Keep rioting, ANTIFA. We conservatives have 90% of the guns in the country PLUS we have the army on our side...

Keep rioting, ANTIFA. We conservatives have 90% of the guns in the country PLUS we have the army on our side. There will come a point where we will have enough of your shit and we will slaughter you very easily and finally put you to sleep where you belong.

Also: watch out for the black nationalists/socialists in your left wing movement, they really don't like you guys and in a Nazi masturbation fantasy they'll be coming for your head too. Hopefully when your killed by a bunch of Black Lives Matter thugs because you have white skin you'll realize that humans are inherently tribal and as you breath your last breaths you will know that we were in the right side of history.

Good luck. It's going to be fun for us, I hope it will be fun (hopefully also painful) for you.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice airsoft gun. I used to have those too.


yeah you really need those night vision googles kek


I honestly can't wait

if I call antifa LARPers does that make you the TF2 pyro?

Actual LARPing.

Why does Holla Forums come here with these masturbatory walls of text? What do they get out of it?

They can distract themselves from their sorry existence for just a moment more


We have jobs and families. We actually have things to live for which is why we will not see you fucking ANTIFA faggots ruin it all

Will you still call it LARPing when the bullet pieces your skull? :^)

sure thing bud

And what part of this made you come here and post your violence fantasy?



Daily reminder that reactionaries are paper tigers.

Does your dad know you found his gun cabinet

No you don't and you're not even white.


How does it feel to be such a classcuck faggot? porky doesn't give a fuck about you and he would gladly sell you into slavery for a dollar if he could. Why do you want to suck his cock so much?

t. skinnyfat LARPer

I guess the US army who is pro-Trump is a paper tiger :^)

I guess the national guard is a paper tiger :^)

I guess the FBI is a paper tiger :^)

Face it. You've got nothing. Most of the guns are in our hands. All you're doing right now is autistically screeching. But keep it up. Keep up the violence, there'll be a point where it'll be directed back at you a thousand fold, faggot.

leftists think this is brave lol

that'll show us!!!

I agree humans are 'tribal', in the sense that we obviously care far far more for those we feel close to.

But that distinction isn't an ultra simple 'cumskin vs nigger' one.


I have a university education that automatically makes me qualified to tell you that you're a loser

The fucking point if you listened is that in the left there are BLACK NATIONALISTS. If there is a civil war it will also be a Nazi masturbation fantasy thanks to leftists brainwashing children about white supremacy.. meaning the blacks will turn against you.

That's an amazingly reactionary thing to say.
People with degrees are superior to people without degrees?

Your gender studies degree means nothing which is why you're a min wage walmart cuck and which is why you complain about MUH WAGE SLAVERY


get back to me when rioting is more of a common occurrence then right-wing psychos committing mass shootings (knocking over trashcans don't count as a riot lmao)

Whens the last time the US' welfare horde has won a war?

In life, some people are losers

Emergency psychiatry actually. Ambulance stuff, suicide attempts. I can spot someone who's hopeless when I see them. You are a loser.

No fucking NATIONALIST is on the left, even if they really want to believe they are. Not anyone's comrades desu.

Unfortunately she's a medical student which clearly inflates her ego. Kinda sad because I'd prefer my health professionals to not be this arrogant.

Cool story internet tough guy.

the US army is so classcucked that even "obama is a stupid monkey"-tier faggots still lined up to suck his dick through service

they're filled with people whose very nature is to bend over for the nearest masculine presence and can be easily manipulated

Nice PVS-7 (I bet it's fake), but without a PEQ-15 or something of the sort, it's completely useless. Also black gear is so 90s. Boy, you don't even have a sling on your rifle, but it's okay, larpers like you die just as good as anyone else.

says the commie

every commie I've met has either been a welfare cuck NEET or a min wage barista



What's a loser? Someone you don't like?

All medical professionals are arrogant, it requires an arrogance to be in any medical field. You have to follow guidelines to the letter or victimize a patient, be in a lawsuit, all sorts of shit.

