while encouraging retardation that almost forces Trump's hand into ramping up repression? Or keep drinking the spectacle's kool aid I guess.

This is the sort of attitude that leads to safe spaces and censorship and totalitarianism.

I'm just making fun of "what if instead of kulaks it was Jews" poster

I don't think history is very encouraging to us.


That quote was fake tbh.

hello friend.

this is a great read to understand how/why liberals have taken our ideology and twisted it to their means.

Moderates were already doing that. Fuck them, they're the problem.


Shit read fam.

its an analysis on language. thats what most people think of socialism as. just like liberalism has a deep meaning, but to most people they think of gay rights and the like.
did you not ever ask yourself why most people see government programs as a form of socialism, and see them as a stepping stone to communism? thats not a fringe belief.

No the violence is one sided. Antifa will get branded a terrorist organization within the year.

What skin heads? There are no skin heads any more. They certainly aren´t clashing with antifa since those that are still alive must be pushing 60.

skinheads are active in white prison gangs. but they arent organized. they are fringe, and they are not political.
its not even a white supremacy group. its literally just an arm of a prison gang that keeps blacks from raping whites.

the fact that people still think groups like skinheads, KKK, and aryan nation are relevent today just shows you how strong the propaganda against them are. funny thing is.. antifas mission statement is openly violent, as even KKK back in the day didnt openly support violence.

the skinheads from england are all gone, but these prison gangs adopted the shaved head look. (most of them arent even racists believe it or not)

You dont have to be either of those things

read bookchin or take a bullet

Nice argument. Your ideology is murdering tens of thousands of people every day, keeps billions in destitute poverty, and destroys the environment, which may yet lead to societal collapse in the near future. How you scum live with yourself I will never understand.

1st give an example of a country that practices classical liberalism, then backup any or all of those accusations.

maybe the working class is fucking stupid and we should revise Marx :/

Outside of prison I'm pretty sure skinheads are more frequently antifa than they are neo nazis

Fuck off and die.

Stay mad snowflake.

"""moderates""" always defend nazis over leftists, read a history book faggot.

most people arent ancaps either though

It gets worse. We know have big league democrats claiming "false flags" and "fake news." If this continues people could completely lose faith in the "free press" and retreat into internet echo chambers for all their news.

The first amendment is a great, now go fuck yourself to death with your dragon dildo you vapid bitch.

The Communists were last to resist the Nazis? Who were those brown shirts having all those street battles with?

What if..
The left and The right are both operated by the same people?