You have to be arrogant and smug, and sure of yourself. Across the board, all of them are. It's like that for a reason.

Funny how that side has been overcome by the people throughout history

you people are the biggest pussies in the world. that's why you keep getting punched in the face and all you can do is cry about it online. you're too autistic to even leave your house and your airsoft gun isn't scaring anyone. shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself, you pathetic shitstain or your mom is gonna take away your internet muh privilege.

you picked a wrong place to riot boy

Two examples



Says the virgin.

Nice DD. What kind of optic?

No you don't. You're fat fucks who won't get off your ass other than to take selfies in tacticool and buy fast food.

We have jobs. We have careers. We have families. That's why we don't deal with your BS m8. However In a civil war scenario which is looking more likely as the days go by, right wingers will slaughter every single left winger in the country within a day and you fat trans homosexual faggots will do nothing about it. Should have stockpiled weapons like us kek

Guess what, leftist can be conservative because it's lifestylism and not a real political philosophy, but merely asserts itself into politics.

I am working towards a career, you being a fucking janitor doesn't count as hard labor.

You have no job, no real career, no real chance at life. And you boast about your chances here to make up for the fact you waste every day away.

Shoo shoo

And all those guys probably have guns and you don't kek


Have you been to a ANTIFA rally, lol?


Holla Forums is the definition of the idealized Fat Cuck

Oh so in otherwords you're a jobless faggot?

are you literally larping as a worker? This is pathetic

yeah, it's almost like they've experienced life in the lower classes or something

have you? if anything leftists tend towards too skinny

there's a reason conservatives all live in mobility scooter land

This you OP?

Lol we aren't liberals. We are mostly pro gun here.

Ultra-orthodoxy is killing psychiatrists. Read TheLastPsychiatrist.
Stop making excuses for your bullying. Which is what you accuse everyone of doing. Are you perhaps projecting?

All these sweet arguments.

going for a Phd boys, wish me luck


yes and the white working class voted Trump and hate you ANTIFA fucks

how does it feel?

you can't have a revolution when the white working class despises you.

Literally the only ANTIFA cucks are university students aka the sons of priveleged liberal parents

KYS faggot

good luck but you will be dead before you finish your thesis sorry

should not have been a race traiting cuck

t. someone who brandishes airsoft guns to show off to communists to tell us you have a job

clap clap clap

you're a janitor good for you

but how many confirmed kills though? I don't know whether to be scared until you list your kill count and tell me how you are at fighting gorillas

Most of us don't give a fuck about ANTIFA beyond the keks, they're useless smashies

[citation needed]

you people are literally retarded enough to believe that no one on the left has jobs. i'll be waiting for you to come slaughter me, bud. make sure to tell your mom where you're going before you leave.


What makes you think anyone else is gonna participate in your Nazi masturbation fantasy? Most people reject ethnic nationalism.

Assertiveness and confidence = arrogance and smugness! Wow!
Are you sure you're not a psychotic patient LARPing as a whitecoat?

Okay I am a janitor so what? I thought you faggots were all about the proletariat and shiet? Thanks for proving to me you faggots don't really give a fuck about white working class anyway we already knew it

You're all overeducated jobless morons larping as workers


You're right, I'm gonna avoid applying race as a trait to people because its not a real concept you fucking retard
:^) lern 2 spel


Check black twitter every now and again faggot

Black nationalism is getting more popular and it's more popular than you think

Just look at the BLM riots



Citation NOT needed, leftists are all NEET welfare cucks, remember.

Do it, nerd.

I'm gonna have to report this thread for undialectical LARPing

Just because you're a janitor, does not mean other forms of labor that require a high degree of finesse and skill and medical training

are not labor

I'm applying your own social darwinistic attitudes back on to you.

But it is amusing you clean up someone's shit

Black nationalism is largely a myth perpetuated by white nationalists to try to make themselves seem reasonable. the black panthers worked with other leftist groups outside of themselves


Then don't. Remain stupid.
Don't listen to a man who has more career years than you have of life. By your classification of people, you should be sucking his dick.

Reading is not something you do anyway is it?

Yeah, Trump really beat the fuck out of that ANTIFA candidate.

History making indeed.



I'm going to trust the words of medicine over the words of the internet and what they reccomend.

Bar none, never listen to the internet for medical advice, never have an ideological opinion about the grander scale of medicine. Because people actually need it, even if you don't, and your opinions say otherwise.

top wew

Hoochie has admitted herself she comes here because she can't control her anger issues.

From what I know about black nationalism, legit black nationalists tend to lean right-wing.

Black Panthers weren't nationalists but some other groups (NoI most notably in that era) were.

I agree that it's a marginal political strain, although I'm worried it's growing because of tumblr idpol.


Better than looking like this kek

You might like this if you like Alone.


Healthy young child goes on internet, gets pumped with massive shot of many shitposts, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

But what about the qt in the back of the second pic?

Are we really going to do this again, checkers?

Honestly they just look like white dudes

tumblr preaches solidarity with each other. unlikely, unless you call people standing in support's white guilt a product of nationalism


what are you gonna do sucker punch me? kek

pretty much this

they were nothing like white nationalist classcucks

A white dude war where one white dude posts an ugly white dude and another white dude posts another ugly white dude in retaliation, and behind the scenes all of them are actually ugly


You could have said methed up aryan nation meatheads

Republicans are fat as fuck they run as fast as a their motor scooters allow them

how can leftists compete??


White dudes are ugly

what a surprise

how can right wingers even compete?



White dudes are ugly

what a surprise

B-but hoochie, you told me to b myself. ;_;


The ultimate conclusion of posting ugly people is realizing why other races don't find you attractive

comrade plz


I like how you derail the shittiest threads with your aggressive shitposting policy

Buy wearing fur suits to escape the agony of being human


Why are you dumb niggers falling for this obvious bait?

TLP is an actual psych. So in fact he's "the words of medicine".

What strange magical property does the internet have, such that nothing on it can be right? Sites such as Web MD are written by a boatload of actual MDs, ie not you.

Are you also denying medicine can be free from ideology? Quite special this medical field. 100% objective, brought to us by super smart aliens.

This is always your brilliant trump card: "you're mentally ill so I can't take you seriously". Which to be honest only shows TLP is correct when he says psychiatry is the next field of social control.


how about this white guys in this thread, get a /fit/ to fuck your girlfriend,
cuck out properly

I will defend the white race by provoking my opponent to post ugly white people, in response to the ugly white people I post

So at the end of the day, we can all sit down and do this until we realize we were all ugly all along

One individual does not matter.

I also never called you mentally ill

Then much less does your opinion on people who are 'losers' that aren't even grounded in psychiatry.

okay, what in gods name does this thread have to do with anything being discussed here?


Honestly, what? What are you even saying here.

This is a Hoochie thread now, accept it.


Why does Steve Banon look like Slimer before he became a ghost

Nice google translate, faggot.


What does it say?

Then what's this?

Saying that you have no psychiatric basis to classify people as 'losers'.

You could try to be a bit nicer. Are you like this to your patients?

I for one am glad that Hoochie is our savior when Holla Forums shitposts here by countershitposting

đi tiêu trắng

Are you seriously fucking upset I called someone a loser

Grow the fuck up

I'm glad you finally admit you can't back up your bullying behavior! First step is accepting, as you probably know.

Why is it all the right-wingers thinks we're antifa? Love anti-fa or hate them, they definitely don't organize on a Korean cave-painting website…

*pushes you down*

It refers to the speaker as a samurai. Japanese do not speak this way, only memeing faggots do.

Oh my :3

He also didn't write gaijin correctly. Japanese would never write it with katakana.

Holla Forums can't differentiate between someone that is 1 degree left of centre and communists let alone any sectoid fractionality on the far left